Does Masturbation Affect Penis Growth?

21 March, 2010 (04:02) | Men's Health | By: Health news

There has been a long standing myth that masturbation can have a direct effect on penis growth when using exercises to enlarge the penis. Many men who start penis exercises become easily confused as to how much or how often you can masturbate or have sex. The truth is that it’s never really explained fully or implemented into a schedule that understands that men DO masturbate. This article is designed to clear up this confusion and explain whether not masturbation can affect your penis growth.

Before I jump straight in and answer that question for you, it’s important to get the right penis enlarging system. Selecting the right system doesn’t just mean performing the exercises correctly, although that does help a lot, it means having the correct balance of penis exercises, rest, nutrients and masturbation. Exercises alone can be hit or miss as the other factors previously mentioned have just as big an impact on growth as exercises do.

Masturbation’s Link To Penis Growth

When using a natural penis enlarging system, you implement the biochemicals and hormones that were present in puberty into your body. Your blood is now rich in nutrients and to fully exploit penis growth, you need to make full use of those nutrients. During an erection your penis becomes full of nutrient rich blood with growing properties, and just before you reach an orgasm, the nutrients become the most effective. So this is what you have to aim to achieve every day.

It’s Simple

Masturbation DOES have an effect on penis growth when using a natural penis enlarging system as it’s actually a part of the system. However this is different from your standard masturbation as we want to achieve the point just before orgasm about 5 times a day. The best and most effective way of doing this is to stop just before you orgasm. Once you hit that point, to stop yourself from climaxing, if you feel you have no control, simply squeeze the base of your penis hard.
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After about 30 seconds you should be able to repeat the process, as you haven’t expelled all of your energy into climaxing. Performing this 5 times a day, a few hours after completing your penis exercises, as part of a proven system and you will see a significant difference to your penis growth. As long as this happens 5 times a day, you can masturbate or have sex as often as you want.