Incidence, Characteristics, and Treatment of Lung Cancers. Part 5
Other strategies for early detection of lung cancer — in particular, molecular markers in blood, sputum, and urine, which can be studied in specimens that were obtained as part of ACRIN’s NLST activities and are available to the research community — may one day help select persons who are best suited for low-dose CT screening or identify persons with positive low-dose CT screening tests who should undergo more rigorous diagnostic evaluation. management of nodules observed with screening. The observation that low-dose CT screening can reduce the rate of death from lung cancer has generated many questions. Will populations with risk profiles that are different from those of the NLST participants benefit? Are less frequent screening regimens equally effective? For how long should screening continue? Would the use of different criteria for a positive screening result, such as a larger nodule diameter, still result in a benefit? It is unlikely that large, definitive, randomized trials will be undertaken to answer these questions, but modeling and microsimulation can be used to address them. Although some agencies and organizations are contemplating the establishment of lung-cancer screening recommendations on the basis of the findings of the NLST, the current NLST data alone are, in our opinion, insufficient to fully inform such important decisions. Before public policy recommendations are crafted, the cost-effectiveness of low-dose CT screening must be rigorously analyzed. The reduction in lung-cancer mortality must be weighed against the harms from positive screening results and overdiagnosis, as well as the costs. The cost component of low-dose CT screening includes not only the screening examination itself but also the diagnostic follow-up and treatment.
The benefits, harms, and costs of screening will all depend on the way in which low-dose CT screening is implemented, specifically in regard to the eligibility criteria, screening frequency, interpretation threshold, diagnostic follow-up, and treatment. For example, although there are currently only about 7 million persons in the United States who would meet the eligibility criteria for the NLST, there are 94 million current or former smokers6 and many more with secondhand exposure to smoke or other risk factors. The cost-effectiveness of low-dose CT screening must also be considered in the context of competing interventions, particularly smoking cessation. NLST investigators are currently analyzing the quality-of-life effects, costs, and costeffectiveness of screening in the NLST and are planning collaborations with the Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network to investigate the potential effect of low-dose CT screening in a wide range of scenarios. Other strategies for early detection of lung cancer — in particular, molecular markers in blood, sputum, and urine, which can be studied in specimens that were obtained as part of ACRIN’s NLST activities and are available to the research community — may one day help select persons who are best suited for low-dose CT screening or identify persons with positive low-dose CT screening tests who should undergo more rigorous diagnostic evaluation.