Enrollment and Randomization. Part 3
Given the complex clinical circumstances of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, precise control of the time to the first analysis of cardiac rhythm is difficult to achieve. In our trial, the duration of CPR before the first analysis of rhythm did not fall within the assigned target for 36% of the patients. Although this observation raises the question of quality control in training and trial supervision, the participating EMS agencies were high-functioning services with advanced-level paramedics; in addition, they had collected high-quality patient data before the start of the trial, and they made continuous efforts to reinforce performance targets. Thus, although implementation of the protocol was imperfect, it nonetheless represents the degree of precision with which such therapies are likely to be practiced in the clinical setting of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Furthermore, despite this limitation, there was very good separation between the two study groups in the duration of CPR, and a variety of data analyses confirmed the primary finding of no significant difference in the outcome between patients who had early rhythm analysis and those who had later rhythm analysis.
Our results indicate that in most cases, the outcome is similar with as few as 30 seconds and as many as 180 seconds of EMS-administered CPR before the analysis of cardiac rhythm. The exception is the case of cardiac arrest witnessed by EMS responders, which was not evaluated in this study and for which rapid defibrillation remains the standard of care.13 Our results also do not address the strategy of immediate analysis of cardiac rhythm without any preceding CPR, since we deliberately insisted on some CPR for the early-analysis group, in the belief that good patient care required cardiopulmonary support while the defibrillator was being prepared.
Exploratory examination of our data suggests that a strategy of brief CPR and early analysis may be more appropriate than longer CPR and later analysis for patients who have received CPR from a bystander before the arrival of professional responders. Conversely, for patients who have not received CPR from a bystander, there is no approach that is clearly advantageous with respect to the time to analysis of rhythm. The 2010 guidelines of the AHA–ILCOR give little direction as to the preferred period of CPR before analysis of cardiac rhythm. Each EMS system should consider its operational situation when deciding on its strategy for initial EMS-administered CPR. We believe that it is important to administer CPR for some period while the defibrillator pads are being applied and that compressions should be of high quality with minimal interruptions.
In conclusion, in a large clinical trial, we evaluated the timing of the analysis of cardiac rhythm during CPR in patients who had an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest that was not witnessed by EMS personnel. We found no difference in the outcome between the EMS strategy of a brief period of CPR before early rhythm analysis and that of a longer period of CPR before delayed rhythm analysis.