Category: Allergies

How to Stop Sinus Pain

25 March, 2010 (09:23) | Allergies | By: admin

In this article today I would like to talk about several simple tips, tricks, and techniques that just about anybody can use to stop massive sinus pain and hopefully keep it from coming back again.

Millions of Americans suffer from sinus troubles every year. One study showed that as many as 50 million Americans may have this problem yet at the same time it is very badly understood by the medical community. Many doctors don’t know what causes it or how to effectively treat it.

If you are especially prone to sinusitis, or sinus problems, then the best thing you can do is hope to prevent the sinus blockage that leads to sinus infections. But how exactly can you prevent this sort of thing from happening?

The first thing you can do is avoid coming into close contact with anyone and everyone who you think may be infected with a cold or flu. Also be sure to wash your hands several times throughout the day especially during cold and flu season and be sure not to ever touch your eyes or nose if possible. Another good idea is to get a flu shot every year from your doctor.

The next thing you can do is stay away from air that is especially dry or humid because dry air tends to thicken the mucus in your body and inhibit its flow which is obviously a bad thing. Likewise, humidity can cause your nasal and also your sinus membranes to swell which again can lead to blockage and other bad things. One way to help fight against this sort of thing is to use a humidifier or a dehumidifier in your home. These can be purchased from any big box store relatively cheaply and are simple to use and operate.

The next thing you can do is take an over-the-counter decongestant. Sudafed is a common and popular decongestant and tends to work very well for many people. Many people have better results using pills than they do with sprays for a variety of reasons.

Besides pills, the next thing you can do is apply hot compresses anywhere you feel pain for at least five minutes at a time. You should do this several times throughout the day, or every few hours whichever works best for you. These will relieve your pain and also improves circulation which will help your body fight the sinus infection.

Finally you should always sleep with your head and shoulders slightly elevated because this will promote the drainage of mucus from your sinuses. Many people try to prop themselves up with pillows but I find that people can knock the pillows away during their sleep. A better solution is to stack one or two books under the legs of your bed near your head so that your bed itself is slightly elevated.

So there you have several very simple tricks that you can use to help fight sinus infections and sinus pain. Hopefully someday medical technology will advance far enough so that we can find a cure for this once and for all, but in the meantime these tips should help.

Proven Ways to Reduce an Allergic Reaction to Allergies

22 March, 2010 (09:36) | Allergies | By: Health news

There are hundreds of thousands of people in the world, which suffer from allergies. Common allergies are pollen, dust mites, mold, and pet dander. However, there are many proven ways to reduce an allergic reaction to these allergies. Let us look at pollen first. During allergy season, many people keep their windows closed.

The pollen from flowers outside can fly in the window and land on clothes and in a person’s hair. Pollen causes a person to sneeze, if they are allergic to pollen. One way to prevent pollen from entering your home, during the allergy season is to always keep your windows closed and use your air conditioner if it gets hot in your house.

Your air condition has a filter inside it that will in fact purify the air before blowing it out into your home. However, if you are still sneezing you may need to check your air conditioners filter because it may be dirty.

Dust mites lay eggs in high pile carpet, therefore, in order to get rid of the dust mites. You could vacuum your carpets weekly. On the other hand, you could simply replace your carpets with low pile carpet, and that will help to reduce dust mites as well.

In addition, dust mites can take over an entire bedroom and the only way to get rid of the dust mites in the bedroom. Would be to wash pillowcases, sheets and blankets in hot water, which is 130 degrees F. On the other hand, you could simply vacuum the mattresses down weekly. Using this method will greatly reduce an allergic reaction to dust mites.

Dust is one of the main causes of an allergic reaction of any kind, dust accumulates all over your house and there is only one simply way to get rid of dust particles in your home. You must dust your home on weekly bases in order to reduce the dust accumulation. Moreover, if there is any mold in your bathroom or kitchen, then that needs to be, removed with baking soda if the mold is on hard surfaces. Many homeowners use scrubbing bubbles on their counter tops, and toilets.

In addition, wipe down shower curtains with towels, then wash all used towels and mop bathroom floors weekly. Moreover, if you leave leftovers in the refrigerator be, sure to check them periodically for any type of mold. Therefore, if you notice mold forming on any food products of any kind, they need to be, thrown away immediately.

Allergies and Genetics

19 March, 2010 (19:02) | Allergies | By: admin

Allergy is the body’s hypersensitive reaction to any external allergen and its symptoms may vary in intensity among various individuals. While some people might not even notice these symptoms; for others, the reactions of the immune system are so severe that it may even threaten their life or give rise to many complications. What causes this difference in allergy symptoms intensity is genetics.

This means that the individual is more susceptible to a hyperactive reaction or response to allergens. Allergens are mostly harmless substances that may be safe for others but quite detrimental to the person who is allergic. If your parents suffered from some allergies then it is quite likely that the children will develop allergies or have greater tendencies to do so.

Even though genetics plays a major role in allergies, there are still many ways and lifestyle habits that can be adopted in order to enhance the body’s immune system.

Whether the condition runs in your family or was directly inherited from your parents, the need to develop a healthy and strong immune system in order to combat the numerous symptoms remains crucial.

Depending on your allergies, and their severity, there are a multitude of treatment plans that can be adopted and made use of. Your doctor might even prescribe you individualized treatment plans so as to specifically target a particular allergic reaction while also considering the patient’s overall health condition, his or her age and medical and family history.

It is however, mandatory to remember that not all allergies are curable. In actual fact, allergies are mostly treated rather than cured. Infants and children with allergies however, might develop a healthy immune system with time which helps cure these allergies naturally.

The best treatment plan for allergies whether genetic or otherwise, is prevention. If you have a family history of allergy to particular allergens, like dust mites, pollens etc. then it is highly recommended that you avoid exposure to these substances. Make it a habit to wear a mask before stepping out of the house or going to excessively windy and dusty places. Moreover, get rid of any carpets in your house. As carpets tend to trap dust particles and other minute substances, they are a complete disaster for those with a family history of allergic reactions.

It is already known that an individual’s chance of developing allergic reactions is aggravated both by genetics and by environmental conditions. As different genes interact, the resulting combinations may either result in positive and sometimes even negative effects. Allergies are one of such negative reactions which may not be passed down in exactly the same manner or response to the exact allergen but the tendency is most likely to be passed and the body may respond to some other allergens negatively.

Pollen Allergies

12 March, 2010 (22:00) | Allergies | By: Health news

Many people suffer from sensitivity to various types of pollen and need to find the right treatments for their pollen allergies that will provide them with relief. The constant congestion, headache, itchy nose and eyes or trouble breathing can make life hard. Although many children tend to grow out of their problems with allergies, most adults seem to retain their allergies. New studies have shown that many herbalists, naturopathic doctors and natural healers believe that it is possible to actually get rid of allergies through alternative treatments, although there are also many traditional ways to treat pollen allergies as well.

The obvious first step is to get tested to make sure that your allergies are actually pollen allergies. The next step is to avoid those things that cause your allergies, but that is easier said than done. Adjusting your environment can make a big difference in the severity of your allergies. For instance, as part of your treatment for pollen allergies, hire someone else to mow the grass and keep your yard in shape so you are not subjecting yourself firsthand to the pollen that causes your allergies. Your doctor will probably prescribe allergy medicine, which you should take daily per the given instructions. If you know you are likely to be around pollen, take your medicine in advance to help prevent or lessen the symptoms.

Your doctor may also prescribe an allergy shot treatment therapy, which entails getting a shot with a low dose of the allergen which desensitizes you a little more each time you are exposed to it. There is generally a good success rate with allergy shot treatments for pollen allergies. Alternative treatments can also be options you can explore, such as chiropractic or acupuncture. Other alternative treatments include honey therapy, where you eat small amounts of local honey, which may contain some of the local pollens, or vitamin or herbal supplements that boost the immune system.

Vitamin C treatment or use of antioxidants to boost the immune system to fight allergic reactions are also used by many who suffer with pollen allergies. Many people feel that saline sinus rinses have a high success rate as they flush the bacteria and irritants from the nasal cavities. However, you should be very careful with these home remedies. Knowing for sure what you are really allergic to is the key to getting help. Visit a licensed professional who can generally pinpoint the problem. You should consult your doctor before starting any program for treatment of pollen allergies in order to avoid possible side affects.

Treatment of Allergies

10 March, 2010 (23:28) | Allergies | By: admin

Allergies cause various disorders including eczema, asthma, psoriasis, hay fever and many other common disorders. You can identify your allergy symptoms quickly, if you can find the allergens you’re allergic to. Way of living really banks on how faster you are able to diagnose, since the faster you diagnose the sooner you take action to remove the foreign invaders.

Here are a couple of tactics to cut back and treat your common allergies:

  • The first and foremost thing will be to remove potential allergens from your home. Avoid owning pets if you’re allergic to animals. When you can’t live without your beloved pet, make a trip to the vet to propose treatment options that reduce pet dander.
  • Secondly, ensure that you clean your house frequently. Remove dust employing a tool that cleans dust and never one that simply pushes it around. Clean the floor using a wet cloth to get rid of dust that aren’t often removed while sweeping or dusting. There are special products that can be purchased, that eradicates dust from the house. For instance: Vacuums for removing dust and air filters to eliminate dust and help avoid recurring.
  • If possible invest money in a good air filter. Try getting one that covers the whole house if possible, as this may eliminate most familiar irritants from your home. It’s possible to create an environment where it is possible to become almost allergy free. While it’s expensive, you’ll find the investment in a whole-house air filter worthwhile, even though you don’t have any “known” or diagnosed allergies.
  • Make an effort to wash your bed coverings and pillows in warm water once in a week. Dispose of the pillows that are more than one-year old to cut back dust mites. It does not mean they do not exist, just because you don’t see them.
  • If you are living in a damp or moist area, look out for molds which might be growing in your home. A dehumidifier may be all that is needed to reduce the mold and mildew that can grow in your living room.
  • Keep the windows closed during spring or fall season to avoid pollen from drifting indoors. You will find gardens or forests which might be plagued with allergy producing plants and flowers. Try to avoid walking through or visiting such areas.
  • Always use polyester pillows instead of using feather filled pillows despite the fact that they are more comfortable. Down and feathers are prone to trigger allergic reactions than synthetic products.
  • Wooden flooring or bamboo floors are more advisable than wall-to-wall carpeting for people having severe allergies. Wall to wall carpeting can attract dust, pollen, dander and also contain substances that pollute the environment naturally.
  • The real key to treating allergies is identifying the allergen and that it’s an allergy and not sensitivity or other common reasons. Once identified it’s an allergy seeking medical help to cure and prevent the same in future is very important. Leaving an allergic condition untreated could be fatal at times. Proper care and prevention are the keys to a healthy and allergy free life.

    Food Intolerance Symptoms

    9 March, 2010 (00:51) | Allergies | By: Health news

    Food intolerance symptoms can be many and varied depending on your level of intolerance, type of food intolerance and general health.

    On a personal level, I suffered from food intolerance symptoms and then had to assist one of my own children who had major food problems due to leaky gut syndrome.

    My son was only two and a half when I realized that something was not right due to his behavior and toileting issues. The good news is that we did find a solution and he is now able to eat nearly any food we give him. He still suffers from some wheat problems but we tend to use Kamut or Egyptian Gold flour based products. This seems to fair even better than Spelt flour.

    If you think you may be suffering from food problems then take a look at this list.

    Some symptoms include:
    • Asthma
    • Head aches
    • Tiredness / lethargy
    • Skin rashes
    • Heart Palpitations
    • Speech problems
    • Bed wetting
    • Unable to concentrate
    • Ear infections
    • Ear aches
    • ADD
    • ADHD
    • Irritable bowel Syndrome (IBS)
    • Irritable
    • Moody
    • Oppositional defiance
    • Stubborn
    • Silly noises
    • hyperactive
    • General feeling of being unwell.

    This list is by no means exhaustive. Food reactions can be brought on within an hour or can show up a couple of days later and this can depend on your level of food intolerance, how much you have eaten of those things that are causing your food intolerance symptoms and your lifestyle.

    Many food problems are a result of naturally occurring chemicals in foods. To explain further, food is composed of many naturally occurring compounds. Three that can cause major problems for some people are Salicylates, Amines and MSG – Mono Sodium Glutamate. Everyone has a threshold and your level of food intolerance is based partly on that threshold. To give you an example, I had a problem with amines for a while. So, if I ate something high in amine such as grapes and then continued to eat other foods high in amine content, I would start to experience food intolerance symptoms. Some people will have a higher threshold with amines and salicylates so would not experience the same reaction as someone with a lower threshold.

    Food problems are the body’s way of telling you it needs healing. Conducting a food elimination diet is a good way to recognize where your food problems stem from, among other steps you can take. There are a number of great resources that we have identified and used that can assist with recovering from food problems.


    6 March, 2010 (22:21) | Allergies | By: admin

    Allergies are nothing more than our immune system kicking into high gear. It is one of our body’s methods for fighting against incoming “foreign” offenders. So when one of the allergens hit, our defense mechanisms reacts to take care of it. Allergy might be brought on by several types of irritants which range from pollen to dust. Only a few commonly cause allergic symptoms.

    For example, consider pollen. A natural substance produced by budding plants, flowers and trees. For some it appears to be a heart-warming sight, on the other hand for others it causes unwelcome symptoms, which include:

    1. Redness, Itching or Watery eyes
    2. Sneezing
    3. Persistent Running Nose
    4. Sinus Congestion
    5. Respiratory problems including Asthma or Wheezing
    6. Coughing
    7. Hives
    8. Hay fever
    9. Nausea, or Vomiting

    At times allergies causes life-threatening anaphylactic reaction.

    Anaphylaxis: It is the most severe reaction, a person can have when exposed to substances they are allergic to. A typical anaphylaxis response is so serious, that it even may result in death. If you are unaware of it, you might be putting your life under risk! It’s better to learn what anaphylaxis is and how to address it.

    Anaphylaxis -Tough word, tough symptoms. It is a severe reaction to a common allergen.

    This reaction may go along with throat constriction, swelling, and an inability to swallow or breathe and shock.
    Normally it affects only a small percentage of the population that is consistently re-exposed to allergens. They are highly sensitive. Some other symptoms may include heart palpitations, low blood pressure and fluid in the lungs.

    Some allergens are more likely to produce this type of reaction than others, including:It is one of the most severe reaction, a person can have when exposed to substances they’re allergic to. A typical anaphylaxis response is so serious, that it even may lead to death. If you’re unaware of it, you might be putting yourself under risk! It’s better to understand what anaphylaxis is and how to handle it.

    Some allergens are more likely to produce this reaction than others, including:

    1. Stings or bites from insects.
      Consumption of certain foods, including shellfish or peanuts.
      Use of medications including antibiotics or sulfa drugs in some patients.
      Exposure to latex, and
      Specific vaccines, which includes those that contain egg proteins.

    Unless and until you’re taking a substance, (like a medication) you cannot realize that you’re hypersensitive to it. But the good thing is that, if you might take proper treatment and care, the symptoms of anaphylactic reaction could be reversed.

    Many hospitals offer patients epinephrine and other medications, that will reduce inflammation. Knowing you’re super sensitive to a particular allergen, your physician may prescribe an “at-home” care kit which might include a pre-loaded dose of epinephrineyou can use in the event you are subjected to a known allergen and initiate an anti-anaphylactic reaction.
    Using this home kit will stabilize you long enough to seek emergency care. Knowing you’re prone to having this severe reaction, you should wear a medical alert bracelet or inform those you deal with of your condition, to take proper precautions to shield yourself.

    In case you use a home kit, you should still seek the care of your physician immediately following exposure, as symptoms often return even with treatment a few hours after your initial reaction.

    Causes of Skin Allergic Reactions

    23 February, 2010 (17:20) | Allergies | By: admin

    People develop skin allergic reactions all the time; many of these people never really know the cause of their skin allergy until the visit a doctor. There are several factors that lead to a person having skin allergic reaction. It can be caused by food, a soap that they use or even dust. All of these are causes of a person to have skin allergies.

    • The first cause of skin allergies is food.

    How exactly do you know if a food is causing the skin reaction that you are experiencing? One simple way is through simple trial and error until you find the cause of your skin allergies. One example of this was a person that every time they ate shell fish they broke out into a skin rash. For a long time they thought this was caused by something else, until they went to the doctor and he told them what the cause of the problem was.

    Skin allergic reactions are never a fun thing to live with, they can be a nuisance and sometimes even disrupt your daily life if they are severe enough. Now the skin allergies will differ from the amount of food that you ate as well as the severity of the allergy. Often times when a person eats a food that there is an allergy to they will develop hives on their skin. This is the most basic of skin allergies that a person will have when there is an allergy present.

    One thing that you will need to keep in mind is that skin reactions can become worse if the person is stressed over the situation and as a result will breakout even worse than they did before. So it is important that when dealing with skin allergies that you don’t aggravate the area or stress yourself that much about the reaction.

    There are other things that will cause a person to experience skin reactions. If you change the brand of soap that you use then you are bound to experience skin allergies that will tend to be a little on the mild to severe side. These skin reactions can be a problem that results in the person breaking out in hives and as a result will involve you either having to get a shot or other treatment option for the skin allergies that you are experiencing.

    In some cases it is possible for skin allergies to be passed on from parent to child. While this is not as common as you might think, it does happen and can be a problem for both the parent as well as the child. If you think that you are experiencing skin reactions then the best method of treatment is to simply go to your doctor and have a talk to see if you are suffering from skin reactions or not. If you are not wanting to go to the doctor then you can always try to cut out certain things that you think are the cause. If the skin allergies stop then you have found the problem.

    Facts About Drug Allergies

    11 February, 2010 (15:33) | Allergies | By: Health news

    When you are sick, chances are that you’ll make an appointment to go to the doctor. Once there, your physician will give you an examination, determine your problem, and probably prescribe you medication meant to help you recover. Sadly, though, if you have a drug allergy, taking the medicine that you’re allergic to can result in a life-threatening or even deadly reaction.

    Medications contain powerful drugs that work to help you fight infections and other such issues. Because everyone is different, some people react differently than others to the same drugs. Interestingly, people typically have an adverse reaction to a medication the second time they take a drug rather than the first. Thus, you may not even be aware that you have a drug allergy. However, once you do learn of your problem, it is important to always let your physician know about the allergy before he or she prescribes you a medicine that proves to be more harmful than helpful.

    An allergic reaction occurs when the body’s immune system actually overreacts to a drug. Sometimes caused hypersensitivity, a person can develop this problem through things such as a longtime exposure to a drug, large doses of the chemical, intravenous injection, and a predilection to develop allergies.

    There are “families” of drugs that all encompass one main component, basically an active ingredient.

    Some drugs cause allergic reactions more commonly than others, including:

    • Analgesics – codeine, morphine, NSAIDs, aspirin
    • Antibiotics – sulfa, penicillin, tetracycline
    • Antiseizures – phenytoin, carbamazepine

    Even though you may not be having an allergic reaction to a topical medication, the skin often gives hints that a drug is not reacting well with your body. If you are having an allergic reaction to a drug, you may notice that you develop a rash, hives, sensitivity to sunlight, erythema multiforme. Erythema multiforme describes the condition of red, raised patches of skin which are often itchy and may occur with swelling of the face and/or tongue.

    Internally, the overreaction of your immune system to a drug can cause the following:

    • Fever
    • Swollen lymph nodes
    • Kidney inflammation
    • Muscle/joint aches

    Additionally, one very serious part of an allergic reaction is called anaphylaxis, or anaphylactic shock. This can happen gradually or quickly, but you must go to the emergency room to save yourself from the death that can occur as a result of anaphylactic shock.

    Signs that you are going into anaphylaxis include hives, difficulty breathing, light-headedness, rapid heart beat or arrhythmia, and swelling of the face or extremities.

    Sometimes, neither a doctor nor you can predict the way in which you will react to a medication. However, if a physician does not acknowledge a known allergen or does not handle your reaction properly, it can result in serious health issues and even death. If you or someone you know has had a medication prescribed improperly, this may count as medical malpractice. You should speak to a lawyer today about your options.

    Cat Allergy Symptoms and Treatments

    29 January, 2010 (04:33) | Allergies | By: admin

    There are different types of cat allergy treatment available, but before addressing any treatment, we must first discuss what causes a cat allergy and what the symptoms are.

    An allergic reaction to a cat is caused by the human body’s immune system mistaking cat hair & dander as a “dangerous substance”. The immune system is attempting to ward off these “dangerous substances”. This causes symptoms like that of hay fever.

    • Symptoms

    There are many different allergy symptoms, but they mostly depend on what type of cat allergy you are diagnosed with: cat hair, cat dander, cat flea, or cat skin allergy. Also, there are many different types of cat allergy treatment, so different symptoms require different treatments.

    • Swollen and Watery Eyes

    This is usually caused by tiny pieces of cat dust and dander traveling from the cat’s skin through the air and into your eyes. You will usually have itchy eyes and they will be red at times. You can get rid of the swelling and watery eyes by either removing the cat or by taking eye drops.

    • Wheezing and Coughing

    Just as in the cause of the itchy, watery, swollen eyes, cat dust and dander can travel through the air and be breathed in through the mouth. The muscles in the airways will contract in a reaction to the dander coming in contact with your airways, resulting in difficulty breathing, coughing, and wheezing.

    • Excema

    Sometimes cat dander will come in contact with the skin and cause itchy, red, dry sections. To remedy this, minimize scratching and moisturize the area.

    Other symptoms include sneezing and running/stuffy nose.

    • Treatments

    A cat allergy treatment is available in pill form, so your doctor may be able to subscribe something if you have symptoms of cat allergy. Another cat allergy treatment is available in the form of antihistamine nasal sprays. However, these methods provide only temporary relief. Here are some tips to minimize your cat allergies:

    1. Keep the cat out of certain rooms.
    2. Keep the house well-ventilated.
    3. Vacuum often.

    By knowing what the symptoms and causes for you cat allergies are, it is much easier to identify treatments. By using the information in this article, you should be able to ease your allergies quite well.

    Identifying and Eliminating Home Allergies

    21 January, 2010 (17:23) | Allergies | By: admin

    All over the world, millions suffer from daily allergies, which negatively affect their overall health. The symptoms associated with allergies tend to peak during the spring and fall; however, those with acute allergies can be miserable throughout the year.

    • Dander from animals

    There are a lot of people who have one or more pets. People who suffer from allergies can have acute symptoms when they are in the proximity of pets. Particles of skin can be cast off by felines and canines, similarly to humans, but the flakes from cats and dog are oily, and it is known as dander. The proteins associated with pet dander can cause those with dander allergies to suffer from upper respiratory distress.

    • Food

    Most of the world’s population is thought to be allergic to one or more foods. Hundreds of different food items are associated with allergic responses. Often, foods that cause allergy symptoms are better tolerated as the sufferer ages. Those who have acute persistent allergic reactions, however, may suffer throughout life.

    • Molds

    Molds are all over the out-of-doors, so everyone has been exposed to those kinds that commonly occur since they were children. It can be worrisome for those with allergies, however, when molds become established indoors and thrive. Drip pans beneath refrigerators, the coil boxes in air conditioners, and insulated air plenums can provide a nourishing habitat for molds to flourish.

    • Pollen

    The underlying cause of most allergies that occur in the fall and spring is pollen. When different kinds of pollen are carried indoors by air currents, home allergies can result.

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