In recent years, yeast infections have become a common and sometimes debilitating scourge for many people. If you haven’t been afflicted by systematic Candida, you might be under the impression that it is a simple and easily treated vaginal infection. If this were the case it would be purely a female issue of minor consequences.
Although there is a higher rate of infection among women than men or children, everyone is at risk.
Candida is a microscopic fungus that is present in small quantities within every healthy human body. When kept in check by what are considered to be friendly bacteria, it does not pose a threat. It actually fights off harmful bacteria, thereby keeping the body functioning normally.
It is estimated that the bacteria count within the healthy body outnumbers human cells ten to one. Although they are typically called friendly and unfriendly, they all work together to keep the body functioning as intended, providing their numbers are in balance.
It is when Candida grows out of control that it can cause symptoms ranging from irritating and uncomfortable to life altering, and even fatal.
While there are many people who might not be alive today without the benefit of antibiotics, their overuse is one of the main reasons for the increase in yeast infections. Antibiotic can literally be translated to against life. Probiotic means pro-life, or for life.
When we look at these translations, it is easier to understand how they react in our bodies. The purpose of antibiotics is to kill harmful bacteria. This, they do very well, unless they are overused and lose their effectiveness.
Other than losing their ability to destroy the intended microorganisms, antibiotics can create another unintended issue. This occurs because of the antibiotic’s ability to kill microorganisms. Remember, anti-life, or against life. When the harmful bacteria are killed, so are the intestinal flora that keep the yeast in check.
This allows the Candida to grow out of control. Your system is no longer in balance. Hence, you develop a yeast infection. And, getting rid of it is not usually as easy as acquiring it in the first place.
Another reason for the overabundance of yeast infections is the way our diets have changed within the recent decades. Over the past twenty years, the average American has increased his or her sugar consumption from 26 pounds to a staggering 135 pounds a year.
Take a moment to let that register. Is it any wonder that, in spite of our improving ability to cure previously incurable diseases, the health of the nation is not where it should be?
Anyone who has ever baked bread knows a little about how yeast grows. It needs a warm moist environment. Changing out of wet swimwear and wearing well-ventilated clothing are effective preventative measures that should always be kept in mind.
And, what else does yeast need to grow? You guessed it. Sugar.
This brings us to another predisposition to obtaining a yeast infection, which is diabetes. If we continue eating a diet high in simple sugars, diabetes is a predictable outcome. Diabetics are more prone to yeast infections, as well as a host of frightening medical disasters.
While we’re on the subject of sugar, let’s look at another way it escalates the development of yeast infections.
Our bodies have the ability to fight enormous odds. Considering the threats we face every day, if our immune systems weren’t able to fight off the germs and parasites that we constantly encounter, we would not have survived as a species.
Sugar not only causes inflammation, which in itself damages the immune system. The more sugar competing for entrance into our cells, the less vitamin c is able to enter. We all know how important vitamin c is in keeping our immune systems running smoothly.
These are some of the many reasons to cut down on sugar, as well as excessive intake of flour products and fruit juices, if we want to remain free of yeast infections. Take care of your immune system and it will take care of you.
Another diet tip to restoring your immune system and knocking out the Candida is to eat an alkaline diet full of dark leafy greens, raw vegetables, and most fresh fruit as opposed to juice. Some people will have problems with high glycemic fruit such as bananas, melons, and pineapple. You will have to experiment, bringing new fruit into your diet slowly and singly. Be sure to pay special attention to your carbohydrate consumption during an active infection.
Another factor that can encourage an infection is the hormonal changes that occur toward the end of each menstrual cycle and upon entering menopause.
In the past, douching was sometimes recommended. However, this also tends to wash away healthy secretions and normal protective bacteria. Good personal hygiene, without the use of perfumed soaps or feminine hygiene sprays, is a better way to go.
It may seem that there is no way of getting free of yeast infections. That’s not really accurate. Yet, if you have found yourself in a position of recurring or chronic bouts, your first step is to get at the root of what is causing the problem. There is a simple, natural way of doing this.
Remaining free of future outbreaks will require making a shift to a healthier lifestyle. You might look at it as a blessing that will reward you with greater health and a longer happier life.
Not only is this proven, natural and holistic, step-by-step system, the most comprehensive and effective cure for yeast infections.
As well as curing your infection permanently, you will be free of any future Candida yeast infections and its related symptoms forever.