Category: Eyes-Vision

How To Reduce Eye Strain

19 October, 2010 (21:48) | Eyes-Vision | By: Health news

All of us have surely experienced eye strain and we know how much of a problem or hindrance it can be when it comes to our work or daily chores. Because our eyes are tired and we are uncomfortable, we tend to slow down a bit on what we are doing or completely stop it just to give our eyes a rest. That is why it would help you a lot to know some of the effective ways on how you can reduce eye strain.

The good thing about it is that an eye strain is seldom a serious health problem. Most of the time all you really need is to take some rest and then you are ready again for your job. However, there are indeed some instances that an eye strain could be a symptom to a more serious underlying health problem.

First things first. What are the symptoms of an eye strain? Some of the most common ones are: dry eyes, tired eyes, blurred or double vision, sore neck and back, increased sensitivity to the light, watery eyes, and a burning or itching feeling in the eyes.

However, these are the symptoms that you should look out for that the moment you experience them, together with your eye strain, you should immediately consult a doctor: double vision, any dramatic change in your vision, and headache.

So here are some remedies that you can do in the comfort of your own home to help reduce eye strain:

1. Do the 20/20/20 Rule

This is really a very simple eye exercise that you can do while you are at work. For every 20 minutes, just focus your eyes on an object that is located 20 meters away. And do this for about 20 seconds. Then afterward, you should lean back, close your eyes, and relax for a few seconds.

2. Focus the light on the object that you are reading or working on.

This will help focus your vision properly. Plus it will provide ample lighting so you can easily see what you are reading or what you are working on, minimizing the need for your eyes to squint or focus harder.

3. Massage your eyelids and the muscles located above the brow.

You can do this exercise whether your eyes are open or not. Gently massage your upper eyelid against your brow, or the bone exactly under your brow. Do this for 10 seconds. Then massage your lower eyelid against the lower bone of your eye. Again do this for 10 seconds. What this will do is it will help stimulate your tear ducts for better eye lubrication. Also, it will help relax your eyes after you have been working for hours on end.
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Also, do not think that because you are wearing a pair of glasses, that you are somehow immune to eye strain. This is not true because you are still using your vision to do your work and without a much needed break, your eyes will get tired eventually. There are other techniques that can help you reduce eye strain but the three listed here are always a good start.

Refractive Surgery

5 October, 2010 (12:37) | Eyes-Vision | By: Health news

Refractive surgery is an operation that is performed on the eye and it is mostly done to correct the refractive defect. It can also be done to ensure that people get over their reliance on contact lenses and glasses. Some of the common refractive eye conditions that most people suffer from include myopia, which refers to nearsightedness. This condition is caused by a long eyeball that makes the eye to have too much focusing power. Another cause of myopia is an excessive curvature in the cornea and this ends up creating a steep surface. People with myopia will experience blurred images when focusing on objects that are at a distance. They can however see closer objects clearly.

Hyperopia is another refractive eye condition that refers to farsightedness. This means that the person lacks enough power to focus and therefore needs glasses or contact lenses to permit them see close range objects. This condition is caused by a short eyeball, which alters their power to focus. Another cause of hyperopia is less curvature in the cornea thus prompting images to fall behind the retina. Therefore, people with this condition will be able to focus clearly on distant objects while those closer to them will appear blurred.

The other refractive condition is astigmatism, which means that a person will not be able to have full focus on an object. This is brought about by the fact that the corneaS surface takes up an oval shape when ideally it is supposed to be spherical.

Presbyopia is yet another refractive condition that makes it hard for people to read. This condition mostly comes with advancement in age the cited ages being between 45 and 50. This is occasioned by the stiffness of the crystalline lens and this makes it hard to change shape. Refractive surgery is done to correct these conditions but one must meet the following qualifications. First, one must be 18 years or older and must have experienced stable vision before opting for refractive surgery. A personS eyes must be healthy meaning that they are free from corneal scars, retinal detachment, and other diseases that affect the eyes. Another qualification that a person must meet to undergo refractive surgery is to have a treatable eye problem.

Since refractive surgery is considered elective, a person must be willing to bear the cost that comes with it since many health insurances do not cater for it. Some of the refractive surgery options available include the photorefractive keratectomy (PRK), the LASIK (Laser in situ keratomileusis), the Excimer LASIK and the Radial Keratotomy. Refractive surgery is very beneficial to those who undergo it as it rules out the use of visual aids that are at times cumbersome. People in jobs such as firefighting, flying, and police departments are best suited for this procedure since they require visual acuity that discourages the use of visual aids. People with cosmetic reasons are also well covered by refractive surgery, as they may not want to wear glasses. Refractive surgery offers psychological relieve for those who feel handicapped out of restrictions presented by the visual aids they use.

Origin and variations of contact lenses

15 January, 2010 (04:43) | Eyes-Vision | By: admin

All of us have a general idea about contact lenses. But this topical discourse tends to give you some important information about the origin and various specimens about these lenses.

Seeking for the root of contact lenses will take us back to 1508, when Leonardo da Vinci penned a sketch of lenses but did not give any idea about its production. After 300 years of the sketch, it was fabricated and worn on the eye. The lenses which we use to wear now, that is, modern lenses and the gel used to wear it were constructed by Czech chemist Otto Wichterle and his assistant Drahoslav Lim. William Feinbloom is credited with the production of contact lenses containing both glass and plastic in the year 1936.

Usually we wear glasses for correction, and sometimes for the optimization of style quo. So, emergence of interrogation is certain about the use of the contact lenses. To begin with, we may state that, contact lenses are miraculous pieces made of plastic that allow you to rectify your vision without using glasses. If you want more specific definition, it can be said that, contact lenses are small visual devices made with curved pieces of plastic that may adapt to conform directly to the cornea of user’s eye. It is used mainly for corrective purpose of vision problems such as myopia, and hypermetropia. Additionally, critical visual problem like keratoconus and aniseikonia, which may not be accurately corrected with glasses, can be cured with lenses. Apart from these corrective measures, contact lenses are also used for therapeutic and cosmetic aspiration. However, lenses are the invisible agents of perfect vision which have transformed the stereotypical notion of eye wear. That is why around 87 million people globally are using these lenses with pride.

There are many types of contact lenses available in the market, for example, bifocal , colored, disposable, toric, extended wear, gas permeable, etc. soft contact lenses can be classified in two sections-disposable, and annual soft contact lenses. People not having enough time for daily care of their contacts, they use disposable ones. Daily disposable contacts generally can be worn for a week or two and they do not come with cleaning solutions.

The annual soft contacts can last up to one year and it needs daily care. It is used widely because it is made of soft material and allows oxygen to pass through it. This type of lenses can be worn for a maximum period of 14 hours at a stretch. The bifocal lenses have received a vivacious approach recently for its multifunctional aids for presbyopes which eye resigns focusing on near objects with progressing age. Astigmatism is a disparaging ophthalmologic condition which does not allow cornea to properly focus an image onto retina, and thus results a blurred image. For accurate rectification of this type of vision problem, toric lenses are generally used. This type of contacts provides clarity of vision.

Gas permeable classes are known for its durability and it transmits more oxygen to the eye than the soft contact lenses.

There are many contact lenses which are tinged with light colors which are mainly used for decorative purposes.

Eye Exercise

27 December, 2009 (22:36) | Eyes-Vision | By: admin

For those who always work in front of the computers, healthy eyes sound like something hard to get. Taking care of your eyes will benefit you for the rest of your life. Choose quality eyewear, including prescription glasses, reading glasses, and even eyeglasses frames. Here are some easy exercise for you to do, only taking a few minutes but very effective.

  • Sit comfortably on a chair.

Rub your hands together until they feel warm. Close your eyes and cover them lightly with your cupped palms. Avoid applying pressure on your eyeballs. Place your palms so that the nose remains uncovered, and the eyes remain behind the slight hollow of the palms. Make sure that no light rays enter the eyes, and leave no gaps between fingers or between the edge of the palms and the nose. You may still see other lingering traces of colors. Imagine deep blackness and focus on the blackness. Take deep breaths slowly and evenly, while thinking of some happy incident; or visualize a distant scene. After your eyes see nothing but blackness, remove your palms from your eyes. Repeat the palming for 3 minutes or more.

  • Close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds, and then open them for 3-5 seconds.

Repeat this 7 or 8 times.

  • Close your eyes and massage them with circular movements of your fingers for 1-2 minutes.

Make sure you press very lightly; otherwise, you could hurt your eyes.

  • Press three fingers of each hand against your upper eyelids, and hold them there for 1-2 seconds, then release.

Repeat 5 times.

  • Sit and relax.

Roll your eyes clockwise, then counter-clockwise. Repeat 5 times, and blink in between each time.

  • Sit about 6 inches (150 mm) from the window.

Make a mark on the glass at your eye level (a small sticker, black or red, would be perfect). Look through this mark and focus on something far away for 10-15 seconds; then focus on the mark again.

  • Hold a pencil in front of you at arm’s length.

Move your arm slowly to your nose, and follow the pencil with your eyes until you can keep it in focus. Repeat 10 times.

  • Look in front of you at the opposite and pretend that you are writing with your eyes, without turning your head.

It may seem difficult at first, but with a bit of practice it is really fun. The bigger the letters, the better the effect.

  • Imagine that you are standing in front of a really big clock.

Look at the middle of the clock. Then look at any hour mark, without turning your head. Look back at the center. Then look at another hour mark. Do this at least 12 times. You can also do this exercise with your eyes closed.

  • Focus on a distant object (over 150 feet or 50 m away) for several seconds and slowly refocus your eyes on a nearby object (less than 30 feet or 10 m away) that’s in the same direction.

Focus for several seconds and go back to the distant object. Do this 5 times.

  • Focus on an object in the distance (as far as possible) with a low contrasting background.

Do this for a few minutes every half hour or so. This does not improve your vision, nor does any other technique. It can, however, maintain your best eyesight level during the day and prevent significant further vision deterioration.

  • Make up and down eye movements starting from up to to down.

Do this 8 times. Then do the side to side eye movement, starting from left to right. Repeat this 8 times. Make sure not to add pressure to your eyes! It only worsen your vision!

A variety of eye tests

3 December, 2009 (04:06) | Eyes-Vision | By: admin

Many people can not realize that their vision is actually declining gradually that a pair of eyeglasses is needed or there should be a change of eyeglass prescription. It is highly recommended by most eye doctors that individuals should visit an eye doctor for regular eye tests. Actually an eye testing is more than offering prescription check or update. Comprehensive eye exams are also capable of detecting early signs of eye diseases such as glaucoma and cataracts. Other vision-related health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure can also be monitored.

Eye test is just a basic concept and there are a variety of eye tests. Each one has its own feature and function, which in most cases can not be replaced with another. In this case, people who are planning to see an eye doctor for an eye exam should keep clear in mind the difference of the kinds of eye tests and what they can get from certain tests.

A focimetry exam is always conducted by the doctor to determine the current prescription strength if the patient is wearing eyeglasses. To ensure the stability of the prescription, the eye doctor is also likely to give refraction, which can also verify the current prescription. In detail, an auto-refraction will first be used to determine the baseline prescription. And a second light-based exam named slit lamp exam can examine the patient’s cornea, conjunctiva, lids, iris and lens using a microscope and a small beam.

For additional information, the patient can also receive an ocular muscle assessment, which can evaluate the strength and flexibility of the eye muscles. Moreover, a tonometry exam is sometimes carried out to measure the eye pressure, which always helps in diagnosing glaucoma. At the last, the internal eye may be tested through a retinal exam, in which case eye drops are needed.

Regular vision examination is only one of the services that are enabled by consulting a health professional for everything checks. These doctors’ visits are indispensable actions to maintain a healthy lifestyle, in addition to exercising, taking vitamins, eating healthily and refraining from smoking and so on.

Methods To Improve Eyesight Naturally

29 November, 2009 (16:24) | Eyes-Vision | By: admin

There are many methods available to improve eyesight naturally, but there are some basic components of a decent eye health diet and a set of habits to maintain that are worth knowing. It will likely not be obvious initially as to exactly what the benefits are of following this plan, but the results will be self-evident over time. An increase in strength of vision and clarity is inevitable. Here is a basic guide:

  • The widely available Vitamins C, A, and E all have a role in facilitating strength of eyesight, while Vitamins A and E have antioxidant properties that are an added bonus and help a body act healthily in general.
  • Lutein, which is found in the darkest, leafy green vegetables and Omega 3 fatty acids, which are found in fish oils, are also useful to maintain and improve eye health. The fish oil, especially, helps make nerve cells stronger and is a general supplement useful in the nervous system of the body.
  • Carrots are not nearly as useful as popular legend makes them out to be, but they are worthwhile nonetheless, with a minor degree of benefit that boosts eye health.
  • There are other methods available to improve eyesight naturally that are all about simply controlling one’s interaction with devices that strain the eyes (e. G. Computers and televisions). As a general rule of thumb, include 15 minutes of eye relaxing exercises for every 45 minutes of devoted attention to a particular type of screen.
  • When taking a break away from devices that strain the eyes, there are certain activities that one can do to improve eyesight. For example, closing the eyes, concentrating, and then taking deep breaths can constitute a comprehensive relaxation exercise.
  • Meditation, an infrequently used method to improve the eyes, also yields major benefits. More importantly though, since meditation facilitates a relaxation of all muscles, it can increase hand to eye coordination, which would place less strain on the eyes overall.

Cure Glaucoma: the best treatment to do it

27 November, 2009 (04:06) | Eyes-Vision | By: admin

Cure glaucoma by learning about the best tips and treatments. Don’t let this disease change your whole life. This affection is characterized by an increase of fluid pressure within the eyeball. It will defect the field of vision and in time it can lead to blindness.

You should consult your doctor as soon as the first signs appear.

Some of the best cures for glaucoma are amino acids. For stopping the cross linking damaging the optic nerve you can use Acetyl. Another good cure for maintaining the collagen structure is Glucosamine. You need to take 1,500 mg per day.

Cure glaucoma with the help of minerals and lipids. Germanium can reduce glaucoma. It’s also good to use Forskolin as eye drops. For at least one month, take 243 Magnesium per day. This will improve the visual field and the blood circulation. You can also use Selenium.

Vitamins are another way to treat glaucoma. Make sure your body gets enough vitamin C, B1, B12. You can find these vitamins in aliments or as pills. For a more efficient protection try to take some Folic Acid and Lipoid Acid. Take good care of yourself to be able to fight against this affection. Your body needs these vitamins in order to be protected.

There are some special herbs and fruits you can get to treat this eye affection. One of the most efficient fruit is bilberry. The best herbs are Ginkgo and Camu-Camu. You can also use Cod Liver oil to lower the pressure.

Exercises can be very helpful for treating glaucoma. This is why you need to learn more about this. A few special eye exercises can cure this disease in a very short time. Combine exercises with treatment and you will get healthy eyes again. Don’t let this affect your life. You have the chance to use all the best treatments and exercises to save your eyes.

How to Naturally Fortify Your Eyes Against Aging

22 November, 2009 (11:20) | Eyes-Vision | By: admin

With the growing popularity of laser eye surgery and surgical eye repairs, more and more people are growing more confident about their eyes. They worry less about straining them, and may even neglect basic optical hygiene when it comes to caring for contact lenses because they believe that anything that goes wrong with their eyesight can be fairly easily repaired.

In many cases, they’re right. However, with every surgery comes a risk, and not all people are even candidates for Lasik eye surgery. Instead of banking on an uncertainty, take precautions now that will help protect your eyes from the natural and unnatural perils that you subject them to each day.

By using natural measures and methods now, you significantly decrease the likelihood that you will ever need optical surgery at all.

  • Stop smoking. Smoking dramatically increases your odds of developing cataracts as you age. The single best thing that you can do for your eyes “and really, for the rest of your body as well ” is to give up this perilous and unpleasant habit.
  • Wear sunglasses. Exposure to UV rays can destroy your color vision and make it nearly impossible to distinguish between related colors. This not only impacts your ability to appreciate the beauty of the world, but it also seriously impacts your ability to see contrasts, which can make driving and even walking or running very dangerous as it hurts your depth perception.
  • Feed your eyes a healthy, balanced diet. Most people do not realize how important nutrition is to eyesight.

However, simply getting the appropriate amounts of zinc, beta-carotene and omega 3 fatty acids can increase your eyes’ resistance to age-related deterioration and to external infections.

While you can probably get enough zinc and beta-carotene in your diet just by adding some turkey and orange fruits or vegetables like carrots and cantaloupe, omega 3 presents something of a difficulty.

In order to get full benefits from this essential nutrient, you need a lot of it, but it can be hard to work a sufficient amount (and by sufficient, I mean literal pounds!) of fatty fish into your daily routine. Most people opt for a daily omega 3 supplement so that they do not have to change their entire eating lifestyle and run the risk of smelling, well, fishy.

When you select a fish oil supplements, make sure that it has been scientifically evaluated and certified toxin free. Many omega 3 supplements made from commercial fish like tuna and may contain traces of mercury because the FDA allows low levels of this toxic heavy metal to be left in these fish.

If you can, opt for a salmon based omega 3 fish oil instead because salmon are raised in clearer, cleaner waters than other game fish.