Category: Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma Resource

10 May, 2010 (11:59) | Mesothelioma | By: Health news

Lack of proper mesothelioma resource has been mentioned as the reason behind most of the mesothelioma deaths. Till recently, most of the people were unaware regarding the dangerous effects of asbestos, the distinctiveness of mesothelioma cancer and the treatment options available for it. Many a lives were wasted unnecessarily due to this ignorance. Let us see what mesothelioma resources are and how can they be used to save lives.

Mesothelioma resource stands for a group of connected activities regarding mesothelioma cancer. Information regarding the causes, remedies and prevention of the cancer, detailed inputs related to cancer centers and doctors in the field, details about the services of mesothelioma litigation firms and attorneys, particulars concerning the continuous researches to find better treatment methods and cures for the disease, legal rights of patients etc are clearly the part of mesothelioma resource.

Most of the workers of the infected by asbestos never had any intimation of the approaching danger, till some decades ago. Those days reliable information was there and no curative measures were available. But once the relationship between the deadly disease and asbestos was found out, the governments started imposing severe restrictions up on the mineral. Precautionary measures were undertaken by the factory owners like supplying protective gear, making the workers bath before leaving the work place etc. Thus the relatives were also spared of the risk of inhaling asbestos. Many law firms came into existence for helping the clients to claim compensation. Researchers and scientists started working for better treatment methods.

Mesothelioma cancer is diagnosed only during the advanced stages of the infection. There are four significant stages, the first two having better chances of survival and the last two practically having no chances at all. The treatment imparted by the cancer centers depend on the stages of the cancer. Vigorous treatment measures are successful or partially successful in stage 1,2 and 3 patients. Palliative treatment is given to stage 4 patients. Mesothelioma patients can claim for financial compensation also.

All kinds of information regarding the cancer are available in the Internet, which is a highly reliable mesothelioma resource provider. Information related to treatment, litigation and research are accessible there. It is advisable for the patients to check such resources before deciding on his attorneys and cancer treatment centers.

Cures For Peritoneal Mesotheliom

28 April, 2010 (18:39) | Mesothelioma | By: Health news

Mesothelioma cancer which affects the lining of abdominal cavity is called peritoneal mesothelioma. About one-fifth of all the cases of mesothelioma cancer reported are found to be peritoneal mesothelioma. More than women, men become victims of this malady and it is caused due to over exposure to asbestos. The symptoms of the disease start appearing only twenty or thirty years after being exposed to asbestos. Timely diagnosis and treatment is the only way to prolong the lives of the victims. A tissue biopsy is an effective way of diagnosis, whereas other methods like CT scan may give baffling outcomes.

The symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma are formation of lumps in abdomen, pain in abdomen, fatigue, fever, collection of fluid in the abdomen, weight loss, lack of proper functioning of digestive system, anemia etc. Before the symptoms of the cancer appear, some patients may experience uneasy feelings. It may also happen that peritoneal mesothelioma is diagnosed while the affected person goes for a check up related to some other health issues like pelvic mass, gall bladder, hernia etc.

Various stages of this cancer can be found out in the tumor, lymph nodes and metastases system (TNM). General cancers are determined using this system. Localized abrasions, which are shown in the first level, are totally removable. In the second stage, the disease affects the abdominal cavity on peritoneal and organ surfaces. The disease is curable in this stage with the help of strong treatments. The third stage is when the infection spreads to liver and colon thereby affecting their functions. Still the infection remains inside the abdominal cavity. When the infection spreads from the abdominal cavity to adjoining organs the infection reaches the fourth stage.

Peritoneal mesothelioma patients are administered with strong medication and other treatment methods. Debulking surgery combined with intra peritoneal hyperthermic chemotherapy, intraperitoneal chemotherapy and radiation is the common multimodality treatment opted by doctors. Intake of vital minerals and nutrients is compulsory to make the body cope with the side effects of chemotherapy and other medications.

The physical health and age of the patient are important factors which determine the success of treatment. Proper treatment and timely diagnosis are vital factors which provide relief to the patients.

3 Things You Should Do To Cure Mesothelioma

27 April, 2010 (11:55) | Mesothelioma | By: Health news

Even if you are undergoing chemotherapy, radiation treatment or alternative treatments for asbestos mesothelioma, you need to make sure your body is in prime fighting condition. The more time and energy, your body requires to deal with other health issues, is more time and energy that it can’t use to eliminate the cancer in your body.

First, you need to ensure that you are eating the best foods to fuel your body. You don’t want to make things worse for your body by introducing toxic foods or foods that create an extra burden for your body. The simplest way to do this is to increase the amount of raw fruits and vegetables in your diet. Also eat more natural unprocessed grains such as multi grain breads or crackers. Eliminate as much processed foods as you can. If it comes in a box, a can or a bag, it’s more than likely a processed food. A National Cancer Institute study showed a strong link between cancer and meat consumption, so try to cut out as much meat as possible, especially red meat. Consider switching to a vegetarian diet. And if you really want to do as much as you can, switch to a raw food organic diet.

Secondly, increase your oxygen levels. Dr. Otto Warburg, a German cancer specialist, won the 1931 Nobel prize for his work on oxygen and cancer cells. He showed that cancer cells can not survive in a highly oxygenated environment. He found that certain foods have enzymes that can dramatically increase your oxygen absorption in your cells. Also, practice deep breathing exercises every day to provide the source of that oxygen that your body needs.

Thirdly, reduce your sugar consumption. Eating processed sugars such as pop, candy and deserts creates an insulin “shock” to your body because unlike natural fruits, which require time to digest, processed “sugar foods” virtually inject sugar into your bloodstream immediately. Your body reacts by secreting huge amounts of insulin, which not only converts that sugar to fat, but more importantly, it acts to shut down your immune system. Eating one cup of sugar a day, which could be found in a two litre bottle of pop would suppress your immune system for approximately 12 hours! That’s half a day that your immune system can’t seek and destroy cancer cells. That’s also half a day that the asbestos mesothelioma cancer cells can grow out of control.

Asbestos Mesothelioma and Sugar

22 April, 2010 (04:38) | Mesothelioma | By: Health news

In the fight against asbestos mesothelioma cancer, cutting sugar out of your diet is critical in aiding your immune system. When you eat sugar, a chain of events occurs starting with your insulin level increasing dramatically. With the increased insulin levels, growth hormone levels are also reduced which then suppresses your immune system.

When your insulin level increases, any excess sugar is stored as fat cells. And of course, more fat cells in your body means that you put greater pressure on your heart to pump more oxygenated blood to the fat cells, which leaves less oxygen to combat the asbestos mesothelioma cancer cells.

According to one study, eating just 1/2 a cup of sugar or two cans of pop, can suppress 91% of your immune system for up to 6 hours.

Sugar in the form of granular sugar and syrup such as that found in pop, is called sucrose. When it is present in the stomach it breaks down easily into glucose which is what triggers the insulin reaction. Your body only needs about a teaspoon of glucose in your blood at any time, so when you drink a can of pop, it’s like a dump truck just dumped a load of sugar in your system instantly. Your body goes into an extreme reaction and dramatically increases the insulin in your body to promote fat storage.

So imagine that in one day, you drank two cans of pop, ate 2 chocolate bars and had an ice cream for dessert. That’s about the equivalent of 1 cup of sugar and that’s not even including the breads and pastas that you ate which would eventually convert to sucrose over time. With that level of sugar in your body, you could be suppressing your immune system for up to 12 hours a day! That’s 12 hours that your body can’t fight the asbestos mesothelioma cancer and that’s 12 hours that the cancer can freely grow without threat from your immune system.

Know More About Mesothelioma

12 April, 2010 (20:11) | Mesothelioma | By: Health news

Have you ever heard of mesothelioma? If you are not aware of what exactly is mesothelioma, in this article we will tell you about this type of disease. Basically this is a rare kind of cancer which generally arises from the cells lining the sacs of the chest or the abdomen.

There are two major cell types of mesothelioma. These are the epithelial and the sarcomatoid. In some cases there is only one type of cell while in the other there can be combination of both the types of cells. The occurrence of sarcomatoid is rare. In some cases, the mesothelioma can also occur from benign and the non-malignant cells. However, this type of mesothelioma cancer can be treated surgically.

There are several symptoms associated with the occurrence of mesothelioma. In some cases the patient suffering from this disease can complain from the chest pain and the shortness of breath. At times, though the pleura are associated with this type of cancer, yet there is no pleuritic pain. This results in the late diagnosis and consequently late treatment. Unfortunately in some cases, the mesothelioma cancer does not show any kind of symptoms at all. In such cases, it becomes very difficult for the patient to survive longer.

As the disease reaches its advanced stage, the patient suffers from the loss of weight due to the loss of appetite. This is also associated with extreme pain in the abdomen or the chest. The breathing problem gets increased resulting in extreme discomfort of the patient. Some patients suffering from mesothelioma in its early stage also complains of the developing night sweats. The diaphragm stops functioning and there arises several complicated in the body one by one.

The tests involved in the disease may include a CT Scan or a biopsy. There are several treatment options of this disease. It can be treated with surgery, radiation therapy, chemo therapy or in some cases with drugs. The kind of treatment to be done depends on the extent of the spread of the cancer and the ability of the patient to accept the treatment.

As technology is getting more progressed, research is being conducted to improve the treatment procedures of Mesothelioma. Some doctors in the recent days combine one treatment options with the other. This may include the combination of chemo therapy with other kind of therapy or it may also involve chemo therapy with some particular kind of drug. In the recent days, research is also being conducted on the processes of biological therapy.

In some cases, alternative treatment options are also available which may include acupuncture, massage therapy but these are not so effective always.


6 April, 2010 (21:16) | Mesothelioma | By: Health news

Have you ever heard of mesothelioma? If you are not aware of what exactly is mesothelioma, in this article we will tell you about this type of disease. Basically this is a rare kind of cancer which generally arises from the cells lining the sacs of the chest or the abdomen.

There are two major cell types of mesothelioma. These are the epithelial and the sarcomatoid. In some cases there is only one type of cell while in the other there can be combination of both the types of cells. The occurrence of sarcomatoid is rare. In some cases, the mesothelioma can also occur from benign and the non-malignant cells. However, this type of mesothelioma cancer can be treated surgically.

There are several symptoms associated with the occurrence of mesothelioma. In some cases the patient suffering from this disease can complain from the chest pain and the shortness of breath. At times, though the pleura are associated with this type of cancer, yet there is no pleuritic pain. This results in the late diagnosis and consequently late treatment. Unfortunately in some cases, the mesothelioma cancer does not show any kind of symptoms at all. In such cases, it becomes very difficult for the patient to survive longer.

As the disease reaches its advanced stage, the patient suffers from the loss of weight due to the loss of appetite. This is also associated with extreme pain in the abdomen or the chest. The breathing problem gets increased resulting in extreme discomfort of the patient. Some patients suffering from mesothelioma in its early stage also complains of the developing night sweats. The diaphragm stops functioning and there arises several complicated in the body one by one.

The tests involved in the disease may include a CT Scan or a biopsy. There are several treatment options of this disease. It can be treated with surgery, radiation therapy, chemo therapy or in some cases with drugs. The kind of treatment to be done depends on the extent of the spread of the cancer and the ability of the patient to accept the treatment.

As technology is getting more progressed, research is being conducted to improve the treatment procedures of Mesothelioma. Some doctors in the recent days combine one treatment options with the other. This may include the combination of chemo therapy with other kind of therapy or it may also involve chemo therapy with some particular kind of drug. In the recent days, research is also being conducted on the processes of biological therapy.

In some cases, alternative treatment options are also available which may include acupuncture, massage therapy but these are not so effective always.

The Chemotherapy Drugs

19 March, 2010 (17:02) | Mesothelioma | By: admin

A diagnosis of Mesothelioma has often been viewed as a death sentence. While it is still a brutal diagnosis, treatment options have come a long way. This is particularly true when it comes to chemotherapy. There are two specific drugs that are making a big difference – Alimta and Cisplatin.

Mesothelioma is a cancer of the lining known as the mesothelium. It is associated with asbestos exposure. There are three forms of the cancer – pleural, pericardial and peritoneal. All three are deadly and the average five year survival rates is less than 10 percent. The problem is the cancer is often very hard to diagnose and is thus often discovered only in the very latest of stages. That is very problematic with just about any form of cancer.

There are many different ways of trying to treat Mesothelioma. The three most common are surgical extraction, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Unlike most medical situations, many doctors will go very aggressive with the treatment in an effort to stop the spread of the disease. Chemotherapy plays a huge role in this and Altimta and Cisplatin are two newer drugs being used.

Alimta has been hailed as a major breakthrough in the chemotherapeutic treatment of patients. It has shown massive effects on Mesothelioma suffers. In one test at Newcastle Freeman Hospital, nearly every patient had improvements on symptoms caused by the cancer. More importantly, nearly half saw their tumors shrink instead of grow. The drug is given over a 21 day period and usually in combination with Cisplatin.

Cisplatin is an older chemotherapy drug that is used as a base treatment for many types of cancer. It is somewhat akin to taking penicillin as an antibiotic. It is given over a 21 day period and is considered an effective treatment of tumors and general cancer growth. Unfortunately, it has many side effects that are the type of thing often stereotypically associated with chemotherapy. This includes hair loss, extreme fatigue, weight loss, and potentially kidney damage if not handled carefully.

Will these drugs save you? Well, every case is different and you should speak with your physician. That being said, they are considered two standard approaches to the chemotherapy treatment for Mesothelioma, which means you will probably be introduced to them at one point or another.

Getting Aggressive With Mesothelioma

11 March, 2010 (23:46) | Mesothelioma | By: admin

Cancer is a diagnosis nobody wants to hear. Some forms of cancer are easier to deal with than others. Mesothelioma is unfortunately a bad one and often calls for a particular point of reference when it comes to treatment – an aggressive one!

Mesothelioma is a brutal form of cancer because it usually does not manifest until the very late stages of growth. The cancer is associated with exposure to asbestos fibers in the air, but it can take 40 years or more for the cancer to reach late stages of development that show clear signs. This makes it a rare, but very deadly form of cancer.

It goes without saying that you should consult with a Mesothelioma specialist if you are unlucky enough to be diagnosed with this disease. The treatment you receive will reflect your current diagnosis, but it is vital that you realize the nature of the disease will call for a different approach than you usually receive. Most people are told that conservative treatment is the way to go with most disease.Mesothelioma treatment plans tend to be just the opposite. They are very aggressive because the cancer is usually discovered very late in the process. This means times is of the essence and there is little reason to wait to see how things development. You can expect your physician to have an aggressive plan incorporating chemotherapy, radial therapy and often surgery to remove large growth areas. This can be a shock for many patients who are used to doctors taking a calm, calculated and very slow approach to sitting and watching a health issue develop.

What if all else fails? What if the physician tells you there is no hope? Well, there is. The National Cancer Institute is a government agency that overseas clinical trials for new treatments for various cancers. Mesothelioma is certainly one of the focuses and even has its own section on the website for the agency. Regardless, the NCI can direct you to clinical trials on new Mesothelioma treatments, which means an out of the box approach that might do the trick.

Three Variations of Mesothelioma

15 January, 2010 (22:06) | Mesothelioma | By: admin

There are three variations of Mesothelioma and each has its own symptoms, treatments and area of focus.

  • Pleural Mesothelioma

Pleural Mesothelioma refers this asbestos-caused cancer that affects the lungs. The thin sac that lines the chest cavity is called the pleura; inside that sac is a second sac that surrounds the lungs. These thin linings are the areas affected by Pleural Mesothelioma. The membranes that form the sacs, known as the mesothelium, secrete a fluid that allows the lungs to expand and contract during breathing. Tiny, sharp, microscopic fibers from asbestos or asbestos-related materials can be breathed into the lungs where they penetrate the lung walls and find their way into the pleural cavity. In the pleural cavity, these strands of asbestos damage the mesothelium, sometimes destroying it, and potentially cause Mesothelioma. Pleural Mesothelioma accounts for approximately 75% of all cases of Mesothelioma.

  • Peritoneal Mesothelioma

Peritoneal Mesothelioma refers to the asbestos-caused cancer that affects the peritoneum, the thin membrane that surrounds the parts of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach, intestines and other digestive organs) to provide lubrication so that they can move and function properly. When asbestos or asbestos-related material swallowed the tiny fibers enter the stomach penetrate the lining of the stomach. When the fibers penetrate the stomach wall and move into the lining of the peritoneum, they move into the inner lining and begin to mutate into cancerous cells. These cancer cells can overpower the normal healthy cells and become mesothelioma (cancer of the mesothelium). They can become tumors that prevent the stomach and intestines from working properly. Also, the stomach will be unable to continue making the protective lining that helps it to function. For the stomach and intestines to work and digest the food, they must be able to move about in the peritoneum and the mesothelioma prevents this. Peritoneal Mesothelioma is the second most common of the three variations.

  • Pericardial Mesothelioma

Pericardial Mesothelioma mainly affects the mesothelium of the pericardium (the sac surrounding the heart). Exposure to asbestos or asbestos-related materials that have been inhaled, make their way through the lungs and to the area of the heart where they enter the mesothelium around the heart. The heart must be able to move to function properly and the ease of movement of the heart is due to the constant lubrication in the membrane surrounding the heart. The lubrication of the thin layer of mucus comes from the mesothelium. Asbestos fibers that have been inhaled can pierce and damage the sac surrounding the heart and cause mesothelioma. The cancer can spread and tumors can grow as well that destroy the tissues of the heart’s mesothelium. Pericardial Mesothelioma accounts for about 5% of all cases and the rarest of all of the Mesothelioma types.

Types of Mesothelioma Treatment & Symptoms

22 November, 2009 (11:08) | Mesothelioma | By: admin

Mesothelioma is a serious disease that mainly affects those who have been exposed to asbestos. At the early stage, it is very difficult to identify mesothelioma disease, this disease only identified only when its symptoms appear. This can be more to whom those are not aware of its symptoms.

Mesothelioma can affect important parts of body such as organs, including the heart, abdomen and lungs. This disease can cause cancer of these parts if proper treatment is not taken on time. Malignant tumor is one of such mesothelioma disease which can obstruct body’s normal functioning. As a result, pleural mesothelioma might cause a tumor to obstruct the air passage causing difficulty breathing. Pleural mesothelioma might cause fluid to build in the lungs which not only makes it hard to breathe but can also cause significant chest pain.

If any symptom of mesothelioma is found in you then it is necessary to check up yourself to a doctor to be sure. A doctor has a number of tools to correctly diagnose mesothelioma or determine if your symptoms are due to another condition. In the diagnosis stage of mesothelioma, your doctor will start by examining the affected area with a MRI, CT-scan or even just an X-ray. If mesothelioma is found after the preliminary treatment, a medical oncologist will then perform a biopsy to make sure. A biopsy is performed in order to collect a small tissue-sample which does involve minor surgery.

There are two major factors on which mesothelioma treatmentis dependent: where the cancer is located and how far it has progressed. The types of mesothelioma treatment can, generally, be classified into the three categories of surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

  • Surgery for mesothelioma involves removing all or part of the affected organs along with the lining that surrounds them.
  • Radiation therapy is another common treatment for mesothelioma. The cancer is exposed to radiation either from a machine that radiates high-energy rays or from radioactive materials that are encased and inserted next to cancerous tissue in order to shrink it. This is often combined with chemotherapy. When treating mesothelioma, chemotherapy is generally administered by way of an IV. However, researchers are looking into the effectiveness of injecting directly into the affected area.
  • Chemotherapy is almost never the sole treatment for mesothelioma. Instead, it is often combined with both radiation therapy and surgery to help control the cancerous cells from multiplying and spreading. Treatment that combines chemotherapy, radiation and surgery is called tri-modality therapy and is the most effective, as well as the most invasive, care available today for those who suffer from mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma – A Plan of Action

8 November, 2009 (18:57) | Mesothelioma | By: admin

Nobody ever wants to be diagnosed with cancer. This is particularly true when it comes to Mesothelioma, which is a rare, deadly disease. Should you be unlucky enough to get it or know someone who does, taking action is going to be key.

If you read the survival rates of Mesothelioma, you are going to be discouraged. Less than 10 percent of people are still alive five years after diagnosis. That being said, it can also be said that nearly 10 percent do make it. The key, of course, is to have a plan of action once the diagnosis is made and to follow that.

It goes without saying that you should listen to your doctor. In this case, however, the key is to make sure you have the right doctor. Medical professionals tend to be conservative when it comes to the treatment of health problems. Mesothelioma treatments go against this grain. The proper approach is to be very aggressive in most cases. You want to make sure you have a doctor who has a lot of experience treating the cancer and knows he or she is going to need to be aggressive.

The second key to surviving Mesothelioma is to take some personal responsibility for your treatment. This cancer has a lot of interest from researchers because of its odd nature. This means you have a golden chance to try new treatments that might make a difference in your outcome. These are not FDA approved treatments. Instead, they are drugs or procedures that are in what are known as clinical trials. This basically means they are being tested on voluntary human sample groups to see if they actually work.

There are usually multiple Mesothelioma trials going on at any one time. Your doctor is a busy physician and often will not be up on the latest trials. Don’t fret. You can find lists of trials at the website for the National Cancer Institute. While you might be hesitant to join trials in many situations, you should not be when it comes to Mesothelioma. A new treatment could literally make the difference between living and dying.