Month: July, 2010

Causes of Hot Flashes

31 July, 2010 (16:02) | Health Care | By: Health news

Hot-flashes are caused by the onset of menopause which occurs later in a woman’s life.

The hypothalamus is the part of the brain that regulates your body’s temperature. When hot-flashes occur, it is because the hypothalamus is reacting to the change in estrogen levels in the body. The hypothalamus then believes it is overheating, causing blushing and sweating in the face and neck and even increased heart rate.

The severity of each episode changes for each person. If these symptoms are experienced more during menopause, they can become even more sever.

It is important to be prepared for when these symptoms suddenly occur. Dressing accordingly with a tank top and a jacket can prove helpful. When you feel your body heat rise, take the jacket off to cool yourself. Also, keep a fan nearby you whenever possible.

Sometimes something as simple as sticking your head in your freezer for a minute will help cool you down faster. If you have your clothes worn as layers, you will most likely need your jacket or outer layer after the hot flash as you may experience a cold chill post-hot flash.

If you are not experiencing menopause you may notice that you still get hot-flashes. While most episodes of hot flashes are caused by menopause it is also possible for men to get them as a drop in one’s testimony levels causes it.

Some other reasons you may get hot flashes include but are not limited to alcohol, medications, caffeine, or spicy foods. In rare cases, hot flashes Canby a symptom of cancer or other infections.

While there maybe other reasons for hot flashes menopause is the leading cause as 85% of hot flashes in women are caused by menopause.

The Procrastinating Smoker

30 July, 2010 (18:00) | Quit smoking | By: Health news

Have you ever thought to yourself that you would quit smoking some time in the future, usually after some event or milestone, only to have that day come and pass and you still find yourself reaching for a cigarette? I know I have been there many times. This is a simple form of procrastination that has a moving target instead of a set in stone quit date.
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Every time the quit day comes up some excuse comes up along with it. It usually starts with “I can’t quit smoking now because…” and ends with “I’ll quit smoking when…” followed by a new target quit date some time in the future.

This is one of the most difficult problems to overcome when attempting to stop smoking cigarettes. To help you get over this hurdle you have to make a decision to quit that cannot be affected by outside circumstances. If your excuse is “I can’t stop smoking now, its tax time”, you have to decide that you will quit smoking regardless of it being tax time. You have to decide that no obstacle is going to get in your way, or better yet, that you will use each “obstacle” to help you quit smoking. Make tax day a reward day for getting that far smoke free. Use doing your taxes an activity to keep you busy and not thinking about cigarettes. Don’t let your excuses get in your way.

Some of the most common excuses are:
• I am already doing to much to quit smoking now
• I am moving right now and it is really stressful
• I’ll quit once I’ve lost 20 pounds
• I’ll quit when my doctor tells me to

Let’s go through these quickly to see how they can be used to motivate you.

I am already doing to much to quit now: If this is your excuse the first thing you should remember is that your health is your most important asset. If you don’t quit smoking you may end up dead, then you can’t do anything else. You have to reassess your priorities in this situation. Then you have to realize that you don’t have to do anything to quit smoking. By quitting cigarettes you will have more time on your hand and you don’t have to lift a finger to quit.

I am moving right now and its really stressful: What better time to quit smoking? You are moving to a new house or apartment, so why not make it a smoke free environment. You will be away from many of the old triggers once you move so it will actually ease the process of quitting. On top of that you will have an enormous amount of work to keep you busy and keep your mind off of cigarettes with all of the packing and unpacking. Start of the first days in your new place with an all new lifestyle.

I’ll quit once I’ve lost 20 pounds: This is one of the most interesting excuses around. The idea behind it is that by losing 20 pounds before you quit smoking you will end up the same weight from the weight gain after you quit. The problem is, you will have to lose the 20 lbs all over again after you quit. It would be far better to quit smoking cigarettes first. By doing that you can focus completely on your health and losing all the weight once you quit, instead of dieting, then quitting, then dieting all over again. On top of that, exercise is one of the best ways to reduce smoking urges and speed up the detoxification process. By quitting cigarettes first and using exercise as a replacement you can get into the habit of working out on a regular basis, and once your diet evens out after quitting cigarettes you will be able to lose the extra weight much faster.

I’ll quit when my doctor tells me to: This isn’t even an excuse. Ask your doctor if you should quit smoking right now. Go ahead and call her/him up and ask. There you have it. If you are waiting until you get sick to quit smoking cigarettes it will likely be too late. You have to realize that every cigarette you smoke is lowering your life expectancy and weakening your immune system. Every good doctor will tell you to quit immediately, so be proactive and bring up the subject yourself. If you really want to wait until your doctor tells you to quit you should ask him exactly what smoking does to your body.

Every excuse and obstacle to quitting smoking is filled with opportunity if you take the time to look. Make that change in your mindset and commit to quitting no matter what and you can break that procrastination habit and finally be done with cigarettes for good.
An ex-smoker for over 2 years and 4 months after smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for seven years, Corey has dedicated the majority of his free time to helping people kick the habit both in person, and more recently by creating an all free website full of articles, tools and support, and a blog updated every Monday through Friday.

Alternative Therapies For Joint Pain

30 July, 2010 (07:56) | Arthritis | By: Health news

People who are suffering with joint pain because of arthritis are not left unaided by both medicine and alternative medicine. There are already quite a number of pain relief treatments to effectively combat the symptoms of the disease. Although the cure is still yet to be discovered, doctors, physical therapists and even dietitians are continuously finding ways to aid in arthritis management.Arthritis symptoms, if not properly managed, can cause serious physical problems such as deformity of body parts. It can also create emotional problems once a patient feels ineffective because of immobility. Then if it worsens, it may increase risks of further health problems such as heart failure or obesity; and more so can cause stress and anxiety.
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To alleviate these burdens caused by arthritis is to find positive outlets that can be included in a patient’s lifestyle. These outlets can be in a form of therapy. Aside from the usual physical therapy for arthritis patients, there are other forms of therapy that can significantly be used as an arthritis treatment. Here are some:

Music Therapy

Music therapy is already a well-accepted health treatment similar to occupational therapy and physical therapy. Listening to soothing music has shown positive results to those patients suffering with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and disc problems. Music facilitates pain relief, lessens anxiety, reduces stress, and brings good mood and relaxation.

Water Therapy

Water or Hydrotherapy is an excellent way of cure for arthritis symptoms. This is usually done with warm water exercises that can build up strength, relieve joint pain, ease stiffness and relax sore muscles. Water buoyancy significantly lessens the pressure on joints. There are pools and equipments specially designed for therapy to make pool access easier.

Laughter Therapy

Laughter is the best medicine, they say. Yes, it is true. Humor offers a concise break from the troubles of joint pain and arthritis stress. Laugh it out to provide tension relief and pain reduction. Laughter has shown positive effects for healing as it strengthens the immune system and it also increases one’s threshold of pain.

Magnet Therapy

Magnets are used as a form of therapy since the middle ages. Static magnets are placed to a particular area of the body and are believed to realign the body’s electromagnetic field, thus increasing proper blood circulation. Arthritis patients who have tried this have experienced a notable pain relief.

Pet Therapy

Who would have thought that pets could be form of arthritis treatment? Pets or animals’ companionship are seen to have a positive effect to patients of arthritis as they can help relieve pain and reduce stress. They provide admirable social support, they relax your mood, and they encourage you to get out and exercise.

Best Massage For Stress Reduction

29 July, 2010 (20:01) | Health Care | By: Health news

Looking in Mesa for an effective massage to reduce and manage your stress quickly and effortlessly? Combining massage and meditation with a modality called The Associated Response Technique™ (ART™) is a powerful tool for stress reduction- to cleanse, to repair, and to rejuvenate the entire mind-body system.

How does it work?

When an ART™ practitioner performs a precise routine of physical pressure and/or manipulation of muscles, joints and energy centers, it brings a very enjoyable deep relaxation response which engages the Parasympathetic Nervous System. When we combine that with an easy monosyllable exercise or “mantra”, the patient makes an unconscious association to the the relaxation response of the physical treatment.

The result is attaining the ability to quickly move into a deep meditative state almost instantly, and when practiced daily, experiencing profound results. Treatments are administered fully clothed and sessions last approximately 25 minutes.

Acupressure massage is a proven and effective treatment for reducing stress and anxiety, increasing blood, nutrients and energy throughout the body, and improving health.

Mantra meditation is the basis for one of the most effective, and most studied meditation practices that you may have heard of called Transcendental Mediation (or “TM” for short). It has been said that TM is one of the most effective health enhancing exercises you can practice.

Research has shown that the state of rest achieved while meditating can be twice the level of deepest sleep while complete mental awareness is maintained during the entire process. From the perspective of rest we can see that meditation provides a profound level of rest which gives an opportunity to cleanse, to repair, and to rejuvenate the entire mind-body system.

However, if you were to go to a traditional TM center to learn, it would cost you about $2500… And while learning TM includes some rituals that are more spiritual in nature, and include having your mantra specially chosen for you, the basic practice boils down to a daily mantra meditation.

So what’s the secret? What what makes mantra meditation so effective?

It’s not a secret at all. It’s a simple exercise. Basically, you repeat a monosyllable word that you have not yet associated with anything else. You do this practice daily and you begin to form an association with your word and peace and relaxation. With consistent practice you find this peaceful state faster and faster…and then the simple act of repeating this mantra helps you to focus inward and immediately become peaceful.

The ART™ technique is the fast way to make the association from your mantra to this peaceful state. Your meditation practice will be highly effective within just a few treatments.

We all want to be in a calm state of awareness where you find answers and clarity, you feel connected and whole, your intuition is fully engaged and aware and you have your “ah ha!” moments…. It is a wonderful realization to learn that in slowing down and becoming more mindful, you actually become more focused and effective.

Most practitioners in Mesa charge between $40 and $50 per session and many offer discounted packages, especially for the initial 3 sessions.

It is recommended that the first 3 sessions be made on consecutive days, not more than 2 days apart for optimal results. Allowing one hour for the first session (it will last about 50 minutes) and 30 minutes for the following sessions or subsequent “tune-up” sessions (lasting approximately 25 minutes).

Weekly to monthly tune-up sessions are recommended and can greatly enhance your practice, but are not necessary if you stay consistent with your daily meditation practice. It is recommended you practice once to twice a day for 10 to 20 minutes each.

Reducing and managing your stress in Mesa has never been more enjoyable or more effective.

The profound benefits of meditation are well documented.

SAD Light Therapy

28 July, 2010 (20:09) | Depression | By: Health news

S.A.D. Light Therapy did not exist until the 20th century. Up until then, most of the world’s population rose with the sun and went to bed when it set. Artificial light existed – but it was inconsistent, weak, expensive, often smelly – and its flickering was hard on the eyes. So, for the most part, except for a small segment of high society, humans followed the rhythms of light and seasons, just as animals and birds do in nature.

Nowadays, we manipulate our waking hours just as we do everything else in modern life, thanks to technology. Electric lighting makes short work of darkness, we set back our clocks to “save daylight”, and alarm clocks jolt us painfully awake, even though it’s still pitch dark outside.

However, you can’t fool your body. It’s governed not by our visual perception of light, but by melatonin, a hormone produced by the pineal gland within our brains, responsive only to natural daylight. As daylight diminishes, more melatonin is released. We become drowsy and desirous of more rest and less activity.

But melatonin does much more than that: It controls other glandular functions in the body, including the thyroid gland. This “butterfly-shaped” gland at the base of the throat controls metabolism and energy. Meanwhile, having done its work to slow down the thyroid gland, your winter flood of melatonin is racing off to tackle your adrenal glands.

We think we have “beaten” the seasons, and the problem of too little daylight – but some people are less fortunate than others. They are particularly affected by the lack of natural light, and by being forced to adapt to an artificial rhythm.

And it’s all caused by their tiny pineal glands.

Why do some people suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.) during winter months – and others not?

We’ve come to realize that even with our abundance of electric lighting, artificial light is inadequate in convincing the body it’s enjoying summer light. Electric lights used in the average home do not exceed 500 lux. To put that in perspective, the stormiest summer day easily produces a steady bombardment 20 times that amount.

Once doctors and scientists realized the role that natural light plays on the pineal gland and the body’s production of melatonin, “Light Therapy” was the result. There was hope for S.A.D. sufferers at last.

This involves subjecting sufferers of S.A.D. to 5,000-10,000 lux light sources – a “lux” is a unit of measurement for light – thus suppressing the production of melatonin, which in turn does not trigger all the body’s other gland to slow down for the winter. The eyes of the patient must be exposed to this light source – in other word, he can’t have his back to it, or wear heavy, dark glasses.

This light triggers the pineal gland through the eyes. Full-spectrum, or “bright white” light is specifically indicated for periods of 3-4 hours per day, from October to April. (And it goes without saying, the person receiving light therapy should never stare directly at the lights!)

This brings us to one huge disadvantage: Anyone with photo-sensitivity, cataracts, glaucoma, retinal disorders or other eye problems should not (if you’ll pardon the pun) expose themselves to aggressive light therapy.

It’s not practical for most people to dedicate an entire morning or afternoon to light therapy; however, if one uses the correct light source, making it’s power at least 10,000 lux, recovery from S.A.D. increases dramatically. Often, this light therapy is all that is needed, to cure S.A.D. depression.

Light boxes usually cost anywhere from $200-300 – but many enterprising people have managed to make effective home units.

And besides, says Tim P.: “Making one gives me a winter hobby!”

Home Teeth Whitening

28 July, 2010 (15:07) | Dental Care | By: Health news

If you are feeling a little less confident about your teeth as time passes by, then you should start looking for an effective home teeth whitening method. An effective teeth whitening ritual that you can do at home is not only cost-efficient and practical, but it could also provide you with all the assurance you need every time you wish to flash your pearly whites.

This article will discuss some of the most effective methods used for whitening the teeth at home. Once you have found the best method that suits you, you will start feeling genuinely happy every time you smile in front of the camera or meet new people in your life.

Before looking at some of the most effective methods, you should first become familiar with the main difference between home and dental teeth whitening. Once you have understood why home teeth whitening is more practical than in-office whitening, you will realize why it has become a popular alternative to most people.

Dental whitening could be quite expensive. It will also consume a huge chunk of your time and effort before you could get the best results from continuous treatment. Setting appointments for bleaching your teeth could be very annoying, especially if you have a very busy schedule.

On the other hand, teeth whitening at home can be performed during your free time. Since this process can be done on your own, you could easily fit your new set of teeth whitening rituals into your former set of beauty rituals. Home teeth whitening also costs less than dental whitening costs, so you could generate huge savings from using this method.
There are three different methods used. The first one involves the use of brush-on whitening, the second one requires the use of whitening strips, and the last one involves the use of trays with bleaching gels.

Brush-on whitening products are very convenient to use. By brushing the formula onto your teeth and allowing it to dry on your teeth overnight, you will experience the fastest and most convenient way to whiten your teeth. However, using brush-on whitening products is not as effective as the other two methods are.

The next method you could try involves the use of teeth whitening strips. Since these products are very easy to apply and they require no preparations, most people use strips as a shortcut to whiter teeth. However, the results you will get from these products are not so remarkable too. Since your teeth are not completely flat, the strips will not affect some of the grooves and crevices in your teeth.

Meanwhile, trays with bleaching gels are also available for those who want to whiten their teeth without setting regular appointments with their dentists. These gels are the most efficient yet affordable method, making it the most effective method available. A bleaching gel with a 21 percent concentration will easily lead you to brighter and cleaner teeth.

You can tell a lot of things from a person’s smile. If you want to leave a good impression on people every time you flash your teeth and smile, you should look for an effective home teeth whitening method that best suits your preferences.

Pregnancy Headaches

27 July, 2010 (14:33) | Headaches-Migraines | By: Health news

There’s good and there’s bad news when it comes to pregnancy head aches. The excellent news for chronic migraine sufferers is that, in several women, migraine head aches disappear for the duration of pregnancy. This change is brought about by hormonal changes inside the body, and is in particular a relief for women who suffer from chronic migraines and who’ve had to stop taking their regular medication because of feasible complications it could have for the duration of pregnancy.

If you’ve never had severe headaches prior to in your life and you start having them during pregnancy, there’s no need to be instantly alarmed; even so, you ought to check it out together with your medical professional to ensure that the headaches aren’t a sign of something else which is wrong. Quite a few girls experience head aches during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester due to the onslaught of hormones caused by being pregnant. Typically, this sort of hormonal pregnancy headache will disappear as you enter your second trimester and your hormone levels stabilize.

What is most frustrating for a whole lot of pregnant ladies is that head aches for the duration of pregnancy have less treatment alternatives. Females who’ve a standard medication that they’ve been making use of for years to combat migraines suddenly come across themselves defenceless against their migraines as the medication that generally works for them is deemed unsafe for pregnant ladies. Likewise, a whole lot of over-the-counter medications for head aches are deemed unsafe for treating pregnancy headaches. The only over-the-counter medication said to be safe is acetaminophen. For peace of mind, discuss this with your doctor.

Some pregnant females uncover relief from headaches via acupuncture, massage and aromatherapy. If these all sound too alternative to you, it is possible to constantly go by the old headache standbys: cold compress to the head and neck though sleeping in a darkened, silent room. This remedy operates for a lot of persons, young and old, male and female, for everything from pregnancy head aches to sunlight and other eye-related head aches.

If head aches are plaguing you frequently through pregnancy, be positive to discuss it with your medical professional even if you’re managing it well on your own. Headaches for the duration of pregnancy could be, in some cases, a symptom of a additional serious condition. While it’s most likely that they’re brought on by hormones, fatigue or stress, other issues, for instance preeclampsia, do exist and must be checked by your physician to be certain that you, and your baby, are in excellent health.

Say Goodbye to Your Panic Attacks

26 July, 2010 (19:38) | Mood disorders | By: Health news

Panic attacks can be extremely frightening. They’re also quite debilitating and can cause sufferers to miss untold days of work. Even worse, just the thought of having an attack fills people with dread and constant worry about when the next attack will begin. More than three million Americans have been treated for this problem, and they report that their worry about when or where their next attack will occur is actually their greatest fear. These people live their lives in constant fear and believe that nothing can be done to help them.

Methods to Treat Panic Attacks: Control Them with Your Thought Processes

Panic attack sufferers don’t need to be so disheartened, however; in fact, many people respond very well to the treatments. They can be treated with several methods, including changing the thought processes, behavioral modification, medications and herbal remedies. One of the ways you can ease this is by using the way you think. It’s vital to identify what is happening to you during an attack. You might believe you’re having a heart attack or you might think you can’t breathe. You might even feel your heart will explode from the panic you’re feeling.

None of those things will actually happen. Many people have gone to hospital emergency rooms convinced they were dying but found out that these feelings are actually symptoms of attacks. You need to figure out what’s triggering the onset of your attacks. For example, are you more likely to have the problem if you’ve been dreading something like speaking in public?

Once the triggers are identified, most people tend to avoid putting themselves in situations that cause their panic attacks. This strategy can backfire, however: your fear will become worse and you’ll have an even bigger problem when the triggering situations do occur. Instead, after you identify a trigger, you might be able to talk yourself through the situation so you don’t experience a full-blown attack.

You might be able to prevent the onset of a panic attack by telling yourself you know what’s causing you to experience the fear, and you aren’t going to deal with it at the moment. This is one way you can use your thought processes to ease yourself out of the problem.

People also use exercise to try to avoid having an attack in the first place. Obviously exercise is good for you physically, but it also lowers your stress levels and can help prevent the onset of attacks. You can also control them by getting interested in something like a book or a television show. When your mind is interested and occupied, you’re less likely to think about whether you’re about to suffer another attack.

Methods to Treat Panic Attacks: Behavior Modification

You might wonder how behavior modification could affect your panic attacks. In fact, it can not only help your attacks, it can also help you feel better and improve your health. As mentioned earlier, exercise can be a diversion, but it can also constitute behavior modification. Many people simply don’t get enough exercise, and it’s one of the most effective ways you can reduce your stress. Even as little as 30 minutes of exercise per day can be beneficial.

You can also help yourself by changing your diet. Some foods and beverages are known to contain ingredients that have been proven to trigger panic attacks. Caffeine is one of these substances. You might be surprised at the results if you stop drinking beverages that contain high amounts of caffeine.

Learning how to breathe to relax is yet another way you can help control your panic attacks. There are relaxing breathing techniques and exercises that teach you how to control your breathing and your mind. Relaxing your muscles helps alleviate your stress, which we know contributes to the occurrence of attacks.

Methods to Treat Panic Attacks: Herbal Remedies

When used to help cure panic attacks, some herbal remedies provide excellent results. Many people are unable to take the prescription anti-depressants often used to treat attacks. They experience unwanted side effects that prevent them from taking these drugs.

Kava kava, a plant which contains kava lactones, is one of the herbal remedies that are often used to treat attacks. Kava lactones act on the neurotransmitters within the brain and can help with attacks. Lavender is soothing and good for keeping stress levels down because of its sweet aroma. Lemon balm has restorative effects that can soothe frazzled nerves and help you relax. Many people find that passion flower relieves the symptoms of their panic attacks. However, never take passion flower if you’re taking thyroid medicine; it can cause an adverse reaction.

St. John’s Wort is yet another herbal remedy that’s long been in use. Often taken for depression, St. John’s Wort has also been found to help alleviate attacks. Unlike prescription anti-depressants, St. John’s Wort is a natural remedy and it does not have the same set of side effects. Fatigue, dry mouth and some stomach problems are the only side effects of this herbal remedy.

There are many ways to deal with panic attacks. The mind is a powerful thing, and some panic attack remedies capitalize on its abilities by getting your thought processes synchronized with the rest of your body. Often, this is the key to stopping your panic attacks permanently.

Adult Acne

26 July, 2010 (15:36) | Acne | By: Health news

There are acne treatments that work. Not all of them work for all people but the two I have listed have a good record of success. They are not miracle cures. Each takes time and requires some discipline and persistence. However, the effort could be worthwhile as there is a good chance you will lose your acne or at least control the outbreaks.

Acupuncture Acne Treatment

A number of studies have shown acupuncture is an effective natural way to relieve and cure acne. In one study on 120 young men in their early 20′s, 80 percent saw an improvement after 1 week and 90 percent at the end of 2 weeks. At the end of the treatment 90 percent were acne free and 80 percent were scar free. The majority of the participants were followed up after 3 years and 90 percent had no recurrence, the remaining 10 percent had mild recurrence. These are very good results but herbal face peeling was done at the beginning of the treatment and fortnightly thereafter.

In a study done in China, the home of acupuncture, 62 of the 80 people treated finished with clear skin, 11 showed an improvement while 7 showed no effect. In a 1993 paper published in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, another study showed that of 98 people treated, 54 of the volunteers were considered cured, 42 were improved and 2 were not helped at all.

As you can see, the results are mixed and not all the studies were done on a strict scientific basis. However, the results are overwhelmingly positive. I am not surprised with these results. I am a believer in acupuncture, having used it for chronic fatigue syndrome, injuries and other health conditions. Indeed, I have seen enough positive results from friends, family and colleagues to know it works. There are very few conditions it cannot either relieve or cure. I cannot see why this would not apply to adult acne.

I must say the only treatment I have had is with a doctor who also practices acupuncture. I felt more confident because he was a medical practitioner. If you feel the same way there are plenty of medical practices that have an acupuncturist working with them. On the other hand, I know there are many skilled professionals who should be able to help you.

Anti-Acne Diet

There is now a great deal of evidence around the world that indicates a diet high in refined carbohydrates will cause acne. Many health professionals are now recommending their patients change their diet. The consensus is that an imbalance of hormones is a main cause of acne. As we know, hormones are produced during puberty, menstruation and pregnancy. However, in addition to that, the body produces insulin and other hormones to combat the high blood sugar level caused by eating too many highly refined carbohydrates. This produces too much oil, called sebum, which helps set up an acne environment.

Changing from a diet of white bread, white sugar, white rice and other high GI foods will help cure your acne. For some people it will cure it entirely, for others it will reduce the outbreaks. Your diet should include whole grain breads, fruit and vegetables. and it can include lean meat and fish. You do not have to become a health fanatic but you do have to make sure most of the food you eat is more natural and nutritious.

Not all treatments work for all people but the two mentioned above are well worth trying as they have each worked well in the majority of cases. Perhaps one of these, or both, is the solution to your adult acne problem.

Cinnamon, Diabetes, and Lower Blood Sugar Levels

23 July, 2010 (20:24) | Diabetes | By: Health news

While health-care professionals differ in their views on whether cinnamon can help persons with diabetes achieve normal blood sugar levels, there are many supporting opinions to suggest that its use could be beneficial to type-2 diabetics. A reference to opposing views is given below.

For some, it is a daily struggle to reach even close to normal blood sugar levels and any reasonable recommendation by a qualified health authority will usually be considered carefully. In the case of cinnamon, An amount suggested for use in diabetes is small, available from many grocery stores and is an inexpensive product already found in many kitchens where it is used as spice for flavoring food.

Cinnamon appears to have a property similar to insulin that can increase the effectiveness of the insulin that is produced by the body but which finds resistance by cells of the body of a person with diabetes.

Diabetes is a serious disease in which insulin resistance leads to the accumulation of glucose in the bloodstream. The normal function of insulin in relation to glucose is that it acts as an essential mediator with the cells of the body to allow them to take in the glucose that is then used by the cells to fuel other metabolic processes that sustain life. When the process is impaired in that way, both above normal blood glucose levels and insulin levels result. High blood sugar levels, defined as diabetes, if left untreated can lead to serious health complications and excess insulin can lead to increased body fat, also an unhealthy condition.

Recommended Dosage

A commonly recommended amount to take is one quarter, or one half, of a teaspoonful daily. This recommendation is based on a study, undertaken in 2003, reported in the journal “Diabetes Care”, where 60 type-2 diabetic men and women participated by taking either a quantity of cassia cinnamon or a placebo. The results indicated that the cinnamon takers were able to lower their blood sugars by 18 to 29 percent whereas there was no change in blood sugar levels for those taking the placebo.

Other beneficial blood chemistry effects were obtained through the cinnamon use, lower triglycerides, a blood fat, and lower levels of LDL, often referred to as the “bad” cholesterol.

Other similar studies have been undertaken, some support the above finding but others do not, so there is as yet no conclusive evidence of its effectiveness in helping to achieve normal blood sugar levels.

Other opinions: Cinnamon is not recommended

Based on a number of such studies that cannot confirm the benefits claimed for cinnamon, the opinion of many in the healthcare field, some of whom are concerned with other safety factors, is that cinnamon should not be recommended for use under current available evidence.
As a long time type-2 diabetic, I understand the desire of my fellow diabetics to know about possible beneficial food items that may help deal with their diabetic condition.

Common Causes For Women Hair Loss Problems

23 July, 2010 (17:42) | Hair Loss | By: Health news

In general, when we think about hair loss problem, we’ll automatically think that it’s an issue that is face mainly by men, especially the problem of baldness. Research however shows that in four women, it’s common that there’s actually one who experience this problem in their lives. So why don’t we hear about it in the community? Maybe it’s because of these reasons:

  • Women are usually good at hiding their hair loss issue.
  • The damage of hair loss for women is not as severe compare to men
  • Loss hair seems to be spread more evenly than a having it on one or two major spots
  • The question is, why do women lose hair as well? Are the causes not the same like male baldness?
    These are the 3 main reasons for women hair loss in our community:

    Alopecia Areata Issue – Perhaps this is the most usual hair loss problem that women experienced. It is categorized by patchy spots of hair loss on the head. It can also be affecting the head widespread and it’s assumed to be caused by immune system deficiencies but research still do not know about the real condition. In some cases seen, hair can regrow naturally after a certain period of time. There’s only a minority of cases where the hair loss concern turn out to be serious and lasting.

    Telogen Effluvium Case – This issue is actually not uncommon, given the nature of the how this condition appears. This symptom is characterized through the issue of general hair thinning and can turned out to be a result of some traumatic experience if it’s not being monitored. For instance, pregnancy experience for women is a good example of how an experience as such can affect the hair growth cycle.

    Female Pattern Baldness Problem – It’s hard to believe but many women affected by hair loss problem is as the same reason why men lose their hair too. The scientific term for this is called, androgenetic alopecia, which is a result of male hormones in the human body, especially the changing of testosterone hormone into DHT. For women, baldness pattern might appear later and the problem would be less severe because women have female hormones to subside it but the root of the problem is still the same as men baldness appearance.

    Don’t take your hair loss problem lightly because it’ll get worse without being treated. If you think that you’re having this issue or seeing the sign, visit a physician to seek treatments or use natural remedies to lessen the problem and preventing it to continue on.

    Don’t be worried if you’re having this ‘common’ problem. There’s no doubt that women hair loss is a kind of physical health problem that affects millions of people around the world.

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