Family-based Nutrition Education. Part 5
Data Collection Instruments
All participant files were analyzed retrospectively to ascertain information for the study variables. Demographic information was retrieved from the LEAP enrollment form and initial assessment notes recorded by program staff. Anthropometric and fitness data were collected from the instructor’s records kept for the children and parents throughout the program. Data for knowledge, attitudes, and behavior were retrieved from the LEAP surveys, which were administered to each participant at the beginning and at the end of each eight-week program
The surveys consisted of Likert statements adapted from the program goals and objectives that pertain to desired eating and activity behaviors specific to either children or the parents. Participants indicated the degree to which they agree or disagree with each statement. The responses were quantified from 1 to 5 with 1=strongly agree, 2=agree, 3=neither agree nor disagree, 4=disagree and 5=strongly disagree.
Finally, qualitative data were gathered from an exit survey administered at the last session. Open-ended questions were used to obtain responses from both children and parents in order to gain an understanding of their opinions about the benefits, value, and effectiveness of the program. Four questions were asked: What did you like about the program? What was the most valuable part of the program? What was the most difficult part of the program? What changes would you like to see in the program?
Data Collection Procedures
Parents completed an enrollment form, which included information regarding child gender, date of birth, and type of insurance coverage. Age and insurance status were recorded as age at the first session in years and public or private insurance, respectively. Public insurance was classified as MediCal, Healthy Families and uninsured; all other types of insurance were classified as private. Ethnicities ascertained during the initial assessment were reported by 85 (79%) of the participants.
Weight was recorded for all participants for weeks one through eight. Height, weight, BMI (n=107) and percent body fat (n=93 pre, n=87 post) were recorded for child participants at weeks one, four and eight of the program. In addition, adult height was recorded at week one and weight, BMI, and percent body fat at weeks one, four and eight. Measurements from weeks one and eight were used for analysis. Since completion required only six of eight sessions, missing weight values for weeks one or eight were replaced with weight values from weeks two and seven, respectively. Weight and height were measured using a physician’s balance scale with an attached stadiometer by trained staff, recorded as pounds and inches, respectively. BMI was calculated as weight in pounds divided by height in inches squared and multiplied by 703 for child and adult participants. Percent body fat was measured using the Tanita® body composition analyzer (BF-350E Tanita Body Fat Monitor, Health Check Systems).