Blood Culture Contamination Rates
From 301 patients, we identified 673 positive blood cultures; 244 isolates from 216 single positive blood cultures (185 patients) were classified into 67 cases of (36.5%) likely contaminants, 22 (12.8%) possible contaminants, and 155 (50.7%) true pathogens. The main organisms of likely or possible contaminants (89 cases [100%]) were coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (52 cases [58.4%]), Bacillus species (10 cases [11.2%]), and Enterococcus species (9 cases [10.1%]). The overall contamination rate was 0.9% (94 of 10 520 cultures) if possible contaminants were included and 0.7% (71 of 10 520 cultures) if only likely contaminants were included. The contamination rate based on hospital unit was 1.0% (69 of 7027 cultures) in general wards, 0.4% (11 of 2446 cultures) in hematology wards, and 1.3% (14 of 1047 cultures) in the intensive care unit if possible contaminants (P _ 0.039) were included and 0.8% (56 of 7027 cultures) in general wards, 0.4% (9 of 2446 cultures) in hematology wards, and 0.6% (6 of 1047 cultures) in the intensive care unit if only likely contaminants were included (P _ 0.107). The contamination rate based on gloving method sequence was 1.0% (54 of 5397 cultures) in routine-tooptional sterile gloving and 0.8% (40 of 5123 cultures) in optional-to-routine sterile gloving if possible contaminants were included (P _ 0.30). The contamination rate was 0.7% (40 of 5397 cultures) in routine-to-optional sterile gloving and 0.6% (31 of 5123 cultures) in optional-toroutine sterile gloving if only likely contaminants were in cluded (P _ 0.40). The mean contamination rates by interns were 1.0% (SD, 1.0%; interquartile range, 0% to 1.5%) if possible contaminants were included and 1.0% (SD, 0.7%; interquartile range, 0% to 1.1%) if only likely contaminants were included. Generalized mixed models demonstrated significant differences in contamination rates between routine and optional sterile gloving, regardless of the classification into contaminants or pathogens. When possible contaminants were included, the contamination rate was 0.6% in routine sterile gloving and 1.1% in optional sterile gloving (adjusted odds ratio, 0.57 [95% CI, 0.37 to 0.87]; P _ 0.009). If only likely contaminants were included, the contamination rate was 0.5% in routine sterile gloving and 0.9% in optional sterile gloving (adjusted odds ratio, 0.51 [CI, 0.31 to 0.83]; P _ 0.007).
Adherence to Gloving Methods
The interns reported the actual gloving methods for 8082 (76.8%) of 10 520 blood cultures. The reporting rate for the actual gloving methods used was 76.3% (5363 of 7027 cultures) in general wards, 80.5% (1968 of 2446 cultures) in hematology wards, and 71.7% (751 of 1047 cultures) in the intensive care unit (P _ 0.133). The reporting rate was 76.8% (4045 of 5265 cultures) in routine sterile gloving and 76.8% (4037 of 5255 cultures) in optional sterile gloving (P _ 0.54). No statistically significant difference was found in contamination rates between blood cultures obtained with or without known gloving methods (0.8% vs. 0.9% [P _ 0.39] if possible contaminants were included and 0.7% vs. 0.7% [P _ 0.88] if only likely contaminants
were included).