If you suffer from upper back muscle pain, you are like over a million other Americans. A sedentary lifestyle, with too much time on couches or in front of computers has created what amounts to an epidemic.
Causes of Upper Back Muscle Pain
In more than 80% of cases the actual cause of pain in this area is never determined. Some of the most common causes are:
Poor Posture. Remember when your mother told you to stand straight? The upper back muscle group is designed to support the body. When we stand in a stoop-shouldered position, it puts strain on the muscles, bones and ligaments which can cause pain.
Over Exertion. Activity such as painting, or other exercise that puts stress on the arms and upper body can also cause back pain in the upper back.
Large Breasts. This, naturally, afflicts women rather than men. While the silicone-enhanced breasts might be a turn-on for some, without proper support they can strain the muscles in the back and cause extreme discomfort.
Injury. Sports like tennis and golf require a lot of extreme movement of the upper body. Untreated injury can lead to chronic upper back muscle pain.
Disease. Some diseases like osteoporosis can cause bones to become brittle. When this happens, the support structure of the upper back is weakened which can cause extreme pain and discomfort.
If your pain is caused by something simple, such as poor posture or a minor injury, treatment is relatively simple and effective.
Massage. Deep massage of the affected area gives some relief.
Cold Treatment. An ice bag strapped to your upper back will help relieve pain. Depending upon the severity of the pain, this might take a few days for total pain relief.
Stand up Straight. This is one of the simplest ways to relieve strain. Back straight and shoulders back, just like your mother always told you to stand.
Take a Break. If your pain is from overexertion, scale back your activities for a while until the pain goes away. When you resume activity, pace yourself and watch for signs of muscle strain.
A Sports Bra. For large-breasted women, a reinforced sports bra is the best way to relive the strain on the upper back.
Avoid Contortion. You might like the way you look diving for that low drive on the tennis court, but such moves can exact a heavy price. Take it easy, and don’t try to put your body into positions that are too stressful.
Chronic pain in the upper back that is not relieved by any of the above treatments can be a sign of a more serious condition. If this is the case, consult a doctor. You might be suffering from scoliosis (misalignment of the spine), which can be corrected surgically. If you have seriously injured your back muscles, your doctor might also try ultrasound treatments for a deep muscle massage.
Tags: Back Pain, back pain causes, back pain treatment, Upper Back Muscle Pain