
Common Genital Warts Remedies

25 December, 2009 (15:08) | Diseases | By: Health news

For the time being genital warts are very widespread as they are symptoms of the human papilloma virus (HPV) infection; the virus has many different types and in spite of the fact that some of them can be contributing factor to serious disease such as cervical cancer, most of the strains do not present great danger. The types that cause genital warts aren’t dangerous, but the warts themselves can become more than a nuisance – they can be itchy, cause irritation, and even bleeding and painful intercourse.
Because the virus infection is widespread many people need a proven cure and we will mention the most used ways of treating genital warts. Technically speaking there is no cure for the HPV infection since the treatments remove the warts, but the virus remains present in the body; in rare cases the immune system of the infected patient will successfully fight off the virus.
The appropriate genital warts treatment has to be chosen only after consulting a qualified medical professional – some of the creams, gels and other medications can leave scars, burn healthy surrounding tissue, and should be used under qualified supervision, while others can be safely applied at home.
The most common patient-applied genital warts treatment is 0.15% – 0.5% podophyllotoxin – this is a topical treatment sold under different names and it should be applied directly on the warts; the medicine is used in cycles – it should be applied for three days, which are followed by four days of no treatment. Another known topical treatment is Podophyllin, it is sold and used as a lotion and acts by stopping the growth of the cells; as the lotion can burn the surrounding area it should be applied by a doctor.
Under the certain circumstances other treatments such as surgical removal, laser treatment and cryotherapy are used. Each one of these treatments has advantages and disadvantages and all of them are carried out in a hospital or at the doctor’s office.

Electrocautery is a kind of genital warts treatment where the warts are burnt by electrical current; again local anesthetic is used, but the process of burning the warts might be distressful.
The cryotherapy is the process of freezing the warts with liquid nitrogen – this can be repeated a few times if needed; during the process a burning sensation might be experienced.
Surgical removal is usually used when other treatments have failed to help and when the warts are significantly widespread; local or general anesthetic is usually used and there should be a few days recovery period as well – laser treatment is also used only under special circumstances as it is quite costly.
And last, but not least there is another genital warts treatment category of products, which has become very popular recently – the natural remedies. They are all made out of herbal extracts and oils that work well and unlike most other treatments have absolutely no adverse effects. Some of these treatments are topical, others are taken orally and act by boosting the patient’s immune system – this is done in order to not only remove the warts, but also prevent them from reappearing.
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