The Emphasis on Obesity Keeps the Focus Away from Creating Healthy Lifestyles
For a variety of reasons – social influences, genetics, and other health factors, to name a few – weight loss is not a viable solution for all obese people. Meanwhile, our culture’s endless obsession with weight loss and unrealistic ideals for thinness are hurting everyone, not just the obese.
A recently released two-year study of obese women who had been chronic dieters found that women who went through a program that focused on self-acceptance and a healthy lifestyle rather than weight loss experienced declines in their cholesterol levels and blood pressure and increased self-esteem, despite the fact that they did not lose weight (Bacon, Stern, Van Loan, & Keim, 2005). In contrast, study participants who followed a regimented weight-loss program regained most of the weight they lost, reported poorer self-esteem, and did not sustain improvements in their cholesterol and blood pressure. These types of findings provide growing evidence for developing weight management programs that fit the characteristics and abilities of the priority population instead of the other way around.
Moving Forward: Creating Healthy Environments
We have tools and prevention concepts to address both poor health and the prejudice that often is encountered by both overweight people and the populace as a whole. One of the lessons of the approximately 40-year-old health promotion and prevention movement in the U.S. and Canada is that individuals and communities do care about their long-term health, and are willing to make environmental and policy changes that promote healthy behaviors. This was particularity noticeable in California where the tobacco movement created smoke-free environments in work, school, and dining settings. It is now even expanding into park and beach ‘play’ settings.
If we want to prevent people from jumping on the bandwagon of the next fashionable weight-loss diet, we need to utilize a social ecological approach that can influence individual behaviors and does not isolate, discriminate, or marginalize the obese and overweight. We have an opportunity to transform our country’s view of health by talking about healthy behaviors and environments in a real-life context instead of as a billboard ad ideal. More importantly, we need to address the external factors that act as barriers, or promoters, of healthy eating and active living. Examples of comprehensive approaches abound, including the Prevention Institute’s Strategic Alliance for Healthy Food and Activity Environments which has created ENACT (Environmental Nutrition and Activity Community Tool), the State of Washington which has crafted a “policy cookbook”, and the City of Chicago which has formed a city-wide collaborative CLOCC – the Consortium for Lowering Obesity In Chicago’s Children. Specific approaches to changing environments which can have an impact on individuals include:
In Philadelphia: the Food Trust’s Food Marketing Task Force which is working with local community civic and government leaders, and the supermarket industry, to address health disparities associated with unhealthy diets by increasing the number of supermarkets in the city’s underserved areas. In low-income neighborhoods, where there are no grocery stores, it is difficult and expensive to eat a nutritious diet. In 2004, they increased the availability of nutritious affordable food, and provided 258 well-paying jobs, by opening its first store. This type of environmental change is supported by the Moorland study (2003), which utilized survey data from over 10,000 households from the mid-west and southeast, and documented that fruit and vegetable intake by African-Americans increased by 32% for each additional supermarket in the neighborhood, while fruit and vegetable intake among White Americans only increased by 11% with the presence of one or more supermarkets.