Category: Back Pain

Healing Back Pain

9 August, 2010 (20:03) | Back Pain | By: Health news

Back pain is a condition which many adults in the world constantly suffer from. In fact statistics reveal that over eight million adults in the United States of America Suffer from this condition. In the west, statistics show up to 80 percent of adults suffering from back pain.

How do humans feel pain? Well, this occurs as a result of our brain’s cell receptors intercepting a message which is transmitted to it by the nerves in the human body. It is the same with back problems – when pain occurs in the back, the nerves in the back transmit the information (pain) to the brain. That is when you feel it!

It is interesting to note that painkillers actually operate by cutting off these messages from getting to your brain by blocking the transmission from the nerves in the area.

Why are we going through all of this talk? Well, it always amazes me that people would rather rely on drugs to do what they, as humans, can accomplish naturally. This article will look at 3 ways in which you can replace the function of pain using your body’s natural ability to heal. This will remove any risk of your becoming addicted to any pain killers. Read on…

#1. You need to begin by acknowledging the fact that there exists a very close bond between your back and your mind. This has been shown by experiments which proved that if you harbor negative thoughts like anxiety or fear or depression, relieving your back pain becomes more difficult. Your back muscles interpret the fear or anxiety and become tense in response to it.

To counter this, you need to perform deep breathing exercises to help ease the stress felt by your mind. And also start to practice positive thinking.

#2. You should engage in performing low impact exercise routines if you desire to stop the pain you are experiencing. These exercise routines include the following; aerobics, yoga, tai chi, arm lifts, crunches, leg lifts, and any other light exercise routine which you can manage to perform without the risk of aggravating your back muscles.

The aim of all of these is locomotion – ensuring that your muscles are in constant motion so as to keep them from merging due to immobility. Whatever you do maintain a balance of stretching as much as possible without risking injury to your back. If you feel that you are overdoing anything, stop.

#3. You ought to endeavor to feed yourself correctly and properly. Feed yourself right. You should go for foods that will boost your immune system and allow your body to assume its natural healing tendencies. Foods like the following should be incorporated into your daily diet (not at once, of course); milk, fruits, vegetables, eggs, lean meat, fiber, grains, nuts, and so on and so forth.

FACT: Most conventional treatments for sciatica only work as a temporary band aid solution; they all fail to work in the long run!

Tips to Stop Lower Back Pain

5 August, 2010 (17:00) | Back Pain | By: Health news

Most of us will have to endure back pain at some point in our lives. That is a very unfortunate statistical fact. The reason for all this back pain is the fact that we all sit way too much at work, school, meals in cars, planes, trains, and of course on the couch, etc… Our muscles get tight and weak and we start getting back pain. Or, we get some kind of an injury, because our backs are too weak to withstand the twisting force during activity or an accident.

Back pain comes in all forms, sometimes mild and sometimes severe. Most people just end up living with the pain, because they just do not know how to get better. And you can only take so much pain medication or cortisol shots. And of course, surgery is very serious and does not always work. However, by learning how to get your muscles back in balance, an amazing thing can happen. You can retrain your body to move more naturally again and the back pain can be eliminated. I mean, you didn’t always live with back pain. It is a postural and muscular problem. And that means most of the time, you can reverse it. So, here are 5 great tips to get you started…

  • Tip #1 – Figure out what kind of postural distortion you have… Kyphotic or Lordotic.
  • I know, what the heck do those words even mean? Simple, take a look in the mirror from the side. Are your hips tilted forward and is your butt pushed back. Do you see an over-inflated curve in your lower back? that would be known as lordotic posture. Or are your hips tilted back. Is your butt tucked under and looking really flat? That would be kyphotic.

    Once you know what kind of posture you have, you have taken the first step toward healing. Begin gently moving the opposite way and try to remember throughout the day to keep your hips square over your pelvis. It should not tip forward or back. There are many pictures out there for healthy posture… do a little research and you will quickly find out how poorly you stand and how to start fixing it.

  • Tip #2 – Strengthen your core (hint – do not do crunches)
  • Okay, so most people know that they should have a stronger back and core. But, that does not mean that people understand which exercises to do. In fact, they end up doing all the wrong exercises that do more harm than good. You want to do exercises that do NOT move your core around. You want to do stabilization exercises so that your core gets stronger and learns to keep you stable even when you are twisting or being forced to move in a unnatural position. Plus, the stronger you get your core, the better you will feel in your back. The back usually respond to core work almost immediately and start feeling better.

  • Tip #3 – Stretch the Tight Muscles ONLY
  • I meet very, very few people that are flexible in a way that is functional in a good way. In other words, even someone who seems flexible in some ranges of motion are usually way too tight in other areas. And of course, most people are just pretty tight all over the place. And tight muscles mean that they are overworked all day. What usually happens is the muscles opposite them are too weak and over-stretched all day. It all comes back to your posture again, because how you stand and sit all day is the posture which your muscles are forced to deal with all day. Depending upon whether you are more kyphotic or lordotic will indicate which muscles specifically you should be stretching. You do not want to stretch muscles that are already weak and too long. That will just make your posture worse.

  • Tip #4 – Strengthen the weak muscles ONLY
  • This is the opposite of tip #3. Once you are stretching the tight muscles for your kind of posture and muscle imbalance, you also need to strengthen the weak ones. This is the flip side of the coin in tip #3. You need to do both things. Stretching the tight muscles is fantastic, but without strengthening the weak ones, you still will not balance out. Usually, and this is over-simplified, if the muscles in the front of your legs are tight, the ones in the back will be weak and vice versa. Again, it all comes down to your unique muscle imbalances which must determine how you stretch and strengthen your body.

  • Tip #5 – Start Doing Rehab as soon as possible
  • You can start stretching and exercising even if you are laying in bed all day. And the sooner you begin a rehab program, the better. Obviously, you have to check with your doctor first, but assuming you get the okay, getting out of pain is determined by how you do your rehab program. Obviously, it needs to be the right stuff for you, but there is rarely a reason to wait. Again, I have worked with people who are almost entirely immobile and in bed and gotten them into full stretching and exercise routines that started making a huge difference right away.

    Acupuncture and Chronic Low Back Pain. Part 3

    4 August, 2010 (03:25) | Back Pain | By: Health news

    Acupuncture is a therapeutic intervention characterized by the insertion of fine, solid metallic needles into or through the skin at specific sites. The technique is believed to have originated in China, where it has remained a fundamental component of a system of medical theory and practice that is often termed “traditional Chinese medicine.” Although a number of different techniques or schools of acupuncture practice have arisen, the approach used in traditional Chinese medicine appears to be the most widely practiced in the United States.
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    Traditional Chinese medicine espouses an ancient physiological system (not based on Western scientific empiricism) in which health is seen as the result of harmony among bodily functions and between body and nature. Internal disharmony is believed to cause blockage of the body’s vital.

    Acupuncture Meridians.
    energy, known as qi, which flows along 12 primary and 8 secondary meridians. Blockage
    of qi is thought to be manifested as tenderness on palpation. The insertion of acupuncture needles at specific points along the meridians is supposed to restore the proper flow of qi.

    Efforts have been made to characterize the effects of acupuncture in terms of the established principles of medical physiology on which Western medicine is based. These efforts remain inconclusive, for several reasons. First, the majority of studies have been conducted in animals, and it is difficult to relate findings from such studies to effects in humans. Second, acupuncture has been shown to activate peripheral-nerve fibers of all sizes, rendering a systematic study of responses complex. Third, the acupuncture experience is dominated by a strong psychosocial context, including expectations, beliefs, and the therapeutic milieu.
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    Despite these limitations, some physiological phenomena associated with acupuncture have been identified. Local anesthesia at needle-insertion sites completely blocks the immediate analgesic effects of acupuncture, indicating that these effects are dependent on neural innervation.35 Acupuncture has been shown to induce the release of endogenous opioids in brain-stem, subcortical, and limbic structures. In the rat, electroacupuncture has been shown to induce pituitary secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol, leading to systemic antiinflammatory effects.38 Functional MRI studies in humans have shown immediate effects of prolonged acupuncture stimulation in limbic and basal forebrain areas related to somatosensory and affective functions that are known to be involved in pain processing. Results on positron-emission tomography have shown that acupuncture increases μ-opioid–binding potential for several days in some of the same brain areas. Acupuncture also has effects on local tissues, including mechanical stimulation of connective tissue, release of adenosine at the site of needle stimulation, and increases in local blood flow. However, the various observations that have been made are not sufficient to permit a unified theory regarding the effect of acupuncture on mechanisms of chronic pain.

    Pathophysiology and Effect of Therapy

    4 August, 2010 (00:25) | Back Pain | By: Health news

    Pathophysiology and Effect of Therapy

    The pathophysiology of chronic low back pain is poorly understood, but is increasingly recognized as complex and multifactorial. Progress in elucidating mechanisms has been impeded by difficulties in defining suitable animal models that are clearly relevant to the human disorder and in conducting informative physiological studies of chronic pain in humans.

    Some of the above-mentioned structural abnormalities of the spine are well established as causes of low back pain. Other abnormalities do not correlate well with clinical symptoms.6 Findings such as disk herniation and facet-joint degeneration, when associated with central spinal stenosis or nerve-root impingement, have been correlated with low back pain, most often in association with sciatica or neurologic deficits. However, there is a high prevalence of such spinal abnormalities in asymptomatic persons, and such findings are poor predictors of back pain in longitudinal studies. Muscular and soft-tissue abnormalities have also been described, but their role in low back pain remains uncertain.

    More recent investigations focus on alterations in the central nervous system, detected with various imaging methods, that are associated with chronic low back pain. Studies using functional MRI have shown alterations in cerebral activation, and anatomical studies have shown changes in regional volume and density in the brain. It has been suggested that these alterations may reflect or contribute to changes in central nervous system processing of sensory stimuli. However, the specific findings of these studies have not been entirely consistent with one another, and it is not clear whether the observed alterations are a cause or a consequence of chronic low back pain.

    In addition, psychological and behavioral factors, including fear of movement, appear to play an important role in patients with chronic low back pain. Such patients have been shown to have altered brain-activation patterns at subcortical and cortical sites associated with emotion and postural control.25-28 Studies comparing psychosocial variables with anatomical findings have shown the former to have greater predictive value than the latter.

    Acupuncture for Chronic Low Back Pain

    4 August, 2010 (00:20) | Back Pain | By: Health news

    A 45-year-old construction worker with a 7-year history of intermittent low back pain is seen by his family physician. The pain has gradually increased over the past 4 months, despite pain medications, physical therapy, and two epidural corticosteroid injections. The pain is described as a dull ache in the lumbosacral area with episodic aching in the posterior aspect of both thighs; it worsens with prolonged standing and sitting. He is concerned about losing his job, while at the same time worried that continuing to work could cause further pain. The results of a neurologic examination and a straight-leg–raising test are normal. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) shows evidence of moderate degenerative disk disease at the L4–L5 and L5–S1 levels and a small midline disk herniation at L5–S1 without frank nerve impingement. The patient wonders whether acupuncture would be beneficial and asks for a referral to a licensed acupuncturist.

    The Clinical Problem

    An estimated 70% of persons in Western industrialized countries have back pain sometime in their lives. In the United States, low back pain is one of the most common reasons for visits to a physician. Approximately 90% of acute episodes resolve within 6 weeks. However, 25% or more of patients have recurrent pain within the next year, and chronic low back pain develops in up to 7% of patients.

    The full differential diagnosis of low back pain is extensive, but most of the causes are infrequently seen in general medical practice. Cancer, infection, and inflammatory disorders each account for less than 1% of cases. Structural disorders of the spine itself, such as compression fractures, spinal stenosis, and disk herniation, are somewhat more common and together account for some 10 to 15% of cases. However, the most common problem (85% of cases) is “nonspecific” or “idiopathic” low back pain, and it is this disorder that is most often associated with chronic or recurrent symptoms.

    Low back pain results in substantial morbidity. By one estimate, 6.8 million U.S. adults had physical disability associated with back pain in 1999. Patients with back pain account for more than $90 billion annually in health care expenses, with approximately $26 billion of that amount directly attributable to the treatment of back pain.

    How to Avoid the Neck Pain

    19 July, 2010 (14:42) | Back Pain | By: Health news

    Frequent complaints of neck pain and stiff neck come mainly from people who work on computers for a long time at a stretch. Usually people use analgesic gel or a cream or a spray to reduce the pain and continue working. They are all temporary remedies and the cause remains untreated. The medication does not address the cause of the complaint. Do certain exercising of the neck and shoulder region to get rid of the problem permanently.

    Present day working pattern is related to long hours of sitting. Practically, there is no physical activity if you remain before the computer or watch TV in a sitting position for long hours. If you are not attending any exercise program, you are going to become a victim of the problem. When there is acute neck pain or stiff neck issue, you are automatically indisposed and the work suffers, the business slows down and your career faces tough time. You go through increased stress levels. The only viable remedy is regular exercising. Take out some time from your busy schedule either in the early hours or after office time and follow some simple exercising to remain fit and without neck problem.

  • Exercise 1#
  • Stand straight and tilt the head backwards as much as possible. Now, start to move the head towards the front so that the chin touches your chest. Look at the floor and pause for a few seconds. Repeat for 10 -12 times a day.

  • Exercise 2#
  • Stand straight and tilt the head back so that you face the ceiling of the room. Be careful of not too much backwards stretching, otherwise you would hurt your neck muscles. Tilt back slowly and smoothly and stay for a few seconds. Do the same for five times a day.

  • Exercise 3#
  • Stand straight and look forward. Move your head to the right smoothly and come back to the starting position. You can do it 5-6 times. Relax and repeat the action to move the head to the left.

  • Exercise 4#
  • stand erect and look forward. Tilt your head sideways to touch the right shoulder with the right ear. Stay for few seconds and come back to the original position Repeat it for 5-6 times a day. Relax and repeat this action involving the left shoulder and the left ear.

  • Exercise 5#
  • Keep the head straight. Try two actions at a time. Try to move the head back and simultaneously try to touch the chest with your chin. Repeat it 5-6 times a day. This is good for neck retraction.

  • Exercise 6#
  • Stand straight. Put your palms at the back of the neck firmly and tilt the head backwards. Simultaneously, try to resist the backward movement of the head. Relax slowly and repeat this feat 5-6 times a day.

  • Benefits#
  • These exercises increase the flexibility of neck muscles. There will be lesser frequency pain episodes and you get faster relief.

  • Tips#
  • Before starting any kind of exercising of the neck, you must consult the doctor or your health provider to describe the exact way of doing these exercises. Tell the doctor about your medical history so that he is able to determine and recommend the right course of action for you. Get a fitness trainer for scheduling the exercising plan for you. You will have no complaint of neck pain or stiff neck like before and please do not neglect the small complaints.

    Back Pain Prevention

    12 July, 2010 (20:58) | Back Pain | By: Health news

    “The aim of the wise is not to secure pleasure, but to avoid pain.” – Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC), famous Greek philosopher and scientist.

    However, one pain that is very hard to avoid is back pain . In fact, it is one of most frequent complaints of humanity, with nine out of ten adults experiencing it once in their lifetimes and five out of ten working adults experiencing it every year.

    Back pain usually originates from the muscles, nerves, bones, joints or other structures in the spinal column. It is also known as dorsalgia and can be of following types:

  • Neck pain or cervicalgia Upper back pain or thoracic pain Lower back pain or lumbago Tailbone pain or coccydynia
  • Back pain is also classified by duration – acute (less than 4 weeks), sub-acute (4 – 12 weeks), chronic (greater than 12 weeks) – and causes. Some of the common causes of back pain are:
  • Neck pain Neck injuries Spondylosis Infections Stress Wrong posture

    Upper back pain Wrong posture Overuse injuries Trauma
    Lower back pain Diseases of joints like osteoarthritis, hyperostosis, etc. Spinal problems like herniated discs, spinal stenosis, etc. Metabolic problems like osteomalacia, ochronosis, etc. Tumors Depression Wrong posture 4. Tailbone pain Injuries from falls, etc. Childbirth Tumors

    Although some kind of back ache cannot be prevented but only treated, there are assured types that can be. Here are some ideas for preclusion :

    Exercise – Regular exercise can renew the joints and muscles and keep them mobile, preventing the onset of back ache . This also helps one maintain a well weight. However, be confident to maintain correct form while lifting weights.
    Posture – A lot of back ache is owed to false posture while sitting, standing and sleeping, which keeps the spine out of alignment. Correcting that will decrease the chances of back ache.
    Nutrition – You are what you eat. hence , confirm that your body gets all the essential nutrients for a fit lifestyle.
    Footwear – This is commonly one of the most neglected aspects of day-to-day lifestyle . However, wearing the suitable shoes can help prohibit back ache. Ladies are recommended to use heels sparingly.
    Medicine – approximately all medicines have side-effects, and some of them can origin back ache . Be careful about what medicines you take. The use of pain killers and non steroidal anti provocative drugs can only mask the symptoms and not resolve the trouble.
    Stress – The stress of latest living has basically contributed to the rise in cases of back ache . Reducing it will be a important inhibitive procedure.
    Smoking – In addition to countless other health benefits, quitting smoking can serve to frustrate back ache .
    Mobility – Current jobs usually require us to sit at desks for large periods of time. Intersperse long periods of physical passiveness with short walks to prohibit back ache .
    Checkups – Regular checkups by a doctor, chiropractor, physical therapist or individual trainer can help to anticipate back ache . They can also offer direction towards a healthier life.

    Key Exercises For Lower Back Pain

    7 July, 2010 (23:05) | Back Pain | By: Health news

    The aim of these exercises is to help you overcome back discomfort and help in the prevention of back pain. Strong backs do not get injured nearly as often as weaker backs. Stretching alone will not help you if your back is not strong so it is important to do regular exercises for lower back pain.

    If you purchase some weights all of these exercises can be done in the comfort of your own home. It is important that before you undertake any exercise programme however, that you get cleared by your doctor particularly if you suffer from chronic back pain or have recently undergone surgery. These exercises are aimed at making the spine stable and they will make it stronger if done regularly; generally it is recommended that you try to work out at least 3 times per week.

    Start with 15 reps at a time for each exercise; you can build up the number of sets as you become stronger and more stable. When doing these exercises, in order to activate the transverse abdominal muscles you need to pull in your belly button to the spine. People have a tendency to distend or push out the belly button when they exert force, this has an adverse reaction to core stability, so remember pull in the belly button, suck in those abs and hold but don’t forget to breathe!

    OK for the first exercise lie on the ground, keeping the pelvis relaxed, but exaggerating the curve in the lower back by bringing the belly up towards the ceiling, making the contraction nice and hard by exaggerating the curve however the opposite movement is where the exercise comes in to play. Tilt your pelvis back towards your head as you suck your belly button down towards your spine, then tilt back towards your knees and then back towards your head. Repeat. This is the key exercise to start with if you have an acute episode of back pain but only work to your pain tolerance. This exercise aims to increase the range of motion and also by bringing the pelvis back it will help to relax the muscles by taking the pressure off the discs.

    To take this exercise to the next level, as before make the contraction nice and hard by exaggerating the curve in the back, lift the pelvis off the ground towards the ceiling into the bridge position, supporting through your shoulders. When you are in this position it is important to keep your body nice and hard by contracting your abdominal muscles and your pelvic floor muscles as you move into the plank position by kicking the right leg straight out,the knee must be in the same plane as the knee of the balancing leg. Keep your stomach tight and avoid twisting or slouching. Maintain the plank for ten seconds keeping nice and strong then bring the extended leg back down, alternate and extend the other leg straight out. By taking the balance point away the small muscles of the lower back will have to contract hard in an effort to stabilise the spine.

    Next, lying on the ground, engaging the core, arms outstretched to the side, palms up, lift both feet off the ground bending the knees at a 90 degree angle to the hips, keeping the core still and the knees and heels together, rotate first to the left side and then to the right. The idea is to keep your shoulders down and your head still looking straight up all the time.

    To progress from this exercise, in a similar position, extend your knees away from your chest a little further and continue to rotate from side to side maintaining your core stability.

    Now still lying flat on your back in the starting position, engaging the core, lift your head up off the ground as you extend your left hand diagonally to the right leg as that leg comes high off the ground to meet the hand, then head, hand and leg go back down to the starting position, then alternate opposite hand with opposite leg again lifting the head off the ground as the cross extension occurs. Alternate, repeat.

    For the next exercise again in the starting position, lift the left leg high off the ground towards your chest assisting with your arms to pull all the way as you lift your head off the ground to meet your knee. Alternating right leg, left leg, this exercise will stretch out your hamstrings and lower back.

    OK time to get up. Standing before a low bench or table if you are doing these exercises at home, gently squat by bending the knees keeping the head and chest up, rotate, extend arm and reach across to the opposite side of the bench and back up to the standing position, then squat, rotate and reach with the opposite arm to the opposite side of the bench. It is really important that we do not hunch over for this exercise, make sure to bend the knees but keep the body upright in the extension.

    Next getting a dumbbell approx 8-10lbs in weight, standing upright, feet close together, dumbbell in left hand, elbow fully bent, tilt body down to the same side as the one you are holding the weight, then back up extending arm straight up above the head. Do not push the arm over the head or tilt to the opposite side; arm comes up and straight next to the head. Do 15 reps and then alternate weight to other side and repeat.

    When using weights for some of the exercises,if it is too easy with the chosen weight, increase the weight 5lbs at a time until you get to the point that it is challenging on the last rep.

    Next, holding weight in both hands above the head for the next exercise, tilt from side to side, keeping core engaged and head central to arms. Head moves with the tilt i.e. don’t let your arm fall on to your head. Head must be in the middle as you move from left to right. One rep equals left to right tilt.

    For the next exercise holding a load in one hand only, core engaged, tilt again from left to right, you don’t need a load in each hand for this exercise, so tilt down to one side, back up and over to the other side, keep chest up and take your time. The aim of this exercise is to work your quadratus lumborum and your obliques. The QL connects the pelvis to the spine and it is a common source of lower back pain. The aim of this exercise is to make this area of the back nice and stable.

    Finally an exercise for posture that you can do in the sitting position, sitting nice and tall, suck your belly button in, posture erect, bring your head back and down almost creating a double chin, roll your arms back, keep your shoulders down and pinch your shoulder blades together, hold for one minute. This exercise can be done during the day for one minute every half hour as part of your daily routine at the office or home.

    By practising these general exercises over a period of time you will build up the strength necessary to live a normal life free of back pain. The key is though to focus on the core abdominal muscles as much as possible and get used to thinking about them and activating them before you go about your regular activities like gardening of vacuuming or lifting the children.

    Sciatica Homeopathic Remedies

    19 June, 2010 (11:54) | Back Pain | By: Health news

    There are various sciatica homeopathic remedies which exist to naturally combat sciatic nerve pain. Unfortunately it is not so easy to find information regarding how to use them and so on.

    Sciatica is a condition that affects a multitude of people worldwide. In the west about 80 percent of adults are plagued by nasty back pains running from their lower backs all the way down to their legs. This pain also runs through their buttocks; this path is exactly where the sciatic nerve lies and the pain can be extremely debilitating.

    To apply sciatica homeopathic remedies, you need to first determine where the pain is located. This article will reveal four types of sciatica homeopathic remedies which you can begin to use today to combat the pain caused by your pinched sciatic nerve.

    Dosage – It is important to note the dosage of the sciatica homeopathic remedies below so that there will be no mistakes of any kind. Even though with homeopathic cures dosage is not as rigid, nevertheless you need to take an hourly dosage of 6C. You may take additional doses if your condition persists but it should not exceed 10 doses a day.

  • Colocynthis
  • Colocynth is a homeopathic remedy which is also known as bitter apple, bitter cucumber, egusi, or vine of Sodom. It is an effective sciatica homeopathic remedy and if mostly used when there is a shooting pain and numbness along the entire leg.

    You may also make use of another remedy called Nux Vomica…

  • Nux Vomica
  • Nux vomica is a medicine which is gotten from the seeds of an Asiatic tree. It contains strychnine and brucine and can also be used as a stimulant besides the fact that it is a fantastic remedy for a pinched sciatic nerve.

    It can best be applied when there is rapid, twitching leg spasms accompanied by stiffness and paralysis

    Another alternative remedy which may be used is Rhus Toxicodendron…

  • Rhus Toxicodendron
  • This sciatic nerve homeopathic cure can be used when calf cramps are mingled with tearing pain and numbness.

    Mostly these physical symptoms will mix with other emotional indicators including, but not limited to, the following; restlessness, anxiety, hopelessness and so on.

    Alternatively, you may utilize Ammonium Muriaticum…

  • Ammonium Muriaticum
  • This sciatica homeopathic remedy should be used if it becomes noticed that sitting down aggravates your sciatic nerve pain by the presence of the following symptoms; contracted hamstrings, leg spasms, chronic muscles twitching, and so on.

    Emotional symptoms that might be noticed include melancholia and an urge to cry.

    FACT: Most conventional treatments for sciatica only work as a temporary band aid solution; they all fail to work in the long run!

    Back Surgery Tips

    6 May, 2010 (07:57) | Back Pain | By: Health news

    It has been one year since my back surgery and as I look back on a year of challenges, I also see the last twelve months as a time of growth. I enjoy sharing my experiences and what I have learned with others. Now if like me you are facing back surgery here are a few post operative back surgery tips I would like to pass on to you.

  • Get a raised toilet seat: Yeah I know not too exciting, but let me tell you very necessary. The standard toilet seat is too low and will put too much pressure on your back. These raised seats are readily available and your surgeon should mention this to you. Most insurance companies will pay for the seat and no, you can’t return the seat for a refund
  • Shower chair: A big help those first few days after surgery.
  • Handrails in the shower: While we are talking about showers make sure you have study handrails installed. Also have a non-slip shower mat.
  • Buy some extra bed pillows for propping your back up and placing between your knees.
  • If you have shoes with laces, buy some slip-ons.
  • Lots of good books and magazines.
  • Plenty of movie rentals. Added tip most libraries have free movies and of course lots of books.
  • If you can afford it a small laptop. My wife bought me one and it keeps me from going stare crazy.
  • If you live alone go to the store before your surgery and stock up on prepared/frozen dinners.
  • Keep your clothes, medicines, food and anything else you use/need at a level that you can easily reach.
  • Of course the best tip I can give you is to really think long and hard about your back surgery. A year ago I was unaware of the alternatives to surgery. Alternatives that have a track record of eliminating back pain. Surgery is not always the answer. In fact many people still have pain after surgery. Even a year after my own surgery I have pain and discomfort. As someone who has suffered with debilitating back pain, I believe you owe it to yourself to know all the facts.

    Herniated Disc and Sciatica

    24 April, 2010 (03:06) | Back Pain | By: Health news

    Back pain, nowadays, is the most draining health issues which prevents a person in doing things he/she loves to do. It is one of the most common medical conditions suffered by most people, is often misunderstood. There are two main key areas of back pains and hip pains, as well. These are herniated disc and sciatica.
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    What is sciatica?

    The sciatic nerve is stretched from your feet to the end of the spine, making it the longest nerve in the human body. Since it is the longest of all human body’s nerves, once it encounters a problem, the trouble can definitely reach from the bottom of your backbone to your feet. Pain can be experienced in the areas covered by from the backbone to feet.

    Treatments for sciatica usually involve a proper and good posture, if you’re into a running exercise; you have to cease doing so and seek for the advice of your physician. There are times when the reasons are not really serious, however, you still have to have your physician’s advice because, the cause of the sciatica may be something serious like a degenerated disc.

    What is herniated disc?

    A herniated disc is another issue in the world of back and hip pains. It is commonly located in the lower back. The most common causes of it are the inevitable aging and the wearing out of the disc. In addition to this, a spinal injury may also add up to the possible causes of a herniated disc. When tiny cracks and tears allow fluid from the inside, the disc is pushed out to the outer part of the disc, which is now the causing it to bulge and even break, at times.

    The most common signs of herniated disc are pain and numbness in the affected part of the body. If the herniated disc exerts pressure on a nerve, it can eventually cause sciatica. On the other hand, if it doesn’t, generally, the result is a backache.

    A scan or an MRI is the most common means of diagnosing herniated discs.

    The earlier you consult the symptoms to your doctor, the better.

    • Both herniated disc and sciatica conditions can be debilitating and could definitely cause a lot of discomfort and disruption to your daily life.
    • Proper and healthy lifestyle is the best ways to avoid the aforementioned health conditions.

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