Back Surgery Tips

6 May, 2010 (07:57) | Back Pain | By: Health news

It has been one year since my back surgery and as I look back on a year of challenges, I also see the last twelve months as a time of growth. I enjoy sharing my experiences and what I have learned with others. Now if like me you are facing back surgery here are a few post operative back surgery tips I would like to pass on to you.

  • Get a raised toilet seat: Yeah I know not too exciting, but let me tell you very necessary. The standard toilet seat is too low and will put too much pressure on your back. These raised seats are readily available and your surgeon should mention this to you. Most insurance companies will pay for the seat and no, you can’t return the seat for a refund
  • Shower chair: A big help those first few days after surgery.
  • Handrails in the shower: While we are talking about showers make sure you have study handrails installed. Also have a non-slip shower mat.
  • Buy some extra bed pillows for propping your back up and placing between your knees.
  • If you have shoes with laces, buy some slip-ons.
  • Lots of good books and magazines.
  • Plenty of movie rentals. Added tip most libraries have free movies and of course lots of books.
  • If you can afford it a small laptop. My wife bought me one and it keeps me from going stare crazy.
  • If you live alone go to the store before your surgery and stock up on prepared/frozen dinners.
  • Keep your clothes, medicines, food and anything else you use/need at a level that you can easily reach.
  • Of course the best tip I can give you is to really think long and hard about your back surgery. A year ago I was unaware of the alternatives to surgery. Alternatives that have a track record of eliminating back pain. Surgery is not always the answer. In fact many people still have pain after surgery. Even a year after my own surgery I have pain and discomfort. As someone who has suffered with debilitating back pain, I believe you owe it to yourself to know all the facts.

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