Category: Quit smoking

Social Smoking by University of California. Part 2

29 October, 2010 (14:58) | Quit smoking | By: Health news

This study examines smoking behaviors and trends among 670 University of California, Santa Cruz, undergraduate students in 13 sociology classes from 2003 to 2006. The brief survey, completed anonymously, asked students whether they smoked a tobacco cigarette in the previous year (light social smokers), month (monthly social), or day (daily), or more than 10 cigarettes in the previous day (heavy daily); whether they smoked the entire cigarette at one time or only part of it; and whether they smoked more, less, or the same as in the recent past (Appendix A). Students were asked similar questions about their parents’ smoking. The students sampled ranged in age from 18 to 43, with a mean age of 20.6 years; 27% were 18-19 years old, 53% were 20-21, 15% were 22-24, and 5% were over age 25. Nearly two-thirds were female. By residence, 95% were from California, evenly split between the San Francisco Bay Area and elsewhere.

Contrary to expectations, UCSC students had significantly higher rates of smoking within the previous year than students in nationwide surveys or than their parents. However, two-thirds of smoking among UCSC students today is social rather than daily, compared to 60% of smoking by students nationally in 2004, half of student smoking in 1980, and just 16% of smoking by their parents.
Further, nearly half of UCSC’s social smokers, including 64% of occasional social smokers, report smoking only part of the cigarette when they smoke. Social smokers’ comments on surveys indicate that passing a cigarette around a group is a common practice. Large majorities of social smokers report that they smoke less today than in the past; only 5% report smoking more today. Heavier daily smokers show the opposite trend—nearly all say they smoke the entire cigarette, and 40% say their smoking has increased in recent years.

Student smoking even as late as college remains strongly and linearly related to whether their parents smoke. Students whose parents never smoked are nearly twice as likely to be nonsmokers themselves. Although two-thirds of the small number of students with social-smoking parents were social smokers themselves, parents’ smoking habits overall do not predict students’ social smoking. However, parents’ heavier daily smoking habits are strongly related to students’ daily — and, especially, heavy daily — smoking.

Compared to students with never-smoking parents, the few with parents who smoke heavily are nearly nine times more likely to be heavy daily smokers.

The Remarkable Story of Smoke Deter

15 October, 2010 (12:34) | Quit smoking | By: Health news

Smoke Deter, a much sought after homeopathic product, is used to aid victims in their efforts to eliminate smoking as a part of their lives. With medical reports, testimonials and Congressional hearings all supporting a link between smoking and a host of debilitating illnesses, many smokers are now resolved to part ways with this pernicious habit. The stumbling block to success has often been an array of cravings and withdrawal symptoms which gradually weakens the will of sufferers and leaves them feeling dejected and defeated. This new formulation promises to address these shortcomings and empower purchasers with the tools to overcome all challenges and to thereby finally eradicate this destructive practice from their lives for good.

Many citizens who are held within the grip of smoking have often sought relief in the form of lozenges and gums which have a nicotine base. This is often a self-defeating exercise because one of the major goals of prospective quitters is to eliminate nicotine and its associated toxins from the body. Thus, continuing to ingest nicotine-based products serves ultimately to exacerbate the problem and makes a return to smoking more likely.

The productive approach is to free the body from all smoke toxicities while simultaneously suppressing all nicotine withdrawal symptoms. In this way, the client becomes drug free and is placed on the path leading to a long, healthful and rewarding existence. Smoke Deter is an all-natural product which is designed to mitigate anxiety, nausea and the consortium of maladies experienced during nicotine withdrawal. With regular use, panic attacks become far less common and digestive disturbances are quieted.

Ingredients like Avena (Oat) 1x greatly diminishes tension and anxiety and promotes calmness and relaxation. Another ingredient, Stricta Pulomari, mitigates withdrawal complications and in so doing it overcomes one of the major drawbacks to quitting which is withdrawal illness. All the ingredients work synergistically in a proprietary blend to hurtle the smoker forward towards completion of the objective.

An added bonus is that no known side effects arise as a result of using this product.

This preparation comes in a pill-and-spray combination devised to provide support throughout the day to shake the smoking habit. The spray is applied beneath the tongue and begins warding off withdrawal symptoms immediately. The pill has the job of supplying sustained relief of anxiety, depression and throat inflammation on an ongoing and enduring basis. Users of this formulation attest to its value and assert that it has afforded gains in their quest that could be found nowhere else. Many claim, through testimonials, to have succeeded in kicking the habit while others insist that they are well along the path to also accomplishing this maddeningly elusive goal. If these achievements continue to hold, this product may soon become the clear-cut alternative for those seeking freedom from the grip of this harmful and unsavory disease. Smoke Deter provides solutions for many of the hardships suffered by those attempting to quit smoking. Again, it is an all-natural derivative without any known side effects. It effectively eliminates toxic agents from the body and it suppresses withdrawal symptoms. Its effectiveness increases with regular use and it is highly recommended by patients and medical professionals. It comes with a 90-day money back guarantee so a purchaser has nothing to lose. Nothing, perhaps, except the loss of a destructive habit which has long over stayed its welcome.

The Procrastinating Smoker

30 July, 2010 (18:00) | Quit smoking | By: Health news

Have you ever thought to yourself that you would quit smoking some time in the future, usually after some event or milestone, only to have that day come and pass and you still find yourself reaching for a cigarette? I know I have been there many times. This is a simple form of procrastination that has a moving target instead of a set in stone quit date.
Chantix Mexico
Every time the quit day comes up some excuse comes up along with it. It usually starts with “I can’t quit smoking now because…” and ends with “I’ll quit smoking when…” followed by a new target quit date some time in the future.

This is one of the most difficult problems to overcome when attempting to stop smoking cigarettes. To help you get over this hurdle you have to make a decision to quit that cannot be affected by outside circumstances. If your excuse is “I can’t stop smoking now, its tax time”, you have to decide that you will quit smoking regardless of it being tax time. You have to decide that no obstacle is going to get in your way, or better yet, that you will use each “obstacle” to help you quit smoking. Make tax day a reward day for getting that far smoke free. Use doing your taxes an activity to keep you busy and not thinking about cigarettes. Don’t let your excuses get in your way.

Some of the most common excuses are:
• I am already doing to much to quit smoking now
• I am moving right now and it is really stressful
• I’ll quit once I’ve lost 20 pounds
• I’ll quit when my doctor tells me to

Let’s go through these quickly to see how they can be used to motivate you.

I am already doing to much to quit now: If this is your excuse the first thing you should remember is that your health is your most important asset. If you don’t quit smoking you may end up dead, then you can’t do anything else. You have to reassess your priorities in this situation. Then you have to realize that you don’t have to do anything to quit smoking. By quitting cigarettes you will have more time on your hand and you don’t have to lift a finger to quit.

I am moving right now and its really stressful: What better time to quit smoking? You are moving to a new house or apartment, so why not make it a smoke free environment. You will be away from many of the old triggers once you move so it will actually ease the process of quitting. On top of that you will have an enormous amount of work to keep you busy and keep your mind off of cigarettes with all of the packing and unpacking. Start of the first days in your new place with an all new lifestyle.

I’ll quit once I’ve lost 20 pounds: This is one of the most interesting excuses around. The idea behind it is that by losing 20 pounds before you quit smoking you will end up the same weight from the weight gain after you quit. The problem is, you will have to lose the 20 lbs all over again after you quit. It would be far better to quit smoking cigarettes first. By doing that you can focus completely on your health and losing all the weight once you quit, instead of dieting, then quitting, then dieting all over again. On top of that, exercise is one of the best ways to reduce smoking urges and speed up the detoxification process. By quitting cigarettes first and using exercise as a replacement you can get into the habit of working out on a regular basis, and once your diet evens out after quitting cigarettes you will be able to lose the extra weight much faster.

I’ll quit when my doctor tells me to: This isn’t even an excuse. Ask your doctor if you should quit smoking right now. Go ahead and call her/him up and ask. There you have it. If you are waiting until you get sick to quit smoking cigarettes it will likely be too late. You have to realize that every cigarette you smoke is lowering your life expectancy and weakening your immune system. Every good doctor will tell you to quit immediately, so be proactive and bring up the subject yourself. If you really want to wait until your doctor tells you to quit you should ask him exactly what smoking does to your body.

Every excuse and obstacle to quitting smoking is filled with opportunity if you take the time to look. Make that change in your mindset and commit to quitting no matter what and you can break that procrastination habit and finally be done with cigarettes for good.
An ex-smoker for over 2 years and 4 months after smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for seven years, Corey has dedicated the majority of his free time to helping people kick the habit both in person, and more recently by creating an all free website full of articles, tools and support, and a blog updated every Monday through Friday.

Ways To Prevent Smoking

29 April, 2010 (13:18) | Quit smoking | By: Health news

Smoking isn’t considered as a good habit even from the very start. We have to make sure of our health as well as the habits we do for us to be able to stay healthy and fit. There are so many ways to prevent smoking if you are just to evaluate. Some of these are that difficult to do but mostly can be performed easily. In preventing smoking we also have to consider some things that we need to do apart from avoiding cigarettes itself.

When you consider quitting why not consider taking in antioxidants for a healthier you. It is somewhat a part of your complete change and avoidance. When you speak of antioxidants, it pertains to secretion of dirt and excess or unwanted fats from the internal parts of the body.

Some says yes, for green tea is an effective body cleanser. It sweeps away toxins faster and has a huge effect on a person’s metabolism. Cleansing our body is already a part of our basic needs, as well as our internal part of the body. When you are cleansed all over it would already be easier for you to consider smoking as a bad habit that you really need to avoid.

This could be a lot of help for those persons whom really are on the peak of quitting. Less worries so less stress of thinking about getting fat or increasing your weight. Though it can do more of the losing weight process but then it’s much more helpful. That is one way to fight fatigue as well.

Live out with healthy practices and impress others with the planning strategies that you have. You can skip all the dieting and stuff, complete exercise is the right answer to all of that. Try to set a perfect schedule for you to have enough time and could manage your time as well. Consider these endeavours for you to be able to make your avoidance easier to accomplish. It would be so much fulfilling if you could undergo such thing.

Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy

2 April, 2010 (16:58) | Quit smoking | By: Health news

Hypnosis is not in itself a form of therapy, but can be used in therapy as a tool for quitting smoking.

The client is hypnotized by the therapist’s voice. It is not always the client feel hypnotized. The experience can feel rather more like a deep and total relaxation – for both body and psyche. The hypnotic situation is a special state of consciousness between dream and wakefulness, in which you are very open and receptive.

The state can be obtained by on purpose actions, such as with meditation, but also subconsciously in everyday life, such as when your thoughts start drifting when you gaze out over a passing landscape through a bus window.

Brief explanation of how the brain reacts on hypnosis

The brain’s language is twofold, chemical between nerve cells and electrical inside them. The electrical activity in the cortex of the brain can be recorded as brain waves, cerebral rhythms.They are measured using EEG, or MEG. It distinguishes between a wide variety of waves (frequency):

Delta Waves – dreamless sleep

1-3 hertz (waves per second).

Occurs usually in deep dreamless sleep.

Theta waves – deep-focus


Associated with deep focus and possibly creative thinking.

Alpha waves – relaxed

8-13 HERTZ

The dominant brain rhythms in a relaxed person, especially when lying down with closed eyes without thinking about anything in particular. Alpha rhythm is especially obvious over the occipital lobe.

Beta waves – problem-solving

14-30 HERTZ

The dominant rhythm when you are awake and alert, with open eyes analyzing your surroundings and try to solve problems. Especially prominent in the frontal lobe.

Gamma waves – Coordinates

30-80 HERTZ

Coordinates the activity of different cerebral cortex areas and connect different sensory impressions into a whole.

Stop Smoking

22 March, 2010 (09:44) | Quit smoking | By: Health news

Why it is so difficult to stop smoking?

Nicotine produces a neuro-biological dependence and are formally classified as a medical diagnosis, in other words, a medical condition. Nicotine stimulates neuronal activity and releases various neurotransmitters in the brain. The regular intake of nicotine associated with smoking gradually creates a chemical change in the brain. If nicotine supplies stops the brain reacts with craving and different withdrawal phenomena. Even when you have finished the first difficult period after smoking cessation, it takes months, sometimes years before the urge to smoke signals from the brain ceases.

A strong evidence of nicotine addictive effect is the major difference between the number of smokers who want to try and stop and they who actually succeed. Studies show that a majority of smokers want to quit. Yet, few succeed. Many have tried to quit, but experienced withdrawal symptoms that were overpowering. Some people are afraid to even try because of these symptoms.

Another factor that contributes to the difficulty to stop is nicotine stimulant effect. You feel refreshing, mood improves and you get feelings of pleasure or comfort. The effects are short-lived and after a few hours, dependent smokers need to have a new dose to avoid cravings.

Why do smoker suffer from withdrawal symptoms?

Nicotine stimulates the release of several transmitters (neurotransmitters) in the brain, including dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin and the body’s own morphine-like substances, endorphins. These substances stimulate the brain’s reward centres and centres for attention and alertness. During regular nicotine administration the nerve cells in these areas get used to nicotine so that nerve impulses and the balance between signal changes.

If nicotine is suspended like in smoking cessation, it will take several weeks before the activity returns to normal. During this time of severe chemical imbalance the smoker can experience various quit smoking symptoms, both physical and psychological symptoms. Difficulty breathing, irritability, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, restlessness, insomnia, decreased heart rate and increased appetite or weight gain are examples of common withdrawal symptoms.
Withdrawal symptoms are thus a consequence of the body’s adaptation to a prolonged drug abuse. A period of rehabilitation is required when the body gets used to “live” without nicotine. Withdrawal symptoms usually become apparent a few hours after the last cigarette and can last from two to four weeks. There are methods to fight the quit smoking withdrawal symptoms. Don’t let the withdrawal symptoms hold back your will to quit smoking.

Quit Smoking Help For the Brain

14 March, 2010 (22:24) | Quit smoking | By: admin

Quitting smoking is one of the hardest things to do in the world. Nicotine is an extremely addictive substance that causes one to form an extreme psychological dependence. Smoking addiction has been compared to heroine addiction and nicotine has actually been found to be more addicting than heroine. Fortunately, the nicotine addiction is only a psychological dependence and not a physical dependence. This may seem like a small consolation to those addicted to smoking, but what it means is that you can safely quit smoking without the physical health risks that heroine withdrawal brings. What you need is quit smoking help that deals with the psychological factors involved in smoking.

By psychological dependence, it means that the mind has become so accustomed to the feelings of pleasure that smoking brings, it craves them more and more and eventually changes what the baseline for pleasure is to your brain. To successfully quit smoking, the correct baseline must be restored to its normal level. Any successful quit smoking help must address this pleasure factor and do something to fix it.

Often, people reach for products such as nicotine gum or nicotine transdermal patches to help them with the pain of nicotine withdrawal. These are great methods with a high effectiveness but they do nothing to actually cure the nicotine addiction. Sure, this form is nicotine delivery is much preferred over smoking since it eliminates the harmful substances and lung damage associated with smoking. But the person is still addicted. Without quit smoking help that deals with the addiction, a relapse is highly likely. What happens when one suddenly runs out of nicotine gum and has only a smoker friend to turn to. All the hard work is suddenly down the drain and the person finds themselves smoking again to satisfy the nicotine monkey still on their back.

It’s that tendency to slip back into smoking that makes getting quit smoking help that addresses the root cause of smoking so important. The first goal is to understand triggers that cause the craving to surge. This helps you either avoid them or at least be prepared to challenge them when they arrive. Net, the pleasure threshold associated with nicotine must be reset. Some people are successful by gradually reducing their intake of nicotine over a period of time and others find that quitting cold turkey and dealing with the withdrawal pain works best for them. Both accomplish the same thing by reducing the amount of nicotine one needs to feel the pleasure and eventually replacing it with something else.

Quit smoking help is out there if you look for it. Just be sure that whatever method you choose deals with the psychological hold that nicotine has on your brain.
Do you want to join thousands of other people and get rid of your smoking habit once and for all?

Stop Smoking

12 March, 2010 (22:57) | Quit smoking | By: admin

Do you want to quit smoking?

On the issue probably answer about 2/3 of all smokers convincingly YES!

It is expensive, it irritates others, and the majority knows that smoking is not good for health. Nearly all smokers have also tried one or more times – or at least thinking about – to stop smoking. But unfortunately, it often stops at just the thought. The will to continue to smoke have always been greater than the force to stop smoking.

If you do not seriously want to quit smoking, it will be difficult to implement a smoking cessation. It does not matter how much your partner, your children, your friends or workmates nag. You must make the decision yourself.

When you have made the decision to try to become smoke-free, you need some encouragement or positive words along the way:

  • Many who decide to quit smoking find that it was not at all as difficult as they thought.
  • Far from all will experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop smoking.
  • If you experience problems there are good practice and help that you may have to cope with problems and be free from smoking.
  • What are your reasons to quit smoking?

    Why do you smoke? Why would you quit smoking? There are two apparently simple questions, but it is very important that you try to answer honestly on them if you will succeed in your quit.

    Which side wins – your reasons for smoking – or your reasons not to smoke?

    Most smokers want to quit smoking. Many try to quit, but fail at the first attempt, or at second or third. Reason for this is that they developed an addiction to the substance nicotine and the link between smoking and various habits.
    What do you feel when you think that you should stop smoking? That you get rid of a solace, a old pleasant experience?

    Then you will know the benefits you will make when you stop smoking gives you a better quality of life – which certainly outweigh the possible loss you feel for cigarettes.

    Get Hypnotized: Stop Smoking

    22 February, 2010 (12:31) | Quit smoking | By: admin

    Matched against quit smoking hypnosis, all other strategies of trying to stop smoking are useless. Far apart from medications and other programs, quit smoking hypnosiscan assist you stop smoking faster. Research has revealed that hypnotherapy features a long lasting result and that it takes effect immediately. Just in case the motivation to smoke returns, you can actually attend additional sessions. How it works is simple; it basically triggers the ability in your brain to be behaviorally trained to do something your body can’t comprehend on it’s own. To put it differently, it trains your brain to literally stop smoking cigarettes. Hypnosis will help you in many other ways; not just to kick the habit of smoking.

    What must be done for quit smoking hypnosis to happen as desired? To be submissive to hypnosis is more crucial than actually stopping smoking at the start. In the event you simply cannot condition yourself to go through quit smoking hypnosis then it is less likely to take effect; the curing method will not work. Contrary to popular beliefs, hypnosis doesn’t allow a person to make movements as dictated during the session. For an effective session to happen, it requires complete submission from the patient. Which is one smoking tip a quitter can’t and should not forget.

    Stopping smoking is initially mental then setting the body follows. What stops you from a total system overhaul are psychological and emotional factors. This should not be an issue particularly when your brain has full command of your entire human body. Nevertheless persistent the other functions are, you must take note that you are the boss of your system. Everything is up to your decision making abilities and the power to adapt to change. Getting the mind conditioned on how to stop smoking has to be a good begin to make this happen.

    The next few days are not necessary going to be easy. Nicotine physical addiction may still be existing for the next few days. When all quit smoking tips have failed, you seem to have but one option and that is quit smoking hypnosis. It’ll be your most powerful tool in quitting the addiction. Realize that quit smoking hypnosis can also assist you with another thing like emotional distress or frustration. Let the procedure of quit smoking hypnosis start for you to stop smoking. Once you are hooked to this therapy, your brain should be a powerful commander of your whole body. It’s going to fine not to light that cigarette when your body really wants to. Your brain will tell you that you can be a healthier person if you choose to be one.