Month: March, 2010

Asthma Emergency

31 March, 2010 (23:52) | Asthma | By: Health news

Parents and carers of a child with asthma should be aware that it is not uncommon for an acute attack to develop into a medical emergency. Recent research in the United Kingdom showed that one in five children who had asthma diagnosed by their doctor had to be hospitalized at some point. A serious deterioration in your child’s condition is a frightening experience for you and your child and it is essential that you recognize when it is time to call for help.

So, what should you look out for? Long before a situation develops, it is vital that you know what the signs of deterioration are and how to react to them. If your child’s symptoms are not improving and she is exhausted by the very effort of breathing, she should be seen by a doctor as soon as possible. Her breathing will become very rapid.

As it becomes increasingly labored the whole of her upper body will appear to be involved in the struggle. The space between her ribs, the bottom of the ribcage and the area above her collarbone will all appear to be sucked in with every breath she takes. The wheezing may have become less obvious but this may be more a sign of fatigue than improvement in her condition.

Though it is less noisy, it can be an indication that her breathing is becoming shallower and this means she is taking less oxygen into her bloodstream. She may become unable to speak sentences and may also have chest pains.

Bad Acne Treatment

31 March, 2010 (21:45) | Acne | By: Health news

In order to treat a problem, it is of vital importance to find out the main cause of the problem. Bad acne begins under the layers of skin, within pores of hair follicles. A number of myths suggest that acne may occur due to consumption of chocolates and oily foods etc. However, none of the researches could provide evidence to these outrageous myths.

It occurs due to an excessive amount of oil production in glands of skin. Sebaceous glands produce sebum underneath the skin. It is oily substance that releases when someone squeezes a pimple. Men produce larger quantities of sebum because of higher amounts of testosterone. Due to this, some men will even have problem in their 40s.

Every individual suffers from different level of acne. If someone has less amount of pimples, they suffer from mild acne. On the other hand, if someone experiences acne breakouts several times in a week, and their acne is apparent on a large part of their face, they suffer from bad acne. The worst aspect about bad acne is, it is more likely to leave scars on the skin.

Bad acne is actually a collection of large amount of blocked and inflamed pores. If someone is willing to get rid of bad acne, they must know the fact that it would not be an overnight work. A good and long lasting cure is needed for bad acne. An acne solution is needed to cure acne. It may involve a face wash, a good toner, an cream for acne, and a mild moisturizer. These will work together and clean face from oil and dirt.

After starting a treatment for acne, one may expect to resolve the problem within about a week. If someone continues to treat acne they may have clear skin in just 4 months time.

Female Pattern Baldness

30 March, 2010 (12:03) | Hair Loss | By: Health news

Hair loss in women, known as female pattern baldness, is more common than you think. There are several possible causes such as hormonal imbalance, illness or, disease or heredity. It can be temporary or permanent thinning. Every woman does not seek help as soon as they should but there are options for treatment.

The temporary hair loss is linked to medicines such as anti-depressants, beta-blockers and anticoagulants and anti-inflammatory medications. Consult your physician to see if your medication is the cause possibly a correction in the dosage is necessary. Some diseases linked to loss of hair are autoimmune disease and hypothyroidism.

Alopecia areata shows as thinning hair that is patchy on the scalp and sometimes affects the eyebrows as well. This happens in cycles. Traction Alopecia is condition that occurs when there is constant pulling on the hair. This is usually due to tight braiding and is evidenced at the temples.

Androgenetic alopecia is the most common type of hair loss. The hair becomes thin but does not actually bald. It is caused by the hormone testosterone, all women have a small amount in their system. The testosterone converts to dihydrotestosterone which attacks hair follicles. This type starts after menopause and causes permanent loss of hair.

For those with permanently thinning hair women seek hair transplant surgery. This is the process of removing hair follicles from one part of the body and replacing them in the thinning areas of your scalp. It is quite effective but does have a possible side effect of infection.

A common medication for hair loss is Rogaine. It can be quite effective. For those with thinning hair due to hormonal imbalance there is Aldactone but it can take several months before any positive results are visible. It is really a hormone replacement pill.

If medication is not for you or hair transplant is not for you consider that your local salon can sometimes help. Hair extensions can be done now in such a way that your hair can be made to look fuller naturally. A process called fusion hair bonding looks so natural no one will know except you.

Back Pain From Muscle Spasms

30 March, 2010 (10:59) | Back Pain | By: Health news

Spasms usually start when nerve or muscle fibers get stressed. Muscles spasm involuntarily and cause back and other pain. If muscle fibers and nerves cannot connect in a normal manner, back pain does result. Sensory nerves fail to send signals to muscles and other areas of the body, and this leads to back pain. Back pain, basically, can come from many sources but usually it’s associated with spasms from malfunctioning muscles and nerves.

Causes of muscle spasms

• Fatigued muscles.
• Dehydration after exercise.
• Pregnancy and associated weight gain.
• Hypothyroidism, a deficiency of calcium and magnesium.
• Hormone deficiencies (causing muscle spasms).
• Excessive drinking leading to failure of the kidneys.
• Weight gain in general.
• Lack of proper nutrition.

Gentle stretching can help reduce or even eliminate some muscle spasms. Do a few minutes of it before exercising. This is why dancers warm up. Muscle spasms are abnormal contractions of the muscles and they can cause shuddering, twinges, seizures, tremors and paroxysm. The latter can cause sudden outburst, convulsions and other symptoms. The key is to warm up and get loose before performing any amount of physical activity. Give your muscles and body a chance to practice beforehand, so to speak.

Ligaments and tendons affect the muscles and start back pain if not properly used. They are the linkages between our bones and muscles. They help with sitting, bending, movement, walking and standing. Muscles are the main component in movement but the helper ligaments and tendons are vital. Proper nutrition and exercise are vital so you can move and continue to move properly. The body is a machine and all of the connecting components have to work together so we can perform pain-free movement. Look after each part and it will be a healthy whole.

Shoes and posture and nutrition and exercise all play a part in both experiencing back pain from muscle spasms, and eliminating as much of it as you can. In essence, if you eat right, hydrate properly, get some exercise (stretching out beforehand of course), perhaps practising meditation or yoga, and get enough sleep and wear comfortable shoes. Then most back pain can be eliminated. At least, that which is caused by muscle spasms. You don’t have to spend any money when you start on the path to better back health. Rolling out the exercise mat or using an exercise ball at home, is a great start. Check your diet and see what you can do to improve it. Make sure you get enough of the proper vitamins and minerals, or use a supplement if you want to. As always, check with your doctor if your back pain or spasms are sudden and severe.

Acne Treatments That Work

30 March, 2010 (09:55) | Acne | By: Health news

There is a lot of information out there about skin care. You can’t turn on the television or your computer without seeing a nice long ad for one system or another. But do they really work and are there any other acne treatments that work?

The short answer to that is yes and yes…but it is a little more complicated than that.

These topical solutions treat the symptoms but not necessarily the root of problem skin.

For the best of acne treatments that work, you can’t beat the natural approach, not just for your face but in all areas of your health.

I have put together a free report with some quick and easy tips that you can download by clicking on the link in my resource box below.

You will bring your body into balance in 3 key areas:

  • Get ready for it….the dreaded “D” word…diet.
  • No, not a weight loss diet or a chocolate free diet but one loaded with nutrients. Does this make much difference in acne treatments that work? Absolutely…when you eat well, your body will work to its highest capacity, your skin will reflect that and so will the rest of your body.

  • Now I know this one will be a surprise…Exercise.
  • What? Exercise can help with clear skin? Yes it can. Believe it or not…it is one way to help your body become balanced and is one key to acne treatments that work. Getting your blood pumping on a daily basis helps your body to clear itself of toxins. Good circulation makes for great skin.

  • And finally…Natural supplements.
  • Many of the foods we eat have little nutritional value. Add in some extra processing and it is no wonder we may need to supplement with vitamins here and there.

    The fact is you can slap expensive creams on your face to get clearer skin and they might work for awhile…

    But for acne treatments that work it is best to take the natural cure approach.

    Your skin will glow with health and you will feel great inside and out…

    isn’t that worth it?

    Terminate Balding With These Useful Solutions

    29 March, 2010 (20:10) | Hair Loss | By: Health news

    There are a few treatments expressly engineered to increase the health of existing hair and to reduce the rate of hair fall in both men and women. There are many sources to research specific shampoos, research reports that may be accessed to see the effectiveness of many of these shampoos.

    Good expert resources include dermatologists and licensed cosmeticians who see thinning hair conditions recurrently or have had the chance to look at the efficacy of many different shampoos. Also, an Internet “Google” search will present numerous shampoos, complete with testimony and small research studies.It’s easy to get perplexed when exploring the hundreds of treatments accessible. With some background understanding of what has shown to be useful in bigger, previous research, although, you may make more clever choices concerning the products you select for experimentation. And that’s the wonderful thing about products – they really are rather economical in this maze of balding/regrowth methods, so you can try lots of them without breaking your budget!

    Surfactants: Patients feel decent when their solutions lather up attractively. Lather, on the other hand, is just for psychological influence. Somehow we believe that the more lather a shampoo releases, the cleaner our hair must be getting. Not true! The ingredient that causes lather is call a surfactant and does not have cleaning properties. Other components in shampoos actually do the cleaning. Surfactants are, on the other hand, pretty harsh, and, for somebody who’s facing more-than-normal hairlessness, surfactants should be avoided. There are lots of shampoos out there without it – check out some.

    Herbal Ingredients: The most notable herb with some success in baldheadedness difficulty is Saw Palmetto. Shampoos with this ingredient are naturally worth a test. Saw Palmetto seems to inhibit the assembly of DHT in men, for example, and DHT causes hair follicles to shrink and close up.

    Nettle and bay have also been beneficial to some people. Products which include these might help you too.

    Essential Oils: Such oils are focused ones which come from plants such as lavender. From precedent days, these have been useful to refresh healthy hair and to lessen the rate of hair loss. We all know that we have much to find out from early medication men and healers. Maybe that is another example.

    Tea Tree Oil: Many swear by this substance, and there are many brands of this on the marketplace. So well-liked are these shampoos, you’ll find them at most any medication store along with the health product retailers. Just as one aside, tea tree oil has furthermore been found to be helpful in the prevention of head lice infestations.There are no authoritative research to indicate that products can actually result in regrowth of hair that’s brought on by what we all know could be permanent diseases, largely the results of heredity and hormones. However, initial prevention is very important, and testing with products during these early phases may provide invaluable help in reducing the rate of loss.

    Common Food Allergies

    29 March, 2010 (17:06) | Allergies | By: Health news

    A recent Angus Reid national survey commissioned by the peanut bureau reveals there is a lot of confusion about the prevalence and causes of severe allergies. They are new allergen free products on store shelves, differences in government policies and bans on certain foods in schools and public areas. Researchers say there is a definite need for public education.

    It is important for people to understand food allergies so that they can respond appropriately. The only way that you can manage food allergies is to correctly identify the food responsible and to avoid it. An allergy is a very specific response to the immune system and there can be many causes for adverse reactions to foods. Just because the food does not agree with you, does not mean you are allergic to it.

    There is a lot of confusion about the number of people who suffer from food allergies. Research shows that two percent of the adult population have been diagnosed with the problem. There are nine main food allergens these are peanuts, milk, tree nuts, sesame seeds, soy, wheat, eggs, fish and sulphates which are preservatives.

    You can not take the possibility of a reaction to these foods lightly. However over reaction, false assumptions and self diagnosis can lead to problems. It is important for the person who is allergic to understand the causes and management of their allergy.

    Individuals living with a food allergy need to read and understand food labels and to know where their allergen maybe found. If you are living with or think you have one you should seek the advice of a qualified allergist.

    Dealing With Panic Attacks

    29 March, 2010 (13:18) | Anxiety | By: Health news

    Dealing with panic attacks is very challenging because of the intense nature of the experience. Those who have had a panicked episode knows the physical effects of a panic attack on the body is overwhelming. The intensity of the symptoms makes the emotional panicked response increase.

    Below are some of the most efficient ways of dealing with panic and anxiety attacks:

    Diet. I want you to understand that what you are eating at present will have an impact on the level of anxiety you may experience tomorrow. Mainly, the more balanced your diet the easier it is for your mind/body relationship to feel strong and safe. There are foods that are good at building inner calm and other food items that you have to keep away from.

    Accept panic when it happens. If you are having a panic attack,label it as such and remind yourself that it is self-limiting. I mean, it will pass shortly on its own if you don’t add second fear,don’t fight it or don’t try to make it get away. Try to bring on a panic attack or try to make your symptoms worse. This is the paradox:You can’t do either by willing it. In fact, trying to do so is a move toward acceptance and will help the feeling go by. Try to make your symptoms worse. If your heart is beating fast,make it beat faster. If your legs are weak and shaky, make them feel weaker and shakier. If your hands are sweating,make them sweat more. Tell yourself that if I’m going to have a panic attack then let’s go ahead and have it right. It is an adrenalin surge. It will pass.

    Distraction. Remember that generalized anxiety is experienced by many people with panic and anxiety disorders. Learning how to use distraction helps you to retrain your focus and keep your attention on what is going on around you.

    Anxious thinking. Everyone who has been successful at ending panic and anxiety in their lives have learned to re-train themselves to think in a positive constructive manner rather than entertain negative spirals of anxious thought.

    Exercise. The next tip is exercise which is sometimes ignored when talking about too much anxiety and panic attacks. Besides the obvious health and relaxation benefits it gives you a sample of what it’s like to put your body into an exerted state just as if you were having a panic attack. Through this way you can learn to become relaxed with the heightened state of exertion without being afraid that your body will not be able to handle it.

    Anxiety General Treatment

    28 March, 2010 (08:04) | Anxiety | By: Health news

    For anxiety, generalized treatment can vary from individual to individual. While each case is different and the exact methods for treatment may vary, some things remain true across the board. Included among them are the numbers, which can be staggering. More than 19 million adults and several million children suffer from some form of anxiety. Fortunately for people like this, there are new forms of treatment being developed every day.

    Though the clinical definition of anxiety is overwhelming feelings of dread or discomfort over a lengthy period of time, the condition is not purely psychological. There is a physiological cause for these feelings, namely the blockage or disruption of neurotransmitters in the brain. Successful treatment of anxiety can only be accomplished when this underlying cause is fully addressed.

    In most cases of anxiety generalized treatment will include a comprehensive approach which focuses on both surface symptoms and their cause. In many cases, the initial response is to prescribe medications such as Xanax or Ativan to treat surface symptoms. Unfortunately, this does nothing to address their underlying cause.

    In order to correct the imbalance of neurological transmitters, it is necessary to treat the brain itself. Neurological imbalance can be triggered by a number of factors including changes in hormone levels, lack of certain nutrients or extreme stress. Complete treatment can only be achieved by taking these areas into consideration. This can be done with a combination of dietary and lifestyle changes and the use of natural remedies.

    Diet has a considerable effect on overall health. It is imperative that you get a balanced diet, rich in vegetables, fruits and protein, in order to maintain good health. Avoiding natural stimulants such as caffeine can also help to alleviate anxiety symptoms. Most anxiety generalized treatment will involve ensuring that you get proper nutrition and a good amount of exercise and fresh air. Getting enough sleep at night is also extremely critical since lack of sleep can cause a myriad of health problems.

    While proper diet can go a long way toward improving health, there are other measures you can take to help ease symptoms. Among these is the use of natural remedies. Made from a blend of herbs and other plant based ingredients, including St. John’s Wort and Passion Flower, these products can help to soothe the nerves and regulate hormone levels to ease anxiety and can also address the imbalance of neurotransmitters to provide long lasting results. This is one of the most effective of anxiety generalized treatment plans because the natural way can help the brain to heal.

    Along with diet and the use of natural remedies, anxiety generalized treatment can also include the use of cognitive behavior therapy and stress reduction techniques to ease relaxation. Through a series of steps, a licensed therapist can help you to regain control of your own behavior and ease your stress levels. Whether you choose traditional medical treatment or natural remedies, you should always include behavioral therapy as part of your overall treatment plan.

    Anxiety can seem debilitating, but it doesn’t have to be that way. You can take control of your own thoughts and feelings and help to ease the physical causes of anxiety with the proper approach to treatment. Don’t let anxiety run your life, talk to your doctor and consider all your options. Find a plan that works for you and you’ll be feeling stronger and more confident before you know it.

    Treat Your Adult Acne Gently

    28 March, 2010 (01:04) | Acne | By: Health news

    Adult acne can be extremely frustrating. After all, weren’t we supposed to be done with the whole pizza face thing now that we’re adults? The fact is acne doesn’t always stop after your teenage years pass you by. Now that we have to face the facts, we also have to realize that adult acne is different that teen acne and needs to be treated as such. Adult faces require more moisture, so you have to make sure that you’re moisturizing, but with a moisturizer that doesn’t cause breakouts. Plus, adults have to be careful of harsh products like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid.

    Before trying treatments, it is important to first determine what type of acne you have, or more specifically, the cause of the acne. For example, acne that occurs primarily in the t-zone area (that is your forehead, chin and nose) is different from the acne that tends to appear around the jaw line and the neck. Such adult acne which appears around the jaw line and neck is due usually to hormonal imbalances. If you are a female, it may be related to your birth control medication, to pregnancy, or changes in your menstrual cycle. Discuss your acne first with your OBGYN and see if she can put you on a birth control pill that is known for helping with adult acne. You may also want to discuss your makeup and facial care routine with your doctor. If things do not clear up, see a dermatologist.

    Adult acne may also have more to do with what’s going on inside than what’s going on outside such as an intolerance to certain foods like Wheat or Gluten. However, chocolate is probably not the source of your acne as some myths would have it. Some doctors may suggest you change your diet while others may want to put you on an antibiotic like doxycycline.

    Stress could also be the cause of your adult acne. Take time for yourself, even if it is just five minutes a day, to meditate and calm yourself. Practice breathing techniques and prioritize your schedule well so that you are less stressed. Exercise can also help. Just make sure you wash your face soon after to remove any sweat and dirt that may be present and clogging your pores.

    Ask your doctor or dermatologist to recommend a good skin care routine. Don’t use harsh and chemical-filled cleansers. Cetaphil is very gentle and recommended by most dermatologists. You should also exfoliate a few times a week, and use an anti-acne treatment that is designed for adults. And don’t forget to moisturize. Use a moisturizer that is hypoallergenic and one that contains sunscreen. While you may be dealing with acne, you can’t ignore that you need to be fighting aging as well.

    Finally, don’t pick! It’s tempting, we know, but you don’t want to create scarring. The red bumps and spots left behind by acne may clear up, but as you age, the damage done from picking will become visible. There are many excellent products on the market that can be used to cover up your adult acne while it heals, so don’t pick and don’t stop looking for the answer to your skin woes.

    Phobia Treatment

    27 March, 2010 (13:32) | Home Health Care | By: Health news

    Phobia is the intense and persistent presence of fear that many people have when they are conducting particular activities or find themselves in certain situations. A common symptom of phobia is the excessive desire to avoid any situation, person or activity that will expose them to their fears. A phobia is generally not diagnosed if the occurrence is minimal and tolerable. However, in cases where it affects the normal and daily activities of a person, then it will be treated accordingly.

    There are literally hundreds of phobias that everyday people suffer from. The cause of which often relate to quite significant and strenuous situations that have occurred in the past. A phobic condition can be detrimental to the health of the person affected. The knowledge and fear of going out because you think something will happen can affect an individual in a big way.
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    Helpful tips in phobia treatment:

    • Behavioural home assignments – Discussions in therapy sessions can sometimes be quite stilted due to reluctance on the patient’s side. Home assignments can be provided by a professional therapist and will involve the patient in writing down their feelings and their responses to certain situations and therapeutic suggestion.
    • Journal – a therapist will often ask their patients to write down their fears and doubts and how it is affecting them. This is also a home assignment that is done in between sessions.
    • Conditioning – Conditioning is normally applied to children who have phobias. During the treatment, a prize is given to the child if they respond normally in situations provided by the therapist.
    • Systematic desensitisation – The therapist lets the patient discuss and describe their fear, at the same time the therapist empowers the patient with ways of relaxing when faced in these situations. A simple relaxation is a start. It goes deeper and is more intense as the session progresses, how intense, will depend upon the individual patient.
    • Flooding – Flooding exposes the person immediately to the feared object or situation until their surroundings slowly calm them down.
    • Medication – Medication can block the feeling of panic but its more advisable to accompany this with therapy. A person should not be dependent on medical treatment as tablets and capsules can’t work to diminish them all.

    Lifestyle can also help in diminishing phobias such as:

    • Reducing stress – Stress can trigger extreme anxiety. Learn how to relax and free your mind and body from any situation that is detrimental to your phobias.
    • Eliminate caffeine – Coffee has been said to trigger anxiety and alertness causing the body to become agitated in the majority of cases.
    • Good diet – Proper and regular food intake keeps your body and mind healthy, keeping you alert and mindful of situations where you need to calm down and relax a bit.
    • Cutting alcohol intake – Alcohol intake combined with your phobias can cause great hallucinations and a restless lifestyle. Sleep deprived patients are more prone to stressful lifestyles causing their health and mind ability to go downhill.

    A phobic condition is not a disease. It is caused by unfortunate situations and traumatic emotional stress. Proper therapy and guidance is needed. People under phobia treatment should be understood and not be feared.

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