Empirical Results
The mean marginal effect of the number of AIDS deaths in the Tobit model is negative and statistically significant. The number of HIV infections in 2004 is also statistically insignificant from zero. The number of living cases of AIDS is now positive and significant (at the five percent level). This implies that changes in the number AIDS deaths are negatively associated with both the likelihood and quantity of HIV tests provided. The number of living AIDS cases, however, does not impact whether HIV testing services are offered, but it does positively impact the quantity of services provided.
The proportion of a clinic’s staff that is a nurse family practitioner positively and significantly increases the amount of HIV testing. Interestingly, the proportion of staff that is physicians or physician’s assistants is not statistically significant determinants of the dependent variable. This indicates that certain types of staff within a clinic may be more successful than others at increasing HIV testing and awareness.
The economic and demographic variables also significantly impact the quantity of HIV testing. An increase in both the quantity of low-income patients visiting the clinic, as well as increasing the average income level in the county a clinic serves, increases the amount of HIV testing clinics perform. Increases in the proportion of black, Hispanic and elderly patients currently receiving other health care services from the clinics, on average, reduce the quantity of HIV tests, while increases in the entire Hispanic community within a community significantly increase the number of HIV tests. The proportion of white patients receiving other services from the clinics is a positive and significant determinant of the quantity of HIV testing in the Tobit model. Additionally, the mean marginal effect of the elderly population in a county is not significant in the Tobit regression.
The results in Appendix D (Panel A) show that providing a positive number of Medicare services has a positive and statistically significant mean impact on the quantity of HIV testing. However, donations are not statistically significant determinants of the quantity of HIV tests. Instead, Federal and local government grants influence the quantity of tests performed. In particular, receiving Federal grants and contracts has a negative and significant mean marginal effect on the quantity of testing, but increases in the level of Federal funding have a positive and significant impact. Additionally, the ability to receive local government grants and contracts has a negative and significant impact on HIV testing. Thus, simply giving money to these outpatient clinics will not necessarily increase the amount of HIV testing. Instead, policies should also be concerned with the level of funding provided to these clinics for such a purpose.
The results from Heckman’s two-step sample selection model (Appendix D, Panel B) closely mimic those from the Tobit model, with only a few minor exceptions. As such, the policy implications of the Tobit model are, by and large, supported by the sample selection model. Consistent with the Tobit model, the sample selection equation’s chi-square statistic and F-test are highly significant, indicating a reasonable fit of the dependent variable. The Inverse Mills Ratio coefficient estimate is also statistically different from zero (at a .05 significance level), implying a need to control for the truncation of the dependent variable.
As mentioned above, the signs and significance of the sample selection model closely mimic the Tobit model, with three exceptions. First, the proportion of black patients visiting these clinics is no longer statistically significant, nor is the proportion of a county’s population that is white. Third, the Federal grant and contract variables are no longer statistically significant. The latter finding is particularly important because it casts doubt on whether Federal grant and contract monies are effective at increasing the amount of HIV testing in these clinics.
These discrepancies may also be due to the fact that the incidental truncation model’s results are not only less efficient than those of the Tobit model, but also could be distorted by multicolinearity between the IMR and the second step regressors, both of which lead to inflated standard error estimates and lower levels of statistical significance.