Food For High Blood Pressure Reduction
Foods for high blood pressure reduction include unsalted foods, low fat foods and foods high in potassium and foods that are high in fiber. Sodium is an enemy to hypertension. By itself, a high sodium diet will usually elevate blood pressure readings. Foods that are high in potassium tend to neutralize or even lower levels of sodium. So, can we put this all together into a diet that will help lower blood pressure? Yes, we can, and in this article, we will do so.
Just about any bean you can think of is high in potassium, and therefore good for lowering blood pressure. Baked beans, lentils beans, lima beans, refried beans; they’re all great foods especially when you’re looking to avoid hypertension. Nuts, such as peanuts, almonds and Brazil nuts are also very good. However, you must make sure they are unsalted or else they will go from a very good food to a very bad one.
Spinach, potatoes and soybeans are also high in potassium. So, adding these to your diet could be very helpful for your anti-hypertension campaign. Fresh garlic, while not being known for its high potassium content, is known as an effective blood pressure reducer. Chop it up finely and sprinkle it over your meal and you will get garlic’s great benefits without its overbearing taste.
Adding things to your diet is one way to help reduce blood pressure. However, aside from salt, there are other things you should cut out of your diet. For instance, you should lay low on fatty meats and replace them with fish and poultry. Even at that, if you are replacing a hamburger with a chicken breast, it should be skinless.
Though it may not be appropriate for everyone, most people who are told to go on a blood pressure lowering diet are told so because they also need to lose a few pounds. If you are in this position, remember it is better to eat several small meals daily than it is to eat one large one. This is because the metabolism tends to shut down when it is not burning food. So, when you suddenly eat a big meal you will not be able to burn off all the calories in the meal and they will be stored as fat.
However, when you eat several smaller meals each day, your body will be able to burn all the calories you’re eating. Plus when you are not eating, your metabolism will not just shut down suddenly, so it will continue to burn calories.
Remember to get your physical checkups regularly and discuss what you’re eating with your doctor. Even if it seems like you have the healthiest diet plan in the world, your doctor must approve it before you can go on it. The problem is, though it may be healthy for most other people, it might not be right for you.