Tag: prevent acne

Adult Acne

25 January, 2010 (05:28) | Acne | By: admin

Usually seen as a teenage problem, acne is becoming a growing problem that many adults are suffering from today.

Adults in their 20s and 50s can still experience acne and its negative sociological effects can be just as severe to an adult as it can be to a teenager. With the combination of career and family stressors, the strain of the daily life will create numerous skin problems. So adults will also get acne.

Since mental stress is one of the major causes for adult acne it is no surprise that women are more likely to suffer from acne than men. Women generally have more stress is in their lives and this does not including the added stress of hormonal imbalances like menstruation and pregnancy. 

Another factor that can affect adult acne is the environment and individual lifestyle choices. These factors play a significant role in acne development because when a person has bad behaviors, like smoking and drinking alcohol, it will usually reflect on a person’s skin. 

Therefore, the most obvious way to cure adult acne is prevention. Having a proper diet and drinking a lot of fluids is a good way to start. Learning how to relieve your stress and keep up with your skin hygiene will also help prevent acne outbreaks.

In conclusion, adult acne can be treated. While adult acne can be embarrassing and time-consuming to deal with, if a person wants their acne to go away then doing simple changes will help them get good results.

Body Acne Treatment and How to Prevent Body Acne

10 December, 2009 (04:06) | Acne | By: admin

People with severe acne problems face body acne problems as well. This type of acne usually appears on the back, chest, arms and shoulders and is also known as “bacne”. These are caused by over active oil glands in the body and excessive dead cells that are trapped in the hair follicle. Body acne treatment needs to be not only treated medically but you may also need to keep certain other factors in mind.

Many a times certain types of clothes also aggravate acne due to the friction they cause whilst rubbing against your skin. You should learn which type of fabric reacts with your body and leads to acne. In most cases, cotton clothes are preferable as they are soft and smooth enough to keep your skin comfortable. You should also avoid tight fitting clothes, too-snug clothes, synthetic rubber straps, shoulder purse straps or even materials done with embroidery in metallic wires.

Apart from clothing, severe sweating may also lead to acne as sweat irritates the body. You should avoid rubbing your skin even with a loafer or a scrub which may irritate the skin further. Always pat dry your skin and keep the pores closed. Rubbing your skin may irritate the pores and open them and invite infection. Always use a skin wash with salicylic acid that cleanses the oil on the skin.

Salicylic acid is one of the best known body acne treatments. You can use body wash with salicylic acid that cleanses your body daily from infection and excessive oil. Benzoyl peroxide is also well known for treating acne. Apply benzoyl peroxide gel on affected areas daily to prevent further infection and dry up your acne. Lotions containing alpha hydroxyl acids such as lactic acid also neutralize the body pH.

Body acne is tougher than facial acne and can tolerate stronger treatments. However, the skin area around the neck can be very sensitive so you should use ointments or gels accordingly and with caution. Accutane is the last resort for body acne treatment as it has its own side effects. It should be used only were excessive and severe acne has formed and when all other treatments have failed.

Apart from these treatments, you could also alter your lifestyle a little to prevent body acne. Avoid oily and greasy food and stick to healthy foods. Easy digestion and lots of salads also natural ingredients will help improve your skin tone and texture leading to a healthy glowing skin. If you sweat a lot, you should change your clothes often and take regular showers at least twice a day. Avoid tight fitting clothes. You should also avoid carrying heavy backpacks that may irritate the skin due to constant rubbing of skin. Check out your hormonal balance as imbalanced hormones may also lead to back acne.

Body acne treatment can be costly so it is always best to opt for preventing body acne by sticking to healthy lifestyle and keeping yourself medically fit.