Food Intolerance Symptoms

Food Intolerance Symptoms

9 March, 2010 (00:51) | Allergies | By: Health news

Food intolerance symptoms can be many and varied depending on your level of intolerance, type of food intolerance and general health.

On a personal level, I suffered from food intolerance symptoms and then had to assist one of my own children who had major food problems due to leaky gut syndrome.

My son was only two and a half when I realized that something was not right due to his behavior and toileting issues. The good news is that we did find a solution and he is now able to eat nearly any food we give him. He still suffers from some wheat problems but we tend to use Kamut or Egyptian Gold flour based products. This seems to fair even better than Spelt flour.

If you think you may be suffering from food problems then take a look at this list.

Some symptoms include:
• Asthma
• Head aches
• Tiredness / lethargy
• Skin rashes
• Heart Palpitations
• Speech problems
• Bed wetting
• Unable to concentrate
• Ear infections
• Ear aches
• Irritable bowel Syndrome (IBS)
• Irritable
• Moody
• Oppositional defiance
• Stubborn
• Silly noises
• hyperactive
• General feeling of being unwell.

This list is by no means exhaustive. Food reactions can be brought on within an hour or can show up a couple of days later and this can depend on your level of food intolerance, how much you have eaten of those things that are causing your food intolerance symptoms and your lifestyle.

Many food problems are a result of naturally occurring chemicals in foods. To explain further, food is composed of many naturally occurring compounds. Three that can cause major problems for some people are Salicylates, Amines and MSG – Mono Sodium Glutamate. Everyone has a threshold and your level of food intolerance is based partly on that threshold. To give you an example, I had a problem with amines for a while. So, if I ate something high in amine such as grapes and then continued to eat other foods high in amine content, I would start to experience food intolerance symptoms. Some people will have a higher threshold with amines and salicylates so would not experience the same reaction as someone with a lower threshold.

Food problems are the body’s way of telling you it needs healing. Conducting a food elimination diet is a good way to recognize where your food problems stem from, among other steps you can take. There are a number of great resources that we have identified and used that can assist with recovering from food problems.