Category: Headaches-Migraines

Chiropractic Treatments For Headaches

11 November, 2009 (10:26) | Headaches-Migraines | By: Health news

Headaches are a common problem and many factors such as poor posture and stress can lead to different types of headaches. Sometimes misalignments in the vertebrae cause nerve irritation and exert pressure on the nerves leading to the brain. This may lead to cluster headaches and migraines. Advanced chiropractic treatment methods help patients to get relief from headache issues and lead a healthy lifestyle. Various healthcare practices offer specialized chiropractic treatments for headaches.

Best Treatment for Headache Relief

As drugs and injections only reduce the intensity of headaches, people nowadays are looking for a natural method that would reduce pain as well as eliminate the cause of pain. Latest chiropractic techniques help people to get rid of headache and also provide the ways to prevent future problems. Application of gentle and skilled chiropractic adjustments will reduce the pressure on the spinal nerves and muscles and it will automatically reduce the symptoms of headache. By restoring the proper function, chiropractic methods reduce the incidence of future headache problems.

Safe and Effective Way

The major aim of chiropractic care is to reduce and eliminate the abnormal neurological function that causes severe and chronic headache problems. Non-intrusive chiropractic techniques help the spinal system to work properly and it will effectively reduce the frequency and duration of migraine and tension headaches.

During the initial consultation, the chiropractor thoroughly examines the overall function of your body and performs specific tests to find the root cause of your headache problem. Depending on the patient’s medical condition, the chiropractor will design an individual headache treatment plan. Many insurance companies provide coverage for chiropractic care-however, before scheduling a chiropractic treatment plan, you have to make sure whether it is covered or not.

Headache Pain Relief – Caffeine? Yes Or No?

12 October, 2009 (03:25) | Headaches-Migraines | By: admin

If you’re like me you’ve tried all sorts of things for migraine and headache pain relief. In my personal experience, once a migraine has taken hold there’s not much that can be done except to wait for it to pass, so my priority is either catching it early, or preventing it from happening in the first place.

I’ve cut all sorts of things out of my diet, over the years, with varying degrees of success, but the one thing that I keep coming back to and puzzling over is caffeine.

I had been a tea drinker all my life and for some reason, several years ago, had started drinking coffee. After a few months I was drinking more and more, stronger coffee and I noticed that my migraines had become more frequent and intense, so I decided to cut caffeine out of my diet completely.

If you’ve ever tried this yourself, you’ll appreciate what a powerful, addictive drug caffeine is! Intense headaches and overall misery followed for three or four days! Once I was eventually back to normality and settling into my new life of peppermint and camomile tea I found that although it hadn’t been a complete success, the migraines were happening much less frequently and when I did get them they were much more controllable.

There was however one problem. The medication I use for headache pain relief (Migril) has a large dose of caffeine in it, so how could I stay “caffeine free”? Despite this little niggle I stayed clear of caffeine (apart from the medication) for about ten years, so I guess I must have approved of the overall result.

Over those ten years I found I was able to control almost all my migraine attacks with my medication, if, and it’s a big IF, I was able to take it at the very first signs. I even managed to reduce my dose from two pills, down to just one quarter of a pill.

Recently I began to notice an increase in the frequency of my pill popping. Sometimes, although I was still only on one quarter of a pill, I was taking Migril almost every day, as I rebounded back and forth. Eventually I decided that maybe it was the caffeine in the medication that was causing the rebound effect, so I decided I’d try coming off the wagon and joining the legions of coffee drinkers once more!

I really don’t like taking medication if I can avoid it, so I figured that if caffeine could give me the headache pain relief I needed, it had to be a better option. Since I made the change, about three months ago, I’ve only had a couple of migraine attacks. To be fair, they have been more intense than those I’ve been used to, but I guess it’s a trade off between intensity and frequency!

The attacks I have had, I feel sure were caused by NOT having one of the coffees that my body has now become accustomed to, so I guess I’m hooked again but I prefer being hooked on coffee to being hooked on Migril and hey! I have to say that coffee is much tastier than camomile!

An Introduction to Migraine Causes and Symptoms

11 October, 2009 (01:57) | Headaches-Migraines | By: admin

Around two-thirds of migraines occur in women (because of hormone fluctuations). They actually happen more often than diabetes, epilepsy and asthma combined. Many factors can go into causing a migraine, and diagnosis is largely symptomatic. The symptoms of a migraine can include episodes of headache pain (which is usually focused on one side of the head), accompanied by nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, and (in around 20% of migraine sufferers) a visual aura, or a presence of a white zig-zag like light in one’s field of vision.

Migraines are generally not a threat to a person’s overall health, although they can interfere with one’s everyday living. The true causes of migraines are not full understood at this time, although there are some things that are more common in people who experience them.

While many people’s migraines are severe, not all severe headaches are actually migraines, and some migraines can be quite mild. However, migraines are not always a sign of a stroke or a tumor, and your physician will reassure you of this. Some believe that a migraine is a combination of a genetic vulnerability and environmental factors that stimulate the overactive system.

Migraines are commonly described as a throbbing or pounding pain in the head. They can be worsened by some activities and generally sufferers are adversely affected by light and noise. Many migraines can also be caused from dehydration.

For both males and females, the rate of severe headaches and migraines is highest among those people aged 25 to 44 years and decreases with age. The frequency of migraines significantly increases during a woman’s perimenstrual period, and menstrually related migraines can be of a longer duration and greater frequency with longer lasting disability than any non-menstrual migraines.

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