Of all the different products on the market that claim to remove the scars and cure acne, are there any that actually work?
If all you’re looking for is short-term results, go ahead and pick just about anything – like I did.Exercise caution, though – some products can injure your skin or damage your health if improperly used, or over-used.
The acne treatments that are most commonly used address only the symptoms, not the underlying causes.The traditional approach to acne currently consists of such strategies as taking oral contraceptives, Accutane, liberal application of different salves and ointments, and prescribed antibiotics.However, these synthetic chemicals are incompatible with our body. These drugs and chemicals often diminish the pain and eruptions of acne, so they earn positive reviews, but they don’t address the root causes of acne.
Accutane, antibiotics and acne creams and other topical lotions were among the various acne removal treatment I was given for my acne, but none of them proved to be efficacious in curing my acne. Antibiotics, for example, indiscriminately kill bacteria in our bodies – the good as well as the bad, and can have a harmful effect on our overall health.The creams that I used are also killing only the bacteria on the surface of the skin and usually my next pimple will breakout before the previous one has healed. One cream, Benzoyl Peroxide, just dried out on the surface of my skin and added to the clogging of my pores that I later learned was instrumental in how acne made my skin break out.
My acne improved after I took Accutane for a while, but when I first started taking it, the acne got worse. The Accutane delivered unwanted side effects as well, like nosebleeds, chapped lips, and dry and red skin.The acne returned as severe as ever once I stopped taking the Accutane.
Even when you’re using one of these conventional approaches, the acne is still there. The creams and antibiotics and other medications only mask the symptoms.Acne’s underlying causes are left untouched by the creams and salves, the Accutane and antibiotics, which address only those symptoms.Imagine you are sleeping and your alarm clock is ringing. You can put in earplug or cover your ears with pillows but the alarm clock will not stop ringing until you wake up and press the stop button.
The best acne removal treatment that you can use is to adopt the holistic medicine way. This way of treatment yields to nature and based on the beliefs that with a health body environment, diseases do cannot exist in it. So how do we create a body environment that does not allow diseases (acne) to strive in?
Many factors are involved in making sure the natural processes in our body are operating properly, and the most obvious factor is diet. There seems to be a correlation between the level of insulin in the blood and the incidence of acne.However, a Western population has high blood insulin level and suffered from lots of chronic illnesses and one of them is acne.The level of insulin in the blood is determined by the amount of sugar in the diet.There are many dietary sources of sugar, and they include many foods that don’t appear “sugary,” like rice and potatoes, as well as things like soft drinks, candy, pastries and chewing gum.When insulin levels rise in response to fluctuating blood sugar levels, the production of hormones that promote the natural death of skin cells is inhibited.Lower levels of this hormone means that skin cells aren’t dying normally, and pores get clogged. It is also possible that your body will not be producing as many other beneficial hormones that is anti-inflammatory that can reduce inflammation found in acne.
The effective treatment of acne begins with a basic change of diet. Refined carbohydrates like white bread and white rice need to be replaced with complex carbs like whole grains and brown rice.Foods to which sweeteners have been added generally aren’t good for you and should be eliminated as well. The same goes for sodas and similar beverages, which have huge quantities of sweeteners added.The holistic elimination of acne from your life will require attention to many elements, diet being only the first.Despite that, once you make real changes to your diet, you should be able to see the first little results literally within just a few days.