Category: Depression

Dealing With Depression

1 March, 2010 (16:14) | Depression | By: Health news

Locking up or staying in your room alone for hours? Crying for no particular reason at all? You may not realize it but these are just some signs of depression. Yes dear, you or your friend may be depressed. So how does one deal with depression? First allow me to explain depression.

Depression is extremely common. It affects 1 out of 8 people and especially teenagers. Depression affects everyone but affects a large number of females. A simple explanation of it would be: If the body gets sick because it was overworked then depression is a sickness because of the brains’ over exertion.

Yet even knowing this, people tend to think that an individual with depression is merely malingering or acting immature and that they yell at them thinking this would encourage them and stop the sulking behavior. Basically, the idea of shaking things off may help but not when it comes to people dealing with depression. Depressed individuals should get all the support that they need from their family and friends. Offering an ear or having the time to sit and talk with a depressed individual greatly helps individuals dealing with depression. If however the depressed person does not take the time to talk to family members or friends then it would be best to refer that person to a therapist or counselor.

In some cases, even the person experiencing depression denies that they are depressed and refuses to seek help. Some even think that this is some form of weakness and that they do not need help or instead have to face this problem alone which is utterly wrong. Every one needs help and that includes individuals experiencing depression.

So exactly why do people get depressed? With all the studies and research being conducted, the exact cause of depression still has not been found. A lot of factors have been linked to depression, namely: environment, genetics, medical conditions, and life events.

Depression is classified into two: severe (short lasting major depression) and less severe (dysthymia) depression. There is also a third type called adjustment disorder with depressed mood which occurs when an individual takes longer than usual to adjust to a certain event in his or her life to the point that it interferes with his or her daily activities. Another depressive condition is known as Bipolar disorder. This condition is mixed with episodes of mania characterized by extreme bursts of energy or an abnormally high level of mood.

The symptoms of depressed individuals are as follows: sadness or a depressed mood all the time, inability to enjoy things that were used to be enjoyable, lassitude or lethargic, socially withdrawn, anxiety, inappropriate feelings of guilt, aches with no medical cause, a noticeable change in daily routine, pessimism and thoughts of suicide. Now if you notice five or more of these symptoms in yourself or someone you know then you are certainly depressed or suffering from depression.

Even if you do find out you’ve got depression do not lose hope for this condition is treatable. Therapists are there to guide and help you to recover from this condition. Treatment includes medication or talk therapy. A combination of both is done as well.

It is important that if you know someone who’s depressed or find out that you are depressed you do need to seek help immediately. Thinking that you are alone will not help you at all and would only make things worse. Everyone in times of need should ask for help and it isn’t a weakness to be feeling depressed in the first place.

Natural Treatment of Depression

29 January, 2010 (04:12) | Depression | By: admin

There are many adults who are trapped under the state of depression due to increase in work load or due to other personal problems. Depression is something that can be treated naturally but it does not mean that people can use self treatment. It is very important for that person to consult the doctor in order to cure the same as it can turn serious if left untreated. Depression is the symptom of other diseases such as anemia or hypothyroidism. According to the doctors depression must always be treated naturally in order to get rid of it totally.

There are various natural treatments of depression.

  • St. John’s Wort: It is a herb that comes under the category of folk medicine which is used in order to relieve poor sleep and nervousness. It is effective antidepressant. For patients with moderate depression, the effect can be noticed within 4 to 6 weeks. It is available in all the medical stores and can be consumed in the form of tablets, capsules, tea or liquid extracts.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: According to the doctors, it is suggested that people under depression needs more of fatty acid in order to trigger the proper functioning of the brain. Omega-3 fatty acid is found in fish. It is also noted that countries where fish is the main food such as Taiwan and Japan, depression rate is much lesser.
  • SAM-e: SAM-e means S-adenosyl-L-methionine which is naturally found in the human body and is helpful i increasing the level of dopamine and serotonin.
  • Folic Acid: Folic acid also known as folate is generally found in fruits, green vegetables, grains and beans.
  • 5-HTP: 5-HTP means hydroxtryptophan and it gets generated in the body and helps in boosting up the level of serotonin in the body. It should not be used with the combination of any other antidepressants.
  • Diet: The intake of sweets must be reduced in order to bring down the sugar level. The intake of alcohol and caffeine must also be avoided as it increases the anxiety and depression in the long run. Magnesium must be included in the diet as it is important for the production of serotonin. Vegetables, grains and nuts are very good sources of magnesium.

5 Serious Cures to Treat Depression

24 December, 2009 (18:17) | Depression | By: admin

Can you believe that there is a fast and permanent method to help you break the cycle of depression, so you can live a normal life again? Can you imagine to be proud of yourself to have followed your gut feeling to the right cure for dealing with depression? Imagine, having done so, to live your life to the fullest again.

Are you having trouble facing daily challenges? Is it hindering you from work, studies or family responsibilities? You might know this already: Depression is not a passing feeling of sadness. It’s a condition requiring professional attention. Several approaches to treating clinical depression can improve your condition so you can move on with your life.

Treatments for depression may vary from person to person. Your case may not be the same as the others having the same condition.

It is always wise to see a doctor because he will tell you if you’ve got a physical illness that leads to depression. In this case, your doctor is the only one who can give you the appropriate treatment.

Approaches to heal depression that originates in the brain range from taking medication, the talking cure, holistic approaches to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) for very severe cases.

  • Dealing with depression by taking medication is very common but it is not my favorite method. 50% of depressed people are not responding to antidepressants.

However, I want to explain what kind of drugs are out there to treat this condition. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter needed for your brain to maintain your mood, temperature and sleep cycle stable. Depression will usually take place when you have a low serotonin reserve. SSRI or Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors regulate serotonin levels. Common SSRI medications are fluxetine, setraline, citlopram and paroxetine. Other neurotransmitters involved in depression are epinephrine and dopamine. Unlike SSRI, atypical antidepressants target these two neurotransmitters to reduce depression. Common drugs under this category are bupropion, nefazodone and mirtazapine. People who are resistant to SSRI and atypical antidepressants would need a different kind of antidepressant medication. MAOI or Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors are not usually prescribed because of the many side effects. People who are on MAOIs have to avoid certain foods and drinks because it may interfere with the medicine. Elderpryl, Nardil, Zelapar and Marplan are some medications prescribed under this category.

  • A very effective approach in dealing with depression is known as ‘talking cure’.

Since depression is a subjective condition, your therapist will need to understand where your depression comes from. Psychotherapy enables you to voice your negative feelings and thoughts that lead to depression and make long lasting changes in your life. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) uses this particular method in treating depression. The aim of this therapy is to try to change negative thoughts and feelings to a more constructive ones.

  • Reading self-help books (bibliotherapy) that are based on new CBT and brain research findings have been acknowledged to be as effective as psychotherapy.
  • Several studies on holistic approaches have been found to bring better results than other therapies. Yoga, meditation, supplements, exercise, regular sleep, a specific diet, and acupuncture have been proven to play a solid part in depression recovery.
  • For severely depressed people electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is often the last resort when nothing has helped. Then electric currents are used to alter certain brain compounds to relieve symptoms. Although ECT is still controversially discussed as an anti-depression treatment, it is used today with precise electrical current calculation to reduce adverse effects.

You’re not the only one suffering from depression so you should never be ashamed of it.Dealing with depression successfully requires your participation. Ask for help and get help before your depression gets worse.

Help For Depression

10 December, 2009 (23:44) | Depression | By: Health news

If you suffer from a depressive illness you don’t need me to tell you that it is not easy to lift yourself out of that black pit of despair. I can, however, give you a few pointers – then the rest is up to you.

Firstly, you probably did not get to the position you are in now at an exact point in time. Your episode of depression was not suddenly switched on and so it cannot be suddenly switched off. It will take some time to get straight and will have its downs as well as ups.

OK then. To start with don’t expect too much of yourself too soon.

  • Begin with small goals. Break big goals into various small steps. When you manage the first then work at holding it and moving to the next. If you set too big a task you are setting yourself up for failure. Each day do the things you can manage and take on a little step forward.
  • Try not to spend too much time alone. Be with others but don’t just use them as objects to direct your feelings into. They don’t want to hear them and they will avoid you pretty soon. Just be with them and try to be involved – if only a little. Having company will be better for you even if you feel that you want to be alone.
  • Don’t take on any additional responsibilities. This will just serve to overload you with stress. It will also, more than likely, lead to failure and push you back in your recovery.
  • Do things that make you feel better especially if they involve other people. Perhaps taking part in some form of exercise such us running or playing tennis. This can be good especially if you have been interested in these things before your illness.
  • Don’t take any major decisions until you feel on top of things again. For example, don’t decide to get married or divorced, don’t make big job changes.

You will be enveloped by negative feelings which are difficult to ignore. These are part and parcel of depression. Try to understand that they are not the true you and will disappear as you recover. I know, you can’t believe me fully while you are ill – but it is true.

Whatever anyone may say, you cannot “snap out of it”. If that was possible you would have done it, right? So don’t blame yourself for your condition.

Go get help from a professional. Depression can be much too difficult to beat on your own however supportive the people around you are.

Types and Symptoms of Depression

10 November, 2009 (19:03) | Depression | By: Health news

Categorization of depression has always been a cumbersome task for the socio-psychologists. Depression is a highly variable term depending upon numerous factors. In this situation any pinpoint classification for depression is nearly impossible. Hence depression is broadly classified in three major forms that primarily depend upon the duration and severity of it. These are:

  • Major depression: This type of depression lasts for a shorter period but it is more severe; people in this stage are most prone to suicide or other self-punitive actions. This form is the major concern for doctors as it is can lead to dangerous consequences. Sadness is often accompanied by prolonged and continuous problems in other spheres of life. The routine activities like sleep, sex, food etc get overwhelmingly affected. The perception towards life is negative and feelings of self-rejection worthlessness and incompetence crop up. The goals of life seem to be unreal and unachievable. Depression may jeopardize the processes of self-actualization and self-perception. The vitality of life is lost and the whole surrounding may appear hostile. A great degree of stagnation is recognized and inferiority complex tends to grow up within the individual. The person may feel unattractive, despondent, morose and unsuccessful. Due to its high incidence, many psychologists have developed their propensity to study major depression comprehensively.
  • Dysthymia: Dysthymia is a mild depression that lasts for a longer period but it is les incapacitating. Sometimes it is even hard to recognize it. This sort of depression is mainly attributed to magnification or minimization of events such as under eating or overeating. The patient may frequently feel tiredness and hopelessness. They have difficulty in decision making and concentration. The recurrence of depressive episodes may lead to, what is called “double depression“. In Dysthymic depression, people recover from major depression but continue to experience intermittent depression episodes.
  • Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood: It circumscribes a depressive reaction to a particular event so that the adjustment because of that event takes longer time than expected and in the given course it affects other activities. For example after the sudden demise of a person’s spouse he continuously feels her presence and is unable to perform his daily duties.

Apart from the above three classifications, depression may also be classified on the basis of triggering or casual factors. A brief account of this categorization is as follows:

  • Depression due to Biological Genetic Factors: Recent findings have proved that depression may also result due to certain biochemical imbalances. For example Norepinephrine and Serotonin, the two neurotransmitters are lower in depressed persons than in Non-Depressed persons.
  • Psychological Factors: Several psychological factors like “learned helplessness“, “negative self schema“, “primitive thinking“, “heightened self awareness” play a crucial role in triggering depression.
  • Socio-Cultural Factors: Sometimes societal expectations also cause depression, when an individual finds oneself unable to meet the demands of his socio-cultural arena then depression may engulf him.
  • Miscellaneous Factors: The other factors such as financial condition, religious status, physical being may also prove to be effective depressants.

The symptoms of all kind of depression are almost same. Some major symptoms are as follows:

  • Persistent sadness accompanied by displeasure.
  • Inferiority complex and a sense of worthlessness.
  • Reclusive tendency
  • Anxiety anger and unusual irritability
  • Loss of appetite
  • Indifference and pessimism

Natural Ways to stop depression

1 November, 2009 (10:24) | Depression | By: Health news

Researchers and scientists have found that in many people that suffer from depression also suffer from nutritional imbalances and deficiencies.

This is good news for those that want to stop or ease depression for good. Being depressed is not easy, it’s very possible to feel like nothing will ever work and that you’re stuck feeling down and sad about everything.

The truth is that you are the one who has to get sick of feeling this way, only then can you learn how to get rid of depression. I know what you’re thinking. Who am I to say anything to you, what do I even know?

I have been studying natural alternatives for well over half a decade. Even at my young age I have solved many of my own health problems and helped me peers at the same time.

A Healthy Lifestyle is the First Step

The real facts are, as I mentioned above, that most people can ease or even get rid of their depression by giving their body the nutrients that it needs and living a healthy lifestyle.

Did you know that many processed foods can leech nutrients from your body and powerfully affect the way you feel? This is yet another reason to eat a diet consisting of largely fruits, vegetables, whole-grains, fish and nuts, as those are the most nutrient packed foods.

Natural Ways to Ease and Get Rid of Depression

With all that said, I’m sure you’re interested in what you can actually do to stop depression in its tracks.

Here are 3 quick tips, they are extremely simple, but sometimes can be tough to implement.

  • Exercise – exercising is probably the last thing on your mind when you’re depressed, but it has been proven that when you exercise, your body releases endorphins which are chemicals that make you feel happier and more relaxed.
  • Diet – as I said above, eating a diet rich in nutrient-dense foods is the first step. You should also clear out any unhealthy alternatives. The sooner you do this, the better. What you eat does affect you in a big way. Even though it might not feel that way, it does!
  • Supplements – many clinical studies have found that when you supplement with high quality multivitamins and omega-3 fish oil products, you can significantly if not completely stop depression. The trick is finding something that is both high quality and pure.


Many people want to stop depression, but they do not want to put a lot of effort into it. This kind of mindset will get you nowhere. If you don’t really want to get rid of depression, then you won’t.

But if you’re sick of it and ready to start living a new life, then you can and then steps are simple. One of the easiest things you can do is to get high quality supplements that will usually give you the energy to exercise and change your diet.

Postpartum Depression Symptoms

31 October, 2009 (12:41) | Depression | By: Health news

Postpartum depression symptoms occur in many women every day. The women who suffer from postpartum depression symptoms often feel as though they’re alone. They feel down, depressed, they feel lower than low. Some women even feel suicidal or feel like harming their own babies. Postpartum depression symptoms need to be watched out for not only for the health of the mother but for the health of the child or children, too. These women are not alone. Postpartum depression symptoms occur in many women and only by getting help can you hope to alleviate them.

Postpartum depression symptoms occur right after the woman has her baby. Postpartum depression symptoms can mean anything from the woman becoming secluded all of the sudden to the woman talking about harming herself or others. Postpartum depression symptoms may be slight and they may be severe but no matter what their degree, you need to get the woman help. Whether you are her boyfriend, husband, friend or relative, get the woman to see a doctor. A mental health professional will be able to determine if the woman is indeed exhibiting postpartum depression symptoms.

She Should Seek Help If the woman has postpartum depression symptoms, a mental health professional will set up the proper therapy so that the woman can get through her post birth days stress and anxiety free. Postpartum depression symptoms may not always reveal themselves immediately. The woman may try to hide the symptoms as she feels as there may be something wrong with her. Only by paying attention and listening to what she really has to say can you sometimes see postpartum depression symptoms.

  • So, if you are a new mother who is feeling unusually down or you know a new mother who is so low that she’s not herself anymore, call a doctor. Tell that doctor that you are or you know a new mother who has postpartum depression. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s a common thing that happens to many women after they give birth. The trick is to catch it early and to understand that it may very well happen, you just have to have a positive outlook to try and beat it.

Don’t try and beat it yourself, however, get some help and take pride in knowing that you are doing everything you can to make sure that your baby is cared for properly. You can’t properly take care of a baby if you’re feeling so low all the time. You’re thinking for two now. Do what’s right for you and do what’s right for your baby.

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