Oregon Smoke Free Mothers and Babies. Part 2
A meta-analysis of clinical trials indicated that when the 5 A’s brief counseling intervention is used by a trained provider, and is accompanied by pregnancy-specific, self-help materials, cessation rates can be increased by 30–70% (Mullen, 1999). However, a survey showed that only 35% of providers used the full 5 A’s intervention, with most providers only asked and advised about smoking (Floyd et al., 2001). This is consistent with Oregon data that indicates that 60% of prenatal care providers used three of the recommended 5 A’s protocol (Ask, Advise, and Assist) (Oregon Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, 2001). (We have no data on Assess and Arrange.) Other studies have also addressed the lack of consistency with which providers identify smoking status, advise cessation, and provide counseling to their patients who smoke (Thorndike, 1998).
Smoke Free Mothers and Babies Program was designed using DiClemente and Prochaska’s Stages of Change model (1998) and Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovations Theory (2004) to disseminate the 5 A’s brief intervention and motivational interviewing. The 5 A’s is seen as the vehicle to disseminate change in perinatal systems, both Maternity Case Management and private Prenatal Care Providers. An important component used with the “Assist” piece of the 5 A’s is Rollnick’s Motivational Interviewing (1995). Motivational interviewing is a counseling strategy used to encourage, or motivate, behavior change (Miller, 1999). Motivational interviewing is often paired with the Stages of Change model.
Diffusion Theory is based on spreading an idea or innovation through both formal and informal communication channels. With the 5 A’s as the innovation, SFMB was charged with getting nurses excited about the changes. According to Rogers’ Theory, once 15 percent of a group adopts a new theory, others in the group will follow. SFMB planned on diffusing tobacco cessation best practices through Oregon’s Maternity Case Management System and then through the prenatal care providers.
Prior to this project, the most widely used and available cessation intervention for all Oregonians has been the Oregon Tobacco Quit Line (http://www.oregonquitline.org). Pregnant women received quit line services specifically tailored to issues around pregnancy. Services included a twenty to forty minute phone call, “Quit Kit” materials, information on local cessation programs that their insurance carrier would cover, and a later call-back. The Quit Line provided reactive services; the women who needed services had to initiate the contact.
Part of the SFMB program design was to include the Quit Line as a resource for nurses when conducting the “Assist” piece of the intervention. One variation in the standard quit line services was made. Instead of a reactive process, the quit line would be proactive, calling women who had been referred. Several organizations at that time were evaluating a fax referral process to the quit line. SFMB decided to incorporate that process and encourage public health nurses and prenatal care providers to fax their referrals, rather than simply giving the smoking client a phone number. In addition, nurses would fax client tobacco use information (including information about quit line referrals) to the client’s prenatal care provider. Thus, the three-pronged approach to SFMB was developed including nurses, the prenatal care providers, and the Oregon Tobacco Quit Line.