Tag: Chiropractic

Chiropractor – Choosing Your New One

8 October, 2010 (20:45) | Back Pain | By: Health news

A chiropractor helps in curing ailments without using actual medication. However, it is important to select the right doctor to get this treatment done for effective results.

Chiropractic care is a form of medical treatment that has been able to help a number of patients without the use of pain medication or other methods. Despite the fact that these types of physicians can provide an extremely valuable service to many people, it is important to remember that choosing a chiropractor is a task which should be approached much in the same way as one would choose any type of doctor. In this article, we will outline some tried and true tips to help aid in the selection process.

Where Should I Start?

To begin, it is important to consider the education and credential levels held by the practitioner. Most countries now have professional associations which evaluate physicians and provide memberships based on degrees and training accumulated by the chiropractor. Requirements are often also in place in regard to continued education directly related to the field.

Choosing a physician who holds active membership in one of these types of organizations is a fairly good sign that he or she is one who is well experienced in the practices of manipulative therapies while also having completed a fair amount of professional training.

Are There Specialties?

The main area of focus is also an important factor to consider. The idea here is to find a specialist whose prime area of expertise lies in only a few musculoskeletal issues. In this way, you will have a better chance of finding a physician who is skilled and knowledgeable, rather than one who is so-so in a broad number of treatments. Look for a chiropractor who focus’ on the core treatments and does not dabble in areas which fall outside their designated knowledge base.

Where Do I Look?

Another good place to gain information or recommendations is through your primary care physician. Deciding on care that is recommended through your doctor is a good idea for two reasons.

First, your doctor will most likely only suggest a practice that he or she feels is professional and effective. Secondly, the recommended physician will probably be more open to working with your general doctor in order to more effectively treat your condition. Where communication is involved, you will typically find better overall care.

You may also want to check local references. Ask around to family and friends to have been treated with similar issues and see what their experiences were. This way, you will be able to get an inside scoop on exactly how he or she interacts with their patients, as well as what to expect from your time there.

For a firsthand look, try scheduling a consultation. Go prepared with a list of questions and topics to discuss with the physician and see what they then recommend. Take lots of your own notes! At the end of the appointment you should have a pretty good idea of where you stand with your new practitioner.

Sciatic Nerve Pain

14 February, 2010 (18:51) | Pain management | By: Health news

As a chiropractor here in Plano, Texas, I often have patients who come in for treatment because of lower back pain, and some find that it’s the sciatic nerve that’s giving them the pain. Sciatica is commonly seen as a pain of the lower back which runs down from the back into the leg. This pain can be sharp, tingling and cause numbness of the lower back and leg. As part of my chiropractic care, I prescribe non-surgical methods to bring relief to my patients.

The sciatic nerve is the longest and widest single nerve in your body. It branches off at the base of the spine and runs down each side of your pelvic area, supplying nerve impulses to your butt, legs and feet. If you’ve ever experienced sciatica, you know how debilitating this pain can be. I’ve seen patients, who could barely walk, couldn’t bend over, or even stand. There are a lot of things that can trigger problems with your sciatic nerve, poor posture when you sit, slip and fall on your butt, improper swing while playing golf, and the list goes on. For most of my patients, I recommend, certain exercise, lots of rest, and certain pain medication, while they recuperate. Usually you will be back to your normal self within 2-3 weeks. However, if your pain is still severe and continues beyond 2 months, it might be necessary to consider surgery as a last resolve. In this article I will focus on alternative methods to treat this condition and leave the surgery to those more qual

Chiropractic Treatments and Alternatives at Home

I immediately recommend heat packs and ice packs. Both can be used independently or combined at various intervals. If you do not have access to over the counter packs, please use ice in a Ziploc bag and heated towels or a heating pad. Both should be applied for 20 to 30 minutes and then repeated every 2-3 hours. This should bring relief until the patient can get in to my office.

Along with heat and ice, I suggest that you use Tylenol, Advil, ibuprofen, or naproxen to help reduce the pain. Another consideration if the pain is very acute is the use epidural steroid injections. These injections are different from the oral steroid medicines because the steroid is given directly to the injured area and should bring immediate relief from the pain, much quicker than meds or oral steroids. This must be administered by a qualified medical specialist, I do not provide this service but can recommend other medical professionals who do.

Alternative Chiropractic Treatment at my Office

Chiropractors sometimes suggest the need for exercise. This might sound counter productive, but very mild exercise along with the other treatments listed above, can help strengthen muscles of the lower back and your stomach muscles. To qualify the type of exercise I recommend, I prescribe simple stretching starting slowly and gradually increasing as you recover and also to prevent future recurrences of sciatica or other back pain. The equipment I’ve installed at my office is very effective in helping with the pain and if utilized correctly, will contribute to end of sciatic pain.

Other techniques for pain relief are spinal decompression, cold laser therapy, heat and cold applied with gentle massage therapy. I have patients who I see in my office that usually need a combination of the above techniques to resolve their sciatic pain. We use various forms of massage and cold laser to relax patient’s muscles, improve blood flow, and most important, the release of endorphins in the body that act as natural pain relievers.

Last but not least, a highly effective technique for treatment that is being used more and more is acupuncture. Most people think of being a human pin cushion and even though the origins of this technique were developed by the Chinese, it is an approved procedure for back pain by the FDA. A qualified and trained acupuncturist can provide relief from back pain by simply using thin needles inserted in the area where you feel discomfort. Acupuncture focuses on the applied principle of harmonizing your body’s flow of energy through various pathways in the body. There is no guarantee that this or any other combination of treatments will totally eliminate sciatica from recurring but if you follow the advice of your chiropractor and seek help early, you should prevent this from happening again in the future.

Sciatica Nerve-Pain Cures

26 January, 2010 (04:12) | Back Pain | By: admin

Sciatica nerve pain is a serious medical condition that can be caused by a variety of factors. One of the primary causes is disc herniation or a bulging of the lower lumbar disc, this in turn compresses one of the nerve roots that connect with the sciatic nerve. Nerve pain can sometimes center around the area that is being traumatized or in cases of very severe pain, can radiate all through the low back, the thigh and travel down the leg to the foot and the sole of the foot.

Sciatica nerve problems sometimes go away in the same way that they appeared, on their own. However, in the majority of cases the pain needs to be treated and cured. You may have the pain for a few weeks and suddenly find that the intervals at which it reappears are gradually becoming further apart. Others who are not so lucky may opt for alternative medicine approaches like acupuncture, acupressure or massage therapy.

Sciatica nerve cures can be divided into 3 broad categories: medical, alternative medicine and individual treatments. The causes for the pain are different from one individual to the next, so also will the treatment differ for each patient.

  • Medical treatment involves a doctor who will conduct tests to identify the specific area where the sciatic nerve is being compressed or pinched or stressed. After assessing the situation, oral medication or epidural injections may be prescribed to control the pain and give the person relief. In cases where the pain is very severe, surgery may be recommended.
  • Individual treatments center around getting the right kind of exercise that will strengthen the muscular core, improve posture and relieve weight pressing on the spinal cord.
  • Alternative medicine involves acupuncture, acupressure, chiropractic care, and massage therapy.

Chiropractic Treatment

21 January, 2010 (04:23) | Back Pain, Chiropractic | By: admin

The long awaited report on how low back pain should best be treated in the UK was published recently by National Institute for health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). NICE for those who do not know is an independent group set up by the government to evaluate the available research on a particular condition. Its job is to publish clear guidelines for the best way to treat a particular condition in the UK National Health Service (NHS) hospitals or at Primary Care Trust (PCT) level i.e. Direct referral via you General Practitioner (GP/MD).

This new guide covers non specific back pain. This represents all the mechanical causes of lower back pain a Chiropractor typically sees. It includes pain coming from joints, discs, muscles, tendons and ligaments and according to Richard Nelson, a Chiropractor in Derby ”forms over 99% of the causes of lower back pain that a typical Chiropractor will see in every day practice”.

Specific back pain is where there is a non mechanical cause for your pain such as cancer, infection or fractures. Your chiropractor has under gone extensive medical training to able to distinguish between the two classifications so can decide which patients are suitable for Chiropractic treatment and those that are not. In a typical Chiropractic practice Specific back pain usually forms less than 1% of all cases.

NICE recommendations are:

Any persistent or recurrent low back pain lasting more than 6 weeks and less than 12 months one of following three options should be offered taking in to account the patients (‘your’) preference.

  • A course of manual therapy – up to 9 sessions over 12 weeks (manual therapy encompasses manipulation, mobilisation and massage).
  • Acupuncture – up to 10 sessions over 12 weeks.
  • Group physical exercise programme 8 sessions over 12 weeks.

NICE stated that manipulation can be performed by Chiropractors or Osteopaths. Chiropractors and Osteopaths are experts in manipulative techniques and along with mobilisation and massage they have been the core treatment methods of the two professions in the UK for over 100 years. It’s ironic now that research now ‘proves’ that the hands on approach that the professions have adopted for many years really does ‘work’. So NICE makes it clear that the Chiropractic and Osteopathic professions should be used for the provision of low back pain treatment in the general population under the NHS.

Doctors and Physiotherapists who have undergone specialist post graduate training in manipulation are also included as suitable providers of manipulation treatment. However, generally manipulation is not taught to Doctors or Physiotherapists as part of their standard training in the UK and so the majority of Doctors and Physiotherapists do not perform it.

NICE further recommends that if one chosen treatment does not result in satisfactory improvement another one of the 3 options should be offered to you.

What can you do? Next time you visit your GP you can ask;

As per NICE guidelines for low back pain will you (your GP) refer you for Chiropractic treatment for your low back pain in the NHS? If not, ask them why not? As this is what the NICE guidelines recommend for its treatment.

Richard Nelson comments:

Rome wasn’t built in a day! Don’t expect to be referred straight away. The more of you who ask and the more often you ask the sooner Chiropractic will be available to you and others on the NHS!

Chiropractic Treatments For Headaches

11 November, 2009 (10:26) | Headaches-Migraines | By: Health news

Headaches are a common problem and many factors such as poor posture and stress can lead to different types of headaches. Sometimes misalignments in the vertebrae cause nerve irritation and exert pressure on the nerves leading to the brain. This may lead to cluster headaches and migraines. Advanced chiropractic treatment methods help patients to get relief from headache issues and lead a healthy lifestyle. Various healthcare practices offer specialized chiropractic treatments for headaches.

Best Treatment for Headache Relief

As drugs and injections only reduce the intensity of headaches, people nowadays are looking for a natural method that would reduce pain as well as eliminate the cause of pain. Latest chiropractic techniques help people to get rid of headache and also provide the ways to prevent future problems. Application of gentle and skilled chiropractic adjustments will reduce the pressure on the spinal nerves and muscles and it will automatically reduce the symptoms of headache. By restoring the proper function, chiropractic methods reduce the incidence of future headache problems.

Safe and Effective Way

The major aim of chiropractic care is to reduce and eliminate the abnormal neurological function that causes severe and chronic headache problems. Non-intrusive chiropractic techniques help the spinal system to work properly and it will effectively reduce the frequency and duration of migraine and tension headaches.

During the initial consultation, the chiropractor thoroughly examines the overall function of your body and performs specific tests to find the root cause of your headache problem. Depending on the patient’s medical condition, the chiropractor will design an individual headache treatment plan. Many insurance companies provide coverage for chiropractic care-however, before scheduling a chiropractic treatment plan, you have to make sure whether it is covered or not.

Chiropractic benefits

4 November, 2009 (14:39) | Chiropractic | By: Health news

Chiropractic is a branch of health care that aids the maintenance of a properly functioning nervous system. It especially focuses on the spine, as it is the structure that which enables our nervous system to carry out its operation. Though that is the case, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it only focuses only on back ailments. It aims to restore human physical condition at its optimized state.  Chiropractic means “effective” treatment by hand; and that is exactly what it does, to treat and prevent diseases by adjusting improperly working areas of the musculoskeletal system of the body without the use of chemicals or drugs. It’s basically natural, safe, and painless.

Chiropractic’s core treatment entails spinal manipulation, which is the handling of the spine along with soft tissues. Chiropractors are not that different from other regular doctors as they go through processes such as the consultation, physical exams, and laboratory and x-ray analysis, among others. As we’ve noted, the spinal cord is the main point of evaluation. Improving its form or condition will enable patients to feel better as it may remove any abnormalities or negative health conditions. Chiropractors are not limited to diagnosing and addressing problems within the spine. They also assist patients in planning their nutritional needs and exercise, to promote overall physical and mental health. Chiropractors endorse a healthy lifestyle along with the maintenance of the nervous system.

It’s quite a common belief that people don’t need chiropractic care as long as they do not experience extreme neck or back pain. Chiropractic care has a vast array of benefits, much more than the typical notion of many. This also depends on the number of adjustments done. Posture correction is one of the many obvious benefits of chiropractic. Apart from this and pain relief in the head, spine, neck, and the joints, it helps the nervous system function better – this is important as this system controls every action that our body need. An improved nervous system increases mobility, range of motions, muscle movement, gives better balance and coordination, and decreases stiffness, among others. It also provides a superior immune system. Diseases may be fought off easier as one would also be able to heal and recover from injuries faster. The risk of injury also goes lower. It boosts tissue healing and reduces its inflammation. Working adults also will find their stress and tension relieved. This gives off more energy and productivity from them. It’s not only for adults though, even kids can benefit from this practice. Kids will be healthier as it minimizes bed-wetting, asthma, ear infections, etc.

Other common benefits of chiropractic:

  • Breathing becomes easier
  • Vision becomes clearer and sharper
  • Improved circulation
  • Allows better relaxation and sleeping
  • Athletic performance is enhanced
  • Improved digestive system

These are among the many benefits chiropractic has for a patient. It can considerably change one’s life as it improves a patient overall condition. It provides renewed vigor and can change a patient’s lifestyle for the better for the long-term.

Does Your Back Go Out More Than You Do?

16 October, 2009 (03:15) | Back Pain | By: admin

Back pain is one of the most common health problems we face. Seventy-five million Americans will experience this problem each year. Eighty percent of the adult population will have low back pain at some time during their lives. It is the most common cause of disability among the 30-50 year old age group. People suffering with pain will affirm that it can interfere with ones ability to function at their job, play sports, get a good nights sleep, exercise and do other activities of daily living.

The following are the most common causes of back pain:

  • Poor Posture: If you have abnormal posture, standing or sitting for long periods of time can cause pain due to abnormal gravitational forces being exerted on the muscles, discs and joints.
  • Daily Activities: Even healthy, normal activities can cause sprains and strains, which can lead to back pain. Gardening, tennis, horseback riding, biking and even golf can potentially hurt your back.
  • Injuries and Accidents: Car accidents, slips & falls, sports injuries, and other mishaps can all cause back pain.

While back pain patients comprise the second largest diagnostic group seen by medical family practitioners, the treatments recommended by these practitioners (drugs) are often found to be ineffective. A prominent medical researcher has suggested that family physicians consider referring their back pain patients for chiropractic care, as it has proven to be helpful for this disorder.

Masking the symptoms of back problems with drugs will make you feel better temporarily. But to resolve the problems permanently, it involves correcting the posture, restoring joint function, increasing flexibility and strengthening the supportive soft tissues.

One of the most effective ways to improve joint function and mobility as well as correcting the posture is with chiropractic adjustments. When done by a doctor of chiropractic, adjustments are safe, almost always painless and result in an immediate sense of well being.

Chiropractic is complimented with a rehabilitation program consisting of stretches, deep tissue massage (to break up spasms) and exercises to stabilize and strengthen the muscles as well as restore balance and coordination.