Tag: Hair Loss

Treatment For Hair Loss

20 October, 2010 (16:16) | Hair Loss | By: Health news

Naturally, hair loss, also called alopecia, is evident in all hair-baring animals that generally takes place during the cycle of hair growth. It is probable that for many individuals in a 24 hour period over 100 scalp hairs are lost. Indeed, it is a beauty problem. One can determine true hair loss against damaged hair as it can also affect hairline near the scalp.

This type of hair damage is frequently due to exogenous chemicals that are used to change natural uniqueness of the hair shaft like dye’s. However, one must be aware too some genetic diseases can modify its vigor and resilience.

There are two categories necessary to study:

Scarring alopecia – this is a type of hair loss typified by damage to the core skin that is actually the result of injuring or destroying hair follicles and its capacity to rejuvenate. A diagnosis can be applied to study the problem thoroughly. Although a biopsy can be another method to find out the cause of the problem. Some diseases or injury’s related to skin like trauma can create this kind of damage.
Non-scarring alopecia – this is definitely a sort of hair loss that is common to many. This is the result of different causes like diseases, aging, diet and drugs.

Take note that there are three cycles of growth in the hair they are, growth, resting and then shedding. In fact, in human hair, every follicle passes its cycle at its own pace as contrast to other animals with changing cycle periods; all hairs are united in just one part of the cycle.

Human hairs have their own cycles of growing, resting and shedding. Every individual sheds hair and then it regrows every day. When there is balance of both, then there is no major problem. Otherwise, the cycle is disturbed and there will be an need for you to find a treatment for hair loss that could have other wise been avoided.

Understanding more about some of the causes will better allow you to give attention to preventing the problem.

As much as possible refrain from being stressed.

Individuals who are stressed, whether it is severe physical or pertaining to emotional aspect, then there is an experience of premature hair loss. So, relax and don’t allow yourself to end up stressed. How to avoid it? Exercising or stretching can release lots of tension and allow you to feel less stressed. Meditation can also provide soothing feelings that give solace.

A Healthy Diet Can Help Increase Hair Growth

Make sure that you are taking vitamins and minerals so that you won’t experience vitamin deficiency. This is a natural treatment for hair loss. When the body including your hair receives proper nourishment, then you can have the shining hair that you like.

Avoid Strong Chemicals

Both men and women love to color their hair and make their hair stylish with strong treatments like relaxers. As many relaxers, treatments and perms use harsh chemicals, there is a tendency for hair damage leading to breakage and loss.

Balanced Hormones

Generally, it is women who are more prone to hair loss. In fact when a woman gets into a period of menopausal, hair loss occurs. This is why regular check up of your thyroid is necessary. A balanced hormone is a way to avoid hair loss.

Do Natural Hair Growth Remedies Work?

7 October, 2010 (11:57) | Hair Loss | By: Health news

Before getting into some of the remedies that you can try at home, it is important that you should avoid things that most likely lead to rapid hairfall.

Women should take special care of their hair and should avoid extra processing. This means that they shouldn’t be doing highlighting coloring, straightening and other styling techniques on their hair on a frequent basis. Processing usually involves lots of chemicals which damage hair and eventually lead to baldness and thinning of hair.
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Coconut oil is one of the best things for hair. It simulates hair growth and provides nutrition and shine to your hair. You can gently massage your scalp with coconut oil and leave it on for some time before finally rinsing your hair. To get the best possible results, apply the oil and night time and then sleep with the oil on. Rinse your hair in the morning. By letting the oil stay in your hair for the whole night, you are ensuring that the oil reaches the roots of the hair. Hair growth remedies also include taking a proper diet with enough nutrients for your hair. For people who are suffering from baldness, an iron rich diet is the perfect solution. They can eat red meat, eggs, fish and a few other things that will provide their hair with nutrition and simulate new air growth.

Alma oil is a natural oil that has a proven track record of simulating hair growth. You should mix Alma oil with a few drops of vinegar and then apply this solution gently on your scalp. In order for the mixture to have maximum effect, it is necessary that it reaches the roots of the hair. A suitable way to do this is to apply the Alma oil mixture before sleeping during night and then letting it stay on for the complete night. Rinse your head the next day and you will see for yourself how effective is Alma oil. Hair growth remedies definitely work and don’t have any side effects at all in contrast to chemical based products which end up damaging your hair anr resulting in more hair loss.

Hair Loss – Know the Different Types

30 September, 2010 (21:15) | Hair Loss | By: Health news

When it comes to loss of hair, everyone wants to know the most effective treatment to fixing this condition. Before finding a solution, it is important that you recognize the type of hair loss you are experiencing. Every type of condition has its own possible solution, so to effectively eliminate this problem, you need to discover the various types of hair loss. This way you can easily solve this condition without any difficulties.

The most common type of hair loss is androgenetic alopecia, which is more known as male or female pattern baldness. When you are suffering from this type of hair loss, it is an indication that the cause of this condition is due to hereditary reasons. Since it is caused by genetics, meaning that it is a condition that runs in the family, it can happen to anyone at any age.

Telogen effluvium is also another kind of loss of hair, which is more temporary. If you are suffering from this, you need not worry because hair will grow back in just a couple of months. A common situation of this condition is a loss of small patches of hair. This type can be due to certain medication or medical treatments being taken such as chemotherapy. For this situation, you simply have to wait for hair to grow back.

When hair loss is damaged from the roots, this could lead to permanent loss of hair known as anagen effluvium. Usually this type is caused by a certain illness such as thyroid, diabetes, immune disorders, or even stress. Go seek medical assistance so a doctor can recommend the best solution possible for your particular situation. When treatment isn’t possible, many sufferers are left with wearing wigs or hats.

Surgery is also an available treatment possible for hair regrowth. Hair plugs are selected from a part of the body that has hair and transferred to the bald areas. Certainly this solution will take time and money, as it will require several sessions. If you are willing to go through this, make sure to get all the information necessary from your doctor prior to getting anything done.

With knowing the various types of hair loss, you are able to really understand what may have caused your condition, and learn about the proper solutions available for you. This way you can stop suffering from this problem and feel confident about yourself again.

Have You Thought About A Hair Transplant?

14 September, 2010 (21:26) | Hair Loss | By: Health news

Just like women, more and more men are becoming concerned about the way they look as they get older. As a result the number of men who are looking for clinics that carry out hair transplant procedures has been on the increase. But one shouldn’t go for just the first clinic that one comes across there are certain factors that need to be taken into consideration beforehand.

In this article we take a look at what some of these things are, because you need to remember that procedure requires the surgical removal of hair from another area of the body. The first thing you need to do is actually discuss the matter with surgeon at a reputable hair transplant clinic who is certified to carry out this type of procedure.

For those who want to see the right results it is vital that they spend as much time as possible learning as much about the procedure as they can. Of course you could spend time going through the yellow pages to then speak on the phone with various clinics. But if you go online you will find that there are plenty of places that can provide advice so you are able to evaluate the clinics reputation and credentials much more easily. So make sure that you spend a few hours surfing the web to learn everything that you possibly can.

When it comes to choosing the right clinic make sure you select one where the surgeons who carry out the procedure have been certified by the necessary medical board. In Australia the certification the surgeons have should have come from the Royal Australian College of Surgeons. A surgeon who has such credentials is one that you know will have undergone the specialist training required to be able to carry out the procedure correctly and will have passed a number of exams to be presented with their certificate.

But it isn’t just the surgeons having the right training, certification and experience at carrying out this procedure that you should be looking at. Ideally what you should be looking for is a surgeon who has been performing this type of procedure for a number of years. By opting for such a person will ensure that the results you want are achieved.

As for the clinic you should be looking for those that do specialise in carry out hair transplant procedures and will offer a variety of different ways to deal with the problem. This way a person seeking assistance can be assured that not only will the procedure be carried out correctly but the right one will be undertaken to rectify the problem.

Common Causes For Women Hair Loss Problems

23 July, 2010 (17:42) | Hair Loss | By: Health news

In general, when we think about hair loss problem, we’ll automatically think that it’s an issue that is face mainly by men, especially the problem of baldness. Research however shows that in four women, it’s common that there’s actually one who experience this problem in their lives. So why don’t we hear about it in the community? Maybe it’s because of these reasons:

  • Women are usually good at hiding their hair loss issue.
  • The damage of hair loss for women is not as severe compare to men
  • Loss hair seems to be spread more evenly than a having it on one or two major spots
  • The question is, why do women lose hair as well? Are the causes not the same like male baldness?
    These are the 3 main reasons for women hair loss in our community:

    Alopecia Areata Issue – Perhaps this is the most usual hair loss problem that women experienced. It is categorized by patchy spots of hair loss on the head. It can also be affecting the head widespread and it’s assumed to be caused by immune system deficiencies but research still do not know about the real condition. In some cases seen, hair can regrow naturally after a certain period of time. There’s only a minority of cases where the hair loss concern turn out to be serious and lasting.

    Telogen Effluvium Case – This issue is actually not uncommon, given the nature of the how this condition appears. This symptom is characterized through the issue of general hair thinning and can turned out to be a result of some traumatic experience if it’s not being monitored. For instance, pregnancy experience for women is a good example of how an experience as such can affect the hair growth cycle.

    Female Pattern Baldness Problem – It’s hard to believe but many women affected by hair loss problem is as the same reason why men lose their hair too. The scientific term for this is called, androgenetic alopecia, which is a result of male hormones in the human body, especially the changing of testosterone hormone into DHT. For women, baldness pattern might appear later and the problem would be less severe because women have female hormones to subside it but the root of the problem is still the same as men baldness appearance.

    Don’t take your hair loss problem lightly because it’ll get worse without being treated. If you think that you’re having this issue or seeing the sign, visit a physician to seek treatments or use natural remedies to lessen the problem and preventing it to continue on.

    Don’t be worried if you’re having this ‘common’ problem. There’s no doubt that women hair loss is a kind of physical health problem that affects millions of people around the world.

    The Truth About Hair Loss Disease

    16 July, 2010 (13:19) | Hair Loss | By: Health news

    Hair loss disease is a general term for the condition of losing hair due to different reasons. If you had recently discovered that you are losing hair faster than you used to, do not despair, as this is a condition that is experienced by millions of people all over the world. It will help you a lot to understand your condition if you can detect the major cause of your premature baldness so that you can find the right solution for it.

    Most Common Causes of Hair Loss

    Alopecia Areata, a condition which usually starts as dispersed baldness, almost quarter sized circles of smooth scalp baldness is one of the most common form of hair loss. This is often caused by hormonal fluctuations which can happen if you have an abnormal thyroid, perhaps one that is overactive or underactive. It can also result from the drugs that are prescribed for other disesases, such as the ones taken for chemotherapy for cancer.

    Other causes of hair loss may include stress, inadequate nutrition and as the body’s response to the hormonal changes in a woman’s body as she goes through stages of menstruation, pregnancy and menopause.

    Most Common Treatments for Hair Loss

    Many of the solutions for hair loss disease come in the form of hair creams and lotions which are often massaged on the scalp to stimulate better blood circulation. This can help the hair follicles regrow and become healthier again.

    There are also known DHT blockers which are chemical solutions to prevent the overproduction of Dihydrotestosterone or DHT, a naturally occuring hormone in the human body which has been discovered to cause hair loss. Rogaine and Propecia are the most commonly known hair regrowth solutions.

    If you feel that you are losing hair at a faster rate than before, consult a dermatologist who may be able to determine the cause of this. There are instances when stress causing life situations can also lead to premature baldness, so try to find ways to relax the body and the mind to handle stress better. Sometimes, changes in diet are also necessary and taking in of vitamin supplements, specifically the Vitamin B complex will be recommended.

    Understanding Premature Baldness

    12 July, 2010 (23:04) | Hair Loss | By: Health news

    Premature baldness is a very difficult thing to deal with especially if you are a person who cares a lot about your appearance. However, there is no reason for you to feel like your life is ending simply because you are showing signs that you are losing your hair.

    The best thing to do when dealing with premature baldness is to find out why it is happening in the first place. Hair experts suggest that one may suffer from either permanent or temporary hair loss. Permanent hair loss results from a hereditary condition, and although it usually it can no longer be stopped, there are ways to stimulate better hair development that may delay the process of balding.

    But the other kind, temporary hair loss, usually happens because of a medical condition. Often the immune system gets weak and hair growth is affected. Loss of hair can also be caused by medications and drugs that you could be taking. For women especially, some drugs may result to hormone changes that can affect hair growth.

    Even the wrong hair style can damage the hair follicles and result to slowed down regeneration of the hair cells. It may also be caused by using too many chemical products on your hair.

    For men, the usual cause of hair loss is the male hormones referred to as “androgens”. Hair experts tell us that men can encounter pattern baldness way before they get older. As they continue to age, the hair thinning starts becoming more prominent.

    Men often say that the best way to handle hair loss is to simply ignore that it is happening. Male pattern baldness is something that cannot be avoided because it is in your genes so there is no need for you to worry about it. This thinking is true but it will only help people who are confident enough to take their hair loss in stride. But some people are not this way and the condition can really impact them.

    If you are a person experiencing hair loss and you are bothered by it, the advisable thing is to take action right away. There are treatments and drugs that you can take to help you. They are not complete cures but they can help slow down the rate of losing hair. There are topical treatments such as minoxidil and oral ones such as finasteride. Remember to consult your doctor first.

    For women, there are shampoos that stimulate scalp circulation. You can shift to a mild shampoo or one specially made for thinning hair. Go for hats that can cover your bald areas.

    Losing hair, while it cannot be avoided at times, can be remedied. Find out more about the causes of your premature baldness and consult your doctor about it.

    Body Hair Transplant for Bald Men

    8 July, 2010 (21:56) | Hair Loss | By: Health news

    Men loose hair for various reasons. The most common reason for men’s baldness is called as “Alopecia Androgenetica” commonly known as “Male Pattern Baldness”. In this disease the hair are lost from the front and top of the scalp (skin of the head) due to genetics of the family. So men with bald fathers, paternal uncles or maternal balding uncles are more prone to get this kind of hair loss. A few medications can slow, halt or reverse this hair loss to some extent. If these medications fail, or if the hair loss is already advanced to a completely bald head, then the remaining hair from the sides and back can be taken out and transplanted on the balding or bald area where they start growing again.

    The question is why do even the baldest men still retain some hair on the sides and the back of the head. The answer lies in the fact that genetically these hair are protected from the damaging effect of testosterone (a hormone made by testicles in men). When this hormone circulates in the blood, it sends signals to the genetically vulnerable hair on the top of scalp of balding men to stop growing but the hair on the sides and back are genetically spared. This is why when some of these hair from the back are taken out surgically and transferred to the bald top of the head, they still grow. On the other hand, if the hair from the genetically prone balding top of the head are take out and transferred to the back of the head – they will still fall out at a certain age just like their counterparts on the top and front scalp will do. So in other words, it is not the location, it is the genetic signal that keeps the hair growing.

    The problem occurs when a balding man does not have enough hair on the back and sides of the scalp to spare for the hair transplantation. In such circumstances, a relatively new technique called as “Body Hair transplant” is performed. In this technique, the hair from the body areas like chest and back are take out and transplanted on the balding front of the scalp. This technique could prove to be a blessing for those who are otherwise not a good candidate for hair transplant because of a lack of density in the donor area – I.e., the area from where the healthy hair from the back of the scalp are usually taken to be transferred to the bald frontal scalp. The main disadvantage of the body hair transplant remains the slow growth rate of these hair as well as somewhat different texture and limited supply from a certain area. For example the number of hair that can be extracted from a normal healthy donor area of the scalp in one centimeter may need a few inched of the body to match the same number of hair as the hair are much sparser on the body. The good news is that most bald men usually have denser body hair and thus make a reasonable choice for this advanced hair transplant technique.

    Hair Loss Remedy

    7 July, 2010 (04:31) | Hair Loss | By: Health news

    A good hair loss remedy can make a big difference for a man or woman who is experiencing thinning hair. This problem is unfortunately very common. Most adults will notice that they have fewer strands by the time they reach middle age. For some people, the gradual hair loss will begin while they are still in their twenties. In order to get the hair to grow back, it is important to know what to look for in a treatment and to start that treatment right away.
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    DHT and Hair Loss

    Most adults who start shedding excess strands do so because it is in their genes. Blame it on the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Women produce DHT in their ovaries and men produce it in their testicles. DHT ruins the follicles making them incapable of growing hair.

    In men, it causes a receding hairline that may eventually lead to a bald spot that covers the top of the head. The hair on the sides and lower back of the head usually remains intact. DHT is not quite so harsh on women. In women, it usually does not cause baldness, but it typically leads to thinning around the crown and temples.

    The Function of a Hair Loss Remedy

    In order to get the lost strands to grow back, a person must use a treatment tha inhibits the production of DHT. This is only if the thinning is caused by DHT or male (or female) pattern baldness. First visit a physician to rule out any other causes for the thinning hair. If there no medical cause, then the hair loss is most likely caused by DHT.

    Natural Treatments

    There are natural methods for lowering the body’s production of DHT. In fact, some people have had success through the use of herbs. One example of this is the herb saw palmetto. The berries from this plant contain its healing properties which are used to treat hair loss.

    It was initially used as a treatment for an enlarged prostate. People using this herb also noticed that their hair started to thicken as well. The reason for this is believed to be due to the effect that is had on testosterone and enzyme production. Other natural treatments include rosemary and yucca

    Medicated Treatments

    Medicated treatments for thinning hair can also lower DHT levels, allowing the strands to grow back. Minoxidil, Finasteride from Canada, and Corticosteroid are often prescribed for this purpose.

    Hair Loss Remedies

    14 May, 2010 (19:06) | Hair Loss | By: Health news

    Did you ever ask yourself why a number of people lose their hair whilst others do not? Did you ever wonder why a lot of people are at an unhealthy weight while others are certainly not? Did You ever ask yourself why many people appear to have it all while some are in a constant everyday struggle? Well if you are searching for Hair loss help, I believe I can help most of you with a treatment for hair loss or to put it differently, I can help you with your hair loss remedies.

    Do you believe diet is essential with your overall health and well being? Do you think you could blame poor diet on things like feeling tired all the time, excess cellulite, bad skin, bad moods, PMS, and lastly, the loss of your hair?

    I have a question for you, and you have to answer it honestly. If you take a simple look in the mirror that reflection can be a direct image of you. Would you agree? Look at you face do you find it a face that shines with happiness or unhappiness? Is your body an immediate reflection of health, or many years of abuse with signs of stress and also a flabby midsection? What is the condition of the fingernails and toenails? Are they healthy, of are they brittle and even fungus laden? If you are looking for any hair loss product or hair loss vitamins or even a treatment for hair loss, you may be looking to repair the problem from the outside in, instead of from the inside out. A lot of people searching for hair loss help, look to external products, as that’s what we are taught in the media or from fellow associates,We are tought The only thing that we can use to repair our problem only comes with a price tag or some fancy product or potion, Do not get me wrong I am an advocate of employing products to help our image, but not replace it.

    Most people seeking a treatment for hair loss, start looking to hair loss shampoos, or various other hair loss product for there hair loss help. However In my opinion the cure is in our selves, internally What’s on the inside shines on the outside, it isn’t really the situation for 100% of the population but read my story I think I can shed some light on what I’m attempting to say.

    Many years ago I was a shinning demonstration of health both on the inside and on the exterior I ate perfectly had a low percentage of body fat worked out 5 days each week I not only looked great but felt great, Then I got married had children took on obligations got fat and in poor condition. I discovered a fungal infection on my toenails, I’d gained 50 or more pounds To put it simply I forgot about myself and put my daily duties and responsibilities ahead of my self, I began to slowly lose my hair, everything came on so slowly I didn’t even notice it until my son began to lose his hair at 16 years old. I was scared more for him then myself, imagine losing your hair before you even had your first women… I really analyzed his diet, which in those days consisted of pizza and chicken nuggets and soda pop. I not only changed his diet but everyone’s within our family, we took hair loss vitamins as the treatment for hair loss, we took enzymes and amino acid pills elevated our lean protein intake we exercised at the gym together and we took a formula to re-grow our lost hair and within 6 months both my son and I not only stopped the hair fall but re-grew our lost hair. If you are searching for a baldness cure It’s my opinion that I can probably help you with this. disgusting condition, but you must first try stuff that the hair loss community does not necessarily advise. Put simply, it’s a billion dollar a year industry. And there is no money to be made by diet change.

    Hair Transplant Surgery

    26 April, 2010 (14:11) | Hair Loss | By: Health news

    Because of hair’s innate tendencies due to ethnic differences you need to be aware of how it will affect your hair transplant surgery and your final results!

    Hair transplant surgery is such a delicate surgery with so many variations that consideration of ethnicity can make all the difference in the success of a surgery. Aside from the many technical aspects that differ, Dr. Robert M. Bernstein M.D., F.A.A.D., Clinical Professor of Dermatology at Columbia University in New York and hair transplant surgeon and director of Bernstein Medical Hair Restoration in New York City, explains that racial differences have an effect on all phases of the procedure including the original diagnosis, any complications, the finished design and future aesthetic considerations that may arise due to racial differences in hair follicle and growth pattern, hair density and hair diameter.

    Dr. Bernstein explains that the hair density – the number of hairs per square inch – differs among ethnicities. Caucasians have the highest, followed by Asians and Africans have the lowest density. Both Africans and Caucasians have thinner hair diameters while Asians have a coarse, thicker hair diameter which takes up more space. The average amount of hairs contained in each follicular unit also varies, as hairs typically grow in groupings of 1 to 4 hairs per follicle. Asians have groupings of 1 to 2 hairs per follicle, while Africans have 3 and Caucasians have anywhere from 2 to 4 hairs per follicle. In addition, the straightness or kinkiness of the hair makes a big difference in the final results. African hair is the kinkiest and finest while Asian is the straightest and coarsest with Caucasians falling somewhere in-between depending on the client. Asians look like they have more hair because of its thickness and African kinkiness also makes it look like thick hair although it is actually very fine. Below, Bernstein explains how these variations affect the stages and decisions involved in a hair transplant surgery.

    DIAGNOSIS: The main differences in diagnoses of hair loss disorder occur between male and female causes for hair loss. But aside from those differences, some diagnosis are a little more racially determined like Traction Alopecia seen mainly in African American Women who wear tight braided hairstyles that cause hair loss in-between braided sections or around the hairline which can recede. Another form of ‘traumatic’ hair loss in predominantly black women stems from constant heat styling close to the scalp and irritating chemical processes is called Central Centrifugal Cicatricial Alopecia (CCCA). Both of these diseases are typically reversible if the woman stops her damaging hair practices and so surgery wouldn’t be necessary, but if the hair loss was permanent in those areas (as determined by a scalp biopsy), they would be a very good candidate for hair transplant surgery due to the health of donor hair areas not affected by the trauma. Bernstein stresses that the diagnoses is the all-important first step in determining your surgery strategy because that is the dependant factor on whether you have enough healthy donor hair to achieve the desired result.

    THE PROCEDURE: In terms of the technical aspects of the hair transplant procedure, Bernstein explains that there are two ways to harvest the grafts. One way is to take a long thin strip and dissect follicular units and another way is to extract each follicular unit separately under a microscope, called Follicular Unit Extraction. In Caucasians, both procedures are straightforward. But in Africans there is a huge difference because the follicular units are curved under the skin, unlike in Caucasians or Asians. Harvesting the follicular units is easiest in Asians because the hair is coarse and stiff. Strip harvesting usually gets a better yield, no matter what the ethnicity. But the procedure, no matter what the race, must always be done with a skilled surgical team.

    THE DESIGN: There are many differences, both cultural and physical that affect the final design of the hair transplant. Asians, in contrast to Caucasians, and Indians particularly, like to have broad flat hair lines because they are especially concerned with frontal hair for their wedding ceremonies and this broader hairline requires more hair. “Often we weight it more in front and less in back, which is especially important depending on the amount of healthy donor hair they have,” says Bernstein. In Caucasians, on the other hand, a little hair recession at the temples is perfectly acceptable so you can transplant and cover over a little, depending, again, on the amount of healthy donor hair available on the back and sides. Africans, however, can’t use the comb-over method because hair does not lie flat and is kinky and fine and so the design is much less forgiving.

    Africans are less likely to be good candidates for hair transplant surgery compared to Asians and Caucasians unless they have good donor density to cover all bald or thinning spots, – explains Bernstein.

    COMPLICATIONS: There are some other racial differences that can cause complications in the final outcome of the procedure that clients need to be aware of, advises Bernstein, and a personal history of skin and scarring tendencies should always be discussed. In Africans, there is a greater incidence of keloids or raised, thickened scars. They also don’t have as much scalp flexibility to excise a strip of donor hair and they run the risk of greater scarring compared to Caucasians. Asians don’t have the propensity for thickened scars but can have a stretch scar or a visible incision scar because their hair grows more perpendicular to the scalp so when cut short you actually see the scalp more – it becomes transparent and does not hide the scar. Luckily, explains Bernstein, the recipient areas usually show no scarring at all, no matter what the ethnicity.

    FINAL AESTHETICS: “One final style issue all hair transplant recipients need to be aware of is that you will generally not be able to wear your new hair cut close to the scalp to avoid visible scars – and that goes for any race,” cautions Dr. Bernstein. “In addition, we try never to make a judgment on a person’s future hair loss when the patient is too young – we try to wait until they are at least age 30 or so to determine a pattern of balding. We want to be sure there is a very good chance of having limited future hair loss and that donor areas are stable and healthy, usually at the sides and back of the head.”

    The bottom line is that patients need to be aware of ethnic and racial differences and be sure to choose a skilled hair transplant surgical team that has experience with exactly your type of hair. Ask questions, ask for referrals and ask for before and after photos just to be sure.

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