Month: January, 2010

Symptoms of High Cholesterol

24 January, 2010 (06:20) | Cholesterol | By: Health news

Most diseases will show some signs that they are in your organs, bloodstream or skin and you will be able to notice them. You won’t feel particularly well, may be lethargic, have a strange feeling in your chest, or it could be almost anything out of the ordinary.

The most common symptoms of increased levels of cholesterol are, in fact, nothing at all. A lot of people suffering from high cholesterol don’t even know it because they don’t get routine blood tests that check for it specifically. This categorizes high cholesterol as a “silent killer” because many people will live their lives without even noticing until it’s too late.

There are some symptoms of high cholesterol you may experience if your cholesterol levels are above and beyond just “high” and these are:

  • Xanthoma. This is the build up of fat deposits under the skin and is fairly uncommon but easy to spot. This is usually most seen in those with a genetic predisposition to accumulate fat.
  • Yellow areas around the eyelids. This can be difficult to spot on many people.

That’s not a lot to go on and those symptoms of high cholesterol are only found in a very small amount of the population. The stealth of high cholesterol is quite a concern so depending on your area and knowing how unhealthy your diet is can really help you and your doctor decide if you should be testing your levels occasionally even if you are under age 30. Many people are opting to get their levels checked even around age 25 because it’s better to be safe than sorry.

If you are diagnosed with high cholesterol, it’s a great idea to add an all natural cholesterol supplement to your diet. You should also follow your doctor’s advice and try to limit your fatty food intake.

Cutaneous Lymphoma

22 January, 2010 (20:51) | Leukemia-Lymphoma-Cancer | By: admin

Cutaneous lymphoma is a type of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma involving the lymphocytes within the skin, specifically T-cells and B-Cells. This is a rare type of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma where the tumor growths are seen mostly as numerous lumps beneath the skin’s surface and not in just a lymph node.

The lumps formed beneath the skin cutaneous lymphoma are due to a collection of the malignant cells in the skin. In an attempt to purge the system of the mutated cells, the body pushes the clustered malignant cells towards the surface of the skin. The most common type of cutaneous lymphoma is the cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. The disease manifests itself in several stages:

  • Pre-tumor stage – the skin is presented with raised, red patches that appear on the breasts or buttocks and somewhat mimics the appearance of other skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis. ?>
  • Plaque stage – the patches are now irregularly shaped and can appear anywhere in the body. Hair loss in the affected skin area is also noted, and can be permanent if the condition is not treated.
  • Tumor stage – the incidence of people progressing to this stag is quite small. The plaques can now form lumps and even ulcerate. Lymph nodes are also affected. The liver, lungs, and spleen is also at risk of being affected by the cutaneous lymphoma, but the cases are quite rare.
  • Sezary syndrome – this is when the malignancy has spread and covers a large skin area. The malignant cells have also metastasized in the blood stream. Some patients have no plaques or tumors, but the entire integumentary system may be swollen, red and sore (l’homme rouge). The skin can also manifest desquamation or peeling off of skin.

Cutaneous lymphoma of T-cell origin is treated through a specific or a combination of treatment modalities that can range from topical or local to systemic. PUVA treatment is a combination of psoralen and UVA. After taking psoralen, the patient enters an enclosed room where rays of UVA is applied on the skin. However, extra care must be given for it is known that exposure to UV rays can predispose a person to skin cancer. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy is also done to help cure cutaneous lymphoma.

Cutaneous lymphoma can be hard to deal with for it can cause some severe changes in your appearance. A support group can help you combat the disease both in its physical and psychological aspects. Talk to your friends and family during hard times, and ask your doctor to refer you to a cancer support group to help you understand and cope with the effects of cutaneous lymphoma.

Arthritis Pain Treatment

22 January, 2010 (19:16) | Arthritis | By: admin

As a writer with a keen interest in herbalism and natural remedies I am always seeking out information on old home remedies, folk cures and unconventional treatments many of which I will test myself with varying results. While I am curious I am not crazy and some I would certainly not attempt. Some treatments you may be aware of and some frankly you might be wise to stay well away from!

There are some 150 forms of arthritis. Each has its own causes, specific symptoms and mostly own type of care. Many types share similarities like joint swelling and associated pain. It is often these two symptoms most remedies try to deal with rather than eradicating the illness itself. Should it be one of the minor bacterial forms of arthritis though, antibiotics are usually all that is needed to clear it up.

For the common kind of arthritis anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed along with medication for additional symptoms of fever and fatigue. With the degenerative form, conventional pain management is foremost, but for many types injections of painkillers, nerve blockers or lubricants as well as surgery to curtail deformities might be used.

Many of us simply attempt self relief through the application of heat or conversely ice packs to the afflicted area if we know no better. You can turn to more traditional home or folk remedies which regularly proclaim the use of herbs. These include ginger, pepper and nettle taken in a variety of ways from teas to manufactured topical lotions, balms and ointments. Willow often gets a mention which is not surprising as it was the original basis of aspirin.

Many aromatic plants like lavender, sage and rosemary provide essential oils for massage usage to alleviate swelling and discomfort. Also numerous vegetables from potatoes to green vegetables are commonly promoted as healthy cures for this illness. They may taken raw, cooked or made into numerous potions.

As for arthritis remedies for the more adventurous it has been reported spraying the household lubricant WD40 helps. Some swear by wearing a copper bracelet though recent evidence doubts any effectiveness. Applying bee stings or cobra venom to painful joints is tried by some. From a scientific basis, it might well be chemicals within the venom that really does work. The same goes for soaking raisins in gin and consuming nine each morning as some user advocate.

Identifying and Eliminating Home Allergies

21 January, 2010 (17:23) | Allergies | By: admin

All over the world, millions suffer from daily allergies, which negatively affect their overall health. The symptoms associated with allergies tend to peak during the spring and fall; however, those with acute allergies can be miserable throughout the year.

  • Dander from animals

There are a lot of people who have one or more pets. People who suffer from allergies can have acute symptoms when they are in the proximity of pets. Particles of skin can be cast off by felines and canines, similarly to humans, but the flakes from cats and dog are oily, and it is known as dander. The proteins associated with pet dander can cause those with dander allergies to suffer from upper respiratory distress.

  • Food

Most of the world’s population is thought to be allergic to one or more foods. Hundreds of different food items are associated with allergic responses. Often, foods that cause allergy symptoms are better tolerated as the sufferer ages. Those who have acute persistent allergic reactions, however, may suffer throughout life.

  • Molds

Molds are all over the out-of-doors, so everyone has been exposed to those kinds that commonly occur since they were children. It can be worrisome for those with allergies, however, when molds become established indoors and thrive. Drip pans beneath refrigerators, the coil boxes in air conditioners, and insulated air plenums can provide a nourishing habitat for molds to flourish.

  • Pollen

The underlying cause of most allergies that occur in the fall and spring is pollen. When different kinds of pollen are carried indoors by air currents, home allergies can result.

Chiropractic Treatment

21 January, 2010 (04:23) | Back Pain, Chiropractic | By: admin

The long awaited report on how low back pain should best be treated in the UK was published recently by National Institute for health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). NICE for those who do not know is an independent group set up by the government to evaluate the available research on a particular condition. Its job is to publish clear guidelines for the best way to treat a particular condition in the UK National Health Service (NHS) hospitals or at Primary Care Trust (PCT) level i.e. Direct referral via you General Practitioner (GP/MD).

This new guide covers non specific back pain. This represents all the mechanical causes of lower back pain a Chiropractor typically sees. It includes pain coming from joints, discs, muscles, tendons and ligaments and according to Richard Nelson, a Chiropractor in Derby ”forms over 99% of the causes of lower back pain that a typical Chiropractor will see in every day practice”.

Specific back pain is where there is a non mechanical cause for your pain such as cancer, infection or fractures. Your chiropractor has under gone extensive medical training to able to distinguish between the two classifications so can decide which patients are suitable for Chiropractic treatment and those that are not. In a typical Chiropractic practice Specific back pain usually forms less than 1% of all cases.

NICE recommendations are:

Any persistent or recurrent low back pain lasting more than 6 weeks and less than 12 months one of following three options should be offered taking in to account the patients (‘your’) preference.

  • A course of manual therapy – up to 9 sessions over 12 weeks (manual therapy encompasses manipulation, mobilisation and massage).
  • Acupuncture – up to 10 sessions over 12 weeks.
  • Group physical exercise programme 8 sessions over 12 weeks.

NICE stated that manipulation can be performed by Chiropractors or Osteopaths. Chiropractors and Osteopaths are experts in manipulative techniques and along with mobilisation and massage they have been the core treatment methods of the two professions in the UK for over 100 years. It’s ironic now that research now ‘proves’ that the hands on approach that the professions have adopted for many years really does ‘work’. So NICE makes it clear that the Chiropractic and Osteopathic professions should be used for the provision of low back pain treatment in the general population under the NHS.

Doctors and Physiotherapists who have undergone specialist post graduate training in manipulation are also included as suitable providers of manipulation treatment. However, generally manipulation is not taught to Doctors or Physiotherapists as part of their standard training in the UK and so the majority of Doctors and Physiotherapists do not perform it.

NICE further recommends that if one chosen treatment does not result in satisfactory improvement another one of the 3 options should be offered to you.

What can you do? Next time you visit your GP you can ask;

As per NICE guidelines for low back pain will you (your GP) refer you for Chiropractic treatment for your low back pain in the NHS? If not, ask them why not? As this is what the NICE guidelines recommend for its treatment.

Richard Nelson comments:

Rome wasn’t built in a day! Don’t expect to be referred straight away. The more of you who ask and the more often you ask the sooner Chiropractic will be available to you and others on the NHS!

Cancers Psychological Impact

21 January, 2010 (04:11) | Cancer, Cancer Treatment | By: admin

Cancer is, as we know, a life changing experience for the cancer sufferer, their friends and families. Cancer and cancer treatment both have instead drastic psychological and physiologic effectuates on the diseased person. Knowing of these effectuates earlier treatment may give you a head start and a adventure to mentally prepare yourself, just a little, for what is to come. This info may also helper you weigh up the odds, on whether you prefer to go through with treatment or not.

Physiological Effects of Cancer

  • Sexual Dysfunction: a few cancer patients and sub sisters may know a level of sexual dysfunction. This can occur to both male person and female person and there are ways around them.
  • Chronic Pain: The cancer patient may experience consistent, chronic pain later prolonged cancer treatment.
  • Infertility: Both male and female patients and survivors may experience infertility.
  • Constant Fatigue: Patients and sub sisters may feel like they’re constantly tired and don’t have the motivation or energy to total easy, daily tasks.
  • Numbness: Numbness is caused by a condition called Neuropathy. The numbness is common in the patient’s hands and feet.
  • Osteoporosis: Is a condition which causes your bones to get really fragile and weak.
  • Incontinence: Uncontrollable urination is effectuating a few patients may know.
  • Multiple Cancers: it’s possible to get a 2nd cancer, other than the one diagnosed for. It’s better to find this out through with your doctor, as soon as possible.
  • Hair Loss: Hair loss is basic during the treatment of cancer. Whenever this is a problem, consult with your doctor on ways to deal with the hair loss.
  • Ostomies: An Ostomy is a surgical opening, with a pipe linking to a bag on the outside of the body.

Psychological Effects of Cancer

  • Stress: A high ranking of stress is often attributed to cancer and can be common fallout.
  • Low Confidence: Due to the physical and mental changes cancer and cancer treatment can have on the patients it can often result in down self esteem and self confidence.
  • Depression: Depression is generally found in cancer patients and sub sisters. This could be attributed to the physical effects of the cancer treatment.

Whenever you see these side effects in either yourself or a dearest, later operation, please alert your doctor so that they can give advice on what steps to take next. If you’ve found out that you’ve cancer, or someone you know is named with cancer, try to help them understand fully what they’re up against before they’ve start the treatment. Get your doctor to explain everything in particular, the pros and cons and everything middle so that you can be mentally prepared for what is ahead.

Fear getting cancer? You are not lonely. The fear of cancer is one of the biggest long run anxieties plaguing modern man. A United Kingdom nonprofit survey has newly demonstrated that more than 15% of United Kingdom citizens consider the fear of cancer to be their biggest fear. In several persons, this fear can result in such that debilitating panic that it interferes with normal life. Has not cancer caused sufficiency pain already, to those who have it and their grieving friends and relatives? It’s a real tragedy that, in addition to the devastating effects of the disease itself, cancer must cause this second order anxiety among people who do not even have it.

Cancer Anxiety Can Hurt Your Life

several of those who live their lives dreading this fearful disease are embarrassed about their fearful state. These victims of phobia headache that their anxieties are not legitimate even though they cause them important pain, After all, what’s to be afraid of? Does not their imaginary suffering do ill service to real victims of the disease?

However, cancer phobia is a critical problem in one’s own right. This sort of terror can seriously interfere with a sufferer’s medical health. Those who fear cancer routinely reject to see medical health care provider or clinics, out of irrational dread of catching the disease or because they dread the prospect of being diagnosed.

Foods to Avoid For Gout

20 January, 2010 (04:36) | Arthritis | By: admin

If you suffer from gout, diet plays a very essential role in the treatment. The types of foods you consume will determine the frequency of the attacks. The foods to avoid for gout are those that are high in purine because they can increase the levels of uric acid in the body.

Alcohol, especially beer is not recommended for someone who suffers from this disease.

People with this disease should limit their consumption of some meats. There are some types of meat that are very high in purine and this can cause an attack. Some of these meats include lamb, pork and beef. Organ meats such as the brain, liver and kidney should also be excluded in the diet. Gravies and meat extracts should also be consumed in limited quantities because they are also high in purine.

Legumes such as beans, lentils and peas are also some of the foods to avoid for gout. You should also reduce the quantities of mushroom you include in your diet. Vegetables such as asparagus, spinach and cauliflower are not recommended for a person suffering from this disease.

Seafood also falls in the list of foods to avoid for gout because it can cause an increase in the uric acid levels in the body. Avoid eating herrings, cod, sardines, anchovies, fish eggs and haddock. You can eat scallops and mussels in limited quantities.

When you are considering some of the foods to avoid for gout, you should make sure that proteins make up less than half of the diet. This is because while protein is essential in the body, it will cause a buildup of uric acid if you consume too much.

Coffee is one of the beverages that you should avoid because it increases the rate at which proteins breakdown into uric acid.

Fried foods are also included in the foods to avoid because they reduce Vitamin E in the body and this can increase uric acid.

Ice cream, rich desserts, spices and pastries should also be avoided.

Any foods that contain simple sugars should not be consumed because they will increase the uric acid levels and make it difficult for the kidneys to get rid of it. Other foods to avoid for gout are those which are made from white flour.

How to find a good dentist

20 January, 2010 (04:21) | Dental Care | By: admin

“The greatest smile in the world comes from a child.” True enough. Nothing can compare to the innocent smile of a child. It reflects purity, happiness, and calmness . . . something important in the frantic world we live today. Coming home to a sweet smile can erase all anxiety, stress, and pressure of a hard day’s work. But of course, good care is needed to retain those charming smiles. After all, how can a charming smile be charming if the teeth and mouth are not properly cared for? The teeth are the reason why these smiles are created, so a good dentist such as a dentist in Costa Mesa is important to preserve and prevent them from decay.

It’s no secret that children are fond of eating sweet candies and chocolate, but most of the time they forget to brush their teeth. Teaching a kid to brush is a task dreaded by many parents. It’s not always easy asking a child to brush. Their teeth are their least of worries compared to toys, games, and television. One thing parents should know is that teeth care is important. And finding a good dentist can help a lot in keeping that healthy, bright smile. Here are simple steps for you to follow in finding the dentist right for your child’s need:

  • Recommendation

It is best if you can ask your relatives or friends to recommend a dentist. It’s likely that they have established a rapport with a dentist they trust. If you are moving, and your family dentist would be far from your new home, ask if he/she can recommend another dentist to you. That way, it would not be difficult for you to go back and forth to your previous dentist.

  • Research

Do your own research when considering a new dentist. Know his dental history, his education, and experience. For instance, when visiting a prospective dentist in Costa Mesa, see the seminars he has attended, his postgraduate education, and better yet interview his current patients. Take note: be wary of those dentists that do not have license because you will regret it at the end if something happens to your child’s teeth.

  • Schedule an appointment:

After all the research you’ve made, try to have an appointment with the dentist. You must talk about taking care of your child’s dental health. Find out if he/she has rules and regulations to follow and what are the assurance that your child’s teeth will be taken good care. Sometimes a child has dental phobias because of what they have previously experienced with a dentist. Find out what kind of relaxation techniques he offers; for example, nitrous oxide or dental sedation to help calm a child.

  • The Appointment

When you come to the office, be observant at all times. Check if the procedures are comfortable for your child. If you are already talking to a dentist in Costa Mesa, show some respect and build connection with him. Don’t be boastful to the dentist; always remember that he/she will be handling your child’s oral health. Tell the dentist what you expect from him. Try saying “I trust my child’s dental health to you.” This will let him know how much you expect from him to keep your child’s teeth healthy.” Also, don’t forget to say thank you to all his help.

Smokeless Cigarettes

20 January, 2010 (04:10) | Smoking | By: admin

Of all the stop smoking aids that have been marketed throughout the years, the most intriguing, and possibly most effective, is the electronic cigarette (also known as the e-cigarette or smokeless cigarette). At first glance, this device appears to be a real cigarette in size, weight, and usage. However, since it does not contain tobacco, its operation does not expose the smoker to the over 4000 toxic chemicals and 60-70 known carcinogens found in traditional cigarettes.

  • Electronic Cigarettes as a Stop Smoking Aid

So, how do these “fake cigarettes” help people stop smoking? In several ways, actually. First of all, they contain a cartridge that, upon inhaling, generates the taste of a traditional tobacco cigarette. Different manufacturers offer a wide variety of flavors (tobacco, menthol, and even options like apple, strawberry, and chocolate, to name a few), and users should try out a few different brands and varieties to see which ones are the most pleasing to them personally.

If desired, smokeless cigarettes can also be used as nicotine delivery system. When choosing the cartridges to be used in your electric cigarette, you can specify a nicotine level of high, medium, low, or none. This makes the electronic cigarette a true “quit smoking cigarette,” since you can start at a higher nicotine level, and gradually reduce your nicotine intake, just like you can with other stop smoking aids such as the nicotine patch.

Next, the physical actions required in smoking electronic cigarettes are identical to those used to operate a regular cigarette, thus giving the smoker something to do with their hands. This is perhaps one of the most cited reasons for failure when attempting other quit smoking methods; nicotine gum or patches do nothing to replace the physical routines and habits involved in smoking addiction.

  • E-Cigarettes Allowed Where Smoking Is Banned

Finally, since they do not emit actual smoke, the use of electric cigarettes is allowed in places traditional cigarettes have been banned: restaurants and bars, theaters, workplaces, sporting venues, cruise ships, and more. You see, e-cigarettes expel a water vapor that looks and tastes like smoke, but it virtually odorless and dissipates into the air almost immediately. This is due to the electronic cigarette’s atomization chamber, that heats up the liquid contained in the cartridge and produces a vapor that gives the user the physical sensation of smoking, but without the harsh smoke and irritation of traditional tobacco.

  • Make Sure to Try Before You Buy

I’m sure you’ve noticed the multitude of brands and varieties of tobacco cigarettes on the market – there are literally hundreds to choose from, and each smoker has his or her own specific favorite. Now that smokeless cigarettes have evolved on the market, the situation is no different. Each brand and style of electric cigarette will be different from the next in ways such as taste, feel, usage, and convenience (carrying, charging, refills, etc.). That’s why many electronic cigarette manufacturers give you the opportunity to take advantage of a risk-free trial of their product before you commit to spending the $100 or so that it takes to purchase a complete kit.

For a small shipping and handling charge, usually between $2-8, you can receive an e-cigarette starter kit that contains everything you need to try the product out for yourself. You will be given a period of time, generally 10 days or so, to use the electric cigarettes at no risk, and see if you are satisfied with your choice. If you wish to keep your smokeless cigarette kit past the trial period, simply do nothing and you will be billed for the total cost of your purchase. If you are not completely happy, just follow the enclosed instructions to contact the company and return the unused portion of the product. Some companies will even allow you to extend the length of your trial period if you need a bit more time to decide.

So stick with those New Year’s resolutions and make 2010 the year you give up smoking traditional tobacco cigarettes for good!

Prevent Prostate Cancer

19 January, 2010 (18:38) | Prostate cancer | By: admin

Prostate cancer is a disease in which malignant cells form in the tissues of the prostate. This cancer type only affects men and it is the most common cancer in older men. Although it is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in men but most men diagnosed with prostate cancer do not die of it. Cancer is mostly a very slow growing disease and usually people are unable to feel its presence in early ages. This disease is curable if detected early before it has spread to other organs of the body. As the age grows, risk of prostate increases.

Mostly men having age of 65 or more suffer from this disease. But in Asian countries its greater ratio is in men having age of 50 or more. This cancer type can be very serious and life threatening if it is large, advanced, or appears at a younger age.

There are usually no specific symptoms of prostate cancer during the early stages. Most men at this stage do not observe any symptom at all. When symptoms do exist, they may be excessive urination, hard to start urinating, painful urinating, blood in the urine, leg weakness, etc. No one knows exactly the reason but cancer is very common in African-American and Latino men especially those who eat a high-fat diet. Native American and Asian men have the lowest chances of getting prostate cancer.

There is no sure way to avoid this cancer type. However, regular exercise and having a low-fat diet rich in fruits, vegetables and fish can reduce the risk of this disease. The digital rectal exams and the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test may be used to screen men who do not have any symptoms of prostate cancer. However, many experts are uncertain whether routine digital rectal exams or PSA tests are appropriate for all men.

The treatment of prostate cancer is different for each individual. You should work together with your health care professional to ensure the long-term benefit from treatment. You should have knowledge about all possible treatment so that you and your doctor can pick the option best suited to you. Your age, family history, ethnic background, weight, overall health and other medical situation, and the characteristics of the disease are all important factors to consider in making treatment decisions.

  • When to Call a Health Professional
  1. If you have symptoms like excessive urination, hard to start urinating, painful urinating, blood in the urine, leg weakness, etc.
  2. If you feel severe bone pain.

Diabetes control

19 January, 2010 (08:36) | Diabetes | By: Health news


Diabetes is a syndrome of disordered metabolism and can be prevented naturally with a balanced nutrition and can be controlled by engaging in basic exercises. Usually, diabetes is due to hereditary and environmental causes resulting abnormally that leads to high blood sugar levels. Excessive use of sugar has been known to increase incidences of type 2 diabetes and obesity. As a result, diabetes will require maintenance and permanent medication.


Type-1 diabetes in most cases requires the delivery of artificial insulin by means of injection combined with careful monitoring of blood glucose levels using blood testing monitors. Eventually, the pancreas can wear out from working overtime to produce extra insulin and may no longer be able to produce enough to keep a person’s blood sugar levels within a normal range. At this point, insulin therapy is necessary to maintain normal or near normal glucose levels. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. Oral medications are used in managing type 2 diabetes. With proper treatment, people who have type 1 diabetes can expect to live longer and healthier lives. Inculcate self discipline to make your diabetes care plan work. Educate yourself on how to care for your diabetes which will help you feel better today and in future.


Once glucose is being passed thorough our bloodstream, it needs insulin in order to let the glucose to be injected into our cells. In order for the glucose to get inside our cell, it needs the help of insulin (which is produced by the pancreas). The medical experts should look for the main complications, modalities and the root cause of your diabetes because the result of the assessment will tell the experts which medical approach to take.

So take control of your diabetes and your life. Click on the link below to download a free brochure about diabetes and your kidneys

  • Discover how to cure diabetes
  • No dependence upon insulin
  • No fears of developing infections that could end your life
  • Learn how live a longer life

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