Health&Care Mall: Training That Turns The Tide On Premature Ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation on Canadian Health Care Mall
Problems with premature ejaculation? An Italian pilot study quintupled intercourse period over twelve weeks.
The solution is pelvic floor exercises
The European urologists have recently had a conference in Stockholm. There, an Italian research team announced promising results for all men who suffer from premature ejaculation. Canadian Health Care Mall is the first online drugstore to bring you the results of the meeting. You can also find medicinal solutions for premature ejaculation sold for a fraction of their price quoted by the pharmacy chains of your town.
In a twelve week study participants managed to quintuple the intercourse time using the pelvic floor exercises.
Increased intercourse time
From an average coitus lasting 32 seconds the test group men after the treatment succeeded to engage in lovemaking that lasted for 146 seconds.
The study involved 40 men aged 18-49 years who previously sought treatment for premature ejaculation and tried creams, psychological therapy and SSRIs, among others. 80 percent of men were clearly helped by the method, an effect that persisted even after six months.
The researcher Antonio Luigi Pastore at the University of Rome emphasizes that the method appears to be both efficient, cheap and completely free from side effects.
Considered as treatment
– Although the exact training steps need to be standardized, our results indicate that the method can be considered as treatment for patients with premature ejaculation, he says in a press release from the European Association of Urology.
The study will be published shortly in the journal Therapeutic Advances in Urology. The research team points out that the study is relatively small with the lack of a comparison group. Larger studies are needed to confirm the results.
Canadian Health and Care Mall gives you a sneak peak at what the daily routine of exercises should look like for you to achieve pro-worthy results in 3 months:
A) Squeeze the sphincter around the rectum and then around the urethra, as if to pinch the urine stream
B) Hold for five seconds, rest for five and repeat ten times.
C) Make it a daily routine. Challenge yourself by holding the contraction for increasingly longer times, up to a minute at a time.
D) For the beginners it might be a good idea to lie on your back with your knees bent.