Ways to Prevent Acne
Acne is a chronic skin disease that can affect someone for their whole life time. There are people who grew out of their acne but there are also others that are affected by acne even in their adult years. If you are one of those people, fear not because there are ways to prevent acne from appearing forever.
We usually suffer from acne outbreaks during our teen years. During that period, there will be changes in our hormone level. Due to the imbalance hormone level, symptoms like oily skin will occur. This causes us to be more susceptible to acne outbreaks.
In our adult years, fluctuation in our hormone level is supposed go away. However, due to our bad diet and lifestyle, this symptom lingers on.
I had spent thousands of dollars on acne products and treatments, but with no results. Acne still breaks out even after I paid for the expensive visit to the dermatologist. After too many frustrating attempts to cure my acne from the help of others, I decided to take things into my own hand.
This is the wisest decisions that I had made. I found out that conventional ways of treating acne does not work and at most is only a short-term solution for acne. In order to cure acne or prevent acne from occurring ever again, you need to treat the root of the problem.
I highly recommend you to pick up the ebook Acne No More by Mike Walden. This is the ebook that taught me the unique 5 holistic steps that have helped me get rid of the root causes of acne. Without these causes, acne just cannot appear anymore.
The holistic approach of healing allows your body to heal from within. By doing so, you can get rid of problems like oily skin and excess dead skin cells that clog your pores. These problems cause acne to occur and if these problems are not present, acne just cannot appear anymore.
One of the holistic 5 unique steps approach is to make changes to your diet. There are foods that cause acne and foods that heal acne. Some foods can cause your body to experience insulin spike, which will lead to oily skin. By eliminating this type of food from your diet, you can see significant changes to your skin. Some examples of these foods are processed foods such as cereals and white bread.
I recommend that you replace these foods with natural foods. Some examples of natural food will be vegetables, fruits and nuts. These foods are packed with nutrients and they will not cause insulin spike in the body which will lead to problems such as excessive oily skin.
Make it a habit to exfoliate and moisturize your skin daily. Exfoliating your skin regularly can help to prevent dead skin cells from building up. The lesser dead skin cells there are, the lesser the possibility that acne will occur.
Moisturizing your skin will also help to prevent oil from building up. Our skin produces oil to prevent our it from over drying. One of the reasons why our skin are oily is because our skin is dry and it is the body natural process to produce more oil to protect it. However, too much of oil on our skin can increase the possibility of having our pores clogged.
Try to take daily supplements such as Zinc and Vitamin C. Zinc supplements act like antibiotics but without the harmful side effects. Vitamin C can help to give your skin a healthy glow and it also help to boost your immune system. It can also help to repair your damage skin faster. Combine these methods together and they are effective ways for you to prevent acne from appearing again.