Month: January, 2010

Eliminate a Home Allergy

19 January, 2010 (04:04) | Allergies | By: admin

Allergies affect the health and well-being of millions of people worldwide on a daily basis. While allergy symptoms are generally worse during the fall and spring seasons, people with severe allergies may suffer year around.

We will discuss 10 primary causes of allergies in the home and methods you can use right now to control them or even eliminate them. Your indoor home environment is the one place you have control over and with the proper knowledge, a home can be your haven.

  1. Animal dander. Many people have at least one family pet of some sort. However, dogs or cats can create havoc for allergy sufferers. Dogs and cats can shed skin flakes just like humans but their skin flakes actually have an oily component to it thus making it dander. In most cases, a person with a dander allergy is sensitive to the protein of the dander and can have upper respiratory symptoms when they breathe it in or even skin rashes when exposed to it.
  2. Bacteria. Bacteria is everywhere in the indoor and outdoor environment but it is bacteria particles indoors which can causes a host of upper respiratory symptoms in a person with chronic allergies. The primary breeding ground for bacteria particles is a vacuum cleaner bag. Thousands of new bacteria particles can grow everyday in a vacuum cleaner bag. A standard vacuum with a low efficient paper bag will actually circulate these new bacteria particles into the air each time the vacuum is used.
  3. Dust mites. Dust mites are most definitely in the top 3 of all allergens found in the home and are also a common cause of asthma symptoms in the home. They feed on human skin flakes as well as animal dander and produce microscopic fecal matter wherever they exist. Just as animal dander, an allergy sufferer is allergic to the protein found in the fecal matter and not the dust mites themselves.
  4. Foods. It is believed that most people on earth have at least one food that they are allergic to. There are literally hundreds of foods which are known to cause allergic symptoms. Food allergies are known to change and will usually get better as we age. However, persons with severe chronic allergies can have them their entire lives.
  5. Fragrances. Fragrances from pesticides and perfumes are the most common of these type of allergens. A fragrance is one of the few allergens which can actually create a reaction from just the odor itself.
  6. Insect stings and dead insect parts. While most people know someone who is allergic to an insect sting; most persons do not know that breathing in dead insect parts may also cause allergic symptoms. If an insect dies indoors, it will dry out and turn to particle matter in a few weeks time. These insect particles can become airborne and breathed in by an allergy sufferer. Just as other organic allergens, the protein found in the particles is what actually causes allergy reactions.
  7. Latex. Latex is a natural substance made from a type of rubber tree. A latex allergy is normally found in the healthcare workplace but can be found in the home with the use of latex based kitchen gloves. Eliminating a latex allergy is as simple as disposing of all latex based products found in the home.
  8. Medications. Medication allergies are normally a synergistic effect between other pharmaceutical or over-the-counter drugs. A physicians desk reference or drug manufacturer instructions should be read completely prior to taking any medications. Sometimes interactions are found out following the printing of such instructions and manufacturer web sites should be consulted on a regular basis for new interactions.
  9. Molds. We have all been exposed to common molds from childhood since they are found throughout the outdoor environment. They become a problem for allergy sufferers when they invade the indoor environment and amplify on a breeding ground. Common indoor breeding grounds are air conditioning coil boxes, internally insulated supply air plenums and refrigerator drip pans.
  10. Pollen. Pollen are believed to be the number one allergen in the world and is the primary cause of seasonal allergies. Some pollens can create indoor allergies when they dry out into small particles and become airborne.

You can eliminate about half of the allergens discussed above by just discontinuing their use however; allergens which are in the form of airborne particles are not so easily controlled. A true H.E.P.A. (High Efficient Particle Air) vacuum cleaner or air purifier is the only scientifically proven devices known to reduce particle allergens from the indoor air. Regular use of H.E.P.A. devices can make a dramatic improvement in allergies while at home. The H.E.P.A. filter maintains its efficiency up to five years of life. I highly recommend that you consider only the highest quality units since there are many H.E.P.A. “type” and inexpensive low-quality H.E.P.A. products on the market.

Hair Gel And Hair Loss

18 January, 2010 (05:51) | Hair Loss | By: admin

Causes of hair loss include Hormonal imbalance infectious diseases. Nervous disorders and Testosterone. For most people it will be your genes that is the culprit

The misuse and misapplication of hair gel can cause hair loss. How much you put on and the kind you put on can affect the rate at which your hair falls

Hair gel can poison the scalp and clog up hair pores which suffocate hair follicles and leads to hair loss. Stress on the hair will also weaken and break off hair causing hair loss

The other problem with hair gels is that when you use them you must shampoo your hair. Most shampoos contain sulphates that strip away sebum. This makes breakages and hair loss even more likely. Also the tugging and pulling of the hair when washing it combined with the hot water you use will loosen hair follicles and cause hair loss

If you use commercial shampoo to wash your hair you will strip away sebum. This weakens the hair and causes hair loss Hair gels stunt hair growth by mixing with sebum and clogging up hair pores

If you want to use a hair gel find a herbal hair gel that is 100% natural. A good one is Mira hair gel it has hibiscus and aloe Vera which help grow hair. As it is water based it will not clog up hair pores

The best way to use commercial hair gels is to use just a little

Follow these simple steps and prevent hair loss from arising from the use of hair gel.

Cure Your Acne Quickly

18 January, 2010 (05:47) | Acne | By: admin

Anyone who has suffered from terrible acne blemishes can attest to the fact that they feel their lives are ruined. Not only does acne cause physical pain, but also emotional pain because you start to feel down and depressed. Even day to day activities that you normally do will not feel the same. This is because you will feel inferior to your peers because of how bad the acne makes your face look. However, there is hope if you were wondering. Take a look at some of the simple tips and remedies below that you can use to get rid of your acne blemishes and have clear and beautiful skin once and for all. Here they are.

  • at all costs, avoid touching your face or resting it against dirty surfaces. This will only cause more bacteria and germs to pass on to your skin and worsen your acne.
  • use a cleanser with a salicylic acid base to wash your face at least twice a day. The salicylic acid helps to prevent dirt and bacteria from building up on the surface of your skin and blocking your pores. Salicylic acid also helps to exfoliate your skin while preventing it from drying out.
  • try to drink a lot of water every day. Water is a very important element to keeping your system healthy. If you want to flush out some of those unwanted and unhealthy substances that accumulate in your colon and contribute to acne, drink a lot of water. It will also help to keep your skin hydrated so it will look beautiful at all times.
  • take a daily multivitamin. One of the best ways to get rid of blemishes due to acne is to use multivitamins to help your immune system fight off infections. Your daily nutrition will not give you the essential vitamins and nutrients needed to build your immune system, so it is key to use a multivitamin to get all of the nutrients your body needs.

Treating Sinusitis Naturally

18 January, 2010 (05:41) | Allergies | By: admin

Treating sinusitis naturally (and successfully) with homeopathy means you have given your immune system a much needed boost. It is only because you have a compromised immunity that you have sinusitis. By raising its level of efficiency, you should also notice other areas of improvement, particularly better or more balanced energy.

Sinusitis is medically described as an inflammation of the sinuses, which accompanies rhinitis (nasal discharge). Sinusitis can be painful if there is no way for the debris of the inflammatory process to drain away.

This can occur when your nose or sinuses become blocked.

If you have had this condition for an extended period of time and have received many treatments, then I suggest that the best way to permanently resolve it is by consulting with a professional homeopath. However, if you have not had it long and have not had much treatment for it, then you may be able to totally resolve it yourself, with some homeopathic home prescribing.

Silica is one of the common home prescribing medicines and one of its main focuses is on the ears, nose and throat.

As you will need to be able to match your symptoms to some of those of the right medicine, let’s look at the strong keynotes of Silica:

  • nasal obstruction
  • sinusitis with thick post nasal discharge
  • acute or chronic ear infection, dizziness or noises in the ear
  • tonsillitis, pharyngitis or enlarged throat glands
  • generally worse in cold conditions
  • recurring infections of any part including colds and the flu
  • delayed development in children

Treating sinusitis naturally means you resolve more than you intended to.


17 January, 2010 (02:03) | Cancer Treatment | By: Health news

When a diagnosis of cancer is given, the patient is often left with a feeling of loss. Questions soon start running through the mind and many of the answers will be dependent on the ability of current treatment methods to stop the spread of the cancer and kill the offending cells. The process of treatment commonly involved the use of diagnostic tools that provided a more general location of the tumor of cancer cells. Nanomedicine has the ability to pinpoint specific locations for targeted treatment.

The Three Steps to Curing Cancer With Nanomedicine

Once the diagnosis is made, time is of the essence. The sooner treatment is started, the better the chance of the medications and therapies working to destroy the cells. Here is how nanomedicine helps that process become more effective.
Targeting Medication Injected – Targeting medication is used to surround the cells. Once injected, they move to the cancer site and surround the area needing treatment.
Focused Diagnosis and Treatment – The nanomolecules are visible on imaging tests that help doctors to focus treatment on just the right area. X-rays show the nanos are a bright ring around the cells.
Treatment and Cure – When doctors know precisely where the cancer cells are located, they can increase the chance of cure by directing radiotherapy at the cells without damaging surrounding tissues.
The only thing holding back the mass use of nanotechnology in medicine is the lack of long term effect knowledge. How these nanos affect the body after treatment is not well known which means more research is needed into this area.

Best Teeth Whitening Home Remedies

16 January, 2010 (23:54) | Dental Care | By: admin

Most people would like to have whiter teeth. In the past, the only way to whiten your teeth was to make an appointment with the dentist for an expensive bleaching process, and that process often had to be repeated more than once a year to keep teeth looking bright and clean.

Today, however, there are a lot more options for teeth whitening, especially when it comes to home remedies. You’ll find a wide variety of products available on the market for cleaning and whitening teeth, as well as many suggestions and tips on do-it-yourself home whitening using ordinary household products. But how do you know which products and methods work, and which are a waste of your money and time?

With all of the available options, there are generally four different types of whitening products or systems: toothpaste, gel, strips, and trays. Whitening toothpaste is typically regular fluoride toothpaste with the addition of baking soda and/or peroxide. Gels are thicker, often have higher concentrations of peroxide or baking soda, and are meant to be applied and left on the teeth for a certain amount of time, rather than simply brushing with them.

Most whitening toothpastes and gels are not particularly effective.

Many dentists report that strips and trays are the best options for home teeth whitening.

These products are fairly self explanatory. Whitening strips are usually paper strips infused with a solution that often contains peroxide or baking soda, while trays are flexible plastic or rubber inserts that are filled with a whitening gel and held in the mouth for a certain length of time. These methods are more effective because they cover the teeth with the whitening solution long enough for the stains on your teeth to be removed.

The simplest home method for teeth whitening is to make a solution yourself. You can blend 2 tablespoons each of baking soda and peroxide (add more peroxide if the paste is too stiff), and brush this solution thoroughly on your teeth. Follow this with a regular brushing, using fluoride toothpaste, because your teeth still need fluoride. This homemade paste can achieve some whitening results. However, most commercial teeth whitening products are faster and more effective, and often worth the purchase.

Some additional tips for keeping your teeth clean and white: try chewing sugar-free gum or swishing water in your mouth for about 30 seconds after meals, to loosen new food stains that may be forming on your teeth. Snacking on crunchy fruits and vegetables like carrots, celery, and apples, can also help to clean your teeth.

Effective Treatments For Hair Loss

16 January, 2010 (23:19) | Hair Loss | By: admin

Treatments for hair loss that are effective are hard to find. Baldness in men is a source of great insecurities and in women it’s worse. For this reason specialists have invested a great deal of their time and money to come up with treatments that are efficient. Hair loss is predominantly a wearing away of hair where it would naturally grow.

In women the hair can this around the edges of the scalp or even be patches on the head. Amino acids are the building blocks for the protein keratin that is a major constituent of hair. When the amino acids are converted by active cells in the body hair is formed. In some people hair loss is caused by

  • an insufficient diet
  • genes passed down
  • stress and not washing the scalp.

The pores n the skin are very delicate. Therefore, you have to begin washing your scalp properly as blocked skin pores means no hair growth. The dirt on the scalp deteriorates the state of your hair. So when you comb your hair you will see how very little of it remains clinging onto the comb bristles.

Hair food like Marijuana oil is used by Rastafarians to grow their long dreads. Learn from them and apply it when washing your hair. Hair food like this makes the hair tough. Mustard oil; Amla oil (coconut oil and Amla) and the paste from pepper seeds is feeds the hair with the nutrients it needs to grow.

If you’re malnourished when it comes to your diet this is the perfect opportunity to capitalise on a good diet that. ‘s enriching for your hair. Eat a lot of beans; eggs; meat; fish and milk for your body to make protein more available. The keratin that comes from protein is good for the growth of hair.

Vitamin B will efficiently help new hair cells to emerge. Vitamin B is drawn from yeast; soya beans and whole wheat. Eating pumpkins; carrots; liver; milk and cheese will give you Vitamin A, another nutrient that will promote hair growth.

Ever noticed how combing dry hair makes it tear off? Combine the treatments above with good combing methods such as combing hair only when it. ‘s wet and soft.

To sum it up drugs like Minoxidil; Tricomin and finasteridine have dangerous side effects of even worsening hair loss. Abstain from using these completely if you want a stress free recovery period.

Three Variations of Mesothelioma

15 January, 2010 (22:06) | Mesothelioma | By: admin

There are three variations of Mesothelioma and each has its own symptoms, treatments and area of focus.

  • Pleural Mesothelioma

Pleural Mesothelioma refers this asbestos-caused cancer that affects the lungs. The thin sac that lines the chest cavity is called the pleura; inside that sac is a second sac that surrounds the lungs. These thin linings are the areas affected by Pleural Mesothelioma. The membranes that form the sacs, known as the mesothelium, secrete a fluid that allows the lungs to expand and contract during breathing. Tiny, sharp, microscopic fibers from asbestos or asbestos-related materials can be breathed into the lungs where they penetrate the lung walls and find their way into the pleural cavity. In the pleural cavity, these strands of asbestos damage the mesothelium, sometimes destroying it, and potentially cause Mesothelioma. Pleural Mesothelioma accounts for approximately 75% of all cases of Mesothelioma.

  • Peritoneal Mesothelioma

Peritoneal Mesothelioma refers to the asbestos-caused cancer that affects the peritoneum, the thin membrane that surrounds the parts of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach, intestines and other digestive organs) to provide lubrication so that they can move and function properly. When asbestos or asbestos-related material swallowed the tiny fibers enter the stomach penetrate the lining of the stomach. When the fibers penetrate the stomach wall and move into the lining of the peritoneum, they move into the inner lining and begin to mutate into cancerous cells. These cancer cells can overpower the normal healthy cells and become mesothelioma (cancer of the mesothelium). They can become tumors that prevent the stomach and intestines from working properly. Also, the stomach will be unable to continue making the protective lining that helps it to function. For the stomach and intestines to work and digest the food, they must be able to move about in the peritoneum and the mesothelioma prevents this. Peritoneal Mesothelioma is the second most common of the three variations.

  • Pericardial Mesothelioma

Pericardial Mesothelioma mainly affects the mesothelium of the pericardium (the sac surrounding the heart). Exposure to asbestos or asbestos-related materials that have been inhaled, make their way through the lungs and to the area of the heart where they enter the mesothelium around the heart. The heart must be able to move to function properly and the ease of movement of the heart is due to the constant lubrication in the membrane surrounding the heart. The lubrication of the thin layer of mucus comes from the mesothelium. Asbestos fibers that have been inhaled can pierce and damage the sac surrounding the heart and cause mesothelioma. The cancer can spread and tumors can grow as well that destroy the tissues of the heart’s mesothelium. Pericardial Mesothelioma accounts for about 5% of all cases and the rarest of all of the Mesothelioma types.

Origin and variations of contact lenses

15 January, 2010 (04:43) | Eyes-Vision | By: admin

All of us have a general idea about contact lenses. But this topical discourse tends to give you some important information about the origin and various specimens about these lenses.

Seeking for the root of contact lenses will take us back to 1508, when Leonardo da Vinci penned a sketch of lenses but did not give any idea about its production. After 300 years of the sketch, it was fabricated and worn on the eye. The lenses which we use to wear now, that is, modern lenses and the gel used to wear it were constructed by Czech chemist Otto Wichterle and his assistant Drahoslav Lim. William Feinbloom is credited with the production of contact lenses containing both glass and plastic in the year 1936.

Usually we wear glasses for correction, and sometimes for the optimization of style quo. So, emergence of interrogation is certain about the use of the contact lenses. To begin with, we may state that, contact lenses are miraculous pieces made of plastic that allow you to rectify your vision without using glasses. If you want more specific definition, it can be said that, contact lenses are small visual devices made with curved pieces of plastic that may adapt to conform directly to the cornea of user’s eye. It is used mainly for corrective purpose of vision problems such as myopia, and hypermetropia. Additionally, critical visual problem like keratoconus and aniseikonia, which may not be accurately corrected with glasses, can be cured with lenses. Apart from these corrective measures, contact lenses are also used for therapeutic and cosmetic aspiration. However, lenses are the invisible agents of perfect vision which have transformed the stereotypical notion of eye wear. That is why around 87 million people globally are using these lenses with pride.

There are many types of contact lenses available in the market, for example, bifocal , colored, disposable, toric, extended wear, gas permeable, etc. soft contact lenses can be classified in two sections-disposable, and annual soft contact lenses. People not having enough time for daily care of their contacts, they use disposable ones. Daily disposable contacts generally can be worn for a week or two and they do not come with cleaning solutions.

The annual soft contacts can last up to one year and it needs daily care. It is used widely because it is made of soft material and allows oxygen to pass through it. This type of lenses can be worn for a maximum period of 14 hours at a stretch. The bifocal lenses have received a vivacious approach recently for its multifunctional aids for presbyopes which eye resigns focusing on near objects with progressing age. Astigmatism is a disparaging ophthalmologic condition which does not allow cornea to properly focus an image onto retina, and thus results a blurred image. For accurate rectification of this type of vision problem, toric lenses are generally used. This type of contacts provides clarity of vision.

Gas permeable classes are known for its durability and it transmits more oxygen to the eye than the soft contact lenses.

There are many contact lenses which are tinged with light colors which are mainly used for decorative purposes.

Natural Acne Products

14 January, 2010 (20:46) | Acne | By: admin

There is a big interest in the use of natural acne products right now as people look for ways to avoid the chance of their skin coming in contact with harsh chemicals. Are acne products that are natural the way to go?

The truth is, if you are using a product that does the job, doesn’t irritate your skin and you are happy with then stick with it. The problem with self diagnosing and going into a pharmacy and choosing your own treatment because it works well for a friend is you have no idea how it will react with your skin until you use it.

If you are not sure then check with a skin specialist. In this article, we have some solid tips on both products and acne control.   

Controlling Acne Tips

  1. Hundreds of acne products are produced each year in the United States, but the results from these products are mixed. Some treatments are successful for some people; but some are merely scams and do not work for anyone. It is possible that you will not ever find the right product. Then your only option for the best results might become natural products.
  2. A large quantity of chemicals are utilized in commercial treatments that can lead to skin dryness, allergies or even be unsafe for preteens and young teens. As a result, sometimes the best option for these adolescents is to teach them which foods help keep their skin condition under control. This knowledge will go far in helping them have clear skin for life.
  3. To control breakouts, one of the safest ways to go might be to choose natural acne products. Homeopathic treatments could help you control your skin issue though these products are fairly expensive compared to others available commercially today.
  4. One of the least expensive ways to control your breakouts could be through acne treatments centered around changing your diet. This method could eliminate the need to buy pills or creams for your skin. This method simply requires you to buy the initial guide and then the food you eat.
  5. Treatment is simple and effective when you choose acne treatment products that are all natural. The natural approach eliminates harsh chemicals or medications from your doctor that could have side effects. Natural methods to control skin issues might also help you feel better from the inside out. Your skin will look better and you will feel better.
  6. Feeling better can be a wonderful side benefit from diets designed to control acne instead of pills or other products. Your body and energy levels will improve as a result of treatment food programs because these foods are part of a healthy, well balanced diet to begin with. The health of your skin and your body in general will benefit and improve.

Induced Asthma in Men

14 January, 2010 (20:40) | Asthma | By: admin

Exercise induced asthma is of the most common types of asthma out there. Basically caused by the cold air that gets inhaled mostly during strenuous activities, it can be quite a hassle for most patients and individuals afflicted with the condition.

Sadly, almost anyone can get the ailment. As asthma can be developed at any point of a person’s life, learning more about it can be an advantage for most folks, especially for men who are more often required to get involved in heavy exercises and other strenuous activities.

So, how can exercise induced asthma in men be prevented? Here are some ways:

  • Warm up. This should be the number one thing you should keep in mind when it comes to induced asthma in men. As asthma attacks are guaranteed to happen during exercises, warming up can help as doing this can cause minor attacks that can allow you to do some exercises without experiencing more severe episodes. Called as the refractory period, doing this helps a lot in letting patients continue living active lives despite their ailment.
  • Avoid cold air. Cold air is the number one enemy for induced asthma in men, so you should avoid it at all costs. One way to do this would be to wear coverings for your nose and mouth during cold days to help you filter and warm the cold air before inhaling it.
  • Take medications strictly. Induced asthma in men is a serious matter, so treating it should really be given a lot of importance. Make sure you get prescription from your doctors and follow the instructions carefully in taking them. Also, never take over the counter drugs and risk self medicating in cases like these, as you need to be very careful in handling this type of asthma.
  • Pre-treat. Along with warming up, make sure to take prescription meds before engaging in a strenuous activity or exercise. Take note, you should only take prescription medicines as taking the risk of using cheaper, but non-prescribed drugs can be more harmful to your condition and health.
  • Stop doing anything as soon as you get an attack during an exercise. If you still get an asthma attack even after pre-treating and warming up, make sure to immediately stop whatever it is that you’re doing and rest as this will also help you prevent the attack from worsening. Take your quick relief medication right away and try to calm and slow down your breathing.

These are just some of the ways you can prevent and avoid induced asthma in men.

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