Preservation of oocytes
Cryopreservation of primordial oocytes
A radical alternative strategy to secondary oocyte harvesting and banking, which can be used by young girls as well as adolescents and adults irrespective of diagnosis, is the cryopreservation of ovarian tissue. Compared with the ethical dilemmas of embryo cryopreservation and the technical problems of freezing mature oocytes, ovarian freezing represents an attractive general strategy because it completely removes the germ cells from exposure to harmful cytotoxic agents. Ovarian tissue banking has the added advantage that it offers the patient the potential to restore their natural fertility at a later date through autografting or through the growth of the tissue to maturity in vitro. The practice of ovarian tissue cryopreservation is also compatible with the methods proposed above for secondary oocyte harvest and freezing.
Unlike secondary oocyte freezing, the technology of ovarian tissue banking involves freezing immature primordial follicles in situ in slices of ovarian cortex. The harvesting and freeze-storage of ovarian tissue for oncology patients has proved surprisingly easy to do as the outer region of the ovarian cortex contains tens to hundreds or even thousands of primordial and primary follicles, depending on the mass of tissue and age of the patient. Paradoxically, while primordial follicles are a more effective subject for tissue banking than secondary oocytes, animal studies have demonstrated that it is precisely this stage of follicle development that is most susceptible to the effects of ionizing radiation and alkylating agents. Furthermore, a number of studies, including a recent case report of human autografting after cryopreservation, suggest that the restoration of fertility after ovarian freezing and grafting may be severely compromised by prior exposure to chemo- or radiotherapies before tissue harvesting.
Ovarian cortex can be harvested relatively quickly, by laparoscopy, laparotomy or oophorectomy, all without the need for any ovarian stimulation orgazm with Kamagra Canada online. The primordial follicles can then be cryopreserved in situ within thin (1–2 mm thick) slices of the ovarian cortex using slow freezing techniques without loss of tissue viability and tissue can be stored indefinitely at liquid nitrogen temperatures.
Restoration of fertility
At present our ability to preserve and store ovarian cortex is far ahead of the development of the methods that are needed to realize the fertile potential of this tissue. Two approaches are being explored at the present time.