Tag: Diseases

Chemotherapy in the management of prostate cancer

22 April, 2015 (13:59) | Prostate cancer | By: Health news

Despite this interpretation of the early experience, another generation has passed since the NPCP trials were initiated, without cytotoxic therapy earning a place in the routine management of patients with metastatic prostate cancer. Recent modification of chemotherapy and the introduction of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing that permits efficient assessment of ‘response’ have changed this perception.

It is instructive to consider some of the factors contributing to this perception. First, evaluation of clinical response has been difficult. Second, the fact that even patients with disseminated prostate cancer are commonly managed exclusively by urologists has attenuated the experience of medical oncologists in this disease, and very likely has contributed to the slow development of cytotoxic paradigms. Third, there has been an ironic distraction produced by the advent of medical testicular suppression. For some time, clinical research in advanced prostate cancer has seen disproportionate resources expended on randomizing many thousands of patients to variants of hormonal therapies.

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More than a decade of such experience has demonstrated that no matter how complex or expensive we make androgen deprivation, its therapeutic impact is still limited. Finally, the palliative impact of cytotoxic drugs is underappreciated. As pointed out by Slack and Murphy in the quotation above, cytotoxic therapy carefully applied can often provide symptom relief with less morbidity than that associated with narcotics or other palliative

Progress towards more routine assessment of the role of chemotherapy has been made because of a number of factors that have been addressed:

(1) Establishment of standardized response criteria;
(2) Closer ties between medical oncologists and urologists in ‘academic centers of
(3) Recognition of the toxicity and therapeutic limitations of androgen ablation;
(4) Inclusion of quality-of-life end-points in clinical research.

Yeast Infections Main Causes

4 October, 2010 (23:51) | Diseases | By: Health news

In recent years, yeast infections have become a common and sometimes debilitating scourge for many people. If you haven’t been afflicted by systematic Candida, you might be under the impression that it is a simple and easily treated vaginal infection. If this were the case it would be purely a female issue of minor consequences.

Although there is a higher rate of infection among women than men or children, everyone is at risk.

Candida is a microscopic fungus that is present in small quantities within every healthy human body. When kept in check by what are considered to be friendly bacteria, it does not pose a threat. It actually fights off harmful bacteria, thereby keeping the body functioning normally.

It is estimated that the bacteria count within the healthy body outnumbers human cells ten to one. Although they are typically called friendly and unfriendly, they all work together to keep the body functioning as intended, providing their numbers are in balance.

It is when Candida grows out of control that it can cause symptoms ranging from irritating and uncomfortable to life altering, and even fatal.

While there are many people who might not be alive today without the benefit of antibiotics, their overuse is one of the main reasons for the increase in yeast infections. Antibiotic can literally be translated to against life. Probiotic means pro-life, or for life.

When we look at these translations, it is easier to understand how they react in our bodies. The purpose of antibiotics is to kill harmful bacteria. This, they do very well, unless they are overused and lose their effectiveness.

Other than losing their ability to destroy the intended microorganisms, antibiotics can create another unintended issue. This occurs because of the antibiotic’s ability to kill microorganisms. Remember, anti-life, or against life. When the harmful bacteria are killed, so are the intestinal flora that keep the yeast in check.

This allows the Candida to grow out of control. Your system is no longer in balance. Hence, you develop a yeast infection. And, getting rid of it is not usually as easy as acquiring it in the first place.

Another reason for the overabundance of yeast infections is the way our diets have changed within the recent decades. Over the past twenty years, the average American has increased his or her sugar consumption from 26 pounds to a staggering 135 pounds a year.

Take a moment to let that register. Is it any wonder that, in spite of our improving ability to cure previously incurable diseases, the health of the nation is not where it should be?

Anyone who has ever baked bread knows a little about how yeast grows. It needs a warm moist environment. Changing out of wet swimwear and wearing well-ventilated clothing are effective preventative measures that should always be kept in mind.

And, what else does yeast need to grow? You guessed it. Sugar.

This brings us to another predisposition to obtaining a yeast infection, which is diabetes. If we continue eating a diet high in simple sugars, diabetes is a predictable outcome. Diabetics are more prone to yeast infections, as well as a host of frightening medical disasters.

While we’re on the subject of sugar, let’s look at another way it escalates the development of yeast infections.

Our bodies have the ability to fight enormous odds. Considering the threats we face every day, if our immune systems weren’t able to fight off the germs and parasites that we constantly encounter, we would not have survived as a species.

Sugar not only causes inflammation, which in itself damages the immune system. The more sugar competing for entrance into our cells, the less vitamin c is able to enter. We all know how important vitamin c is in keeping our immune systems running smoothly.

These are some of the many reasons to cut down on sugar, as well as excessive intake of flour products and fruit juices, if we want to remain free of yeast infections. Take care of your immune system and it will take care of you.

Another diet tip to restoring your immune system and knocking out the Candida is to eat an alkaline diet full of dark leafy greens, raw vegetables, and most fresh fruit as opposed to juice. Some people will have problems with high glycemic fruit such as bananas, melons, and pineapple. You will have to experiment, bringing new fruit into your diet slowly and singly. Be sure to pay special attention to your carbohydrate consumption during an active infection.

Another factor that can encourage an infection is the hormonal changes that occur toward the end of each menstrual cycle and upon entering menopause.

In the past, douching was sometimes recommended. However, this also tends to wash away healthy secretions and normal protective bacteria. Good personal hygiene, without the use of perfumed soaps or feminine hygiene sprays, is a better way to go.

It may seem that there is no way of getting free of yeast infections. That’s not really accurate. Yet, if you have found yourself in a position of recurring or chronic bouts, your first step is to get at the root of what is causing the problem. There is a simple, natural way of doing this.

Remaining free of future outbreaks will require making a shift to a healthier lifestyle. You might look at it as a blessing that will reward you with greater health and a longer happier life.
Not only is this proven, natural and holistic, step-by-step system, the most comprehensive and effective cure for yeast infections.

As well as curing your infection permanently, you will be free of any future Candida yeast infections and its related symptoms forever.

All Natural Fibromyalgia Treatment

29 September, 2010 (22:22) | Diseases | By: Health news

For whatever reason, fibromyalgia and “natural treatment” don’t seem to go hand-in-hand. The only thing which seems “natural” for a fibromyalgia patient is the expectation that their condition may not be properly treated. Fibromyalgia has become such a devastating and confusing condition, that many medical professionals often turn to drastic or extreme circumstances in order to give the patient “fibromyalgia pain relief.” Such is the case with Western Medicine; if you have a medical problem, it’s often going to require surgery or expensive medication…probably both.

But natural pain treatment for fibromyalgia doesn’t require a radical shift in the way we approach the world. Take a look at your feet. If you’ve read my previous articles, you’ll know that’s where chronic pain throughout the body originates. But, what do feet have to do with fibromyalgia pain in your back, thighs, or jaw areas? These are all energy zones in your body that are being “blocked” due to your foot being out of balance. The foot is the root cause of these devastating symptoms wrecking havoc all across your body.

But, what are energy zones? You promised I wouldn’t have to change my way of thinking…

Don’t change your way of thinking, just think harder about how your body works. Energy flows throughout your body in zones; we don’t particularly discuss it in this vein on our side of the globe, but the notion that energy is free flowing is quite common. What isn’t common is the knowledge of how conditions like fibromyalgia arise and how to stop the cause of such pain. This is because many experts look at the result of the condition (symptoms), opposed to stopping the cause of it. Fibromyalgia is the result of blocked energy fields throughout the body, thus the focus should be not on stopping the symptoms resulting from these blockages, but rather, on freeing these blocked energy zones. Typically acupuncture is the primary, natural treatment used to achieve this, however, even acupuncture doesn’t target the main source of fibromyalgia pain. An acupuncturist, even though they understand the nature of energy zones throughout the body, can still only be half right–they don’t correct the foot imbalance which eliminates the ability to stop the cause of the pain.

In order to correct the imbalance, the patient should use a micromanipulation technique, which corrects imbalances in the foot, freeing the energy zones throughout the body. It requires no medication, surgery and can be effective in as little as 10 to 15 minutes, when performed properly–with zero side effects.

Sheehan’s Syndrome And The Symptoms to Look For

8 September, 2010 (17:38) | Diseases | By: Health news

Sheehan’s Syndrome can be difficult to diagnosis. Many women can suffer for years before they receive the help they so desperately need. Sheehan’s Syndrome is caused by severe blood loss during or after childbirth. The blood loss during and post childbirth can be particularly damaging to the pituitary gland. The loss of blood to the pituitary gland may destroy hormone-producing tissue. When necrosis of the pituitary gland occurs the pituitary may lose some or all of its function.

The characteristics of hypothyroidism usually develop gradually. A dry, waxy type of swelling (myxedema) may take years or decades to become apparent. The severe ACTH deficiency is associated with fatigue, chronic hypo tension with fainting, and the ability to respond to stress.

Below list is an overview of symptoms. When a woman has Sheehan’s Syndrome she may have one or many of these symptoms. The disease of Sheehan’s Syndrome can be a difficult diagnosis because many of symptoms are similar to other diseases or aliments.

  • Fatigue
  • Slow mental function
  • Salt Cravings
  • Extreme weight gain (from having Hypothyroidism)
  • Extreme weight loss
  • Infertility
  • Lack of libido
  • Abdominal pain
  • Lack of appetite
  • Low blood pressure
  • Dizziness and fainting
  • Difficulty or inability to breast-feed (failure of lactation)
  • Difficulty staying warm
  • Insomnia
  • Lack of menstrual bleeding
  • Loss of pubic and axillary hair
  • The clinical features of Sheehan Syndrome are highly variable and depend on the areas of the pituitary gland that has died (necrosis). Patients that have a smaller proportion of the pituitary tissue damaged may not develop symptoms until weeks or even years after the childbirth.

    There appear to be two forms of the disease; a chronic form and an acute form, depending on the amount of damage to the gland’s cells. The acute form reflects considerable damage so that symptoms become apparent soon after delivery. In chronic cases, the volume of damage to the pituitary is much less and symptoms may not appear for months or years after delivery. In both the chronic and acute forms, there may be signs of diabetes insipidus (DI) such as abnormal thirst for and intake of water, as well as high volume of output of urine.

    A frequent symptom of Sheehan’s Syndrome is associated with failure of lactation after a woman gives birth. Other symptoms can include: menstruation not begin again, sexual interest (libido) is diminished, pubic hair does not grow back, hair in the armpits (axilla) slowly disappears, and breasts and genitalia atrophy (diminish in size). However, for some women, menstrual periods do recur and subsequent pregnancies have been reported.

    The characteristics of hypothyroidism usually develop gradually. A dry, waxy type of swelling (myxedema) may take years or decades to become apparent. The severe ACTH deficiency is associated with fatigue, chronic hypo tension with fainting, and the ability to respond to stress.

    Immediate medical treatment should be sought if a woman suspects she may have Sheehan’s Syndrome and is experiencing symptoms of ACTH deficiency. Severe ACTH deficiency can cause an Adrenal Crisis to occur. An Adrenal Crisis is a life threatening situation and treatment needs to be given immediately.