Tag: diet

Does Eating Fruit Affect Blood Sugar Levels?

10 September, 2010 (18:32) | Diabetes | By: Health news

Many diabetic people wonder, because of their condition, whether it is acceptable to eat fruit. The sweetness of fruits is derived from their fructose content, fructose is a simple form of sugar, the very cause of a diabetic’s problems.
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For anyone who does not know, diabetics are people who have been diagnosed as having the disease called diabetes, a serious disease in which higher than normal blood sugar levels exist in the bodies of diabetics due to their inability to properly process the sugars obtained from the foods they eat. The higher than normal blood sugar levels can lead to additional health problems if not treated.

Recommendations of diabetes authorities
Without answering the question on whether eating fruit raises blood sugar levels, and it obviously does, in their published material, the American Diabetes Association (ADA for short) gives an emphatic “Yes!” to including fruit in the daily diabetic menu — with the reminder to make sure it is counted as a carbohydrate part of any meal plan. The ADA emphasizes that fruits contain plenty of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and a piece of fruit is a good way to enjoy a snack while getting the extra nutrition that fruit provides.

The Mayo Clinic, a reliable source for medical information, also recommends the inclusion of fruit in a balanced diabetic menu and points out that it is the total amount of carbohydrates that have an affect on blood sugar levels more than the particular source, whether that be fruit of or any other carbohydrate food. The fructose in fruit, being a sugar, is like all forms of sugar, a carbohydrate.

The Canadian Diabetes Association also recommends the inclusion of fruit as a suitable snack food at 3 to 4 servings per day.

How much fruit equals a snack and a serving?
For people with diabetes, a single serving is usually considered to be any food containing 15 grams of carbohydrate. And in those terms, a snack is expected to be one serving, which means that some whole fruits, such as a large banana or a large apple, would need to be cut into two halves and only one-half eaten for a snack.

To give a rough idea of the amount of a carbohydrate serving of fruit, the following are a few examples of fruits in 15-gram quantities of carbohydrates:
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Apple – small size, of about 2-inch diameter or half of large size, about 4 ounces
Banana – half, medium size, about 4 ounces
Peach – 1 of medium size, about 6 ounces
Pear – half, of large size, about 4 ounces
Plums – 2 small, about 6 ounces
Raspberries – 1 cup-full
Strawberries – 1and 1/4 cups
Watermelon – cut up to 1and 1/4 cups, about 14 ounces

But people differ in their ability to control blood sugar levels and to know how they react to eating fruit, some diabetics may need to test their levels after eating a serving to measure the effect and the length of time it takes to return their sugar levels to within a normal range. A way to do that would be, on a few separate occasions, to take a blood test with their glucose-monitoring device before eating a fruit only and then again at 2 hours after eating and then at intervals until their normal levels have been reached.

This is another instance in which the management and control of blood sugar levels is the responsibility of the individual diabetic.

Home Remedies to Reduce Your Risk For Arterial Plaque

12 August, 2010 (22:16) | Health Care | By: Health news

Arteries are part of the human circulatory system. They contain blood which carries oxygen and other nutrients throughout the body. As a person gets older, a sticky substance called plaque can develop and build up on the interior walls of the arteries. Over time your blood flow can become obstructed because arterial plaque can cause your arteries to narrow. Apart from the blood flow being blocked in the arteries, small pieces of artery plaque can get stuck. If these pieces become trapped in the heart or brain, they can cause you to suffer from a stroke or heart attack.

It is best to refrain from smoking to reduce an excessive build up of arterial plaque. Managing your stress is also crucial in promoting good cardiovascular health. Vitamins play an important role in combating arterial plaque. Some of these vitamins include:

  • Magnesium Citrate taken with Calcium
  • Fish Oil supplement
  • Vitamin C
  • Lister below are 4 home remedies to reduce your risk for arterial plaque.

    Alternate between hot and cold showers to help stimulate circulation. Start slowly with hot and lukewarm showers, alternating every 4 minutes. As the weeks progress, gradually increase the temperature difference between hot and cold.

    Asparagus Juice
    To make the juice, blend 4 to 6 fresh asparagus spears, 1 cup water and 1 teaspoon honey in the blender. To help with the cholesterol lowering effects drink twice a day for one month. The B vitamins in this juice are good for reducing cholesterol and inflammation.

    Exercise is very important for promoting circulation. Exercise and stress reduction help to support your immune system and protect your heart. Any type of exercise will increase your blood flow, reduce arterial pressure and enhance the oxygen supply to your heart.

    Eat Smaller Meal
    It is best to graze throughout the day rather than have one or two big meals. Listed below are some heart healthy foods you should include with your meals:

  • Green Leafy Vegetables
  • Whole Grains
  • Brown Rice
  • Peanuts
  • Vinegar
  • Celery
  • Water Chestnuts
  • Ginger
  • Soybeans
  • Bananas
  • Watermelon
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Garlic
  • Cold Water Fish
  • Green Tea
  • Listed below are foods to avoid:

  • Preservatives
  • Additives
  • Pesticides
  • Greasy Foods
  • Spicy Foods
  • Simple Carbohydrates
  • MSG
  • Alcohol
  • Coffee
  • Tobacco
  • Aged Cheese
  • Cured Meats
  • It is also best to visit your dentist on a regular basis. Poor dental health can contribute to inflammation in the blood vessels. This can lead to arterial plaque buildup.

    I have had family members that have died from arterial plaque. I know first hand the devastating effect not taking care of your cardiovascular system can have. I try each day to be very conscious of the decisions I make regarding my diet and exercise. It is very important to me that I do not increase my arterial plaque, which again can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

    Got a Kidney Problem? Diet Is Important

    16 July, 2010 (19:20) | Nutrition | By: Health news

    If you have a kidney problem, or you want to make sure you avoid having one in the future, you have to be careful about what’s in your diet.

    The goal of this article is to offer information on a sensible diet for people with kidney problems – whether you already have a kidney problem, or are worried you might have one in the future. The information in this article is also intended to help anyone who is a caretaker for someone who has kidney problems, or has to plan meals everyday for such an individual.

    When you’re dealing with kidney disease, kidney failure or similar challenges, diet is an extremely important component in controlling your condition. Diet can also be important in avoiding recurring issues like kidney stones.

    Decisions about what to eat depend on several factors.

  • The current state of your kidney health
  • Your overall health and physical well-being, especially in regard to any other conditions or or disorders you may have.
  • Your BMI, or body mass index or BMI (the kidneys of obese people have to work harder).
  • When planning a diet for people with kidney problems, there are five main food groups that must be taken into consideration.

    Salt or Sodium

    Normal kidneys remove excess sodium from your body by filtering it out of your bloodstream. But unhealthy kidneys fail to do this. They allow salt to accumulate. As a result, there’s a fluid build up in the body which causes bloating and usually appears first in the joints and the face.

    Sodium or salt is important for metabolism. It helps control blood pressure, keeps a fluid balance in the body, and even influences muscle movement.

    But many people eat way more salt than they should. Some don’t realize that many of the prepackaged and processed foods that are regular parts of their diets are loaded with sodium – it’s not just the salt that comes out of the shaker on the dinner table.

    Anyone who has reason to think they might have a kidney problem should avoid making the following foods a big part of their diet:

  • dinner mixes that are pre-packaged or processed
  • potato chips and salty snacks
  • salted nuts
  • processed foods like cold cuts
  • cheese
  • canned, dehydrated, or instant soup or bouillon cubes
  • canned vegetables
  • bacon
  • You can also do yourself a favor by reducing the amount of salt from the salt shaker at the dinner table.


    Protein is similar to sodium: it’s a good thing as long as you don’t eat too much of it.

    Eating a diet that includes a large amount of protein is bad for your kidneys. It causes excess waste and increases the risk of kidney disease. Talk to your doctor to find a balance.

    A lot of protein can be found in meat and poultry products (which includes eggs). Vegetables and grains typically don’t contain much protein.


    Almost all foods contain some level of potassium So if you’re concerned about your kidneys, you have to become aware of how much potassium is contained in your food choices.

    Some foods contain a lot of potassium, and you should be careful to watch how much of them you eat.

    Foods that contain a lot of potassium include collard, mushrooms, mustard, oranges, potatoes, prunes, raisins, salt substitute, tomatoes, apricots, bananas, beets and broccoli.

    Potassium plays an important role in maintaining the health of muscles and nerves. When there’s too much potassium in your diet however, you can start having heart rhythm problems.


    Phosphorus is similar to potassium in that it promotes healthy muscles and nerves. When combined with calcium, it also gives you strong bones and teeth.

    When you have kidney problems, your phosphorus balances can be affected. This reduces your calcium levels, and your body begins to “rob” calcium from your bones to make up for the deficiency.

    But excessive levels of phosphorus is bad too. It can cause skin irritation and itchiness, joint pain and brittle bones.

    Here are some foods that contain a lot of phosphorus: peanut butter and many kinds of nuts, liver (both chicken and beef) cheese and caramel. Keep in mind you can get phosphorus from what you drink too. Beer and cola products have relatively high phosphorus levels.


    One of the most important functions your kidneys perform is filtering fluids. Someone with a kidney problem has challenges in this area. So, it’s important to watch your fluid intake carefully as part of a healthy kidney diet.

    Consuming a lot of fluids can result in swelling, high blood pressure and shortness of breath.

    It’s important to remember that some fluids start out as solids and then melt into liquids in your stomach. Ice cream is a good example of this type of food.


    If you’re worried that you might have a kidney problem – now or in the future – it’s important to eat the right kinds of foods.
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    As kidney function declines, kidney dialysis or even a kidney transplant become more and more likely. Eating a diet for people with kidney problems today will reduce your chances of ever being faced with such choices in the future.

    Useful Diet For Pre Diabetes

    7 July, 2010 (19:52) | Diabetes | By: Health news

    Pre Diabetes is a medical condition wherein the blood sugar levels are higher than normal blood sugar levels, but not adequate enough to be categorized as diabetes. Pre diabetes diet combined joint with regular workouts or exercises can be an effective means for pre diabetes treatment.

    Pre diabetes is normally asymptomatic. This means it has no specific signs or symptoms of its own. The person may not know that he or she is already inflicted with this condition. The most common symptoms of Pre Diabetes are polyuria or frequent urination, polydipsia or excessive thirst, polyphagia or excessive hunger and unexplainable weight loss or gain. Visual acuity may be affected. Your cuts or bruises heal for a longer period of time. Gingivitis or inflammation of gums as well as skin infections may also recur.

    One important element in Pre Diabetes diet is to reduce intake of carbohydrates, sugar, fat and calories. It is important to include high fiber in the diet like fruits and vegetables such as spinach, turnip, lettuce, asparagus, artichokes, cabbage, cauliflower, zucchini, celery, cucumber, broccoli, eggplant, onion and tomato.

    These foods improve digestion and sustain the blood glucose level at a stabilized status. These provide adequate energy level to the body and help the person feel full even after a long meal has taken

    It is also important to include soybeans, garbanzo beans, kidney or pinto beans and split peas. in your pre diabetes diet. Fruits which are high in complex carbohydrates like grapefruits, dried apricots, oranges, prunes, pears, strawberries, plums and apples can also be included in the Pre diabetes diet.

    If you don’t like vegetables so much, you could also opt to fish, lean cuts of beef, pork loin, sirloin, chicken and turkey. Just take note that when you cook chicken and turkeys, make sure you remove the skin in order to stay away from excess fat which could further harm your body. When cooking, use olive oils and coconut oils, not only that they are organic but they can help you avoid risks from cardiovascular diseases and fat deposits in the body. Some other cooking oils may have high content of saturated fat promoting weight gain.

    Most importantly, try to refrain from munching through junk foods and snacks or desserts containing high level of calorie. When cooking, as it has been said before, try boiled, broiled or grilled foods than the fried ones. Boiled foods trim down levels of cholesterol and accumulation of fat deposits in the body.

    Inflammation of the Gall Bladder and Bile Duct

    19 June, 2010 (03:45) | Critical Care | By: Health news

    Autopsy studies and examinations of inflamed gall bladders removed surgically show that bacteria are rarely involved. Inflammation of the gall bladder can be caused by drugs, chemicals and bacterial toxins,6 in which case the liver should be built up to the extent that such substances can be detoxified. Two sisters who incurred this type of gall-bladder inflammation from spraying roses recently reported a rapid recovery after taking 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C and 200 units of vitamin E every three hours with pep-up containing 4 egg yolks per quart.

    Usually, inflammation occurs only when cortisone is not being produced in adequate amounts; hence emphasis must be placed on helping the adrenals function with maximum efficiency.


    When pigments from the breakdown of worn out red blood cells, excreted in bile as a waste product, cannot reach the intestine, they accumulate in the blood and are deposited in the tissues, thus giving the skin and whites of the eyes the yellow coloring characteristic of jaundice. Any condition that causes a rapid destruction of red blood cells can bring on jaundice, but more often the disease results from severe swelling or spasms of the bile duct, surgical trauma, or obstruction caused by a cancer, stone or cyst that prevents the bile from reaching the intestine.

    During World War II, when jaundice was a chief cause of illness, army doctors found that recovery could be markedly speeded up by a diet extremely high in protein (250 grams daily) provided the patient could consume such a huge amount. Fats were not limited, and carbohydrates were generously supplied to prevent proteins from being used for calories. Most authorities have recommended 100 to 150 grams of protein daily with a diet moderate in fat and rich in natural starches and sugars. During jaundice, the backing up of bile acids into the blood breaks down fat in the walls of the red blood cells, thus causing anemia. For this reason, the diet should be high in all nutrients needed to rebuild blood. If the diet is faulty, severe liver damage or even cirrhosis may occur; therefore adequate nutrition should be continued long after recovery.

    When jaundice is brought on by spasms of the tiny muscles of the bile duct, nutrients that aid tissue relaxation should be immediately emphasized: vitamin B6, magnesium, calcium, and sufficient vitamin D to insure calcium absorption. To stimulate cortisone production, the anti-stress formula should be taken with highly fortified milk around the clock. When these measures cannot be started quickly enough, bile is sometimes forced into the pancreas, where it can cause severe inflammation, acute pain, and hemorrhage. If pancreatitis does develop, an anti-stress diet rich in the above nutrients should be given as soon as the patient is able to retain food.

    Diet for Gall-Bladder Abnormalities

    At the onset of hepatitis, pancreatitis, an inflammation of the gall bladder, or when a stone first obstructs the bile duct, nausea and vomiting usually become so severe that little food can be eaten. A physician should be called immediately. Every effort should be made, however, to prevent acidosis and to meet the demands of stress.

    After the acute stage has passed, small two-hour feedings are gradually replaced by six light meals daily. The bile flow is inadequate during most diseases of the gall bladder, but lecithin can be taken to homogenize fats, thus increasing their absorption. Though bile acids, necessary to taxi digested fats and fat-soluble vitamins across the intestinal wall, can be increased 100 per cent by using oils instead of solid fats, they should be supplied temporarily by tablets of dried bile. Generally a teaspoon of lecithin and 1 to 3 tablets of dried bile with enzymes per meal and mid-meal are sufficient to assure efficient digestion and prevent gas formation. Soft stools would indicate that enough bile is being obtained and that insoluble soaps are not being formed. Because the blood levels of vitamins A, D, and E are especially low during diseases of the gall bladder, these fat-soluble vitamins should be taken with the lecithin and bile.

    Gas distention can be further reduced by taking 1 or 2 cups of yogurt or acidophilus milk daily. If an odor to the stool persists, indicating that protein digestion is still incomplete, lecithin, yogurt or acidophilus, and bile tablets with enzymes should all be increased; and conversely, when no digestive disturbances occur, amounts of these foods may be decreased and the tablets discontinued.

    Diets for gall-bladder diseases usually have a long list of “avoids,” for which there appears to be no scientific basis. Actually, no food need be forgone as long as it builds health; even salads are not taboo. To stimulate bile flow, no less than a teaspoon of oil should be obtained at each meal and mid-meal, always used appetizingly in food. At first milk and milk soups, whole-grain breads and cereals, lean meats and fish, eggs, cottage cheese, fruits, vegetables, custards, and simple milk desserts are customarily allowed. When weight permits and recovery is well under way, small servings of pork, steak, gravies, and gently fried foods can usually be eaten without discomfort provided lecithin and bile tablets are taken at each meal.

    To obtain a high-protein diet needed for repair without getting excessive amounts of saturated fats, one can rely on yeast, soy flour, wheat germ, fresh and powdered skim milk, nuts, non-hydrogenated nut butters, and liver lightly sautéed in oil. Many of these high-protein foods can be incorporated into delicious breads, waffles, muffins, and hotcakes baked on a dry griddle.

    Acai Optimum Berry

    5 May, 2010 (06:49) | Weight Loss | By: Health news

    There are various factors that have contributed to this phenomenal popularity of the herbal medications that are prepared from the extracts of this reddish brown colored berry that is only found in the Amazon rain forest, the main of them being the high concentration of acai berry juice, which makes acai berry optimum far more effective that its competitors.

    Try out acai optimum diet for a few days and you shall feel the difference. You shall notice an increase in your energy level and will also notice a reduction in your excessive body fat. It has been quite some time that doctors have been able to unravel the secret behind the trim figures of the natives of the Amazon rain forest. After a prolonged period of research, it was found that these natives used to consume copious amounts of Brazilian acai berry. It is the extract of this berry that is used to prepare acai berry optimum, with the percentage of extract used in this particular herbal preparation being more that in its counterparts.

    One should be well aware of the dangers posed by obesity. Apart from laying the roots for various types of medical complications, obesity also damages the social standing of those who are affected by it. These people avoid society in the fear of being ridiculed. It is recommended to those who are suffering from obesity that they should start taking acai optimum diet immediately and observe the changes it brings about in their health and also in their lifestyle.

    It goes without stating that these people also have to curb eating of junk foods that are laden with saturated fatty acids. If they do not do so, they shall be replacing back whatever fat acai berry optimum successfully burns away due to its anti oxidant property. There is no reason why you cannot regain back your envious figure in just a short span of time. Just keep a check on the food you are consuming and leave the rest to acai berry optimum, the herbal preparation on which America is raving.

    Diarrhea & Dysentery management

    29 April, 2010 (20:21) | Diseases | By: Health news

    The condition in which water content and the frequency of passing of stool increases is known as diarrhea and dysentery. Usually in dysentery the stool is associated with mucous and blood. It may be acute or chronic and may present with few clinical features of moderate to severe dehydration and may even lead to death.

    Many causes like infections, worm infestation, psychosomatic illnesses etc have been mentioned. Root cause of it however is indigestion and therefore dietary measures should aim to increase the strength of digestive fire and improve digestion.

    In case of features like nausea, vomiting, heaviness in abdomen, flatulence, foul smelling sticky stools along with diarrhea, then medicine or diet should not aim to stop the passage of stools completely but ignoring the frequency of stools, measures to increase digestive fire strength should be aimed. Only if in case of acute symptoms of diarrhea and dysentery with absolutely watery stools and signs of dehydration, emergency measures to stop the process completely, have to be administered.


    To be taken:

  • Solid food:
  • a) Grains and cereals: Rice, green gram, lentil, barley, pigeon pea and sesame are useful. Popped rice or popped jowar (like popped corn) is useful in such condition.

    b) Vegetables: Ginger, plantain flower etc is to be used.

    c) Fruits: Ripe banana, black plum, pomegranate, fruits of palm tree etc indicated.

    d) Spices: dry ginger, coriander seeds, green coriander, cumin seeds, nutmeg, turmeric etc should be used to increase the strength of digestive fire.

    e) Non-vegetarian diet: flesh of deer, antilope, rabbit, partridge, small fish (from fresh waters) etc are useful.

    f) Dairy products: Cow’s milk, cream of milk, curd, buttermilk, white butter and clarified butter (ghee) are useful.

  • Liquid:
  • a) Hot water for drinking purpose all the time.

    b) Water boiled with dried ginger should be given in conditions such as low digestive fire strength, foul smelling sticky stool etc.

    c) Buttermilk adding dried ginger, ajowan, black pepper etc can be useful for drinking as it aggravates the digestion process.

    d) Hot infusion process of popped rice and popped jowar (made like popped corn process) is beneficial in this condition. This hot infusion should be consumed for strengthening the digestive fire as well as for quick re-hydration.

    e) Soup of lentil, pigeon pea is useful in diarrhea and dysentery.

    f) Coconut water is good for re-hydration.

    g) Milk along with honey and sugar is useful in bleeding dysentery.

    h) The water in which rice grain is washed and rinsed for 15-20 min. is used for drinking after filtering in case of bleeding dysentery.


    1. In early stage of diarrhea fasting should be done. Later very light diet like soup etc should be given. Only when digestive fire improves then some solid food like rice should be asked to consume. 2. Non-vegetarian food should be prepared with additional clarified butter (ghee) and pomegranate juice if it is to be consumed in such condition. 3. Cream of curd should be fried in the clarified butter (ghee) and oil and then sugar, dry ginger should be added to it. This combination works well in cases of dysentery. 4. For diarrhea associated with blood in the stools, the combination of black sesame and sugar, white butter and honey and sugar should be used. At the same time milk and rice should be used in dine. 5. Rice should be dry fried before cooking. 6. Preparation of menthol leaves with sesame and garlic is useful in such conditions.

    Not to be taken:

  • Solid food:
  • a) Grains and cereals: wheat, black gram, spiked dolichos should be avoided.

    b) Vegetables: Pumpkin, potato, sweet potato, green leafy vegetables, green pea, drumsticks, cucumber etc are contraindicated.

    c) Fruits: Mango, beetle nut, pumpion gourd, grapes, hog plum, coconut, watermelon, melon, jujube, grapefruit etc should be avoided.

    d) Bakery products: Pastries, white bread, biscuits are to be avoided as they may cause flatulence and increase indigestion.

  • Liquids:
  • a) Very large quantity of impure water and very cold water and water in frequent intervals can cause some problem in such condition.

    b) In such condition, use of sugarcane juice should be avoided.

    c) Use of any type of liquor should be avoided.


    1. Food products heavy to digest like pizza, burger etc should be avoided. 2. Food, water of unhygienic places should strictly be avoided. 3. Food should not be too salty and spicy. 4. Use of milkshakes and fruit salads should be avoided. 5. Use of tomato sauce, ajinomoto, jam, pickles etc should be strictly avoided. 6. Irregular food habits, late night food intake and left over food consumption are strictly prohibited in such conditions.

    Non-dietary measures:

  • General body massage and fomentation should be avoided.
  • Bath especially with cold water is not appropriate in this condition.
  • Suppression of natural urges should be avoided.
  • Taking not enough sleep can have some adverse effects in such condition.
  • Increased and uncontrolled sex aggravates such condition.
  • Uncontrolled anger can cause adverse effects in such cases.
  • In case of bleeding with the stools, anus is washed with milk or decoction of astringent medicinal herbs.
  • A piece of cotton dipped in sandalwood oil or medicated clarified butter (ghee) can be kept in anus to stop bleeding.
  • An enema using medicated buttermilk can be given in such cases.
  • In some cases, the prolapsed rectum or anus is associated with diarrhea and dysentery. Here oil should be applied on it with light fomentation and then that prolapsed part is pushed back in its original place. The cotton piece dipped in clarified butter (ghee) should be kept there for some days to get the muscle tone of surrounding muscles back
  • Ways To Prevent Smoking

    29 April, 2010 (13:18) | Quit smoking | By: Health news

    Smoking isn’t considered as a good habit even from the very start. We have to make sure of our health as well as the habits we do for us to be able to stay healthy and fit. There are so many ways to prevent smoking if you are just to evaluate. Some of these are that difficult to do but mostly can be performed easily. In preventing smoking we also have to consider some things that we need to do apart from avoiding cigarettes itself.

    When you consider quitting why not consider taking in antioxidants for a healthier you. It is somewhat a part of your complete change and avoidance. When you speak of antioxidants, it pertains to secretion of dirt and excess or unwanted fats from the internal parts of the body.

    Some says yes, for green tea is an effective body cleanser. It sweeps away toxins faster and has a huge effect on a person’s metabolism. Cleansing our body is already a part of our basic needs, as well as our internal part of the body. When you are cleansed all over it would already be easier for you to consider smoking as a bad habit that you really need to avoid.

    This could be a lot of help for those persons whom really are on the peak of quitting. Less worries so less stress of thinking about getting fat or increasing your weight. Though it can do more of the losing weight process but then it’s much more helpful. That is one way to fight fatigue as well.

    Live out with healthy practices and impress others with the planning strategies that you have. You can skip all the dieting and stuff, complete exercise is the right answer to all of that. Try to set a perfect schedule for you to have enough time and could manage your time as well. Consider these endeavours for you to be able to make your avoidance easier to accomplish. It would be so much fulfilling if you could undergo such thing.

    Weight Loss Tips

    27 April, 2010 (14:55) | Weight Loss | By: Health news

    In today’s world, almost everywhere you look people are looking for weight loss tips. Weight loss has become the primary objective of those who are going to the gym. They want to lose weight and they want it NOW. Luckily, there are some weight loss tips that will make this process a great deal easier, ensuring that you can succeed without feeling like you’re putting your body through torture.

  • Calorie Intake
  • The first couple quick weight loss tips are number one, be sure that your calorie intake is not too extreme. Think about it. Put yourself on a starvation diet and you are just asking for a rebound binge. Sure, you may have great will power and will be able to withhold for a few days, but you will soon cave and when you do, chances are you’ll eat a vast quantity of food in response to starving for so long.

    If your caloric intake is too low to begin then where will you go when you hit a plateau? For example, a male will be far more successful starting with 2800 calories and dropping 200 calories every 2 weeks as he evaluates his progress instead of starting at 2000 calories and only having one direction to go – starvation which will eventually turn off his metabolism and stall his weight loss progress.

  • Gradual Progression
  • Secondly, keep in mind current “nutrition level.” Do you really need a bodybuilder pre-contest diet or do you just need to start with the basics? If you begin with a meal plan that is too extreme then you will not be able to follow it and regardless of how well the diet is designed, if you aren’t able to stick with it, it isn’t going to work very well. My favorite line of mine is, “The best diet that works is the one that you follow.” Adopting a more gradual nutrition approach, just like your training, would help with your adherence levels, which would then translate to you being better able to maintain it. One of the best weight loss tips I gave a client who was eating 2 double cheese burgers a day was to start eating one double cheese burger! Why didn’t I recommend he eat a steamed chicken breast instead since that is the superior choice? The steamed chicken breast, obviously the mores superior choice would be too much of a change and not create adherence and eventually failure.

  • Celebrate With a 10% Meal
  • Another few fast weight loss tips are that you should always be incorporate a “victory meal” to reflect your accomplishment and progress. If you have gone a few weeks without any cheat meals and are dropping consistently then kick back and have a beer or do something that is “rewarding” – just don’t get too carried away and don’t get back on track. You won’t sabotage weeks of dieting with one “victory meal” as long as you don’t adopt a mindset that this celebration represents an “ending.” The key is to not get carried away and to use this as a reward, refocus and get ready for another 4-8 weeks of hard training and dieting. Consider a “celebration meal” every few weeks and then get back on track!

  • Smart Exercise Program
  • Next up, when selecting the exercise program you’ll go on, again, be sure not to choose something that’s overly extreme. Too much cardio can actually hinder your results, so you’ll want to avoid that as much as possible. Three to four sessions a week along with a properly planned out diet should be plenty to get you seeing results. If you are having to do hours a day in order to just lose a pound, something else is off with either your diet (most likely) or your weight training program.

  • Clear The Clutter
  • Finally, the last quick weight loss tip to keep in mind is that before starting any diet program, you should rid the house of any foods that could be problematic. If the food is not readily available, it makes it sort of hard to eat it. Consider you home a “haven” and that it’s one thing to have slip ups occur outside of your home but not inside of your home where you can control what is coming in and out. Sabotaging your own weight loss success, in your own home, is embarrassing.

    By clearing yourself of the problem foods before you start, you overcome a huge obstacle already.

    Replace these ‘bad’ foods with ones that are much healthier and will still taste good, so when you do get hungry, they are what you reach for rather than the old foods which caused your weight gain in the first place.

    Acne Removal Treatment

    12 April, 2010 (18:09) | Acne | By: Health news

    Of all the different products on the market that claim to remove the scars and cure acne, are there any that actually work?

    If all you’re looking for is short-term results, go ahead and pick just about anything – like I did.Exercise caution, though – some products can injure your skin or damage your health if improperly used, or over-used.

    The acne treatments that are most commonly used address only the symptoms, not the underlying causes.The traditional approach to acne currently consists of such strategies as taking oral contraceptives, Accutane, liberal application of different salves and ointments, and prescribed antibiotics.However, these synthetic chemicals are incompatible with our body. These drugs and chemicals often diminish the pain and eruptions of acne, so they earn positive reviews, but they don’t address the root causes of acne.

    Accutane, antibiotics and acne creams and other topical lotions were among the various acne removal treatment I was given for my acne, but none of them proved to be efficacious in curing my acne. Antibiotics, for example, indiscriminately kill bacteria in our bodies – the good as well as the bad, and can have a harmful effect on our overall health.The creams that I used are also killing only the bacteria on the surface of the skin and usually my next pimple will breakout before the previous one has healed. One cream, Benzoyl Peroxide, just dried out on the surface of my skin and added to the clogging of my pores that I later learned was instrumental in how acne made my skin break out.

    My acne improved after I took Accutane for a while, but when I first started taking it, the acne got worse. The Accutane delivered unwanted side effects as well, like nosebleeds, chapped lips, and dry and red skin.The acne returned as severe as ever once I stopped taking the Accutane.

    Even when you’re using one of these conventional approaches, the acne is still there. The creams and antibiotics and other medications only mask the symptoms.Acne’s underlying causes are left untouched by the creams and salves, the Accutane and antibiotics, which address only those symptoms.Imagine you are sleeping and your alarm clock is ringing. You can put in earplug or cover your ears with pillows but the alarm clock will not stop ringing until you wake up and press the stop button.

    The best acne removal treatment that you can use is to adopt the holistic medicine way. This way of treatment yields to nature and based on the beliefs that with a health body environment, diseases do cannot exist in it. So how do we create a body environment that does not allow diseases (acne) to strive in?

    Many factors are involved in making sure the natural processes in our body are operating properly, and the most obvious factor is diet. There seems to be a correlation between the level of insulin in the blood and the incidence of acne.However, a Western population has high blood insulin level and suffered from lots of chronic illnesses and one of them is acne.The level of insulin in the blood is determined by the amount of sugar in the diet.There are many dietary sources of sugar, and they include many foods that don’t appear “sugary,” like rice and potatoes, as well as things like soft drinks, candy, pastries and chewing gum.When insulin levels rise in response to fluctuating blood sugar levels, the production of hormones that promote the natural death of skin cells is inhibited.Lower levels of this hormone means that skin cells aren’t dying normally, and pores get clogged. It is also possible that your body will not be producing as many other beneficial hormones that is anti-inflammatory that can reduce inflammation found in acne.

    The effective treatment of acne begins with a basic change of diet. Refined carbohydrates like white bread and white rice need to be replaced with complex carbs like whole grains and brown rice.Foods to which sweeteners have been added generally aren’t good for you and should be eliminated as well. The same goes for sodas and similar beverages, which have huge quantities of sweeteners added.The holistic elimination of acne from your life will require attention to many elements, diet being only the first.Despite that, once you make real changes to your diet, you should be able to see the first little results literally within just a few days.

    Acne Treatments That Work

    30 March, 2010 (09:55) | Acne | By: Health news

    There is a lot of information out there about skin care. You can’t turn on the television or your computer without seeing a nice long ad for one system or another. But do they really work and are there any other acne treatments that work?

    The short answer to that is yes and yes…but it is a little more complicated than that.

    These topical solutions treat the symptoms but not necessarily the root of problem skin.

    For the best of acne treatments that work, you can’t beat the natural approach, not just for your face but in all areas of your health.

    I have put together a free report with some quick and easy tips that you can download by clicking on the link in my resource box below.

    You will bring your body into balance in 3 key areas:

  • Get ready for it….the dreaded “D” word…diet.
  • No, not a weight loss diet or a chocolate free diet but one loaded with nutrients. Does this make much difference in acne treatments that work? Absolutely…when you eat well, your body will work to its highest capacity, your skin will reflect that and so will the rest of your body.

  • Now I know this one will be a surprise…Exercise.
  • What? Exercise can help with clear skin? Yes it can. Believe it or not…it is one way to help your body become balanced and is one key to acne treatments that work. Getting your blood pumping on a daily basis helps your body to clear itself of toxins. Good circulation makes for great skin.

  • And finally…Natural supplements.
  • Many of the foods we eat have little nutritional value. Add in some extra processing and it is no wonder we may need to supplement with vitamins here and there.

    The fact is you can slap expensive creams on your face to get clearer skin and they might work for awhile…

    But for acne treatments that work it is best to take the natural cure approach.

    Your skin will glow with health and you will feel great inside and out…

    isn’t that worth it?

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