Acupuncture For Acne
There are two types of acupuncture for acne: the electro-acupuncture and auricular acupuncture. One advantage of the efforts acupuncture for treatment of acne is that it is rare negative side effects than current drugs may be difficult to make the skin of the patient.
It is believed that hormonal imbalance can cause the body secrete more oils than it really is. Treating acne with acupuncture can help regulate the hormone production of your body, and therefore your skin clearer. Treating acne with acupuncture is not a panacea for everything, though. You can still eat a balanced diet, wash regularly and avoid heavy makeup or products that may irritate your skin.
Evaluation of acupuncture is not a scientific fact, if you talk in terms of modern science. But when we talk about the results of applying this system, modern science has to stand and stare. They expressed the belief that the two types of acupuncture on the symptoms of acne have been treated successfully. One of them is auricular acupuncture (acupuncture applied to the use of ear) and the other is the electric acupuncture, with little power.
Acne is a very, very common skin disease, to support the millions of adolescents. And since young people generally very happy to appear in relation to, acne can have adverse effects on social life. Acne can have a serious impact self-esteem. But young people are not the only ones affected by acne – including adults and babies can get acne. It’s also common for pregnant women to begin to break the edge.
The principle of acupuncture is that the specific meridians of the body (composed of lines) and pressure points. If there is a disease that yin and yang (hot and cold side of things) are not balanced, leading to physical symptoms such as acne. Restore the balance are specific pressure points or acupuncture points are inserted along a line with a needle. After the needles are inserted in the fields of law, the slow flow of energy back into balance, eliminating the disease in this process.
The acupuncture treatment is usually a long process that takes into account chronic diseases. Treatments were often repeated two or three times a week for a period of time for a complete reversal of the effect of contention. In some cases, the situation is sufficiently serious to be taken to address the most serious problems first. In these cases, the treatment regimen, including dietary restrictions and maybe even herbal supplements, acupuncture.