Tag: allergy treatment

The Best Way to Chose Your Allergy Relief

16 October, 2010 (08:34) | Allergies | By: Health news

People that suffer from allergies always get to pay more attention to what they eat what they use for cleaning or even stay away from flowers. Since modern technology has evolved a lot, allergy is not that much a problem these days. However, choosing the best allergy relief is not so easy. Whether the it comes in a spray, nose drops or pills, it has to be easy to be carried around and very efficient. In other terms, it has to work in just 10 minutes after taking. An allergy treatment that is very efficient can’t be only made from natural ingredients. This is why in choosing the best one must consider the other substances used to treat his allergy.
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In some cases, the allergy has no particular treatment, so the patient has to constantly be alert and protect his body from harmful factors.

Since the allergy can be caused by high levels of toxic substances in the body, such as resulted from a bad diet, a good relief can refer to a detoxification diet and life style. In such cases, it is significantly reduced and can even be cured. The important thing is though for the person to maintain the same healthy life style or the allergy might return. Allergy relief treatments can sometimes have a curative effect too, but only if the manifested allergy is mild and kept under observation.

Any allergy manifest is a way of the body to show that something is not right. All this signals should not be first blocked with an allergy treatment, but should be investigated by a doctor.

Many people just presume that they have allergy to something and buy an allergy relief even if they don’t need it. The most dangerous thing about this practice is the fact that the body can develop immunity to the medicine. If the allergy was in its early stages of development, and a particular allergy treatment could have stopped it, the patient will no longer recover because its body had already acknowledged the substance and thus, the allergy relief will lose its effect.

As so, the best way to get any type of allergy symptom treated is by checking in with a doctor first. This is the only person that can prescribe an allergy relief or an allergy treatment for you. Even in cases of mild allergy, the allergy treatment you are willing to take has to be first looked up by a doctor. Comparing medical files and medical problems that you had in the past can be a very important factor in choosing the correct allergy treatment. Obviously, you cannot do this, so it’s best to let the doctor decide.

The medicine market is packed will all sorts of allergy relief drugs. In such a variety, only authorized personnel can tell you what’s best for your body.

Thus an allergy treatment has to be chosen by a doctor, according to your special needs and of course taking into consideration other medicine that you take.

Curing Food Allergies

13 October, 2010 (17:39) | Allergies | By: Health news

If you have been diagnosed with a food allergy you will likely have already realised that for some people there is no real cure for a food allergy. Do not be discouraged, please read on for some more positive information. If you are merely sensitive to a type of food or allergen you may find that you have a tolerance level such that you can eat small amounts of a food that makes you unwell without any negative impact or uncomfortable side effects. Unfortunately for a serious food allergy where your response to the allergen is triggered by your immune system and you don’t just suffer gastrointestinal, skin or respiratory symptoms, then total avoidance of the allergen is the only cure.

There are many products on the market and people trying to sell them who will claim to be able to cure your allergy – these are lies. I am sorry but someone has to tell you. It is true that some lucky individuals will grow out of their food allergies – this is particular true for most children under the age of 5 who have milk and egg allergies. The incidence of people outgrowing their peanut allergy is less likely but it does happen.

You may have heard of desensitisation as a cure for food allergy. This is where you gradually expose the sufferer to increasing amounts of the offending allergen. In some cases this works and after a period of weeks or months the individual is able to tolerate the allergen without any serious side effects. You should never attempt this method without strict medical supervision and advice as there is always the potential for the allergy to be made worse by repeated exposure with each reaction being greater than the previous one. In the case of hayfever and pollen allergies desensitisation is having more successful results.

Young children who have an egg allergy can sometimes tolerate either the egg white or the egg yolk and some may even be able to cope with trace amounts in baking. However, for others the only way to stay healthy and symptom free is to avoid the allergen altogether for life. An interesting point to note is that many adults are developing allergies later in life having never had a problem before. The most common allergen in this instance appears to be seafood.

If you have a dairy allergy or sensitivity there are many suitable substitutes on the market such as rice, soy and oat milks, some fortified with the vitamins and minerals you may lack if following a dairy free diet. The daily use of probiotics has been suggested as a way for dairy allergy sufferers to be able to tolerate small amounts of dairy products in their diet. This seems to vary between individuals and is a matter for you to try and experiment with on your own. Again remember to seek advice from a nutritionist or health professional when embarking on a restricted or food elimination diet or trial.

Spring Allergy Cures

3 May, 2010 (21:17) | Allergies | By: Health news

Spring allergies are due to the pollen coming out from trees during the pollinating season, usually from January to April, which is springtime. Most of the trees that bring spring allergies include olive, elm, hickory, birch, oak, poplar, maple, walnut, and cypress. These pollens can be carried by the wind to a distant area and the density is highest between 5AM to 10AM. Spring allergy cures could not be done instantly, but there are certain ways to avoid getting them or to boost resistance against them.

  • Symptoms
  • Spring allergy symptoms like runny nose and itchy eyes are actually the result of the battle between the antibodies (body’s protection against unwanted organisms) and allergens (the main component that triggers different forms of allergies). When the pollen infiltrates the body by mixing with the air we breathe, the immune system mistakenly sees it as a form of bacteria or virus, thus releasing the antibodies. The situation leads to the release of histamines into the blood, triggering different symptoms of allergies, and thus how spring allergies are developed.

  • Risks
  • Spring allergies can sometimes lead to asthma, a condition in which the air passages narrow, leading to shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing. It is a good thing there are precautions that can be done to prevent or relieve the symptoms of spring allergies.

  • Home Remedies:
  • Always keep the doors and windows of the home closed especially during the period when the density of pollens in the air is at peak (5AM to 10AM). Using air conditioning system to keep outdoor air from entering is one thing to do to avoid getting spring allergies.
    Limit outdoor activities during springtime especially early in the morning. This is the time when the probability of being affected with spring allergies is the greatest. Moving the scheduled task from the morning to the afternoon would be a great solution.
    Make it a habit to keep the windows of the car up when travelling. You may not want to let the dust, mold, and pollens to enter, since they are the primary cause of spring allergies.
    In the event that you are unable to avoid getting spring allergies, using over-the-counter antihistamines is the best choice of getting instant relief. These drugs are effective spring allergy cures of a scratchy throat, runny nose, itchy eyes, and sneezing. In choosing antihistamines, go for the ones that don’t cause drowsiness. Older generation antihistamines are known to have side effects that cause sleepiness, therefore more recent formulations are recommended.

    Allergies and Genetics

    19 March, 2010 (19:02) | Allergies | By: admin

    Allergy is the body’s hypersensitive reaction to any external allergen and its symptoms may vary in intensity among various individuals. While some people might not even notice these symptoms; for others, the reactions of the immune system are so severe that it may even threaten their life or give rise to many complications. What causes this difference in allergy symptoms intensity is genetics.

    This means that the individual is more susceptible to a hyperactive reaction or response to allergens. Allergens are mostly harmless substances that may be safe for others but quite detrimental to the person who is allergic. If your parents suffered from some allergies then it is quite likely that the children will develop allergies or have greater tendencies to do so.

    Even though genetics plays a major role in allergies, there are still many ways and lifestyle habits that can be adopted in order to enhance the body’s immune system.

    Whether the condition runs in your family or was directly inherited from your parents, the need to develop a healthy and strong immune system in order to combat the numerous symptoms remains crucial.

    Depending on your allergies, and their severity, there are a multitude of treatment plans that can be adopted and made use of. Your doctor might even prescribe you individualized treatment plans so as to specifically target a particular allergic reaction while also considering the patient’s overall health condition, his or her age and medical and family history.

    It is however, mandatory to remember that not all allergies are curable. In actual fact, allergies are mostly treated rather than cured. Infants and children with allergies however, might develop a healthy immune system with time which helps cure these allergies naturally.

    The best treatment plan for allergies whether genetic or otherwise, is prevention. If you have a family history of allergy to particular allergens, like dust mites, pollens etc. then it is highly recommended that you avoid exposure to these substances. Make it a habit to wear a mask before stepping out of the house or going to excessively windy and dusty places. Moreover, get rid of any carpets in your house. As carpets tend to trap dust particles and other minute substances, they are a complete disaster for those with a family history of allergic reactions.

    It is already known that an individual’s chance of developing allergic reactions is aggravated both by genetics and by environmental conditions. As different genes interact, the resulting combinations may either result in positive and sometimes even negative effects. Allergies are one of such negative reactions which may not be passed down in exactly the same manner or response to the exact allergen but the tendency is most likely to be passed and the body may respond to some other allergens negatively.

    Pollen Allergies

    12 March, 2010 (22:00) | Allergies | By: Health news

    Many people suffer from sensitivity to various types of pollen and need to find the right treatments for their pollen allergies that will provide them with relief. The constant congestion, headache, itchy nose and eyes or trouble breathing can make life hard. Although many children tend to grow out of their problems with allergies, most adults seem to retain their allergies. New studies have shown that many herbalists, naturopathic doctors and natural healers believe that it is possible to actually get rid of allergies through alternative treatments, although there are also many traditional ways to treat pollen allergies as well.

    The obvious first step is to get tested to make sure that your allergies are actually pollen allergies. The next step is to avoid those things that cause your allergies, but that is easier said than done. Adjusting your environment can make a big difference in the severity of your allergies. For instance, as part of your treatment for pollen allergies, hire someone else to mow the grass and keep your yard in shape so you are not subjecting yourself firsthand to the pollen that causes your allergies. Your doctor will probably prescribe allergy medicine, which you should take daily per the given instructions. If you know you are likely to be around pollen, take your medicine in advance to help prevent or lessen the symptoms.

    Your doctor may also prescribe an allergy shot treatment therapy, which entails getting a shot with a low dose of the allergen which desensitizes you a little more each time you are exposed to it. There is generally a good success rate with allergy shot treatments for pollen allergies. Alternative treatments can also be options you can explore, such as chiropractic or acupuncture. Other alternative treatments include honey therapy, where you eat small amounts of local honey, which may contain some of the local pollens, or vitamin or herbal supplements that boost the immune system.

    Vitamin C treatment or use of antioxidants to boost the immune system to fight allergic reactions are also used by many who suffer with pollen allergies. Many people feel that saline sinus rinses have a high success rate as they flush the bacteria and irritants from the nasal cavities. However, you should be very careful with these home remedies. Knowing for sure what you are really allergic to is the key to getting help. Visit a licensed professional who can generally pinpoint the problem. You should consult your doctor before starting any program for treatment of pollen allergies in order to avoid possible side affects.

    Treatment of Allergies

    10 March, 2010 (23:28) | Allergies | By: admin

    Allergies cause various disorders including eczema, asthma, psoriasis, hay fever and many other common disorders. You can identify your allergy symptoms quickly, if you can find the allergens you’re allergic to. Way of living really banks on how faster you are able to diagnose, since the faster you diagnose the sooner you take action to remove the foreign invaders.

    Here are a couple of tactics to cut back and treat your common allergies:

  • The first and foremost thing will be to remove potential allergens from your home. Avoid owning pets if you’re allergic to animals. When you can’t live without your beloved pet, make a trip to the vet to propose treatment options that reduce pet dander.
  • Secondly, ensure that you clean your house frequently. Remove dust employing a tool that cleans dust and never one that simply pushes it around. Clean the floor using a wet cloth to get rid of dust that aren’t often removed while sweeping or dusting. There are special products that can be purchased, that eradicates dust from the house. For instance: Vacuums for removing dust and air filters to eliminate dust and help avoid recurring.
  • If possible invest money in a good air filter. Try getting one that covers the whole house if possible, as this may eliminate most familiar irritants from your home. It’s possible to create an environment where it is possible to become almost allergy free. While it’s expensive, you’ll find the investment in a whole-house air filter worthwhile, even though you don’t have any “known” or diagnosed allergies.
  • Make an effort to wash your bed coverings and pillows in warm water once in a week. Dispose of the pillows that are more than one-year old to cut back dust mites. It does not mean they do not exist, just because you don’t see them.
  • If you are living in a damp or moist area, look out for molds which might be growing in your home. A dehumidifier may be all that is needed to reduce the mold and mildew that can grow in your living room.
  • Keep the windows closed during spring or fall season to avoid pollen from drifting indoors. You will find gardens or forests which might be plagued with allergy producing plants and flowers. Try to avoid walking through or visiting such areas.
  • Always use polyester pillows instead of using feather filled pillows despite the fact that they are more comfortable. Down and feathers are prone to trigger allergic reactions than synthetic products.
  • Wooden flooring or bamboo floors are more advisable than wall-to-wall carpeting for people having severe allergies. Wall to wall carpeting can attract dust, pollen, dander and also contain substances that pollute the environment naturally.
  • The real key to treating allergies is identifying the allergen and that it’s an allergy and not sensitivity or other common reasons. Once identified it’s an allergy seeking medical help to cure and prevent the same in future is very important. Leaving an allergic condition untreated could be fatal at times. Proper care and prevention are the keys to a healthy and allergy free life.

    Cat Allergy Symptoms and Treatments

    29 January, 2010 (04:33) | Allergies | By: admin

    There are different types of cat allergy treatment available, but before addressing any treatment, we must first discuss what causes a cat allergy and what the symptoms are.

    An allergic reaction to a cat is caused by the human body’s immune system mistaking cat hair & dander as a “dangerous substance”. The immune system is attempting to ward off these “dangerous substances”. This causes symptoms like that of hay fever.

    • Symptoms

    There are many different allergy symptoms, but they mostly depend on what type of cat allergy you are diagnosed with: cat hair, cat dander, cat flea, or cat skin allergy. Also, there are many different types of cat allergy treatment, so different symptoms require different treatments.

    • Swollen and Watery Eyes

    This is usually caused by tiny pieces of cat dust and dander traveling from the cat’s skin through the air and into your eyes. You will usually have itchy eyes and they will be red at times. You can get rid of the swelling and watery eyes by either removing the cat or by taking eye drops.

    • Wheezing and Coughing

    Just as in the cause of the itchy, watery, swollen eyes, cat dust and dander can travel through the air and be breathed in through the mouth. The muscles in the airways will contract in a reaction to the dander coming in contact with your airways, resulting in difficulty breathing, coughing, and wheezing.

    • Excema

    Sometimes cat dander will come in contact with the skin and cause itchy, red, dry sections. To remedy this, minimize scratching and moisturize the area.

    Other symptoms include sneezing and running/stuffy nose.

    • Treatments

    A cat allergy treatment is available in pill form, so your doctor may be able to subscribe something if you have symptoms of cat allergy. Another cat allergy treatment is available in the form of antihistamine nasal sprays. However, these methods provide only temporary relief. Here are some tips to minimize your cat allergies:

    1. Keep the cat out of certain rooms.
    2. Keep the house well-ventilated.
    3. Vacuum often.

    By knowing what the symptoms and causes for you cat allergies are, it is much easier to identify treatments. By using the information in this article, you should be able to ease your allergies quite well.

    Eliminate a Home Allergy

    19 January, 2010 (04:04) | Allergies | By: admin

    Allergies affect the health and well-being of millions of people worldwide on a daily basis. While allergy symptoms are generally worse during the fall and spring seasons, people with severe allergies may suffer year around.

    We will discuss 10 primary causes of allergies in the home and methods you can use right now to control them or even eliminate them. Your indoor home environment is the one place you have control over and with the proper knowledge, a home can be your haven.

    1. Animal dander. Many people have at least one family pet of some sort. However, dogs or cats can create havoc for allergy sufferers. Dogs and cats can shed skin flakes just like humans but their skin flakes actually have an oily component to it thus making it dander. In most cases, a person with a dander allergy is sensitive to the protein of the dander and can have upper respiratory symptoms when they breathe it in or even skin rashes when exposed to it.
    2. Bacteria. Bacteria is everywhere in the indoor and outdoor environment but it is bacteria particles indoors which can causes a host of upper respiratory symptoms in a person with chronic allergies. The primary breeding ground for bacteria particles is a vacuum cleaner bag. Thousands of new bacteria particles can grow everyday in a vacuum cleaner bag. A standard vacuum with a low efficient paper bag will actually circulate these new bacteria particles into the air each time the vacuum is used.
    3. Dust mites. Dust mites are most definitely in the top 3 of all allergens found in the home and are also a common cause of asthma symptoms in the home. They feed on human skin flakes as well as animal dander and produce microscopic fecal matter wherever they exist. Just as animal dander, an allergy sufferer is allergic to the protein found in the fecal matter and not the dust mites themselves.
    4. Foods. It is believed that most people on earth have at least one food that they are allergic to. There are literally hundreds of foods which are known to cause allergic symptoms. Food allergies are known to change and will usually get better as we age. However, persons with severe chronic allergies can have them their entire lives.
    5. Fragrances. Fragrances from pesticides and perfumes are the most common of these type of allergens. A fragrance is one of the few allergens which can actually create a reaction from just the odor itself.
    6. Insect stings and dead insect parts. While most people know someone who is allergic to an insect sting; most persons do not know that breathing in dead insect parts may also cause allergic symptoms. If an insect dies indoors, it will dry out and turn to particle matter in a few weeks time. These insect particles can become airborne and breathed in by an allergy sufferer. Just as other organic allergens, the protein found in the particles is what actually causes allergy reactions.
    7. Latex. Latex is a natural substance made from a type of rubber tree. A latex allergy is normally found in the healthcare workplace but can be found in the home with the use of latex based kitchen gloves. Eliminating a latex allergy is as simple as disposing of all latex based products found in the home.
    8. Medications. Medication allergies are normally a synergistic effect between other pharmaceutical or over-the-counter drugs. A physicians desk reference or drug manufacturer instructions should be read completely prior to taking any medications. Sometimes interactions are found out following the printing of such instructions and manufacturer web sites should be consulted on a regular basis for new interactions.
    9. Molds. We have all been exposed to common molds from childhood since they are found throughout the outdoor environment. They become a problem for allergy sufferers when they invade the indoor environment and amplify on a breeding ground. Common indoor breeding grounds are air conditioning coil boxes, internally insulated supply air plenums and refrigerator drip pans.
    10. Pollen. Pollen are believed to be the number one allergen in the world and is the primary cause of seasonal allergies. Some pollens can create indoor allergies when they dry out into small particles and become airborne.

    You can eliminate about half of the allergens discussed above by just discontinuing their use however; allergens which are in the form of airborne particles are not so easily controlled. A true H.E.P.A. (High Efficient Particle Air) vacuum cleaner or air purifier is the only scientifically proven devices known to reduce particle allergens from the indoor air. Regular use of H.E.P.A. devices can make a dramatic improvement in allergies while at home. The H.E.P.A. filter maintains its efficiency up to five years of life. I highly recommend that you consider only the highest quality units since there are many H.E.P.A. “type” and inexpensive low-quality H.E.P.A. products on the market.

    Natural Solutions For Winter Sinus Woes

    11 December, 2009 (04:07) | Allergies | By: admin

    Aside from the usual viruses and infections common during this time of the year, the inhospitable climate and other factors can turn your nose into a lump of coal. Over the counter medications can help treat the symptoms and ease general discomfort caused by winter sinus problems. None of them will provide long term relief and many may actually cause more problems with extended use. Bottom line, use of these medications may or may not be any more effective than a few tried and true natural remedies safely used by millions every year.

    By far the biggest culprit behind chronic winter sinus pain is the climate. The dry air outside in colder climates is nothing compared to the super dry air we encounter inside buildings with central heating systems. The longer a building remains closed with the heating system running, the dryer the air becomes. It is not uncommon for a buildings humidity levels in the winter to be 30% lower than they are during the remainder of the year.

    Restoring the humidity in your home to more comfortable levels can be achieved in a variety of ways.

    • One of the oldest and most effective methods is to simply boil a pot of water.

    Regardless of the size of your home, boiling a pot of water every day can greatly increase humidity levels. An added benefit to this practice is the reduction of static electricity in the air unless you like being zapped every time you touch a door knob.

    • Another natural method is the use of a humidifier.

    If you’re already encountering sinus problems before going to sleep, you’ll usually wake up to find them much worse. While you sleep your sinuses continue to dry out from the super dry air and mucus becomes hard and in some cases painful and difficult to remove. Using a humidifier in your bedroom will prevent mucus from thickening while you sleep and will provide the soothing moisture your sinuses need to operate properly. Always be sure your humidifier is clean to prevent spreading mold into the air.

    • The use of nasal sprays for some carries a certain stigma.

    Honestly, sticking something into your nose and snorting is never going to be attractive no matter who you are. With that said, few things can provide immediate sinus relief like saline spray. So be discreet, but don’t write it off simply because it’s not as glamorous as taking a pill. Also keep in mind that there are medicated nasal sprays. Never confuse these as medicated sprays are not be used in the same fashion and can have significant side effects if used improperly.

    • A final natural solution is the use of moisturizing gels.

    These do not contain any medicines, but often have ingredients that may lead people to believe they do because of the smell and sensation they produce. A common ingredient is camphor, which many associate as a medicine smell. Camphor will produce a warm and tingly sensation inside the nose that will travel into the remainder of the sinuses. The benefit of gels is that their moisturizing properties tend to last longer than saline spray. This can be especially useful at night if you’re unable to utilize a humidifier.

    Are there benefits to using natural remedies for your sinus problems versus just using over the counter medications? Absolutely and the first thing you’ll notice is the money you save. Second, all of these natural methods can be used be used by children or adults plus people currently taking other medications or undergoing medical treatment. Even if your sinus problems are viral, not environmental, these practices will still provide sinus relief without adding more chemicals to your ailing body.

    Food Allergies and Six Reasons Why You May Have Them

    16 November, 2009 (00:59) | Allergies | By: admin

    Food allergies are a sign all is not well with your health. Don’t just look at ways to relieve the problem. Look at why you have the problem in the first place.

    Food allergies, like other allergies and maladies, are a sign your immune system is compromised. This can come about because you are doing things that prevent your body’s natural ability from dealing with health problems as they arise.

    A healthy person’s immune system will be gently in action all the time, unbeknown to you.

    But a seriously compromised immune system will show up as permanent health problems, such as allergies.

    Here are some of the reasons for a compromised immune system and how you may be ensuring your food allergies remain. Knowing the reasons can go a long way to showing you how to resolve the problem.

    • Eating fast, junk and processed food is a great way to compromise your immune system.
    • Vaccines and medication all lower your immune system.
    • Lack of sun may destroy you immunity.
    • Allowing stresses of work, home and relationships to build up unresolved is the best way to knock your health.
    • If you don’t get your optimum amount of rest and sleep, you can be sure you will never be healthy.
    • By not taking regular exercise, especially gentle exercise outside in nature, the nails will be piling into your coffin of self destruction.

    Many people feel that they just have to put up with health problems, that it is just part of them.

    They are so wrong!

    There is a cure for everything. A natural cure for everything. But you need to take control of your health to achieve it. It’s no good giving your health care to someone else. No one cares about your health as much as you do. No-one knows as much about you as you do.

    So it’s logical to assume, that no-one can help you as much as you can.

    Start today, make some changes that suit you, that are realistic and that feel right for where you are right now. Then make gradual changes every day, every week or every month, whatever suits you. But make them consistently. And, in no time, your food allergies will either disappear or be so mild as to not worry you.

    Cold And Allergy – Build Your Immune System?

    15 October, 2009 (03:41) | Allergies | By: admin

    Cough, congestion, running nose, headache and phlegm accumulation is common in winter seasons. Some people suffer from these symptoms even during off winter season. Such symptoms may have been a result of some allergy caused by different viruses in the air. It is these virus which attacks the immune system leading to cold allergies.

    Best advice from the doctors would be to build your immune system strong.

    Keep those bad viruses at bay. This will not only keep you fit but also help you avoid unnecessary use of medications, such as antibiotics, decongestant and any unnecessary contact with hospitals and medical facilities.

    Common symptoms that people experience during winter seasons:

    • Sneezing which is contagious
    • Cough which is contagious
    • Congestion
    • Headache
    • Running nose – may be clear, green, yellow or white

    Herbal tea such as green tea is popularly used in China and among other western countries. It is not only good for your skin but also improves immunity and keeps allergies away from your life.

    Similarly inner bark of the purple lapacho tree, P’au D’Arco tea have properties which are anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal thus help fight infection and allergy causing bacteria.

    Consumption of a gooseberry every day or tulsi leaf (Holy Basil Supplements) has proved to boost your immune system. Tulsi is also helpful for skin burns and improves memory if it is eaten on a daily basis. It has been a main ingredient in ayurvedic medicine and has been in the top ranked medicinal herb list.

    Eating a Camphor every month, can also help build your immune system. Camphor can be consumed along with a plantain or can be swallowed directly. Your body releases chemicals known as histamine, just as it does when fighting a cold. This can cause swelling in your nasal passages, a runny nose, coughing and sneezing. When your immune system is exposed to an allergen for the first time, you may not always have a reaction. Soon after that initial exposure, your body may begin to produce histamines when you face the allergen again. These histamines are what cause the symptoms of allergies.  If you build your immune system you can fight against all these problems.

    Prevent substance to which you are allergic to known as allergens

    • Dust mites
    • Pollen
    • Cockroaches
    • Mold
    • Animal dander

    In addition to the herbs, drinking purified water and washing your hands before eating anything is mandatory to keep your self away from bacterial infection. Develop good habits and see how things work out for you.