Category: Mood disorders

Facing Your Fears Head On

14 October, 2010 (18:45) | Mood disorders | By: Health news

If you are reading this article on how to stop panic attack now, chances are you have been experiencing more than just a sporadic bout of panic episodes. In order to solve this problem and go on with your life normally, you need to go through big changes. Remember that you will not get anywhere better if you don’t start doing something now. Gear up and take the challenge.

Most panic attacks have obvious roots – a problem child, a ridiculous boss, a dishonest friend, huge debt, poor time management, and the likes. These are legitimate causes of stress and panic. However, if you are unsure of the causes, it may help a lot to talk with a therapist who can help you pinpoint it. You see, one of the best ways to prevent panic attack is to learn to deal with it heads on. It may sound mundane, thus, is often overlooked. But if people will only learn how to face their fears and anxiety, it would be easier to fight off panic episodes.

Many sufferers of the condition feel hopeless in confronting their situations. How will you pay off a huge amount of debt when you don’t have a good source of income, or when you’re supporting the family on your own? This may truly be a tough situation. However, in order to stop panic attack now, it is very important for you to keep your head straight. The situation may be difficult, but it is not unsolvable.

One way to confront the root cause of your panic attacks is by reflection. Think of what’s causing you to be fearful or stressed. Educate yourself on how to make logical decisions about it. For instance, if you are in debt, how can you recover from it? One important solution is to stop letting it bloat further. Don’t spend unnecessarily and try to live a life that is only within your means. If there is a family or friend who can lend you some money without interest to pay off some debts, you may check that possibility. The point is for you to do something and solve it.

Another way to stop panic attack now is by consulting an expert regarding your situation. For instance, if you have a problem child, you may want to talk to a child psychologist who can guide you about dealing with your kid. If you have money problems, why not consult a financial analyst? The key is to find a person with credible expertise in the field so you can get educated advice on the matter. Do not depend too much on what your friends have to say. Although they mean to help, they may not end up doing so.

Reflecting on the situation and talking with an expert are just two of the best ways for you to stop panic attack now. They will help you face your troubles heads on so you will not have to be overly anxious about them or experience panic attacks at their mere remembrance.

Say Goodbye to Your Panic Attacks

26 July, 2010 (19:38) | Mood disorders | By: Health news

Panic attacks can be extremely frightening. They’re also quite debilitating and can cause sufferers to miss untold days of work. Even worse, just the thought of having an attack fills people with dread and constant worry about when the next attack will begin. More than three million Americans have been treated for this problem, and they report that their worry about when or where their next attack will occur is actually their greatest fear. These people live their lives in constant fear and believe that nothing can be done to help them.

Methods to Treat Panic Attacks: Control Them with Your Thought Processes

Panic attack sufferers don’t need to be so disheartened, however; in fact, many people respond very well to the treatments. They can be treated with several methods, including changing the thought processes, behavioral modification, medications and herbal remedies. One of the ways you can ease this is by using the way you think. It’s vital to identify what is happening to you during an attack. You might believe you’re having a heart attack or you might think you can’t breathe. You might even feel your heart will explode from the panic you’re feeling.

None of those things will actually happen. Many people have gone to hospital emergency rooms convinced they were dying but found out that these feelings are actually symptoms of attacks. You need to figure out what’s triggering the onset of your attacks. For example, are you more likely to have the problem if you’ve been dreading something like speaking in public?

Once the triggers are identified, most people tend to avoid putting themselves in situations that cause their panic attacks. This strategy can backfire, however: your fear will become worse and you’ll have an even bigger problem when the triggering situations do occur. Instead, after you identify a trigger, you might be able to talk yourself through the situation so you don’t experience a full-blown attack.

You might be able to prevent the onset of a panic attack by telling yourself you know what’s causing you to experience the fear, and you aren’t going to deal with it at the moment. This is one way you can use your thought processes to ease yourself out of the problem.

People also use exercise to try to avoid having an attack in the first place. Obviously exercise is good for you physically, but it also lowers your stress levels and can help prevent the onset of attacks. You can also control them by getting interested in something like a book or a television show. When your mind is interested and occupied, you’re less likely to think about whether you’re about to suffer another attack.

Methods to Treat Panic Attacks: Behavior Modification

You might wonder how behavior modification could affect your panic attacks. In fact, it can not only help your attacks, it can also help you feel better and improve your health. As mentioned earlier, exercise can be a diversion, but it can also constitute behavior modification. Many people simply don’t get enough exercise, and it’s one of the most effective ways you can reduce your stress. Even as little as 30 minutes of exercise per day can be beneficial.

You can also help yourself by changing your diet. Some foods and beverages are known to contain ingredients that have been proven to trigger panic attacks. Caffeine is one of these substances. You might be surprised at the results if you stop drinking beverages that contain high amounts of caffeine.

Learning how to breathe to relax is yet another way you can help control your panic attacks. There are relaxing breathing techniques and exercises that teach you how to control your breathing and your mind. Relaxing your muscles helps alleviate your stress, which we know contributes to the occurrence of attacks.

Methods to Treat Panic Attacks: Herbal Remedies

When used to help cure panic attacks, some herbal remedies provide excellent results. Many people are unable to take the prescription anti-depressants often used to treat attacks. They experience unwanted side effects that prevent them from taking these drugs.

Kava kava, a plant which contains kava lactones, is one of the herbal remedies that are often used to treat attacks. Kava lactones act on the neurotransmitters within the brain and can help with attacks. Lavender is soothing and good for keeping stress levels down because of its sweet aroma. Lemon balm has restorative effects that can soothe frazzled nerves and help you relax. Many people find that passion flower relieves the symptoms of their panic attacks. However, never take passion flower if you’re taking thyroid medicine; it can cause an adverse reaction.

St. John’s Wort is yet another herbal remedy that’s long been in use. Often taken for depression, St. John’s Wort has also been found to help alleviate attacks. Unlike prescription anti-depressants, St. John’s Wort is a natural remedy and it does not have the same set of side effects. Fatigue, dry mouth and some stomach problems are the only side effects of this herbal remedy.

There are many ways to deal with panic attacks. The mind is a powerful thing, and some panic attack remedies capitalize on its abilities by getting your thought processes synchronized with the rest of your body. Often, this is the key to stopping your panic attacks permanently.

Seasonal Affective Disorder

3 March, 2010 (06:04) | Mood disorders | By: Health news

Using supplements (for example St Johns Wort) is one way of alleviating the symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (“SAD”). It is not the whole story and some people are unhappy about taking supplements. St Johns Wort in particular can cause problems if taken in conjunction with some prescription medications (particularly for heart conditions), and medical practitoners advise against it in such circumstances.

There are numerous ways to avoid supplements in addressing the symptoms of SAD:

Specific Foods

Several foods are especially helpful in stimulating directly or indirectly, the levels of seratonin, norepinephrine, GABA, acetylcholine and other neurotransmitters in the brain. These foods include carbohydrates, brown rice, cottage cheese, peanuts, pumpkin and sesame seeds, fish and algae, wheatgerm and wheat bran, eggs, turkey, ham, milk, cheese, and green vegetables (especially leafy greens).

These are all part of a normal balanced diet anyway, but you may consider how balanced your diet actually is, and adjust it to help with the winter blues.

Therapy Ideas


Light therapy – natural and artificial – is often suggested as a cure for SAD. Obtaining extra sunlight on those relatively sunny winter days is not always easy (unless you live in high mountains with lots of snow refelction). A daylight box can help with that. The light need to be close to that of the sun in ‘colour temperature’. You should look for one with a colour temperature of about 5500 to 6500 degrees K – it should be quoted in sales literature.

When at home, position your chair so that it faces a south facing window if you are in the Northern Hemisphere, vice versa in the Southern Hemisphere.

Winter Holidays

Try to escape for a winter sunshine holiday. This can be of major help. It gives you something to look forward to and plan. Try to avoid too much east-west travel though, as the cause of jet lag is closely linked to those of SAD. If you live in Europe, the Canaries is a good destination, or even South Africa. For those in the US you have the Caribbean, Central America and Brazil. Aim for the Tropics.


Besides its obvious benefits to heart and lungs, exercise releases endorphins in the brain, a feel-good chemical. Cycling, walking and running get you out of doors and into the daylight. Maybe some light stretching exercises in the morning before breakfast to get the circulation going.

Music and Dancing

Build a list of music which cheers you up and play your list regularly. It’s easy with tools such as Spotify to build a happy playlist. If it makes you want to dance, so much the better – that’s exercise too. I love Brazilian music and play my list regularly.


It’s very therapeutic to laugh, especially to enjoy a good belly laugh with other people – it is infectious. Do you have any DVDs that make you laugh? Play them whilst you are doing something else at the time you can hear the soundtrack and laugh – it will release endorphins in the brain – more ‘feelgood’. Buy a set of your favourite comedy series, and play them regularly. I keep a joke book handy, and of course, friends send me ‘funnies’ in emails which I always open and usually forward.

Cut Down on Alcohol

This is not a popular idea, but it does help. Alcohol is a depressant, and it is a good idea to reduce your intake during the SAD season. It will help improve you shape too and that will make you feel better about yourself.

Daily Life – Keep Busy

Thoughts can turn inward if you have too much time on your hands – not always a good thing if you spend a lot of time on your own. So, keep yourself busy, and try to build extra socialising into your week – maybe join a dance or exercise class, go to a comedy club and laugh.

These are a just a few of the ideas that I use in managing my own condition. It is not always easy to jump out of bed in the morning and start working out, I know. Try to plan five of these items into every day, and then feel good about yourself if you achieve three of them.

Don’t forget to check that your diet is in balance. Too much pizza? Next time, pick a Pizza Capricciosa – anchovy and eggs – that’s a real tonic!

Bipolar Disorder Types

12 December, 2009 (19:18) | Mood disorders | By: Health news

In case you didn’t know, there are different types of bipolar-disorder. This article throws more light on some of them and how you can handle them.

Seasonal Affective Disorder is a type of bipolar disorder that works according to the season changes. Mania sets in during the brighter and sunnier seasons, a major gloom and depression is their companion through the cold and darker months. I tell you, it is not an easy disease to live with by any means.

When you are in the depressive type of this disorder, you tend to feel intensely sad or profoundly indifferent to work. Added to that, you will find it hard to partake in the activities of people around you, and of course people who once brought you pleasure are totally revolting at this time. Imagine the turnaround when it is mania! This is not very flattering for your mind at all.

It is normal to think slowly, concentrate poorly, and feel tired all of the time when you suffer from bipolar disorder. These are symptoms of the depressive phase of the disease, and you may find that you are in bed a lot of the time without being able to sleep, whereas you are eating more and more.

Some of the symptoms of bipolar disorder involve your appetite and sleep patterns. Whether you are depressive or manic, you are sure to have trouble sleeping. When you are manic, you are sure not going to have a lot of time for food, and when depressed, you will likely gain a few pounds from eating too much.