Category: Headaches-Migraines

Topical Capsaicin Reduces Migraine Pain in a Randomized Trial

4 June, 2011 (03:51) | Headaches-Migraines | By: Health news

Randomized single-blinded clinical trial

23 migraineurs (mean age 25 years) all experiencing pain with pressure applied to arteries on the scalp (even in the absence of an attack) and all not experiencing auras before attacks

Study Medication and Dosage
0.1% capsaicin cream or a placebo cream was applied in minimal amounts (0.05–0.10 ml per artery) topically to painful arteries in the absence of a migraine attack. For those who reported a >50% reduction in pain, a second experiment was conducted in which topical capsaicin or the placebo was administered during a migraine attack. Subjects received treatments in a randomized order.

Outcome Measures
Subjective reports of pain were noted 30 minutes after application of the cream. If the initial response was a >50% pain reduction, the other treatment (placebo or capsaicin) was not used. If, however, the initial treatment was <50% effective, it was washed off and replaced with the opposite treatment.
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Key Findings
In the absence of a migraine, 17 of 23 subjects (15/20 females and 2/3 males) reported a >50% reduction in arterial pain (versus 2 of 23 with placebo). This decrease in pain occurred in 10 to 30 minutes after application. During mild to moderate migraines, 11 of 17 reported a >50% reduction in pain with capsaicin. Even if we assume total treatment failure in all 6 of the subjects who did not report >50% pain reduction in the first phase of the trial, the treatment would still have helped 48% (11 of 23).

Practice Implications
Topical capsaicin can deplete Substance P and related pain-transmitting peptides, rendering the peripheral nervous system incapable of communicating pain from cell to cell.
Topical capsaicin can deplete Substance P and related pain-transmitting peptides, rendering the peripheral nervous system incapable of communicating pain from cell to cell. The author of the new report reminds us that perivascular afferent fibers of the superficial temporal artery are involved in migraine pain and these fibers contain Substance P and related peptides. All this suggests that localized treatments might help migraineurs.

Through as-yet unpublished evidence observed by the author of the new trial, more than 60% of migraineurs experience scalp arterial pain in response to topical pressure applied even in the absence of an attack (versus >80% during a migraine headache). This observation inspired the methodology used in the initial phase of the trial.

Previous capsaicin research used intranasal applications in migraineurs, a route of administration that causes burning sensations. Thus, by avoiding intranasal use while still producing efficacy, the current trial breaks new ground.

A majority of migraineurs are female. Indeed in the new report 20 of 23 subjects were women. While 15 of those 20 women in the trial were significantly helped, 2 of the 3 male migraineurs also obtained benefit.

On a final note, if you wish to institute therapeutic trials with patients, make sure to use rubber gloves in applying the capsaicin cream. Rubbing an eye with a finger that has touched the cream, even if that finger has been carefully washed, can cause moderate to severe burning pain.

How to Get Rid of a Migraine

20 October, 2010 (17:20) | Headaches-Migraines | By: Health news

Have you ever had a migraine headache before? If yes, I recommend you to read this.

A migraine is a painful experience that some people feel. It is something that most people can’t forget after experiencing it.

Let’s see some tips on how to get rid of a migraine.

The best thing to do is identify your migraine as early as possible. If your feel headaches on one side, feel like the surrounding light or sound bother you, feel nauseated, and your face feels hot, it might a migraine. In some cases you might feel the warning sign called an aura. This aura may be comes in type of weakness or tingling in your arm or leg however sometimes you might not feel all these symptoms.

One thing to keep in mind is not every headache is a migraine. That is why it is important to identify what is actually the kind of headache that you have so you can response to it properly. Make sure that it is really a migraine before you go to the next step. In case it is really a migraine, go for treatment as soon as possible to avoid more worst impacts of the migraine. Avoid walking or bending down to minimize the pain.

The popular way is to use ice pack to remove the pain. Wrap an ice pack in cloth. Do relax and then place the ice pack on your head. Gently put some pressure on the place that you feel pain until you feel that the pain is going away.

Take a warm bath to get rid of the migraine. Start pouring water from your feet to your head so the feel of the pain can slowly go away. Taking bath helps a lot in driving away the pain from headache. Relax your mind and feel the heat going up and been driven away from your head and body.

One more effective way to get rid of a migraine is by taking rest in a quiet and undisturbed room. Create a suitable environment to relax yourself. Turn off the lights, radio and television and minimize other disturbing elements. Relax on appropriate surface such as bed together with suitable pillow to comfort yourself. Try to sleep and relax your mind. You will feel better after wake up from the sleep.
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Yes, migraine is something painful to remember but after implementing some appropriate steps, you can get rid of it and continue your daily activities.

Pregnancy Headaches

27 July, 2010 (14:33) | Headaches-Migraines | By: Health news

There’s good and there’s bad news when it comes to pregnancy head aches. The excellent news for chronic migraine sufferers is that, in several women, migraine head aches disappear for the duration of pregnancy. This change is brought about by hormonal changes inside the body, and is in particular a relief for women who suffer from chronic migraines and who’ve had to stop taking their regular medication because of feasible complications it could have for the duration of pregnancy.

If you’ve never had severe headaches prior to in your life and you start having them during pregnancy, there’s no need to be instantly alarmed; even so, you ought to check it out together with your medical professional to ensure that the headaches aren’t a sign of something else which is wrong. Quite a few girls experience head aches during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester due to the onslaught of hormones caused by being pregnant. Typically, this sort of hormonal pregnancy headache will disappear as you enter your second trimester and your hormone levels stabilize.

What is most frustrating for a whole lot of pregnant ladies is that head aches for the duration of pregnancy have less treatment alternatives. Females who’ve a standard medication that they’ve been making use of for years to combat migraines suddenly come across themselves defenceless against their migraines as the medication that generally works for them is deemed unsafe for pregnant ladies. Likewise, a whole lot of over-the-counter medications for head aches are deemed unsafe for treating pregnancy headaches. The only over-the-counter medication said to be safe is acetaminophen. For peace of mind, discuss this with your doctor.

Some pregnant females uncover relief from headaches via acupuncture, massage and aromatherapy. If these all sound too alternative to you, it is possible to constantly go by the old headache standbys: cold compress to the head and neck though sleeping in a darkened, silent room. This remedy operates for a lot of persons, young and old, male and female, for everything from pregnancy head aches to sunlight and other eye-related head aches.

If head aches are plaguing you frequently through pregnancy, be positive to discuss it with your medical professional even if you’re managing it well on your own. Headaches for the duration of pregnancy could be, in some cases, a symptom of a additional serious condition. While it’s most likely that they’re brought on by hormones, fatigue or stress, other issues, for instance preeclampsia, do exist and must be checked by your physician to be certain that you, and your baby, are in excellent health.

Neck Problems

17 June, 2010 (03:17) | Headaches-Migraines | By: Health news

Most of us have experienced a headache at least once in our lives. But for tens of millions of Americans, headache and migraine pain is a part of their daily lives. It is such a widespread problem that billions of dollars each year are spent in research and prescription drug sales (all in an attempt to try to help people get out of pain and get their lives back).

But despite all of the work and money being thrown at the problem, the bottom line is that pharmaceuticals (be it over the counter or prescription strength medications) do not cure the root cause of headaches & migraines. They merely mask symptoms offering temporary relief.

Current biomechanical research has found a common thread with most headache sufferers. This commonality is that those people who experience ongoing headaches and/or migraines have problems in the cervical (neck) part of their spine. The cervical spine has seven vertebrae (the bones which surround and provide some protection to the spinal cord). The vertebrae are moveable and can twist, bend, flex and extend. This motion allows us to move our necks with a considerable amount of freedom.

The mobility of the cervical vertebrae comes with a price. Sometimes the vertebrae can get suck out of alignment (in relation to the other bones). When this happens, it is called a “subluxation”. “Sub” means less than. “Luxation” means dislocation. So a subluxation is an abnormal position of a bone, but not so much so that it’s dislocated. Vertebral subluxations can occur with as little as one degree of misalignment. They can also occur when the vertebrae is suck, and isn’t able to move correctly. Instead of the joints gliding on each other freely, they feel like a rusty old hinge that needs a squirt of WD-40.

When vertebrae become subluxated, it sends off a cascade of abnormal sensory signals to the brain. At first, the problem is at a sub-perception level (meaning you can’t feel it). But after enough time passes, the abnormal sensory signals to the brain grows in intensity, and eventually is perceived as pain.

So how does this have anything to do with headaches an migraines? The nerves which branch up into the head stem from the cervical spine. When you irritate a cervical spinal nerve (which travels to the head), it eventually is perceived as a headache. The source of the problem is a hard bone pressing on a soft nerve – all in the neck area.

When a chiropractor adjusts the cervical spine, he gently re-aligns the cervical vertebrae, taking pressure off the nerves. If those nerves happen to be the ones which travel up into the head, the result is elimination of headaches & migraines. The results can often be fast and surprisingly powerful.

Natural Remedies For Headache Pain

19 April, 2010 (18:08) | Headaches-Migraines | By: Health news

Headache pain can be a deep burden. For good reason, the majority of us have pain relievers in our homes, desk drawers, office cabinets, handbags, briefcases, travel bags, nightstands, and medicine cabinets. Without relief, we can’t function well, think straight, or sleep at night. The easiest solution in our fast-paced lifestyle is to take pills to alleviate the suffering.

These pills, however, are not without cost. If you experience headaches, your body is already telling you it is burdened in some way. To add synthetic substances to an already burdened body only adds to the problem, but needing quick relief, we often do it anyway.

From a holistic perspective, any type of pain is a message directly from our wisest self. Head pain tells a story of a life out of balance. It says a great deal about our society as a whole when almost everyone owns pain pills. Knowing various solutions to our ailments empowers us to step away from the madness and back toward the balance point.

The first thing to consider when you have headaches is whether you are constipated. Taboo subject, I realize, but relevant because your bowels must keep moving. Next, is your blood sugar balanced, are you hydrated properly, and is your liver functioning well? Take care of these and you’ll see your head pain decrease dramatically. Keep in mind, you have control over all of these. They are directly related to your own actions: what you eat and drink.

Other contributing factors include eye strain, chemical exposure, allergies, hormone fluctuations, structural misalignment, worry, muscle tension, and general stress. Your headaches are most likely a combination of several interrelated things. So what more can you do if you want to help your body come back into balance and live a more holistic lifestyle?

Begin by listening to your headaches as your wise messenger. What are they telling you? Are you eating too much sugar, drinking too much alcohol, having allergies to certain foods, or simply not nourishing yourself? Are you allowing yourself enough time in the day to sit back, rest your eyes, and relax? Is your liver overburdened so it cannot process toxins through you? Is your mind carried away with worries and frightening thoughts? Has your upper body become tight and tense due to the workaday world?

I am fairly certain you might say, “All of the above.” This is why we have painkillers within an arm’s reach. But there are many things you can do so your headaches become a condition of the past. Some of them work slowly which is a drawback for the fast-paced among us. For example, burdock is not a quick fix, but it will powerfully heal you from the inside out over time.

There are numerous effective remedies. I offer ten here to get your started. The tinctures, teas, and essential oils can be found at natural food markets or purchased online. For essential oils, be strict about only using the highest quality, pure oils.

Ten simple, inexpensive remedies to ease headache pain.

  • Nettles tea helps stabilize your blood sugar and relieve chronic headaches. It can also be used in tincture form.
  • Dandelion root and leaves nourish and strengthen your liver so it can better process toxins in your body. Eat the leaves in salads, use a tincture, or drink as a tea.
  • Burdock root works well with dandelion on headache pain by cleansing the blood and nourishing your liver. Add fresh burdock to soups or use as a tincture.
  • Violet leaf tea sipped throughout the day calms the mind and soothes headaches and frazzled nerves.
  • Oats strengthen the nervous system, bring clarity to thinking, and can reduce pain. Add oatmeal to your diet.
  • The essential oil of peppermint deadens pain with an anti-inflammatory effect. You can apply it to the bottom of your feet, temples, or directly on the painful site. Avoid contact with your eyes.
  • The essential oil of lavender is calming, relaxing, and balancing. Apply on temples or behind your neck.
  • Listen to Baroque music. It brings your brainwaves into alpha, where you can relax and ease your mind.
  • Put your feet into a tub of water to which you have added a cup of Epsom salts and a few drops of lavender or rosemary essential oil. This will help detoxify you and balance your energy.
  • Breathe slowly with awareness. Stretch or practice yoga to calm your nerves and bring oxygen into your body.
  • If any of the herbs appeal to you, inquire with your naturopath, herbalist, acupuncturist, or holistic doctor as to which would be best for you, especially if you have a medical condition or take medication.

    Chronic Sinus Headache

    17 March, 2010 (20:33) | Headaches-Migraines | By: admin

    Sinusitis is a condition resulting from inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. This may be a result of infection from one of the following issues:

  • Bacterial
  • Fungal
  • Viral
  • Allergic
  • Impaired immune system

    The newest classification of sinusitis refers to it as rhinosinusitis (rhinology is the medical specialty that deals with the nose and its diseases). The logic behind this choice is that inflammation of the sinuses cannot occur without some inflammation of the nose as well.

    What is the Difference Between Acute and Chronic Sinusitis?

    Acute sinusitis is a rapid onset and short but severe sinus infection that lasts up to four to eight weeks. Chronic sinusitis is a long-lasting and recurrent sinus infection. An attack that lasts more than eight weeks or keeps coming back is classified as chronic. Symptoms of chronic sinusitis are usually less severe than those of acute sinusitis, however this condition may lead to complications requiring prolonged treatment and sometimes surgery. Sinusitis that lasts between 4 and 12 weeks can be subdivided into the “subacute” classification.

    Chronic Sinus headache

    Whereas a person suffering from acute sinusitis is almost guaranteed a sinus headache, this is not the case with chronic sinusitis. In other words, a chronic sufferer will occasionally develop a chronic sinus headache due to internal pressure, however this is not a recognized characteristic of the disease. Sinus headache symptoms, which include facial discomfort and a dull, aching pain over the infected sinus, are common to both acute and chronic sinus infections.

    The pain is nearly always localized over the infected sinus and often starts on one side and spreads over to the other. In addition, it is usually accompanied by a thick, yellow/green purulent nasal discharge, together with a hacking cough and a sore throat. The headache typically intensifies when the patient bends forward or lies down. If one or both of the maxillary sinuses are infected, a dull, achy toothache in the upper jaw is common.

    Migraine misdiagnosis

    It is difficult to tell the difference between sinus related headaches, pressure headaches and migraine headaches because many of their symptoms overlap. In fact, recent studies show that approximately 90% of so called “sinus headaches” turn out to be migraines. Migraine headache symptoms mimic sinus headaches because:

    With a migraine, the trigeminal nerve innervates both the sinuses and the meninges surrounding the brain. This makes it almost impossible to isolate the origins of the pain.
    A migraine often triggers nasal congestion
    Autonomic nerve stimulation causes a runny nose and watery eyes

    How to Tell the Difference

    Whereas a migraine headache will respond to triptan medication, decongestants and antibiotics only serve to intensify the pain… and vice versa.
    Sinus headaches do not display “auras” or visionary disturbances, which are common in migraines.
    Unlike migraines, there is no sensitivity to bright light and loud noises with a chronic sinus headache.
    A migraine lasts for a day or two, whereas a sinus headache can drag on for a week or more
    A migraine typically produces a throbbing headache as opposed to the dull, constant pain experienced with a sinus headache

    Without specialized medical training. it is extremely difficult to accurately diagnose the different classes of headache. Do not attempt to diagnose your own symptoms… it is unwise to treat yourself without consulting a physician. Dosing yourself with the wrong medication will only serve to intensify your headache.

    Migraine Treatments

    29 December, 2009 (00:28) | Headaches-Migraines | By: Health news

    To reduce the frequency and duration of migraine attacks and to stop the pain when an attack is expected, doctors usually provide patients with medications. The pain can sometimes become resistant to drugs though. In cases like this, heavy-duty pain medications are needed.

    Non-prescription non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs help a lot of migraine sufferers find relief. Sometimes, NSAIDs are not enough though and prescription drugs are needed. An example of a prescription-strength NSAID that doctors usually prescribe for migraine sufferers is Toradol (ketrolac). This is usually given to patients with moderate to severe migraines that are resistant to over-the-counter pain relievers. This drug is usually injected to a patient but is also available in tablet form.

    Though effective, Toradol comes with potentially dangerous side effects. This is the reason why it should be used with caution. The drug can cause drowsiness, nausea, itching, dizziness, fluid retention, diarrhea and perforation or bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Toradol should be avoided by individuals who are allergic to other NSAIDs or aspirin. It should also be avoided by patients with a history of high blood pressure, gastrointestinal bleeding and kidney and liver problems. Pregnant women and elderly individuals are also not advised to take Toradol.

    If you are someone with a migraine that is not responding with OTC NSAIDs then your should let your doctor know about it before taking ketrolac This drug should be given to patients unless their bodies are cleared already of other NSAIDs.

    Patients should let their doctors know about all the medications that they are taking – not just the ones for migraines – in order to avoid potentially dangerous drug interactions. Anyone currently taking blood thinners should not be taken by anyone currently taking blood thinners, diuretics, tranquilizers, lithium lithium, ACE inhibitors and select antidepressants.

    When no relief from other NSAIDs can be found, Toradol may be the answer. But it should be used with caution.
    There are no guarantees that your migraines will leave forever.

    Headache Relief – What Kind of Headache Do You Have?

    13 December, 2009 (00:00) | Headaches-Migraines | By: admin

    A headache is a complete waste of a good day. The usual response is to reach for the painkillers. If you are happy to do that then fine, the problem is that for a large number of people, when the pain killers wear off then the headache returns.

    The trick to treating headaches is to know what kind of headache you have. There are many kinds of headache such as from sun exposure, stress, poor posture, neck strain et etc.

    For simplicity we can reduce the headache categories to three kinds. Hot headaches, cold headaches and hot/cold headaches.

    • A hot headache is one that responds to heat.

    If your neck muscles are strained and in spasm then we know that heat is the solution. A hot pack applied to your neck will reduce the spasm and therefore remove the trigger of your headache.

    Another hot headache example: You fall asleep on the couch and wake with a jinked neck which becomes a headache. Again apply the heat pack, but first you will want to do some gentle stretching and perhaps lie down for a while with your neck in a comfortable position.

    • A classic cold headache is:

    you spend a few hours in the hot sun playing sport, working or gardening. This type will respond to a cold application. The best thing is to have 2 or 3 cold packs in your freezer. You need at least 2 as these cold packs become ineffective once they thaw out. You may need to apply the cold pack to both your foreword and your neck.

    Another cold headache type is from glare> the surf, working on outdoor concrete surfaces, sailing, driving etc. A cold pack on your forehead will get the best result.

    • The third type is a hot/cold headache.

    Basically you have two things happening at once. Your neck might be spasming which requires a hot pack but you are experiencing cold symptoms which will also require a cold pack on your foreword.

    As you can see this is not rocket science, but you do need to get it right. If you do it back to front you will aggravate your headache.

    So you can elect to take the painkillers but apply the hot or cold packs as well, or just use the hot or cold packs.

    Some self massage and relaxing your head and being in a quiet and darkened space will enhance your speed of recovery.

    The main thing to remember is to get started with the packs as soon as possible after the onset of the headache. Many headache sufferers know their own patterns well. So you may elect to use the packs as a preventative even if you don’t feel the headache coming on yet.

    Migraine Headache Warning Signs – My Action Steps

    7 December, 2009 (04:11) | Headaches-Migraines | By: admin

    The key for me in managing my migraine headaches was to learn how to identify the triggers that caused my migraines and try to avoid them. Unfortunately, I couldn’t avoid all of them – stress for example-so I had to learn how to take action to reduce the severity of the migraine.

    • Warning Signs

    If you suffer from migraines you probably know by now that most migraines don’t just “happen” all of a sudden with no warning. I usually get warning signs a day or two before and if I am paying attention I can recognize them and takes steps to lessen or sometimes avoid my headache. Many migraine sufferers may recognize some of these early warning signs:

    • Fatigue
    • Difficulty concentrating
    • Easily Irritated
    • Particular food cravings
    • Stress response- I get tension in my neck and shoulders

    You may have a different set of warning signs but the key is to learn to recognize them – early on.

    • Steps to Take

    When you recognize your early warning signs you need to take action. When you first begin to feel a migraine is nearing try some of these techniques that work:

    Deep focused breathing – we all breathe without thinking about how we do it. But focused deep breathing is the key to most relaxation techniques, making sure to fully exhale as you bring in and tighten your abdomen. To make it easier for me to focus on my breathing I count as I exhale. First I inhale deeply through my nose and then begin to slowly count to four as I exhaled. This technique helps me to clear my mind and focusing on my breathing.

    Scan your body and focusing on relaxing where you hold tension. We all hold tension in our bodies, whether it’s in a common place like the neck or shoulders as I do, or some other part of the body. As you focus on breathing you can also learn to relax specific parts of your body. Learn to identify where you hold your tension and practice on relaxing. For example, I learned to slowly raise my shoulders up as far as I could and then allow them to quickly drop. I do this about 20 times – it really works – but you have to focus on letting go of the tension.

    In summary, the key to preventing or lessening the severity of migraines can be as simple as learning to identify your trigger points, take action early, and learning to use techniques that help you to relax both your mind and your body.

    Four Steps I Take to Prevent Migraine Headaches

    4 December, 2009 (04:04) | Headaches-Migraines | By: admin

    Migraine headaches are a severe problem for people who experience them. The best way to help prevent migraines is control a few key aspects in your lifestyle. Learning how to manage your sleep patterns, focusing on maintaining your meal schedule, exercise and stress management are key. Properly controlling these four keys can play a significant role in managing migraine headaches.

    • Many people who experience migraines have come to realize that a change in their sleeping patterns or habits can frequently be a trigger for migraines. If you fail to get sufficient sleep it can increase your stress level – a well known trigger point for migraines. But what you may not realize is that getting that extra hour on Saturday morning may be a problem as well. The infamous “week-end” migraine headache has less to do with whether its Saturday or Sunday and more to do with a change in your sleeping patterns.
    • If you suffer from migraine headaches making sure that you eat your meals on a regular schedule is important. Skipping meals is a migraine trigger for many people and unfortunately it is an easy habit to get in to. Many people associate headaches that come from skipping meals with low blood sugar that can potentially result. But the reality for migraine sufferers is that the headaches have more to do with a change in patterns. Of course, stress is also frequently a factor that causes us to skip a meal and also a migraine trigger for most people.
    • Regular exercise is also a great way to help reduce both the frequency and severity of migraines. It isn’t necessary to go to the gym and undergo a vigorous 60 minute workout every day. You just need to try to get in 20 minutes a day four times a week can help. And just like skipping meals because your are under stress, it’s easy to skip your exercise routine as well just when you probably need it the most. So try to keep to your exercise routine, it’s a good way to release stress and reduce migraines.
    • You have to learn how to relax. Learning how to relax isn’t just about learning breathing techniques or a particular yoga stance, it’s also about your state of mind. You have to learn to take time out occasionally and allow yourself to relax and minimize the stimulus around you. It’s important to make a conscientious effort to relax.

    In summary, the key to preventing migraines is to pay attention to your lifestyle, learn to identify your trigger points, and learn to use techniques that help you to relax both your mind and your body. You can’t always control the stress in your life, but you can learn to control how you deal with it, and how susceptible you are to migraines.

    The Easy Migraine Treatment Your Doctor is Not Telling You

    16 November, 2009 (17:31) | Headaches-Migraines | By: admin

    If you suffer from migraines, every bright light, stressful afternoon or loud noise can be a source of pure dread as you wait to see if a migraine will develop from these common causes of plain old headaches. Migraines make common headaches seem like a blessing, and you may limit your life and your activities dramatically in an effort to avoid these incredibly painful experiences.

    People with chronic migraines, serious headaches that occur regularly over a long period of time, may be treated with everything from mood altering medicines to hypnosis. However, there is one treatment that has been used with considerable success that your doctor may not be telling you about.

    According to preliminary research, the essential fatty acid omega 3, commonly found in fatty game fish like salmon and tuna, may dramatically reduce the duration and frequency of migraine headaches.

    Preliminary research means that the scientific community not only suspects that this is the case, but has done studies that indicate omega 3 can seriously help control and eliminate chronic migraines. However, because these results have not yet been accepted by the medical community at large, researchers and their research on omega 3 have remained under the radar for most doctors.

    Even most neurologists will not recommend an omega 3 supplement to help with migraines simply because they are not aware of this fatty acid’s potential.

    Omega 3 fatty acids from fish oil have long been acknowledged as a good supplement for cardiovascular health. To get the other benefits of this essential nutrient, however, you need much larger doses than you can get by just eating tuna melts once or twice a week. In order to derive full benefits from omega 3, you need to take it in the form of a daily supplement that contains the right types of the fatty acid to protect and bolster not just your health but also your psychological well being.

    Look for a fish oil supplement made from salmon rather than tuna or other fish, as Arctic Circle salmon swim in the cleanest, clearest waters in the world and are far better for consumption than commercial tuna or mackerel.

    Salmon Oil is made from only the flesh of Arctic Circle salmon. In addition, it’s certified to be 100% free of any toxins, pesticides, fungicides or heavy metals. In other words, it’s 100% pure omega 3 just as nature intended you to consume it.

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