Oregon Smoke Free Mothers and Babies
In an effort to focus more directly on the population of pregnant women in Oregon and address the need for nurses and providers to screen and assist women to quit smoking, the Smoke Free Mothers and Babies Program (SFMB) was developed. The goal of the program, funded by the National Dissemination office of Smoke Free Families (at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation), was to increase smoking cessation among low income and other high risk pregnant women through introducing the 5 A’s brief intervention protocol to prenatal care providers and public health nurses. This paper addresses the portion of the program that taught public health nurses how to help pregnant women stop smoking. Activities included training nurses and providing them with client materials and streamlining existing systems that allowed nurses to use the 5 A’s with greater ease.
Ten counties in Oregon were originally recruited for the project. They were culled from a total of 36 counties in Oregon, nine of which were not eligible because of their involvement in another Smoke Free Families Project or their lack of a Maternity Case Management (MCM) program. Out of the remaining 27 counties, 10 agreed to participate. During the course of the project, two counties discontinued their participation.
In agreeing to participate in the program, County Health Department Nurses providing MCM services were required to recruit pregnant women who smoked into the project and to provide additional documentation, including a project consent form, the client’s reports on smoking cessation activities by their provider during prenatal visits, and a client postpartum survey. Nurses were required to complete three surveys during the course of the project. Finally, the “Five A’s Intervention Record” (FAIR) Form was introduced, which required public health nurses to document use of the cessation interventions by checking boxes, rather than through written progress notes.
The 5 A’s
The U.S. Public Health Service’s Clinical Practice Guidelines (Fiore, et al., 2000) recommend the use of the 5 A’s as a brief clinical intervention for health care providers. After reviewing the results from randomized clinical trials involving the 5 A’s brief intervention, Melvin et al. (2000) recommended the 5 A’s for use in working with pregnant women who smoke. The estimated that total contact time for this procedure ranges from 5 to15 minutes, plus additional time needed to read self-help materials. Specifically, they identified the 5 A’s for pregnant women as: