Tag: acne prevention

Ways to Prevent Acne

14 July, 2010 (14:20) | Acne | By: Health news

Acne is a chronic skin disease that can affect someone for their whole life time. There are people who grew out of their acne but there are also others that are affected by acne even in their adult years. If you are one of those people, fear not because there are ways to prevent acne from appearing forever.

We usually suffer from acne outbreaks during our teen years. During that period, there will be changes in our hormone level. Due to the imbalance hormone level, symptoms like oily skin will occur. This causes us to be more susceptible to acne outbreaks.

In our adult years, fluctuation in our hormone level is supposed go away. However, due to our bad diet and lifestyle, this symptom lingers on.

I had spent thousands of dollars on acne products and treatments, but with no results. Acne still breaks out even after I paid for the expensive visit to the dermatologist. After too many frustrating attempts to cure my acne from the help of others, I decided to take things into my own hand.

This is the wisest decisions that I had made. I found out that conventional ways of treating acne does not work and at most is only a short-term solution for acne. In order to cure acne or prevent acne from occurring ever again, you need to treat the root of the problem.

I highly recommend you to pick up the ebook Acne No More by Mike Walden. This is the ebook that taught me the unique 5 holistic steps that have helped me get rid of the root causes of acne. Without these causes, acne just cannot appear anymore.

The holistic approach of healing allows your body to heal from within. By doing so, you can get rid of problems like oily skin and excess dead skin cells that clog your pores. These problems cause acne to occur and if these problems are not present, acne just cannot appear anymore.

One of the holistic 5 unique steps approach is to make changes to your diet. There are foods that cause acne and foods that heal acne. Some foods can cause your body to experience insulin spike, which will lead to oily skin. By eliminating this type of food from your diet, you can see significant changes to your skin. Some examples of these foods are processed foods such as cereals and white bread.

I recommend that you replace these foods with natural foods. Some examples of natural food will be vegetables, fruits and nuts. These foods are packed with nutrients and they will not cause insulin spike in the body which will lead to problems such as excessive oily skin.

Make it a habit to exfoliate and moisturize your skin daily. Exfoliating your skin regularly can help to prevent dead skin cells from building up. The lesser dead skin cells there are, the lesser the possibility that acne will occur.

Moisturizing your skin will also help to prevent oil from building up. Our skin produces oil to prevent our it from over drying. One of the reasons why our skin are oily is because our skin is dry and it is the body natural process to produce more oil to protect it. However, too much of oil on our skin can increase the possibility of having our pores clogged.

Try to take daily supplements such as Zinc and Vitamin C. Zinc supplements act like antibiotics but without the harmful side effects. Vitamin C can help to give your skin a healthy glow and it also help to boost your immune system. It can also help to repair your damage skin faster. Combine these methods together and they are effective ways for you to prevent acne from appearing again.

Prevent Pimples

5 May, 2010 (22:57) | Acne | By: Health news

Pimples are quite a common problem especially with teenagers and most of us experience it at. Pimples make us conscious reducing the confidence level. Actual cause of having pimples is still not very clear but we believe that hormonal change happening in our body during adolescence and stress may lead to it. If you are looking for tips on how to prevent pimples, you may find following tips quite helpful:

• Honey has lots of curing as well as cleansing properties. Open pores in face by applying warm water or mild steam and then apply honey. Wait for few minutes before washing it first using warm water. Cold water can then be splashed on face to close open pores.
• Wash your face at least twice a day (first time in morning and second before moving to bed). Wash more often in summers to prevent oils from getting accumulated and keep face clean. Remember to splash warm water before applying soap as that opens the pores in skin allowing deep penetration of skin by soap. People with oily skin must use water-based soap. Don’t use body soaps on face as that may clog pores causing acne pimples. Soap must be rinsed off using cold water so that pores are closed.
• Tone – People generally do not give toning any importance and it is often left out. Do tone your skin after cleansing as it clears face of any leftover cleanser. If residue is left on face, that clogs the pores resulting in acne. Toner can be easily applied by soaking a cotton ball in it and running over face.
• Put little moisturizer on hands and apply on face till it gets absorbed. People with oily skin must use an oil-free and light moisturizer. People with dry skin must use extra moisturizing creams.
• Add fresh fruits, vegetables in diet and take vitamin, chromium, zinc supplements.
• Teenagers must not wear heavy makeup on faces. If you have to, use water based products avoiding oil-based products.
• Drink at least 10 glasses of water in a day. Water is a best cleanser as it helps flushing out toxins of the body.
• Do not use oily products like pomades or hair spray on your hair.
• Do not pluck out pimple with bare hand as that may leave permanent spot on skin

Following these simple tips can help preventing pimples to a great extent. Once acne pimples happens, it is little difficult to completely get rid of it so it is better to learn to how to prevent pimples as prevention is better than cure.

5 Acne Tips

17 March, 2010 (18:27) | Acne | By: Health news

Do you have acne? Do you want clear skin? Are you sick of throwing pills down your throat and applying chemical topical treatments that not only might be drying out your skin and not working, but adding financial stress to your life? If you answered yes to any of the above questions then you will thoroughly enjoy the following 5 acne tips that will allow you to cure your acne naturally now.

Tip 1

Drink a cup of green tea every morning. Green tea is one of the most antioxidant rich foods on the planet. Antioxidants help prevent free radical damage to your cells which causes acne.

Tip 2

Laugh every day of your life. Laughter is known as the most effective medicine for any disease. It works for acne too. Think of funny moments, watch a funny video, or laugh for no reason.

Tip 3

Get out of the city as much as possible. Being in a polluted city can cause severe toxic buildup inside your body. Acne is a way of releasing toxins through the skin.

Tip 4

Are you stressed out often? Relax. Millions of people suffer from acne from stress alone. Take a break, lay down, enjoy alone time whenever you feel you need it. This alone may heal your acne.

Tip 5

Take a daily ten minute walk. This can help you way more then you are probably thinking at the moment. Any form of exercise is better than nothing. This can be a huge stress reliever. If you can, go to a park with air that is free of pollution and bring your dog if you have one.

Every single one of these tips can help you cure your acne beginning today. But, only if you take action. Some of these tips may not apply to you since you already implement them into your life. Write down the ones that are useful to you, and take action today.

Curing Acne

16 March, 2010 (21:19) | Acne | By: Health news

Unfortunately there is no absolute cure for all cases of acne at this time. In some cases curing acne may be feasible, in effect. In other cases maintenance may become an easy part of your daily routine. An important consideration in curing acne is the individual’s self-image.

There are many treatments that can help to clear up acne. In some cases prescription antibiotics may be taken to eradicate the infection that is causing the zits, and in effect curing acne. There are some instances where only topical cream is needed. If you have a case of acne that requires medical attention it can be helpful to seek treatment early. In some cases the development of cysts can result in scarring.

There are treatments that can help to stop the cysts from developing to that point though. In many cases curing acne becomes a recurring thing. If you can identify the acne causes, or related triggers, of your breakouts you may be able to decrease their frequency or eliminate them. Be certain to consult your physician before making any serious changes in your lifestyle though.

In cases where acne cannot be cured it is important that the individual with acne realize that they are not worth less than others. There are specific programs and literature available for individuals that have acne. These may prove helpful. In severe instances the individual may need support from a counselor or a group. Family and friends may be the most important support that the individual can receive though.

Once you and your doctor have determined if your acne will be conclusively cured, you will know if you need to develop a daily treatment routine or a prevention routine. In either case consider what you will be willing to do and be open and honest with your doctor. Developing a very thorough plan that you will not stick to may prove less effective than creating a less thorough plan that you will follow on a nearly daily basis. What you do can impact your health, and healthy is beautiful.

In cases where scarring has occurred there may be some possible options to reduce the appearance of the scarring. These include fillers that are injected into the scar site, skin abrasion (that removes layers of the skin), and others. Your doctor should be able to help you get information regarding these treatments, or be able to refer you to a specialist.

Acne Treatment

29 January, 2010 (04:05) | Acne | By: admin

Statistics confirm that acne is in fact the most common skin disorder that is experienced by people. Much research has been done into how acne develops and what treatments work to get rid of it effectively. Many different remedies, treatments and products have been manufactured with the aim of preventing and ridding sufferers of this horrible problem.

There are seven main ingredients that are used to treat and prevent acne. Many products use or more of these ingredients and claim to treat acne effectively. Six of the seven treatment methods are listed below:

  • Accutane
  • Antibiotics
  • Benzoyl Peroxide
  • herbal remedies
  • Retin-A
  • Salicylic Acid

Accutane is also known as Isotretinoin and is a powerful medicine that is prescribed by doctors to treat very acute cases of acne when other remedies and solutions have not worked. This medication is usually has to be taken for around six months before the full effects are experienced.

Antibiotics fight infections and get rid of the bacteria that cause the acne. This treats the problem of acne from inside the body rather than just applying products externally.

However, antibiotic cream is also available which can be applied directly on to the affected areas of skin.

Benzoyl Peroxide works as a powerful anti-bacterial property that helps to control and prevent the spread of acne. Herbal Remedies have increased in popularity in recent years as they are thought to be a safer and more healthy option. Many herbs are thought to work well by reducing the production of oils in the skin and other toxins in the body that can cause acne.

Retin-A, or Tretinoin as it is also often called is a mixture of retinoic acid and acid that is derived from vitamin A. This is used to help people who have acne or who have damaged skin due to over exposure of the sun. It is also used as an anti-aging product that can help to banish wrinkles. Products which use this ingredient work by unplugging the pores and ridding the skin of dead cells.

Salicylic acid slows the discarding of cells within the hair follicle which helps to stop them becoming blocked and infected. Many products that contain the above ingredients can be bought over the counter from a drug store, without the need to visit a doctor.

Cure Your Acne Quickly

18 January, 2010 (05:47) | Acne | By: admin

Anyone who has suffered from terrible acne blemishes can attest to the fact that they feel their lives are ruined. Not only does acne cause physical pain, but also emotional pain because you start to feel down and depressed. Even day to day activities that you normally do will not feel the same. This is because you will feel inferior to your peers because of how bad the acne makes your face look. However, there is hope if you were wondering. Take a look at some of the simple tips and remedies below that you can use to get rid of your acne blemishes and have clear and beautiful skin once and for all. Here they are.

  • at all costs, avoid touching your face or resting it against dirty surfaces. This will only cause more bacteria and germs to pass on to your skin and worsen your acne.
  • use a cleanser with a salicylic acid base to wash your face at least twice a day. The salicylic acid helps to prevent dirt and bacteria from building up on the surface of your skin and blocking your pores. Salicylic acid also helps to exfoliate your skin while preventing it from drying out.
  • try to drink a lot of water every day. Water is a very important element to keeping your system healthy. If you want to flush out some of those unwanted and unhealthy substances that accumulate in your colon and contribute to acne, drink a lot of water. It will also help to keep your skin hydrated so it will look beautiful at all times.
  • take a daily multivitamin. One of the best ways to get rid of blemishes due to acne is to use multivitamins to help your immune system fight off infections. Your daily nutrition will not give you the essential vitamins and nutrients needed to build your immune system, so it is key to use a multivitamin to get all of the nutrients your body needs.

Cystic Acne

3 November, 2009 (12:54) | Acne | By: Health news

Cystic acne an indication that the immune system works well. Acne releases aerosol and antibodies a natural vaccine present in our body. Antibodies are considered as the soldier of the body to fight against bacteria and infections. Since men have high risk of acne it means male hormones are more productive than women and they have high level of immunization through natural antibiotics that are in the body.

The immune system works to fight epidemics, diseases and bacteria. The more active your immune system the more risk of acne you have, though it does not mean if your healthy you are prone to acne because if you take good care of your body and stay healthy you are a diseases free. However, we should always remember that prevention is better than cure. Illness can come out anytime when there is hormonal imbalance to have full knowledge about your body is like preparing yourself for a combat against diseases.

Proper diet and skin care works well to prevent any kind of diseases but in acne prevention. Washing your face twice a day with a mild soap working as your miracle cure everyday. Once in the morning when you wake up and once at night before to bed. Too much washing can irritate your skin which leads into another skin problem. Exercise and adequate sleep can help cure cystic acne, not immediately but dramatically. If cystic acne appear over 2 months it is best to seek medical help, go to your dermatologist as soon as possible before it got severe.

To have knowledge on proper treatments of cystic acne is a plus. Changing your lifestyle is even better, proper exercise can help boast your immune system accompanied with adequate sleep and miracle of washing your face wild mild soap will make you safe from any diseases even cystic acne.