Depression, Anti-Depressants and Thinking Styles
Now we’ve certainly had a good look at the Physical Effects of Depression. If you remember, we had a chuckle over the paragraph entitled.
Depression Is Bad For You.
No. Really? Anyway, to re-cap very quickly. Depressives spend too much time in R.E.M. sleep, so their bodies don’t receive the repair they need. This leads to weakened immune systems which in turn leads to disease. In addition, there’s a sustained increase in stress hormones, which again suppress the immune system.
Depression, Serotonin and Pain. This, too, we looked at, noting that a lack of serotonin is mistakenly thought to be the cause of Depression. Of course, people enjoy an immediate relief from drugs because their levels of serotonin are increased which has an enormous effect on lifting the Depression.
The other point to bear in mind is that R.E.M. sleep is always suppressed by anti-depressant drugs which again lifts Depression. All that, as we saw before, is very fine and large, but these drugs are simply treating the symptoms, not the cause.
Thinking Styles For Depression.
Three points to bear in mind.
1. Unpleasant events do not necessarily cause Depression.
2. It cannot be explained away as a disease.
3. Hormones or brain chemicals are not the cause.
Having stated all this, one or more of them may be included in Depression, but it’s a great deal more than any one of them alone. Let’s have a look at the way people think, the psychological components of Depression, if you will. It’s worth noting that some of the most effective treatments have evolved from a study of this
Shared Thinking Styles For Depression.
Every depressed person thinks in remarkably similar ways. The key is to understand these styles and the pattern they form. By so doing, we take a major step in defeating Depression for good. Depression has to be fed. It must be maintained. If it fails to receive this attention, then it’ll disappear like the mists of morning.
It’s the thinking styles that feed it, that give it this maintenance. The thinking styles we refer to, of course, are those that are emotionally arousing and that encourage introspection, or our old friend, brooding.
There’s an erroneous school of thought that considers prolonged sadness the same as Depression. When something horrible happens, like a death in the family, then you’re bound to feel sad. This is a perfectly natural re-action. However, the person who does not suffer from Depression is able to see beyond that sadness. Yes, they’ll grieve, but they know deep down that there’ll be a happier tomorrow.
Not so the depressed person. To them, ‘life’s always going to be like this’.