Tag: Asthma

The Causes of Asthma

8 October, 2010 (08:43) | Asthma | By: Health news

While no one knows the exact cause of asthma, it is believed to be caused by two main factors, family genes and environmental exposures. These two factors interact to cause asthma, most often in the early years of life. It has more of an effect on children because their body has not developed enough to combat the exposures they come in contact with.
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There are some things to be said about family genes. Family genes contribute to an inherited tendency to develop certain kinds of allergies. Just because your parents have asthma or allergies doesn’t mean you will automatically have them as well. Your family genes will play a part in how bad your symptoms might be if you do end up with asthma or allergies.

If you do have asthma and it runs in your family genes, exposures to airborne allergens such as house hold dust mites, cockroaches, and pet dander from your family pet can cause a more severe asthma attack. Other irritants like second hand smoke from tobacco and smoke from a wood burning stove may make your airways constrict and be more reactive to the pollutants in the air. Everyone seems to react differently to the pollutants they come in contact with. You need to make notes as to the thing that causes your asthma to flare up.

I believe that asthma attacks will have more to do with environmental exposures than your family genes. Where you live and the things you are exposed to will play a major role in how you or your child is affected by asthma. The more airborne pollutants and environmental toxins you come in contact with will cause you to have more asthma attacks. There is research that has been done that says environmental toxins and airborne pollutants may cause a healthy person to develop asthma. This may be due to the ever increasing industry that drives our economy. Car and trucks are also on the rise, making the air we breathe even more toxic.

Some other causes of asthma are inhaling irritants like perfumes or cleaning products. Cleaning products can be especially harmful because they are used in the house where the air stays stagnant and may be breathed in for long periods of time. Cleaning products have been known to cause asthma attacks. Mold is another cause of asthma attacks. Mold grows in almost every home in the United States. Molds grow in damp dark places and can spread very quickly. The mold can be breathed in and cause your airways to constrict and become inflamed.

Exposure to cold or dry weather can also cause asthma attacks. Other causes may be emotional excitement, stress, physical exertion, and exercise. Our skin absorbs 60% of what it comes in contact with. You need to very aware of what you put on your skin. There are a lot of toxins in the skin care industry. Skin care products and cosmetics have potentially harmful ingredients that can cause our bodies to react in the form of asthma attacks and other allergies.

The best way to improve your condition and live life on your terms is to learn what you can about asthma. Become aware of your asthma triggers and try to avoid them. Follow the treatment recommendations of your health care provider. Understand your treatment and how every drug you take will affect you. Report any changes to your health care provider. If you have any reaction to the medications, report them as soon as possible.

There are ways to remove toxins and pollutants naturally, that you may come in contact with. Just because you can’t avoid them doesn’t mean they have to make your life difficult. Prevention is always the best medicine.

Living With Asthma Today

28 September, 2010 (19:29) | Asthma | By: Health news

Asthma is a condition affecting many people all over the world. Most being affected are our children. It’s a disease that causes your airways to swell, making the air going back and forth to the lungs to be hindered and unmovable depending on the severity of your condition. These are triggers that cause you to have difficulty breathing. During an asthma attack you’re very susceptible to all sorts of allergens and air pollutions. Mostly these types of breathing problems happen at night and sometimes early in the morning. Times depend on the person and their environment, like pets and smokers in the house.

Here are some signs to watch for, first determine if the signs you’re seeing could be Asthma. Make an appointment with your doctor so he can do some tests to find out what types of triggers that cause your asthma to flare up. Some things like exercise, running, swimming, pollens and allergens can cause an asthma attack. Your doctor will find ways of getting your asthma under control, but to do this takes some time and patience. Your doctor will tell you that asthma attacks can vary in strength and length. Some attacks are mild and don’t require immediate attention. Moderate attacks are the next to increase, then you may have a severe attack if not kept in check. Severe attacks means you need medical attention right away. The oxygen going from your mouth to your lungs could be blocked completely resulting in hospitalization and even death.

There are things you can do to make Asthma more bearable at home. When weather conditions outside worsen and wind gusts and pollen becomes an issue. The first thing you do is close your windows and have your air conditioning system set to re-circulate so the air inside the home stays less contaminated, instead of bringing in the air from the outside where it can be worse. Check and clean your air filters. Change them often to keep dust and allergens from being spread throughout your home. Keep your pets groomed and clean. If you live with smokers, they should smoke outside if someone with Asthma lives in the same home. Second hand smoke can be one of the biggest triggers for an asthma attacks. Here is another trigger and it is one that is more frequent than smoke, it is Air pollution. Our skies are filled with harmful particulates and they are very hard to avoid. We recommend using an air filter inside your home to take out as much of the pollution as possible.

If you or someone you love has Asthma, here are some things you can do to deal with it and in some cases overcome it! Work with your Doctor to work on an action plan. No one has the same exact asthma or severity of symptoms. We are all different, so our bodies deal with things in different ways. Someone that suffers from Asthma may treat it differently than you. Your Doctor can help you get an action plan in place for your particular asthma symptoms. He may use a peak flow-meter to see how well air moves in and out of your lungs. This can help him understand when you are having a serious asthma attack. Eat healthier, drink lots of water, avoid triggers and your life with Asthma could be a lot easier to cope with.

The Early Symptoms of Asthma

20 August, 2010 (01:32) | Asthma | By: Health news

Asthma affects many people all around the world. It can be a very distressing condition which can lead to death if left too long, or is too serious. This article is written to give you a run down of the early symptoms of asthma that may help you recognize this condition and get treatment for it. Here are the symptoms you need to be on the look out for if you suspect you have asthma developing.

One of the first warning signs that may develop when it comes to asthma is an increased nighttime cough. This cough will start to worsen as the days and weeks move on. If you are experiencing an annoying cough of a night, that is getting worse you may need to see your local doctor.

One of the next symptoms is a certain wheezing or cough after physical activity. This means that after you exercise or do anything that may quicken your heart rate and breath, you will start to cough uncontrollably, or wheeze with each breath you take.

Tiredness when doing normal activities is another sign that you may be developing asthma. If you are struggling to complete normal activities that you used to be able to do with ease, then you may need to look into this and see whether it is something like a deficiency, for example iron deficiency. If it is not, then you should really get it looked at.

Although this can be associated with many other conditions, having a restless sleep or waking up extremely tired can be another early sign to look out for. This may be a result from a different breathing pattern when asleep that you may not know of. If you are experiencing this and you are constantly tired, you may want to see your doctor.

One of the last early signs of asthma is a persistence with allergies becoming worse. If you have allergies that seem to get worse as the days go on, and you cannot explain why, this may be the developing stages of this condition that should be looked at. These allergies may be a constant running nose, circles under the eyes which are darker than normal, and itchy and inflamed skin.

Asthma is something that no one would like to get, unfortunately there are people who do develop it. If you have one or more of these signs, then the best thing to do would be to see your practitioner. This condition is treatable, and when treated you can really get back to a normal and healthy lifestyle.

Asthma and Cleaning Products

20 July, 2010 (19:39) | Asthma | By: Health news

We all have to use cleaning to keep our homes clean, but did you know how harmful some cleaners and disinfectants can be to children and adults. If you like to use cleaners that come in an aerosol spray cans, then you could be exposing your loved ones to a barrage of air born toxins that could bring on an asthma attack. Spray cans that have fragrances in them are by far the worst. Use your own nose to select cleaning products without harsh scents. When possible, choose simple, natural products whose labels do not carry serious hazard warnings.
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Cleaning products are used everywhere, in schools, offices, by janitors and hospital workers to clean, disinfect, control dust and mold on surfaces. When adult’s work around these cleaners and children are exposed to where these cleaners are used, they can develop breathing problems. Some of the most chemical exposed jobs seem to be hospital workers and hotel housekeepers due to the constant cleaning with harsh cleaners after every visitor.

If you are around cleaning products and start to feel your chest tighten or you begin to wheeze or cough and have shortness of breath, you should call your doctor. These kinds of symptoms are not normal and you should talk to your doctor even if you were not the one using the cleaners or doing the cleaning.

The types of cleaners that can be harmful and should be avoided by adults and children are:

• Carpet cleaners
• Disinfectants
• Floor wax strippers
• Glass cleaners
• Tile cleaners
• Toilet cleaners

If you have asthma already, you should talk to your doctor before using these kinds of cleaners. If you don’t have asthma or breathing problems, you should read the MSDS (material safety data sheet) associated with the chemicals you are using or search the net for the hazardous substance fact sheet before using harmful chemicals. You should also request breathing masks and other protective gear, for you and anyone else who might come into contact with the chemicals or the fumes.

The very process of cleaning itself can stir dirt and dust up into the air, so you may want to do heavy cleaning when your son will not be around during or immediately after the clean up. You should only use harmful chemicals in ventilated areas away from children and pets. Your house can trap these air born toxins inside, where they can cause breathing problems for your loved ones. One thing you can do to minimize the exposure is clean when no one is in the home. Keep the home well ventilated by opening doors and windows. You can also use fans to control airflow throughout the home.

If you have someone in your home that has asthma, you should talk to your doctor to find out what kinds of chemicals might cause them problems. For example, if your child is not allergic to dust mites. There is no reason to use harmful or harsh cleaning agents to aggressively eliminate them. The same should go for mold or pet dander. The better informed you are about your asthma the easier it will be to control the triggers that can cause asthma attacks. Colds and flu can also trigger asthma attacks, so keeping kitchen and bathroom surfaces clean is important. However, it is not necessary to use antibacterial soaps or cleansers. Your goal is to remove or wash bacteria down the drain, not kill them on the spot using harmful chemicals.

It may be surprising to hear that ingredients from solid and liquid cleaners can actually get inside our bodies. Yet, many liquids and even some solids give off vapors that we inhale, and some of these substances actually enter our body tissues. The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences did a study of almost a thousand adults, showing a link between a chemical called 1,4 DCB (dichlorobenzene) and lung function. Those who had the highest levels of this chemical in their blood had worse lung function.

It is best to use all natural things to clean with. Plain soap, water, salt, baking soda, vinegar and lemon juice are best to use with some plain old elbow grease. The use of a scrubbing sponge can take the place of chemicals used to remove tough stains. Make sure you follow the instructions on the cleaning products to ensure they are not used improperly. Simple things can go a long way in keeping your family safe.

Control Your Asthma Naturally

6 July, 2010 (23:22) | Asthma | By: Health news

Your asthma is starting to dictate your life. You are wheezing and coughing so much that your work colleagues always know where you are. That attack you had last year where you ended up in hospital for a few days has left you fearful and frustrated for your future. The amount of medication you are taking is scary and you cannot even get through the night without waking up and needing a few shots from your puffer. You have become tired and exhausted all the time, your allergies, hay fever and colds have all become worse and now you are finding it a struggle to take your dog for a walk each evening.
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You also notice that your children are developing breathing problems and this is your worst nightmare. You do not wish your children to go through the terrifying experience of a severe asthma attack but what can you do about it. You know that despite all the asthma medications that you take, your asthma is not really under control and in fact is getting worse.

As if that is not enough, the cost of all this medication is killing you and you suspect that someone else is making a killing off you.

Then you get told that you are allergic to your pets – to your much loved dog and cat and that you should get rid of them. “Should what?” you say. But they are treasured members of the family and you would no more get rid of them than you would get rid of your child. But if they are triggering asthma attacks, what are you to do.

And do you know what? Despite all the literature you have read on asthma, none of it actually makes sense. Breathing is so integral to life how can it all go so wrong? So get this. Asthma is not a disease; asthma is your body’s natural defence against chronic over-breathing. We all understand that just the right amount of food is good for us and more is not better. And so it is with breathing. Just the right amount of breathing is good for us and more is not better. Both too much food and too much breathing can rapidly lead you down the path of chronic and debilitating illness.
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Asthma Emergency

31 March, 2010 (23:52) | Asthma | By: Health news

Parents and carers of a child with asthma should be aware that it is not uncommon for an acute attack to develop into a medical emergency. Recent research in the United Kingdom showed that one in five children who had asthma diagnosed by their doctor had to be hospitalized at some point. A serious deterioration in your child’s condition is a frightening experience for you and your child and it is essential that you recognize when it is time to call for help.

So, what should you look out for? Long before a situation develops, it is vital that you know what the signs of deterioration are and how to react to them. If your child’s symptoms are not improving and she is exhausted by the very effort of breathing, she should be seen by a doctor as soon as possible. Her breathing will become very rapid.

As it becomes increasingly labored the whole of her upper body will appear to be involved in the struggle. The space between her ribs, the bottom of the ribcage and the area above her collarbone will all appear to be sucked in with every breath she takes. The wheezing may have become less obvious but this may be more a sign of fatigue than improvement in her condition.

Though it is less noisy, it can be an indication that her breathing is becoming shallower and this means she is taking less oxygen into her bloodstream. She may become unable to speak sentences and may also have chest pains.

Allergic Bronchial Asthma Natural Treatment

25 March, 2010 (14:26) | Asthma | By: admin

Looking for an allergic bronchial asthma natural treatment? Look no further because I’ll share with you just one very effective natural treatment that drug companies don’t want you to know.

Did you know that 1 out of 4 people suffers from asthma and is evident in all age groups? Your asthma can be caused by allergies, emotions and stress. Many individuals experience warning signs that an attack is approaching and treat it by taking some prescription medications.

This condition is really distressing and it can force individuals to drastically change how they live just to avoid the attacks. Some of you have to stay away from stress, dust or allergens, which is really next to impossible to achieve most of the time. Many people get regular attacks no matter how many prescription drugs they take and how much they stay away from the triggers.

Having allergic bronchial asthma is really hard but the good thing is that some kids can grow out of it. But if you’re one of those who regularly suffers from attacks I’m sure you’re looking for anything that could give you some relief.

What if there’s a natural way to reduce your chances of suffering from regular asthma attacks? A research study back in 2005 found that 57% of the patients studied found more relief from a mix of conventional and natural treatments, than prescribed drugs alone. One of the natural treatments that was tested was aloe vera. This is really not shocking because since 1951 to the middle of the 80′s there have been documented studies on the benefits of aloe vera for asthma.

The aloe vera plant has natural steroids and other substances that prevent and relieve inflammation. It was interesting because there were studies in Japan back in the 1980′s that demonstrated some substances in aloe helped in removing some of the contaminants that triggered the attacks. This is one very good reason why aloe vera can help relieve your asthma attacks.
It’s important to remember that you should not take aloe vera if you’re having an asthma attack. It’s only been proven to be very effective if used as a preventive measure. So, even when you’re having some positive results with aloe vera, it’s still helpful to have your inhaler beside you in case of attacks.

Curing Your Asthma Naturally

18 March, 2010 (18:42) | Asthma | By: Health news

Natural Remedies has been around for a long time and they have become increasingly popular among American folks today. How natural remedies help the human body is to take advantage of the body’s natural healing process and boost overall health. It offers an alternative approach to prescribed medication which can have undesirable side effects.

However, this does not mean that natural remedies do not have any side effect. They still have side effects and it is highly recommended that you check with your family doctor or qualified pharmacist before you begin to start on any herbal remedies regime. There is a huge selection of natural remedies out there in the market that you can choose from. I’ll start with two famous natural food.

  • Pineapple
  • Pineapple is a good tropical fruit when it comes to asthma relief. Pineapple contains a nutrient called Bromelain that comes from pineapple stems helps to absorb quercetin better. Quercetin a natural antihistamine helps to stabilize mast cells and prevents the release of histamines that caused inflammation in our body.

  • Coldwater fish cod
  • Coldwater fish like cod, mackerel and herring are also good natural anti-inflammatory agents as well. They contain omega 3 fatty acids, the nutrient many women on supplements are often raving about. You can find omega 3 fatty acids in flax seed oil too. Omega 3 fatty acids help asthma by improving the forced expiratory volume for asthmatic. You breathe a lot easier with higher FEV.

    Now let’s turn to herbal remedies. Herbal remedies that improve asthma are those that have anti-inflammatory properties. One very good example will be licorice. Licorice contains an ingredient called glycyrrhizin that helps to soothe asthma symptoms. However, do take note that licorice can increase blood pressure, so it a huge no for those suffering from hypertension and for those who don’t to take it in moderation.

  • Ginkgo Biloba
  • Ginkgo Biloba is another natural remedy that can improve mental sharpness is also found to be able to reduce the occurrence of asthma symptoms. Another plant extract called Pycnogenol. This extract is especially most suitable for kids and teenagers, people that are still in their growing years. This extract has been shown to ease mild to moderate asthma due to its strong anti-inflammatory properties.

    Bach Flower

    One flower called Bach Flower is effective in managing stress. If stress has been causing your asthma, then this is the natural remedy for you. To use this flower, just put 4 drops of the flower extract into a 1-ounce bottle filled with spring water that is three quarter full. If you want to, you can always add apple cider vinegar or vegetable glycerin as a preservative.

    Consume the water four times daily at regular interval. A good time to take the water will be in the morning right after you wake up, during lunch, another at tea break and finally the last one before you sleep. If you find the taste unbearable, you may choose to just moisturize the water on your lips.

    Of course, that is not all the natural remedies out there. There are even more than I can mention on this article. Just take note to always consult a professional before trying any new herbal remedies because not all remedies is safe for consumption.

    Metered Dosed Inhaler

    13 March, 2010 (21:38) | Asthma | By: Health news

    Do you know when you use a MDI (metered dose inhaler), only 10 to 14 percent of the medication will ever reach your lungs even on good inhaler techniques? Most of the medicine will end up in your mouth and throat.

    Surprisingly, many people adopt bad techniques and an end result is that 5 percent or even none of the medicine even gets in your lung at all. It is essential that proper techniques are used because it maximizes the effectiveness of the medication and could well save your life. This article teaches you how to retain that 10 t o 14 percent.

    Before you start to put the inhaler, make sure to shake your inhaler well. This will ensure that you mix the ingredients in the canister in the correct proportion. Now breathe out slowly for 3 to 5 seconds until all the air in the lungs in your air has been exhaled out.

    Now put the mouthpiece in your mouth. Position the mouthpiece 2 finger widths away from the mouth.

    This is one common mistake that I see many people make. They press the inhaler first and then quickly breathe in later. No, no, no. Please don’t do that. By the time you breathe in, most of the mist will come out of your mouth already and you get the 5 to 0 percent retention value that I talked about earlier.

    The proper way is to inhale slowly first for about a second, then press down on the canister. This will ensure that you get as much of the medicine in your lungs as possible. Do not stop inhaling until you feel that your lungs are full.

    Now take out the inhaler from your mouth, quickly press your lips together and hold your breath for about 10 seconds. Let the medication slowly spread throughout the lungs. Breathe out afterwards

    If you are having difficulty, you may consider using a spacer. The spacer is especially good for toddlers or young children whom many parents find it difficult to teach. When using the spacers, please remember to shake the inhaler before putting the mouthpiece in the spacer.

    After inserting the mouthpiece, breathe in slowly for 1 second and press down on the canister. Continue inhaling until you feel that your lungs are full. Hold your breath for about 10 seconds, then exhale slowly.

    Asthma:Metered Dosed Inhaler

    13 March, 2010 (05:22) | Asthma | By: Health news

    Do you know when you use a MDI (metered dose inhaler), only 10 to 14 percent of the medication will ever reach your lungs even on good inhaler techniques? Most of the medicine will end up in your mouth and throat.

    Surprisingly, many people adopt bad techniques and an end result is that 5 percent or even none of the medicine even gets in your lung at all. It is essential that proper techniques are used because it maximizes the effectiveness of the medication and could well save your life. This article teaches you how to retain that 10 t o 14 percent.

    Before you start to put the inhaler, make sure to shake your inhaler well. This will ensure that you mix the ingredients in the canister in the correct proportion. Now breathe out slowly for 3 to 5 seconds until all the air in the lungs in your air has been exhaled out.

    Now put the mouthpiece in your mouth. Position the mouthpiece 2 finger widths away from the mouth.
    Chronic asthma
    This is one common mistake that I see many people make. They press the inhaler first and then quickly breathe in later. No, no, no. Please don’t do that. By the time you breathe in, most of the mist will come out of your mouth already and you get the 5 to 0 percent retention value that I talked about earlier.

    The proper way is to inhale slowly first for about a second, then press down on the canister. This will ensure that you get as much of the medicine in your lungs as possible. Do not stop inhaling until you feel that your lungs are full.

    Now take out the inhaler from your mouth, quickly press your lips together and hold your breath for about 10 seconds. Let the medication slowly spread throughout the lungs. Breathe out afterwards

    If you are having difficulty, you may consider using a spacer. The spacer is especially good for toddlers or young children whom many parents find it difficult to teach. When using the spacers, please remember to shake the inhaler before putting the mouthpiece in the spacer.

    After inserting the mouthpiece, breathe in slowly for 1 second and press down on the canister. Continue inhaling until you feel that your lungs are full. Hold your breath for about 10 seconds, then exhale slowly.

    Asthma Treatment

    10 March, 2010 (23:35) | Asthma | By: Health news

    The first thing not to do is deny you have asthma. Saying “Oh it’s just a common cold and I’m wheezing a bit. Maybe it’s bronchitis?” When a doctor has just confirmed you have the chronic disease of asthma. Being obstructive is a course of action that will likely set your health back dreadfully. Accept the prescribed medications offered.

    Remember to take the medications and do not refuse to take them. Not at first anyway. You need to get acute asthma under control before it controls you. Do not deliberately deviate from the therapy guidelines.

    You may be given an asthma treatment program. Usually corticosteroid inhalers to begin with and possibly some breathing exercises to assist the airways. Not taking your asthma medication to this prescribed schedule can lead to the symptoms becoming erratic. This can be inconvenient at best and possibly fatal at worst. Not using your prevention inhaler regularly as prescribed can add to the possibility of an untimely asthma attack.

    I have read that a peak flow meter is an essential part of your asthma tool kit. Do not believe it. You need the correct oxygen to carbon dioxide balance in your system. Part of the asthma problem is a lack of carbon dioxide in the lungs. Giving a big blow into a peak flow meter will deplete even further the amount of carbon dioxide that is left. Thus exacerbating the problem rather than helping to cure it. One blow into a peak flow meter will take around thirty minutes of careful controlled breathing to recover from.

    Not eating certain foods might be an advantage. It is known that dairy foods, white flour and white sugar help to produce the mucus you do not want. While I am not advocating you become obsessive in avoiding these type of food at all cost, do not eat them to excess. It would be difficult to totally avoid that combination anyway as they are used in so many processed foodstuffs.

    Do not smoke. If your lungs are at risk from asthma then it should be pretty obvious not to add to the aggravation with all the cocktail of toxins that is in cigarette smoke. Even if you do not smoke, make sure you are not in close proximity to others that are smoking. People have been known to have asthma attacks from secondhand smoke from others.

    Sudden changes in temperature can definitely set off some adverse asthma symptoms. It is one of those famous asthma triggers. So do not go straight outside into cold weather without taking care to ensure you are properly wrapped up suitably against such conditions. Make sure you have your rescue inhaler when going out as well.

    Having said all the above, the one thing I did not do was to believe all the doctors told me. While you should use the prescribed medications and plan of treatments offered there are some side effects to these medications. Tell your doctor when you notice those side effects. You could research to see if there are safer effective alternative asthma treatments available.

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