The Causes of Asthma
While no one knows the exact cause of asthma, it is believed to be caused by two main factors, family genes and environmental exposures. These two factors interact to cause asthma, most often in the early years of life. It has more of an effect on children because their body has not developed enough to combat the exposures they come in contact with.
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There are some things to be said about family genes. Family genes contribute to an inherited tendency to develop certain kinds of allergies. Just because your parents have asthma or allergies doesn’t mean you will automatically have them as well. Your family genes will play a part in how bad your symptoms might be if you do end up with asthma or allergies.
If you do have asthma and it runs in your family genes, exposures to airborne allergens such as house hold dust mites, cockroaches, and pet dander from your family pet can cause a more severe asthma attack. Other irritants like second hand smoke from tobacco and smoke from a wood burning stove may make your airways constrict and be more reactive to the pollutants in the air. Everyone seems to react differently to the pollutants they come in contact with. You need to make notes as to the thing that causes your asthma to flare up.
I believe that asthma attacks will have more to do with environmental exposures than your family genes. Where you live and the things you are exposed to will play a major role in how you or your child is affected by asthma. The more airborne pollutants and environmental toxins you come in contact with will cause you to have more asthma attacks. There is research that has been done that says environmental toxins and airborne pollutants may cause a healthy person to develop asthma. This may be due to the ever increasing industry that drives our economy. Car and trucks are also on the rise, making the air we breathe even more toxic.
Some other causes of asthma are inhaling irritants like perfumes or cleaning products. Cleaning products can be especially harmful because they are used in the house where the air stays stagnant and may be breathed in for long periods of time. Cleaning products have been known to cause asthma attacks. Mold is another cause of asthma attacks. Mold grows in almost every home in the United States. Molds grow in damp dark places and can spread very quickly. The mold can be breathed in and cause your airways to constrict and become inflamed.
Exposure to cold or dry weather can also cause asthma attacks. Other causes may be emotional excitement, stress, physical exertion, and exercise. Our skin absorbs 60% of what it comes in contact with. You need to very aware of what you put on your skin. There are a lot of toxins in the skin care industry. Skin care products and cosmetics have potentially harmful ingredients that can cause our bodies to react in the form of asthma attacks and other allergies.
The best way to improve your condition and live life on your terms is to learn what you can about asthma. Become aware of your asthma triggers and try to avoid them. Follow the treatment recommendations of your health care provider. Understand your treatment and how every drug you take will affect you. Report any changes to your health care provider. If you have any reaction to the medications, report them as soon as possible.
There are ways to remove toxins and pollutants naturally, that you may come in contact with. Just because you can’t avoid them doesn’t mean they have to make your life difficult. Prevention is always the best medicine.