
Herniated Disc and Sciatica

24 April, 2010 (03:06) | Back Pain | By: Health news

Back pain, nowadays, is the most draining health issues which prevents a person in doing things he/she loves to do. It is one of the most common medical conditions suffered by most people, is often misunderstood. There are two main key areas of back pains and hip pains, as well. These are herniated disc and sciatica.
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What is sciatica?

The sciatic nerve is stretched from your feet to the end of the spine, making it the longest nerve in the human body. Since it is the longest of all human body’s nerves, once it encounters a problem, the trouble can definitely reach from the bottom of your backbone to your feet. Pain can be experienced in the areas covered by from the backbone to feet.

Treatments for sciatica usually involve a proper and good posture, if you’re into a running exercise; you have to cease doing so and seek for the advice of your physician. There are times when the reasons are not really serious, however, you still have to have your physician’s advice because, the cause of the sciatica may be something serious like a degenerated disc.

What is herniated disc?

A herniated disc is another issue in the world of back and hip pains. It is commonly located in the lower back. The most common causes of it are the inevitable aging and the wearing out of the disc. In addition to this, a spinal injury may also add up to the possible causes of a herniated disc. When tiny cracks and tears allow fluid from the inside, the disc is pushed out to the outer part of the disc, which is now the causing it to bulge and even break, at times.

The most common signs of herniated disc are pain and numbness in the affected part of the body. If the herniated disc exerts pressure on a nerve, it can eventually cause sciatica. On the other hand, if it doesn’t, generally, the result is a backache.

A scan or an MRI is the most common means of diagnosing herniated discs.

The earlier you consult the symptoms to your doctor, the better.

  • Both herniated disc and sciatica conditions can be debilitating and could definitely cause a lot of discomfort and disruption to your daily life.
  • Proper and healthy lifestyle is the best ways to avoid the aforementioned health conditions.

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