Category: Sciatica

Sciatica – Symptoms, Signs and Success Stories

22 October, 2010 (12:24) | Sciatica | By: Health news

I often see and hear many people complaining about Sciatica. Many don’t know what the term is, even if their doctor has diagnosed them with the condition. Sciatica, by definition, is an inflammation of the sciatic nerve running from the nerve roots in the lower lumbar spine and sacrum. Pain is often experienced in the lower leg as a continuous line, often extending to the outside area below the knee. This pain can be severe and worsens with activity or prolonged postures such as sitting without back support or standing longer than normal periods of time.

Some people notice an increase in symptoms of sciatica with bending activities- this can indicate that they are using more of their lower back and spinal muscles to do large movements involved with bending. They may demonstrate hip and lower leg weakness which places additional demand and stress on the spine leading to inflammation and irritation. Tingling and numbness are another hallmark sign of the condition and may indicate more severe nerve damage.

Sciatica can usually be relieved by rest and avoiding the offending activity (ex. lifting heavy furniture) while trying to strengthen the hips and legs and increase flexibility in the lower back. Some signs that the condition is worsening are:

1. Pain, beginning earlier in the day and persisting throughout the entire day.
2. Numbness, lasting even with rest.
3. Noticeable decrease in strength from one side to the other, especially in the legs.
4. Foot drop (decreased control of the foot muscles that enable you to tap your toes up and down).

These above signs indicate more serious nerve damage to the nerve and require immediate intervention and medical attention. Since sciatica is a nerve injury and involves inflammation, treatments should aim to address the causes of inflammation and ease the person into their daily activities without an increase in pain.

Medication may help but quicker results are often achieved with a proper evaluation of body mechanics, strength and range of motion. An increased arch or lordosis in the lumbar spine may also make it painful and stretching exercises are usually indicated with treatment.

Since nerve injuries take extremely long to heal, the quicker an intervention is started, the quicker the response. I’ve seen people with horrible pains extending from their back to both legs and we’ve worked on relieving the pain and numbness with rigorous therapy while being mindful of fatigue and avoiding inflammation and spasm.

Surgery is not always the answer but for some it is a viable option, especially when the pain/ numbness is uncontrollable and not relieved by rest. I am extremely conservative in my therapy and have helped many avoid surgery but it does require a lot of effort at home and often requires lifestyle changes for some- even changing shoes can make a dramatic difference.
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Sciatica may be a scary diagnosis to deal with but remember- if you are methodical and careful with your activities, you can get better quickly and with minimally invasive treatments. Surgery is not the first option and a good, thorough evaluation by a Physical Therapist can start you on the right path to relief.

Lower Back Burning Pain and Your Sciatica

27 October, 2009 (10:31) | Sciatica | By: Health news

If you suffer from a lower back burning pain, it may feel as if the pain actually radiates, or travels down your leg. This is often associated with sciatica pain. Sometimes, people with sciatica might not suffer from any real pain in their back, but others suffer from severe pain. If you have been suffering with this condition that commonly makes it feel as if your back, leg and sometimes the side of your foot is on fire, you are not alone, because millions of people just like you suffer with this condition. In fact, it is far more common than you might think.

One of the best ways to start healing your back is to identify what is causing the pain. For some, this might be as simple as taking a step incorrectly and for others it could be something else. Some people who suffer from burning lower back pain, report that it only happens when they move their legs to the side, or do activities that require parts of their bodies to move at an odd angle. When you discover what it is that causes your back pain to flare up, then you can at least modify your movements in a way that will not cause you to inflame the sciatica.

Many people who suffer from burning lower back pain can find relief from their pain by avoiding activities that trigger the painful reaction, but many others are not content to avoid doing certain things forever, and these are the people who have decided that they are done with pain medication and being forced to sit still to ease their back pain. They are working to find a way to permanently cure lower back pain.

If this sounds like you then you should know that recent research has found that your burning lower back pain may be caused from a misalignment in your body. In other words, you have some muscles that are stronger than others. When this happens, the muscles constantly tug at each other and cause your body to become misaligned. This means that over time, the weaker muscles give up and the stronger ones might be pulling your spine into a different position than it should naturally be in. For some, the muscles are generally balanced in strength until they participate in something they aren’t used to, which will then pull the spine out of alignment and cause the burning lower back pain that many of us identify as sciatica.

You can reduce and even permanently eliminate burning lower back pain by learning how to give both sides of your body equal strength. Whether you’re interested in making one area, such as the shoulders stronger and more balanced, or want to strengthen the entire back so that you are strong all the way around, you can learn how to safely and effectively balance your body so that you can do away with the burning lower back pain that you suffer from without pain medication of any kind.