Category: Autism

Children With Autism

22 February, 2010 (12:53) | Autism | By: admin

Children with autism deal with a lot each day as they interpret their environment through their unique sensory perceptions. Parents of children with autism are often overwhelmed as they seek the best treatments and therapies. Parents are engrossed in their role as leader of the child’s therapeutic team. Parents have many jobs, as they must act as liasions among the various specialists and also advocate for their child within the school system. In other words, parents are very busy. This sets the stage for the spotlight to rest upon some very interesting characters in the autism family drama: the grandparents.

The importance of the role of the grandparents for children with autism cannot be overstated. In past years over diverse cultures, elders across every society and tribe held positions of great respect. This is because in most cultures elders are the keepers of ancient secrets or wisdom. In a disorder where both the cause and cure are presently unknown, the best course of action is to give deference to the wisdom of the elder members of society.

The grandparents and great- grandparents of children with autism can provide insight into the child’s behavior that parents may be too exhausted to see. Also, upon having a child newly diagnosed with the disorder, parents themselves go through the normal stages of grief. So, in a sense, parents need help too. Grandparents can provide help, unique perspective, patience and experience.

Upon the topic of experience, parents may feel that the grandparents have never before brought up a child with autism, so what can they know about it? Grandparents may not know autism, but they know children. Children are children, after all.

As a personal example in this writer’s experience, my own grandmother was the one who taught her autistic great- grandson (my son) how to write. When he was three years old, she began patiently and painstakingly writing the letter “A” with shaving cream and proceeded through the alphabet until he could write all the letters. Then she taught him to write words. He is fifteen today and evidences no fine motor delay whatsoever. He writes well. She accomplished this during a time when he was completely nonverbal and the rest of the family was in shock, confusion and despair. Age brings patience and patience brings wisdom and results.

Grandparents and great- grandparents of children with autism should have positions of honor in any roundtable discussion that involves brainstorming. Their physical strength might not be great but their life experience contribution is.

Autism Spectrum Disorders

2 December, 2009 (19:35) | Autism | By: Health news

Despite the fact that the statistics currently coming out indicate a very high rate of children with autism, not only in the United States of America, but other countries in the world, lots of parents still don’t want to spend the time necessary to learn all they can about this condition. Many are still living in self-denial that it “can’t happen” to their children.

Instead of living in self-denial, you should learn all there is to learn not just about autism itself but the other autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Yes, you guessed it – learning all there is to learn about them will help you know how to treat and handle them early on, before they get worse.

You see, ASDs are the group of lots of developmental kinds of disabilities that affects lots of children. No doubts that these have been affecting children far longer than today, but it’s only very recently that many of them are being diagnosed in children. These developmental disorders affect children in that they are unable to have normal communication, social and behavioral relationship with other children, their parents and even other people generally.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) currently estimates that there’s an average rate of 1 in every 150 children in the United States of America that have one ASD or another. This shows you that ignorance is certainly NOT bliss. It’s very important to watch out for the symptoms of autism spectrum disorders so that you can start getting treatment for your child right away.

Biomedical Autism Intervention – Aggression in Autistic Children

9 November, 2009 (04:59) | Autism | By: admin

We know that aggression is a big problem and there are many medications out there that can help with aggressive behavior, Risperidal being the most common. There are a couple of things I want you to be aware of though with respect to aggression.

Trying to troubleshoot, or categorize the type of aggressive behavior can help understand what could be triggering it.

  • Is it continuous aggression that happens throughout the day?
  • Is it more situational aggression?
  • Is it intermittent aggression?
  • Or is the aggression specific towards one family member or one particular sex?

Continuous aggression many times can be associated with brain chemistry imbalances and sometimes that needs to be treated medically. But many times there can be some underlying biomedical problems that are happening like pain, inflammation, digestive problems, even bacterial imbalances in the digestive tract can lead to chemical imbalances that promote a child to become more aggressive. So continuous aggression can be indicative of an underlying pain issue, digestive problems or bacterial imbalances. Your child could be having headaches.

If we are looking at intermittent aggression, many times that can be related to a food sensitivity. The gluten and casein free diet we know helps many children on the Autism spectrum. If a child has a sensitivity to wheat or milk and they get that food, it can cause them to be aggressive because it causes an imbalance in their body or just doesn’t make them feel good.

There can be other food sensitivities as well that can lead to aggression. Sometimes doing a food sensitivity profile to determine what kind of immune reaction your child is having is important. Situational aggression many times comes down to particular places or people that your child is around. For example, you child has situational aggression at school. There may be a child in their class that is bothering them. Maybe their environment has changed, a new aide or a new teacher, something that has happened that is triggering that situational aggression.

I have had a few situations where the child is only aggressive towards a particular family member or a particular sex. One example is the child that was only aggressive towards women. It turned out that the child was aggressive to the women in his family and yet he was not aggressive to the males in his family. Sometimes it is just purely behavioral problems at play.

So aggressive behavior we know is quite common. But, if you try and break it down into categories you can understand it better. Is it continuous aggression? That can indicate some type of pain, inflammation, medical problem, etc. Is it intermittent aggression?

Maybe it is related to a food sensitivity. Is it situational aggression? Maybe it is something that only happens at school or in a particular environment. Is your child only aggressive towards one particular family member or towards a particular sex? We know that aggression is a big problem and can be treated and can be dealt with. Once you are able to break it down a little more, it gives you a little more insight about what to do with aggressive behavior and autism.

Aggression in Autistic Children

7 November, 2009 (02:56) | Autism | By: admin

Biomedical Autism Intervention

We know that aggression is a big problem and there are many medications out there that can help with aggressive behavior, Risperidal being the most common. There are a couple of things I want you to be aware of though with respect to aggression. Trying to troubleshoot, or categorize the type of aggressive behavior can help understand what could be triggering it. Is it continuous aggression that happens throughout the day? Is it more situational aggression? Is it intermittent aggression? Or is the aggression specific towards one family member or one particular sex? Continuous aggression many times can be associated with brain chemistry imbalances and sometimes that needs to be treated medically. But many times there can be some underlying biomedical problems that are happening like pain, inflammation, digestive problems, even bacterial imbalances in the digestive tract can lead to chemical imbalances that promote a child to become more aggressive. So continuous aggression can be indicative of an underlying pain issue, digestive problems or bacterial imbalances. Your child could be having headaches.

If we are looking at intermittent aggression, many times that can be related to a food sensitivity. The gluten and casein free diet we know helps many children on the Autism spectrum. If a child has a sensitivity to wheat or milk and they get that food, it can cause them to be aggressive because it causes an imbalance in their body or just doesn’t make them feel good.

There can be other food sensitivities as well that can lead to aggression. Sometimes doing a food sensitivity profile to determine what kind of immune reaction your child is having is important. Situational aggression many times comes down to particular places or people that your child is around. For example, you child has situational aggression at school. There may be a child in their class that is bothering them. Maybe their environment has changed, a new aide or a new teacher, something that has happened that is triggering that situational aggression.

I have had a few situations where the child is only aggressive towards a particular family member or a particular sex. One example is the child that was only aggressive towards women. It turned out that the child was aggressive to the women in his family and yet he was not aggressive to the males in his family. Sometimes it is just purely behavioral problems at play.

So aggressive behavior we know is quite common. But, if you try and break it down into categories you can understand it better. Is it continuous aggression? That can indicate some type of pain, inflammation, medical problem, etc. Is it intermittent aggression?

Maybe it is related to a food sensitivity. Is it situational aggression? Maybe it is something that only happens at school or in a particular environment. Is your child only aggressive towards one particular family member or towards a particular sex? We know that aggression is a big problem and can be treated and can be dealt with. Once you are able to break it down a little more, it gives you a little more insight about what to do with aggressive behavior and autism.
Don’t let ANYONE tell you there is nothing you can do to help your child. Autism really is treatable! Start your child down the road to recovery from autism. Biomedical Autism treatments and therapies have resulted in many, many children improving, or even even losing their autism-spectrum disorder diagnosis.

Autism and Nutrition

16 October, 2009 (03:22) | Autism | By: admin

Many people with autism have sensitivities to food. They will not eat certain foods with some textures or will only eat foods with other different textures. This makes it difficult to make sure those with autism receive good nutrition for strong bones and muscles throughout their life. Also, some people with autism cannot properly digest milk or wheat, making a diet that is both milk and wheat free a necessity.

Some gluten free foods that might be good for people with autism include: potato, rice, or bean flour, plain meat, fish, rice, fruits, beans, nuts, and seeds. Foods that may contain gluten and should be avoided include: rye, barley, oats, most grain, pastas, cereals, and processed foods.

Some additives and preservatives also contain gluten and labels should be read carefully. Some milk free foods include: rice, or potato milk when cooking. Eggs are acceptable but some products that are not include: milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream and pudding.

People with autism may also develop deficiencies due to being picky eaters and may need vitamin and mineral supplements such as: C, E, B, as well as magnesium, chromium and selenium.

A doctor should be consulted before changing a diet or about any special concerns.

Eating a balanced diet is important for all of us, but it is especially important for those with autism. A change in diet and nutrition can really hope those with autism to live a better life and be more comfortable with their surroundings. This helps parents that have children with autism to feel better too.

Four Steps to Gaining an Autistic Child’s Trust

14 October, 2009 (03:44) | Autism | By: admin

How do you gain a child’s trust when he or she has a severe social impairment and are possibly even non-verbal? Sometimes Autistic children seem distant, as if they don’t care to have relationships, but the truth is they want to be loved just like all of us. If you follow these four simple rules you will be on your way to a lasting relationship with an Autistic child.

1. Create at calm atmosphere with few sensory distractions (like bright lights or loud noises). Too many sensory distractions can heighten stress in an Autistic child.

2. Do parallel play. Don’t force them to play with you right away. By playing next to them, they will start to get comfortable with you, and begin to take their guard down.

3. Try initiating interaction slowly, but back off instantly if they respond with stress. Following their cues is your key to success. Forcing interaction before they are ready will only increase fear.

4. Once they allow interaction, let them lead. Play with what they want to play with, and do what they want to do. Once a relationship is formed you will have more freedom to give direction and have more likelihood of them listening, but wait until then.

This method has been tested in therapy sessions with a 100% success rate. Social interactions can cause a large amount of fear and stress for an Autistic child, so following these four simple steps can help to alleviate that stress, and create meaningful relationships.

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